Table 74

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees
by Population Group
Percent Male and Female, 2006

Population group Total law enforcement employees Percent law
enforcement employees
Total officers Percent officers Total civilians Percent civilians Number of Agencies 2006 estimated population
Male Female Male Female Male Female
TOTAL AGENCIES: 987,125 72.9 27.1 683,396 88.2 11.8 303,729 38.4 61.6 14,336 283,238,660
TOTAL CITIES 569,149 74.8 25.2 436,908 88.2 11.8 132,241 30.6 69.4 10,872 189,942,258
GROUP I (250,000 and over) 203,153 70.4 29.6 152,315 83.0 17.0 50,838 32.5 67.5 71 53,957,412
1,000,000 and over (Group I subset) 111,769 68.7 31.3 82,227 81.7 18.3 29,542 32.5 67.5 10 25,080,811
500,000 to 999,999 (Group I subset) 52,047 73.3 26.7 40,490 84.1 15.9 11,557 35.5 64.5 23 15,413,225
250,000 to 499,999 (Group I subset) 39,337 71.2 28.8 29,598 85.1 14.9 9,739 29.1 70.9 38 13,463,376
GROUP II (100,000 to 249,999) 66,660 73.0 27.0 50,019 88.3 11.7 16,641 26.9 73.1 181 27,081,536
GROUP III (50,000 to 99,999) 66,017 76.1 23.9 50,896 90.6 9.4 15,121 26.9 73.1 423 29,029,089
GROUP IV (25,000 to 49,999) 63,074 77.9 22.1 49,616 91.5 8.5 13,458 27.6 72.4 788 27,199,664
GROUP V (10,000 to 24,999) 69,994 79.2 20.8 55,907 92.5 7.5 14,087 26.6 73.4 1,818 28,813,877
GROUP VI (under 10,000) 100,251 79.3 20.7 78,155 91.7 8.3 22,096 35.7 64.3 7,591 23,860,680
METROPOLITAN COUNTIES 298,417 69.7 30.3 176,049 86.6 13.4 122,368 45.4 54.6 1,308 65,765,925
NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 119,559 71.7 28.3 70,439 92.4 7.6 49,120 42.0 58.0 2,156 27,530,477
SUBURBAN AREA1 459,698 72.9 27.1 302,210 88.7 11.3 157,488 42.6 57.4 7,438 121,334,744

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