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How Kepler
discovers planets

Exoplanet Transit Hunt Thumbnail

Planet Families thumbnail
Planet Families Build-a-Solar System
LEGO orrery
LEGO model orrery (thumbnail)

News Releases -|- Project Manager Updates -|- Meet the Kepler Team


Press Release:
2009 August 6. NASA'S Kepler Mission Spies Changing Phases in a Distant World

Article by Borucki et al: Kepler’s Optical Phase Curve of the Exoplanet HAT-P-7b

Press briefing video -|- science@nasa article

Alien Earths TV show features Kepler

Hot Gas Ginat Flyby thumbnailThe TV program
"Alien Earths" will air on Sunday, August 23rd on the National Geographic Channel. The show starts with the launch of the Kepler mission, and ends with speculation about what Kepler will find. In between is an exploration of some of the most bizarre planets we could never have imagined. You can preview excerpts.

HATP7 light curve


2009 Aug 20,
11:00 am.

Panel Interview on the Diane Rehm show:
The Search for Extraterrestrial Life

including guests from the Kepler Science Team: Jill Tarter, Jon Jenkins, Alan Boss.

Successful launch:
2009 March 6, 10:49 pm EST.

Ejection of the
Dust Cover
: 2009 April 7

First Light Image: 2009 April 8

NASA - Kepler (in NASA Current Missions site)

Teachers: Check out Kepler Classroom Activities,
Speakers Bureau
, Powerpoint Files,
Models & Simulations
, and other materials on the
Education and Public Outreach

video overview of Kepler mission - thumbnail

Podcast about Kepler Mission:
Low-Res (50Mb .mov, Quicktime, best for Mac)
Low-Res (111 Mb .avi, best for Windows without QT)
Medium Res (120Mb, .mov)
Medium Res (12 Mb, .mp4)
Script of podcast (Word Doc)

Current count of exoplanets at: PlanetQuest or
Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia
Home Page Art for Kepler Where Kepler looks

NASA Kepler webcasts -|- Full Press Kit (3 Mb pdf)
Pre-launch Media Resources
Pre-launch and launch media from Kennedy Space Center (KSC)

Mission Clock

Transit Search Thumbnail Transitsearch.org helps amateur astronomers
   to properly configure telescopes
   for reliably detecting exoplanet transits.
NASA Ames Research Center Planet Quest Other NASA Missions Johannes Kepler