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Laboratory Quick Finder


ESB Mobile Laboratory

The branch procured a 20 foot long “fifth wheel” trailer which is configured as a laboratory for analytical services in the field.  The unit serves as a mobile platform for an array of instrumentation in support of numerous Agency activities.  The unit is being equipped to analyze both organic and inorganic parameters in a variety of matrices.  Control measures will be in place to insure data quality. 
Picture of ESB Mobile Laboratory sign
Potential use of the unit includes:Picture of EPA's Emergency Response logo

Installed generators supply the necessary electricity.  Heating and air-conditioning allow for year round use.  Except for certain consumables, the unit will be self-sufficient. 

The Region 6 Lab in Houston serves as the base of operations and is able to provide confirmation analysis.  Chemists currently at the lab are qualified to staff the unit.

In addition to analytical equipment, the unit has:

The unit was deployed during Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita responses.
Pictures of staffed mobile laboratory deployed during Hurricane Rita and Hurricane Katrina responses.


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