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Geophysical Methods

Geophysical methods can play an important role in dynamic field activities because they can provide very rapid information about large areas of a site. This information can be used to select areas requiring further investigation. They can also be helpful in determining the type of tools that may be appropriate for collecting samples. Information they provide may include the location of buried objects, the geologic and hydrogeologic conditions, and occasionally the location of contaminants. Common geophysical methods used at hazardous waste sites include: ground penetrating radar, seismic refraction, electromagnetics, and magnetometry.

General Technology Information
Chapter III: Surface Geophysical Methods (2.4MB/43pp/PDF)
From: Expedited Site Assessment Tools For Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide for Regulator, EPA 510-B-97-001, released by the Office of Underground Storage Tanks.
U.S. DOE Argonne National Laboratory Exit EPA
This web site provides detailed information about geophysical technologies and their application, including a number of additional links for:
  • Electromagnetic (EM)

  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

  • Seismic

  • Magnetic

  • Electrical Resistivity
U.S. Geological Society
U.S. DOE Ames Laboratory Expedited Site Characterization: Geophysical/Geotechnical Technologies Used Exit EPA
  • Electrical Conductivity Logging probe (Geoprobe TM)

  • Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Survey

  • Time Domain Electromagnetic Survey

  • Seismic Refraction

  • Seismic Reflection

  • Ground penetrating radar (GPR)

  • Electromagnetic off-set logging

  • Microgravity Survey

  • Borehole Induction Logging

  • Borehole Nuclear Logging

Vendor Information
EPA REACH IT (REmediation And CHaracterization Innovative Technologies) Exit EPA

Search, view, download, and print information about innovative remediation and characterization technologies. REACH IT gives users access to comprehensive information about treatment and characterization technologies and their applications.


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