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Grants Awarded 2000

Minority Colleges and Universities Workforce Partnerships and Training Strategies to Address Skill Shortages Demonstration Program (SGA/DFA 00-109)
Labor Department Grants Will Enable Minority Colleges and Universities to Close Skill Gaps and Create Jobs.

H-1B Technical Skill Training Grants (SGA/DFA 00-108)
President Clinton Announces $54 Million in Grants to Train U.S. Workers for High-Tech Jobs Often Filled by Foreign Workers.

H-1B Technical Skill Training Grants (SGA/DFA 00-104)
Grant funds for skill training programs for unemployed and employed workers.

Skills Shortages, Partnership Training/System Building Demonstration Program (SGA/DFA 00-102)
A competitive demonstration solicitation for grant applications (SGA) to respond to employers' identified skill shortages through the establishment or strengthening of regional consortia.

Notice Inviting Proposals for Selected Demonstration Project High-Risk Youth and Adults. (SGA/DFA 00-101)
The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) redefines the nature of youth and adult programming efforts within the nation's workforce development system by focusing on a systematic approach that offers both youth and adults a broad array of coordinated services.

Solicitation for Migrant Child Labor Demonstration Grants (SGA/DFA 00-100)
Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) to develop and pilot three to four demonstrations nationally that offer improved educational and alternative work experience opportunities for migrant farmworker youth.

Created: August 21, 2008
Updated: January 13, 2009