LTCARE-L archives -- February 1998

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LTCARE-L archives – February 1998

  1. Clinical Pathways

  2. Formulary

  3. How to leave

  4. HR 2020/MiCASA

  5. IOM Public Meeting on LTC Quality

  6. IOM Public Meeting on LTC Quality -Reply

  7. IOM Public Meeting on LTC Quality -Reply -Reply

  8. Limits on PT/ST

  9. Limits on Therapies

  10. MCARE website

  11. Medicare and Medicaid--

  12. nursing homes

  13. PPS Daily Rate calculations

  14. PPS/Case-Mix

  15. Reminders/Updates

  16. Seeking Instrument to Assess Community LTC Needs

  17. unsubscribe

  18. Welfare reform and implications for care giving and long term care

  19. Welfare reform and implications for care giving and long term care -Reply
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