Institute for Economic Advancement University of Arkansas at Little Rock College of Business
IEA- Survey Research

Census State Data Center U.S. Census Bureau

For More Information

Phyllis Poché
Director, Census State Data Center
UALR Institute for Economic Advancement
2801 South University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204-1099
(501) 569-8530
FAX:(501) 569-8538
Arkansas Census Data Demographic Information Children's Research Center GIS Application Lab Publications CSDC Staff CSDC Affialiates

About The Census State Data Center

Created in April 1979, the Census State Data Center (CSDC) is the official representative of the U. S. Bureau of the Census in Arkansas. The national State Data Center Program is a partnership between each state and the Census Bureau and a SDC exists in all states plus the U. S. territories and Puerto Rico. The Arkansas lead agency is located in the Institute for Economic Advancement, College of Business, University of Arkansas at Little Rock and it serves as a liaison between the Washington headquarters, the Kansas City Regional Office, and state and local governmental officials.

The CSDC assists the Census Bureau in promoting the decennial census but its main responsibility is one of dissemination. The Center receives all the Arkansas census information produced in various formats, produces user-friendly products, and disseminates the information to data users throughout the state through a variety of media. In addition to data dissemination, the CSDC provides technical assistance in the understanding and application of the census information.

The Arkansas Census State Data Center network consists of over 40 agencies and organizations. In addition to the lead agency at UALR, there are two coordinating or cosponsoring agencies-the Arkansas State Library and the Arkansas Employment Security Department. CSDC Affiliates are located in seventeen cities and towns throughout the state and provide access to Census data products at the local level. In addition, the network utilizes a seventeen member Advisory Council, composed of representatives from the public and private sectors.

SERVICES include:

  • Answering questions
  • Technical consulting
  • Programming
  • Special tabulations & reports
  • Data analysis
  • User training
  • Presentations at workshops and conferences


  • Historical census information
  • Population and Housing
  • Economic Censuses reports
  • Children and families
  • Environmental, economic, demographic, and social databases

PRODUCTS available:

  • Printed reports
  • Diskettes
  • CD-ROMs
  • Maps
  • Internet
  • Unpublished data

USERS served:

  • Private businesses
  • Media
  • State and local governments
  • Academia
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Private individuals

ASSISTANCE provided:

  • Information access
  • Proper interpretation
  • Correct application
  • Understanding data