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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

314.3 - Duplicating and Office Copying Equipment


OPR: Admin/Facilities and Management Services

1. Purpose. This chapter establishes policies and procedures to be followed by USGS offices in acquiring and utilizing duplicating and office copying equipment.

2. Policy. The Department requires that bureaus and offices establish and implement procedures for ensuring the most cost effective acquisition and efficient utilization of duplicating and office copying equipment. The purchase of equipment rather than rental is suggested when it is more economical and centralizing copy equipment by establishing "copy centers" is encouraged.

3. Authority. 314 DM 10 sets forth Departmental policy and procedural guidelines that bureaus and offices must follow when acquiring and utilizing copying equipment.

4. Definition. The term "duplicating/copying" is defined as material produced by duplicating or copying equipment employing the lithographic process; and automatic copy-processing or copier-duplicating machines employing electrostatic, thermal, or other copying processes.

5. Guidelines.

A. When submitting requests for reprographic equipment, requestors should carefully determine and specify the minimum equipment features and copy quantity capability necessary to meet basic office requirements. This will allow acquisition of the most cost-effective equipment models which meet all of the requirements of the requesting office.

B. All duplicating/copy machines acquired must be equipped with a meter to record production.

C. Offices located in isolated areas that require copying capability, even though the monthly volume is very low, may be granted approval for a small copier at the lowest possible cost.

D. High volume copier/duplicators should be acquired for monthly production exceeding 50,000 copies.

6. Approval. All offices in the USGS, regardless of location, are required to obtain Headquarters approval by the Branch of Administrative Services, Copier Program Manager, prior to the acquisition of automatic copy-processing equipment.

7. Procedures.

A. All offices requesting approval for the acquisition of equipment are required to submit form DI-1866 (Request for Reprographic Equipment, Figure 1), to the Branch of Administrative Services, Copier Program Manager. Special care should be given to accurate completion of information required in Blocks 9 through 13. (Block 11A should be left blank.)

B. Upon receipt of the Form DI-1866, the Copier Program Manager will evaluate the request to determine what equipment is best suited to meet the copying requirements. Requestors criteria will be entered into a data base that allows the features and capabilities of equipment on GSA schedule to be compared against user requirements. Pricing, maintenance, and vendor location will also be considered in the evaluation. From the alternatives generated, the Copier Program Manager will select a copier that is cost effective and compatible with the needs of the requesting office.

(1) Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area Offices. All requests from Headquarters Offices will be submitted through Division Administrative Officers to the Branch of Administrative Services, Copier Program Manager. After evaluation and Departmental approval, the Branch of Administrative Services will transmit the DI-1866 to the originating office for preparation of their DI-1 for procurement action. The Branch of Procurement and Contracts must provide a copy of the purchase order to the Copier Program Manager.

(2) Field Offices. Field Offices will submit Form DI-1866 through the appropriate Administrative Officer to the Branch of Administrative Services, Copier Program Manager for Headquarters evaluation, approval and submission to the Department for final approval. The Branch of Administrative Services will return the approved DI-1866 forms through Administrative Officers to requesting offices for preparation and submission of requisitions to appropriate contracting authority. Contracting Officers must provide a copy of the purchase order to the Copier Program Manager.

C. Requests to Acquire Copying and Duplicating Equipment from Excess will be prepared on Form DI-1866 and submitted to the Branch of Administrative Services, Copier Program Manager, through the Division Administrative Officers as appropriate. Upon receipt of approval, any necessary transfer documents, Form 9-064 and/or Form SF 122, will be prepared and processed in accordance with standard procedures outlined in SM 408.3 and 408.4. Approval will be based upon suitability of equipment for intended applications and costs involved for transportation and rehabilitation or repair. The requesting activity should arrange with the holding or reporting G.S.A. Regional Office to place a freeze on the specific excess equipment and should submit their DI-1866 immediately.

8. Inventory and Utilization Records. 314 DM 10 transfers to the bureaus and offices the responsibility for maintaining copier inventory and utilization records, and for submitting required reports. All offices are now required to send copier inventory and quarterly utilization data to the Copier Program Manager.

