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Cornell University - ZPR

1.0 Site Identification

Location: Ithaca, NY
License No.: R-89
Docket No.: 50-97
License Status: Possession Only License
Project Manager: John Hickman

2.0 Site Status Summary

The Cornell Ward Center for Nuclear Studies TRIGA Reactor and Zero Power Reactor (ZPR) provided training for Nuclear Engineering students and various services for researchers in all departments of the College of Engineering, the College of Arts and Sciences (departments of Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and the College of Veterinary Medicine. Cornell University stopped routine operation of the Ward Center TRIGA Reactor on June 30, 2002. The University permanently ceased operation of the ZPR reactor on September 6, 1996. As with other facilities of this nature, the Ward Center was contaminated with varying amounts of radioactive material and small amounts of hazardous material, though the characterization study indicated that practices employed by Cornell to minimize the spread of contamination were effective and contamination is relatively modest. A New York State (NYS) licensed gamma irradiation facility located in Ward Center will be decommissioned and the NYS license amended accordingly. There is no fuel on site for the reactors. Cornell submitted the Decommissioning Plan for the Ward Center for Nuclear Studies on August 22, 2003, as supplemented on May 13, September 27, October 26 and December 13, 2005, and February 13, 2006. The NRC approved the Cornell decommissioning plan by Amendment No. 8, dated June 6, 2006, and by Amendment No. 14, dated June 15, 2006, for the Cornell TRIGA reactor and Cornell Zero Power Reactor (ZPR) facility respectively. Cornell submitted the Final Status Survey Plan for the Ward Center for Nuclear Studies on October 10, 2006. The NRC approved the Final Status Survey Plan by letter dated October 26, 2006, noting that the survey plan was consistent with the guidance in NUREG-1757, Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance and the MARSSIM [Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual] methodology. Cornell submitted the Final Status Survey for the former Ward Center for Nuclear Studies on January 19, 2007. The NRC approved the Final Status Survey Report by letter dated February 8, 2007, noting that the survey data was in accordance with the Decommissioning Plan and the Final Status Survey Plan.

3.0 Major Technical or Regulatory Issues

Cornell submitted a request dated February 28, 2007, to terminate Facility Operating License No. R-80 for the Cornell TRIGA reactor and Facility Operating License No. R-89 for the Cornell ZPR facility. The request was approved on June 5, 2007.

4.0 Estimated Date For Closure


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Tuesday, July 17, 2007