Radon Program

This program certifies radon testers and laboratories, approves credentials for persons who perform radon mitigation, provides education and training to various professionals, and supplies information on radon to the public.

Chapter 136B of the Code of Iowa, mandated that the Iowa Department of Public Health establish the Iowa Radon Control Program and develop and implement rules regulating the radon industry in Iowa.

Effective November 23, 1988, 641 Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter 43(136B) implemented a certification program for anyone who is reimbursed for conducting radon measurements in Iowa or for analyzing radon test results for tests conducted in Iowa. 641 Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter 43(136B) applies to individuals who are based in Iowa or who are based in another state but provide radon testing in Iowa or radon test analysis for tests conducted in Iowa.

Effective November 9, 1989, 641 Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter 44(136B) implemented a credentialing program for anyone who is reimbursed for installing radon reduction systems in Iowa. 641 Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter 44(136B) applies to individuals who are based in Iowa or who are based in another state, but install radon reduction systems in Iowa.

Take Note! Rules have Changed! Please be certain to check the Rules link below to view the new rules.

Explanation of Abbreviations and Terms

Types of Certification/Credentials

  • Laboratory - Organization certified to analyze radon levels of tests conducted in Iowa.
  • Mitigator - Person trained and credentialed to install radon reduction systems in Iowa.
  • Specialist - Person trained and certified to conduct radon tests in Iowa.

Measurement Units

  • pCi/L = picocuries per liter, radon gas measurement units
  • WL = Working-Level, radon decay product measurement units

Common Radon Test Methods and Units in Which Units Are Reported

  • AT Alpha-Track Detection (pCi/L)
  • CC Activated Charcoal Absorption (pCi/L)
  • CR Continuous Radon Monitoring (pCi/L)
  • EP Electret-Ion Chamber (pCi/L)
  • LS Charcoal Liquid Scintillation (pCi/L)
  • UT Unfiltered Track Detection (pCi/L)

NOTE: Expiration dates are current at the printing of this list. If you have a question regarding whether or not a person or laboratory is certified, contact the Iowa Radon Control Program at 1-800-383-5992.

Application Guides for:

Application forms for:

Links to Iowa regulations pertaining to radon measurement and mitigation:

Iowa Radon Maps

The information or data observed in the map was obtained from certified radon measurement specialist and laboratories submitting data between 1990-2006. The map shows where radon levels were found greater than 4 pCi/L, 10 pCi/L, 20 pCi/L, 50 pCi/L, and 100 pCi/L. The map does not give or show a totally accurate assessment of the average radon level within each county or zip code. It also does not give an accurate percentage or range of high and low radon levels that were found. The map was created solely from data received by the Iowa Radon Program from certified individuals and labs. The data received for 1990-2001 includes pre and post radon mitigation data, while data received from 2002 and later includes only pre mitigation data. The radon map is therefore, only an indication of where the potential for high radon levels exists in Iowa. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer overall and the first leading cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers. The Iowa Radon Survey has indicated that Iowa has the largest percentage (or 71.6%) of homes above the US Environmental Protection Agency action level of 4pCi/L, which is more than any other state in the US. It is also an entirely designated by the US EPA as a zone 1 area, which means that a t least 50% of the homes are above US EPA's recommended action level.

For more information on EPA designated training facilities or courses approved in Iowa for certification and credentialing:

Radon Resistant New Construction (RRNC)

What are Radon-resistant construction techniques?
For more information from the US EPA on the risk to health, Radon Resistant New Construction (RRNC), a map of zones and other EPA materials concerning radon:

Link to EPA RRNC web site:

For more information on certifications, renewals, inspections of measurement, and mitigation specialists:

  • Rick Welke
    (515) 281-4928

Call the RADON Hotline:

  • 1-800-383-5992

For inexpensive do-it yourself radon test kits dial:

  • 1-800-206-7818