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405.6 - Paid Advertising


OPR: Admin/Procurement and Contracts

1. Purpose. This chapter establishes policy and procedures for procuring paid advertising, regardless of media.

2. Authority.

A. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 5.5, Paid Advertisements.

B. Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation 1405.5, Paid Advertisements.

C. Departmental Manual Part 470, Chapter 1.1, Public Expression-General Policy and Procedures.

3. Policy.

A. Pursuant to FAR 5.5, paid advertising may only be acquired by warranted Contracting Officers by purchase order (USGS Form 9-1134, Order for Supplies or Services) or contract (Standard Form 26, Award/Contract). Use of other procurement forms or methods to acquire paid advertising is not authorized. Note that other forms previously used for this purpose are obsolete.

B. Consultation with the USGS Public Affairs Officer is recommended to insure that advertising requirements comply with Departmental policy and that media available to USGS free of charge are given priority consideration over paid sources. See 470 DM 1, Public Expression, for further guidance on this subject.

4. Procedures.

A. Requisitioners will submit the following set of documents to the cognizant Administrative Division procurement office:

(1) Form DI-1, Requisition (see SM 402.3).

(2) A copy of the approval to advertise, if applicable (see SM 205.11 and 470 DM 1.10).

(3) A copy of the advertisement or text of broadcast announcement (if applicable). See 470 DM 1 for guidance on preparation of advertising copy.

(4) A blank copy of the publisher's/ broadcaster's advertising order form (if available).

B. Invoices and Payment.

(1) Contracting officers will require the contractor to include proof of advertising with the invoice, such as a copy of the published advertisement (printed media); or a written affidavit certifying that the advertisement described appeared in the named publication or was broadcast on the stated date(s) and time(s). Contractors will also certify that the invoice amount is based on rates that do not exceed commercial rates charged to private individuals with the usual discounts.

(2) Upon receipt, the receiving office will certify the invoice for payment and send it to the Office of Financial Management together with the proof of advertising and certification described above, and a copy of the approval to advertise (if applicable).

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Last modification: 13-Jul-2005@15:47 (kk)
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