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May 13, 2009
State of Minnesota Website

Publications (Orderable & PDF)


These publications are produced by the Department of Employment and Economic Development and are available for ordering: print version,  PDF Icon CD version,  or viewing PDF Icon PDFs as noted.

A maximum of 5 publications is allowed per order. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Heading:  Business and Economic Development     Link to Publications Order Form
Small Business Assistance
  PDF Icon A Guide to Starting a Business in Minnesota (27th Edition, January 2009)
CD version also available. See details.
PDF Icon An Employer's Guide to Employment Law Issues in Minnesota (10th Edition, February 2009)
PDF Icon CD Version - An Employer's Guide to Employment Law Issues in Minnesota
PDF Icon An Employer's Guide to Employee Handbooks in Minnesota
*Only available by viewing the current electronic version of the publication via the link above.
PDF Icon

An Employer's Guide to Employee Benefits
*Only available by viewing the current electronic version of the publication via the link above.

CD Icon CD version - An Employer's Guide to Employee Benefits
PDF Icon Why and How to Conduct a Human Resources Audit in Minnesota
CD Icon CD version - Why and How to Conduct a Human Resources Audit in Minnesota
PDF Icon Loan Documentation: An Introduction for Small Businesses
CD Icon CD version - Loan Documentation: An Introduction for Small Businesses
PDF Icon Raising Capital: Securities Law and Business Considerations (5th Edition January 2007)
CD Icon CD version - Raising Capital: Securities Law and Business Considerations
PDF Icon A Guide to Biotechnology Finance (1st Edition, August 2005)
CD Icon CD version - A Guide to Biotechnology Finance
  PDF Icon A Guide to Intellectual Property Protection (11th Edition, January 2006)
  PDF Icon - Update 9/18/06
CD Icon CD version - A Guide to Intellectual Property Protection
  PDF Icon A Legal Guide to the Internet (6th Edition, April 2006)
CD Icon CD version - A Legal Guide to the Internet
PDF Icon An Introduction to Franchising (3rd Edition, January 2008)
CD Icon CD version - An Introduction to Franchising
A Legal Guide for the Software Developer
This publication is no longer available. Parties interested in this topic should look at the (Spring 2007) draft of “Principles of the Law of Software Contracts” done by the American Law Institute. The topical items addressed there form the basis for much state level discussion of possible new law governing sales or licenses of software.
See also: eAlerts
Small Business Notes
Small Business Occasional Papers

PDF Icon Assistance for Minnesota Businesses  Fact sheet that provides details on the financial resources and information available from DEED to help your business.
PDF Icon Resource Guide: Answers to employment-Related Questions  Get answers by using this handy guide that matches state and federal regulations with the responsible agencies.
PDF Icon Positively Minnesota 12-page publication highlighting why Minnesota is a great place to live, work and do business.  (To order copies of this publication, contact laura.winge@state.mn.us)
PDF Icon Why Minnesota: 10 Good Reasons Fact sheet that provides data and statistics on the top reasons to do business in Minnesota.
PDF Icon Minnesota Bioscience Business Directory
(To order copies of the above publication, contact kevin.mckinnon@state.mn.us)
PDF Icon Globalization: Pressure Points in a Competitive World
PDF Icon Export Programs and Services of the Minnesota Trade Office
PDF Icon International Export Statistics  Export statistic reports for Minnesota manufactured products
PDF Icon Selling Services in World Markets: Trends in the United States
PDF Icon Fiscal Impact Checklist
See also: Business Tracking System Reports
Industry Reports and Fact Sheets
Manufacturing Business Conditions Surveys
Minnesota Business Expansion Reports

Heading:  General
PDF Icon Facts and Figures to Help You Grow and Prosper in Minnesota 
A brochure providing details of pertinent information the state has available to help: start or expand a business; explore careers and find a job; and enhance community vitality.
PDF Icon Minnesota Fact Sheet 2008
PDF Icon The DEED Mission: Helping People, Businesses and Communities - 2008 DEED Annual Report 
PDF Icon Explore Minnesota Living 
A publication detailing life in Minnesota designed for people considering relocation to the state.  (To order copies of this publication, contact laura.winge@state.mn.us)
  Labor Market Publications - Additional department publications are available from the Labor Market Information Office.
  Creative Job Search Guide - A guide for job seekers.


Order Form

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