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Honoring Maine Veterans Recognition Program

State of Maine Honoring Veterans Seal

The State of Maine has established the "Honoring a Veteran" recognition program to honor our veterans for their honorable military service. The program honors those that have made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives in defense of freedom, those Former POW's as well as those who are still POW's and/or missing, those who were wounded in action and received the Purple Heart, and all of our veterans who honorably served our great nation and state.

Below is a list of the various State of Maine recognitions that are available.


Type of Recognition

General Description

Criteria and Application

Gold Star
Honorable Service Medal and Certificate

Gold Star Honorable Service Medal

Awarded to the families of those servicemembers that have given their lives in defense of freedom since 2001.

Honorable Service
Home of Record - Maine
Died on/after 911/2001
in support of combat operations while deployed.



Silver Star
Honorable Service Medal and Certificate

Silver Star Honorable Service Medal

Awarded to veterans that were Former POW's as well as to those veterans that received the Purple Heart.

Honorable Service
Former Prisoner of War
Purple Heart recipient
Entered service from Maine or has been living in Maine for 5 years.


Bronze Star
Honorable Service Medal and Certificate


This will be kicked off sometime in FY2009.



Awarded to the families of those servicemembers that lost their lives in the line of duty.

Honorable Service
Home of Record - Maine
Died in the line-of-duty while not in support of combat operations.


Honorable Service Certificate

Sample Certificate



These certificates are awarded to veterans that served honorably.

Honorable Service during wartime era for wartime certificate or peacetime for general service certificate.


Sample Certificates:




General Certificate