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Gulf Guardian Award

Submit nominations for Gulf Guardians Awards now

May 15, 2009, is the deadline to submit nominations for this year's awards. EPA’s Gulf of Mexico Program partnership developed the Gulf Guardian Awards as a way to recognize and honor the businesses, community groups, individuals and agencies that are taking positive steps to keep the Gulf healthy, beautiful and productive.

The Gulf Guardian Award exemplifies what the Gulf of Mexico Program is all about -- innovative solutions that come about when we pool resources and look for creative ways to positively impact our quality of life and economic well being. There are many companies, organizations and individuals in the Gulf States that are "Gulf Guardians." The Gulf of Mexico program believes they should be recognized for their stewardship of this national resource from which we all derive so much benefit.

The first Gulf Guardian Award winners were recognized in 2000. Every year since, a first, second and third place award are given in seven categories:

All 21 winners receive an impressive marble and glass memento, press coverage on their project and peer recognition. They also receive a professional video about their project that is presented during the awards ceremony.

The Gulf of Mexico Program began in 1988 to protect, restore, and maintain the health and productivity of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem in economically sustainable ways. The Gulf of Mexico Program is underwritten by EPA and is a non-regulatory, inclusive consortium of state and federal government agencies and representatives of the business and agricultural community, fishing industry, scientists, environmentalists and community leaders from all five Gulf States.

2009 Gulf Guardian Award nomination

Gulf of Mexico Program

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