Upon initial receipt of copier equipment, offices must complete and submit a Photocopier Inventory Form, Figure 2. Information furnished on this form for

newly acquired equipment is the initial input data which establishes inventory on the item being reported. This form must also be used to report changes or corrections to previously reported data. Such changes and corrections include but are not limited to:

A. Conversion from lease to purchase.

B. Change in rental plan.

C. Equipment acquired from excess.

D. Change in equipment location.

E. Addition or deletion of accessories.

F. Correction of meter reading.

G. Termination of rented equipment.

H. Disposal of owned equipment.

9. Quarterly Utilization Reports. All offices are required to record meter readings monthly and submit them quarterly to the Branch of Administrative Services, Copier Program Manager, using the Photocopier Inventory Form. These meter readings must be recorded between the 25th of each month and the 5th of the next month. All appropriate entries should be made prior to submission to assure adequacy and completeness of input data. This data is used in the USGS Copier Management Program to monitor equipment performance and promote efficient utilization of copying equipment. It is also used to satisfy Departmental reporting requirements for Bureau owned and leased office copying equipment.

Note that offices may still be required to submit directly to vendors separate vendor-furnished self addressed monthly meter reading cards for certain copiers. This is in connection with monthly billing by the vendor for rented machines, or billing for maintenance performed on owned machines under a purchased maintenance agreement.

10. Excess Production Units. Offices are required to report by memorandum to the Branch of Administrative Services on a quarterly basis, production units that exceed the following limits: More than 5,000 production units of any one page but not exceeding 25,000 production units in the aggregate of multiple pages. A production unit is defined as one sheet, size 8 1/2'' X 11'' one side. These reports should indicate the title of each job, quantity (pages and copies), date, and where produced. They must be submitted no later than 20 days after the close of each fiscal quarter. This will allow time for the Branch of Administrative Services to compile and submit a consolidated bureau report to the Department within 30 days after the close of the quarter in accordance with 314 DM 10.9B.

11. Restrictions on Copying.

A. Classified Material. 442 DM 4.1 states that no reproduction of classified information will be permitted without prior written authorization of the originator or the designated representative for TOP SECRET or SECRET material. CONFIDENTIAL material may be reproduced without prior written authorization only by an authorized individual when it is essential to the operation of the activity concerned. Warning labels to discourage duplication of classified information without authorization are to be affixed to all copying machines. Labels are available from the Bureau Security Officer, MS 150, National Center, FTS 959-4467.

B. Documents That Cannot Be Photocopied Legally.

Congress has forbidden the copying of the following. Those guilty of making copies may be fined or imprisoned.

Obligations or Securities of the United States Government, such as --

Certificates of indebtedness.

National bank currency.

Coupons from bonds.

United States bonds.

Federal reserve bank notes.

Treasury notes.

Silver certificates.

Gold certificates.

Fractional notes.

Certificates of deposit.

Paper money or coins.

Bonds and obligations of certain agencies of the U.S. Government.

U.S. savings bonds.

War savings stamps in filled or partially filled albums unless the reproduction is either 25 per cent smaller or 50 percent larger than the original.

Internal revenue stamps except on legal documents on which the stamp has been canceled.

Postage stamps, canceled or uncanceled.

Postal money orders.

Bills, checks, or drafts for money drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United States.

Adjusted compensation certificates for veterans of the world wars.

Obligations or securities of any foreign government, bank, or corporation.

Copyright material of any manner or kind without permission of the copyright owner.

Certificates of citizenship or naturalization. (Foreign naturalization certificates may be photographed.)

Immigration papers.

Draft registration cards.

Selective service induction papers that bear any of the following information: registrant's earnings or income; dependency status; court record; previous military service; physical or mental condition.

Badges, identification cards, passes, or insignia carried by armed forces personnel or employees of the Federal Government.

Copying the following is prohibited in certain States.

Automobile licenses.

Driver's permits.

Automobile certificates of title.

In case of any uncertainty, seek legal advice. (Note: See 18 USC for exceptions.)

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Last modification: 19-Jan-2005@15:08 (kk)
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