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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

205.13 - Delegations of Authority to Enter into Agreements and to Accept Contributions


OPR: Chief, Office of Administrative Policy and Services

Instructions: This revises Appendix A, section F, of Survey Manual Chapter 205.13, dated January 8, 2004, to add the delegation of authority to sign international agreements. This also revises section G-1(c) of the delegation of authority to accept contributions to add the Chief Financial Officer (replaces Chief, APS) and the Deputy Chief Financial Officer.

1. Purpose. This chapter establishes delegations of authority necessary to approve agreements and accept contributions at the U.S. Geological Survey. Authority is delegated in Appendix A of this chapter.

2. Policy. General provisions regarding policy and limitations on delegations are established in Survey Manual Chapter (SM) 200.1, Delegations; and general provisions regarding policy and guidelines on redelegations are established in SM 200.2, Redelegations. Managers and supervisors do not relinquish the power to exercise the authority delegated to their subordinates. An official entering into an agreement is responsible for ensuring his or her statutory authority to enter into such an agreement.

3. Deferred Publication of Analysis and Interpretive Report. For reimbursable work, deferred publication of analyses and interpretive reports must be approved by the responsible Associate or Regional Director.

Carol F. Aten
Chief, Office of Administrative Policy and Services

Appendix A

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