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Congressional Grants — EDI-Special Projects

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Congressional Grants
 -   EDI-Special Project Grants
 -   Neighborhood Initiative Grants

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Congressional Grants Division

Congressional Grants are authorized each year in the annual HUD appropriation and accompanying conference report or congressional record. Congress authorizes a specific level of funding to a designated grantee, to undertake a particular activity cited in the appropriation or conference report. Only those entities desginated by Congress may apply for funds. Unsolicited applications are not accepted.


Only the entity named by Congress in each HUD Conference Report or congressional record for the relevant fiscal year, may apply for and receive EDI-Special Project grant funds. The entity named in that Conference Report or congressional record will receive an invitation and application from the Department for the grant. Upon receipt of the application, the Department will review the application to ensure that the entity named by Congress will act as the grantee and that the proposed activities are consistent with the terms of the Appropriation Act and accompanying Conference Report or congressional record for the relevant fiscal year. Following that review, the Department awards the grant to the entity named in the Conference Report or congressional record.


The following forms must be completed and submitted:

FY 2009 EDI-Special Projects Application Package

Application Kit

Application for 2009 EDI Special Project Planning Grant

FY 2008 EDI-Special Projects Application Package

Application Kit
Application for 2008 EDI Special Project Planning Grant

Other Forms

An original and three copies of these four items:

  1. An original and two copies of the application to HUD Headquarters at the address listed below; *One copy of the application must be submitted to the local HUD Field Environmental Officer for your jurisdiction.
  2. A budget for the amount of the Congressional Grant only;
  3. Certification/Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Also SF-LLL); and
  4. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Application.


Processing and Control Branch, Room 7251
Attn: FY 2005 EDI-Special Projects, CPD
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 Seventh St., SW
Washington, DC 20410


These Federal regulations DO APPLY to your grant:

  • For State and Local Governments and Indian Tribal Governments, these regulations are 24 CFR Part 85 and OMB Circulars A-87 and A-133

  • For Academic Institutions, Hospitals, and Non-Profit Organizations, these regulations are 24 CFR Part 84 and OMB Circulars A-122 and A-133

  • For all applicants, 24 CFR Part 58 concerning environmental review of your project

Please note: No HUD or non-HUD funds may be committed to a project and no EDI-SP grant funds may be drawn down for the project until the required environmental review has been completed. Please refer to HUD's Environment webpage for more information about this requirement.

The following Federal regulations DO NOT APPLY to your grant:

  • HUD regulations for the competitive Economic Development Initiative and the Community Development Block Grant Programs

  • Davis-Bacon requirements, unless your project is also supported by other funds which do require adherence to the Davis-Bacon Act

Content current as of 12 May 2009   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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