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Laboratory Quick Finder


Sample Management Team

Region 6 Sample Control Center
The Sample Management Team (SMT) is responsible for scheduling, receiving and tracking all samples through the Environmental Services Branch (ESB)Laboratory.  The Region 6 Sample Control Center (R6SCC) has oversight of this function and in addition, the R6SCC serves as the focal point for the laboratory’s customer service activities. The R6SCC also provides laboratory analysis report automation support and works closely with the laboratory information management (LIMS) system coordinator.

Biomonitoring Laboratory
The Biomonitoring Laboratory is responsible for providing analysis of microbiological and aquatic biological organisms in environmental media where toxicity tests are conducted for several water programs to identify toxic concentrations of materials..

Air Toxics Laboratory
The air toxics laboratory analyzes air samples which are taken as a part of a specific program study or for air monitoring purposes such as with the Region 6 Mobile Laboratory or split samples with other air monitoring efforts..

Special Analysis Methods Laboratory
The special analysis laboratory of the SMT is currently developing methods for analysis of perchlorates and other analytes such as haloacetic acids in water and soils by ion chromatography with combined detector(s) such as mass spectrometry.  The  analysis of passive air monitoring devices that contain entrapped  air contaminants such as ammonia, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and ozone is being done to support the program office.  Energetics analysis in support of homeland security needs is being studied..

Region 6 Mobile Laboratory
The overall coordination for the Region 6 Mobile Laboratory is the responsibility of the SMT.  The mobile laboratory is available to conduct on-site sampling and analysis for air, water, sediment and soil  samples for organic and inorganic analytes as well as for biological samples.  The mobile laboratory was a part of the on-site support for biological analysis of water samples during the  Katrina Hurricane recovery operations.

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