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Superbolt (Commonwealth of PA)

1.0 Site Identification

Type of Site: Complex Decommissioning Site
Location: Carnegie,PA
License No.: N/A - Non licensed facility
Docket No.: N/A - Non licensed facility
License Status: Unknown
Project Manager: Kim Conway (NRC Decommissioning Contact)

2.0 Site Status Summary

Superbolt is the current owner of the facility. The site was owned and operated by the Superior Steel Company, during the period from 1952 to 1957. During this period, Superior Steel performed contract work for the AEC. Superior Steel's license expired in 1958. The Superbolt site consists of five interconnected warehouse buildings (designated as Building 23) with uranium contaminated building surfaces. Uranium contamination is also present in a sub-floor trench located within two of the warehouse buildings and extending approximately 50 feet outside the building structure. The trench has been backfilled and sealed with a layer of concrete. Historical surveys indicated the presence of ground water intrusion into portions of the sub-floor trench. However, no indication of ground water contamination beyond the trench boundary has been detected. Uranium contamination was also detected outside and adjacent to the building. Currently no DP exists for the site. The site owner does not have a cost estimate for decommissioning. Based on characterization survey data and historical information it is believed that the major cost contributor will be the cost associated with excavation of the material in the sub-floor trench and associated disposal costs that could exceed several million dollars.

3.0 Major Technical or Regulatory Issues

Funding of remediation work is the primary concern. Superbolt is a small company with limited financial resources. Net cash flow has been limited over the last several years. Late summer 2004, the industrial complex where the Superbolt facilities are located sustained extensive flood damage. This situation has aggevated Superbolt's financial situation and has resulted in uninsured recovery expenses in excess of one million dollars. Recovery efforts are still ongoing. Superbolt officials have held discussions with DOE representatives to evaluate the original basis for excluding the Superior Steel facility from FUSRAP. In early 2006, DOE requested that the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) re-evaluate the Superbolt (Superior Steel) facility for inclusion under the FUSRAP program. In late August 2006, ACE representatives conducted an onsite visit and in mid-March, 2007, the regional ACE office completed a Preliminary Assessment (PA). The PA will undergo a lengthy review and evaluation by ACE headquarters personnel. This review period is anticipated to take 6 to 24 months to complete. The PA addresses recommendations concerning whether or not the site should be included in the FUSRAP program. Superbolt expects to retain ownership of the facilities and has no plans at this time to sell the property. The license for the site has been turned over to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania after it became an Agreement State.

4.0 Estimated Date For Closure


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Thursday, April 16, 2009