Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's Home Page
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5/8/2009 - Governor Schwarzenegger today announced the construction groundbreaking of the largest highway project in the nation using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds known to date.
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Moving Forward  

Image of the Governor5/8 - Governor Schwarzenegger delivered remarks at the 33rd Annual Peace Officers’ Memorial Ceremony to honor 19 officers killed in the line of duty. The ceremony concluded with a 21-gun salute, taps and retiring of the colors.
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Image of the Governor5/7 - The Governor proclaimed a State of Emergency as a result of the Jesusita Wildfire which has burned over 400 acres, destroyed homes and caused the evacuation of over 8,000 people.
4/27Permanent link to transcript - Crime victims face many challenges as they recover from their physical and emotional injuries, and can often be unaware of the staggering financial consequences of being a victim. The CA Victim Compensation Program can help. The program can compensate victims for up to $70,000 in crime-related expenses.
CA Swine Flu Update
4/28Permanent link to video and transcript of Dr. Mark Horton, Director, CA Department of Public Health - The Governor made mention this morning about the fact that we have already had delivered to us portions of the federal stockpile of TAMIFLU and we have already delivered those to counties that have already had some cases of flu in them. We are continuing our efforts at aggressive surveillance. We want to reiterate the importance to individuals of personal hygiene, hand washing, or course covering their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, and stay home if you're sick.
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