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Laboratory Quick Finder


Professional Papers Published

The staff at the Houston Laboratory is often asked to "referee" laboratory results when conflicting data are reported from two or more laboratories analyzing the same sample. Often we will reanalyze the sample and serve as an impartial source of analysis of the data in question.

In pursuit of our mission, our scientists must keep current on the latest developments in analytical methodology and techniques. This often means the quick adaptation of current "state of the art" techniques and instrumentation. At the Houston Laboratory, we strive to remain current on emerging methodologies and analytical techniques. Often this entails the adaptation of a method to current technologies for accommodation to ever increasing workloads.


Articles, publications and newsletters

Some abstracts of published papers and other documents can now be viewed and/or printed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. You may download the reader for free Exit EPA if you do not have Adobe Acrobat on your computer.

Abbreviated Microwave Extraction of Pesticides and PCBs in Soil

A Comparison of Closed Vessel Microwave Digestion versus Conventional Digestion

Application of Small Scall Extractions to Large Volume Injections for Environmental GC/MS Analysis

Automated Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Semi-volatile Analytes

Performance Evaluation and Method Equivalency Study for Automated Electrically Assisted Liquid-Liquid Extraction

Improved Quantitation of Semi-volatile compounds by Extracted Standards

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