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IDPH strives to improve the quality of the life for all Iowans

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Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Case Count (05/14/09) More >>

Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Case Count (05/12/09) More >>

Severity of Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Illness Declines (05/05/09) More >>

Probable H1N1 Case Count Grows (05/05/09) More >>

Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Surveillance Continues in Iowa (05/04/09) More >>

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Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Information
Public health officials in Iowa, across the nation, and throughout the world are investigating outbreaks of swine influenza. While no cases have been reported in Iowa, the outbreak is ongoing and additional cases are expected. All Iowans and health care providers should be alert for the symptoms of swine flu.  More >>

The tornadoes and floods of 2008 brought about one of the largest disaster responses undertaken by the State of Iowa. The IDPH After Action Report examines the major disaster events of the summer and IDPH's response to those events. It also reviews areas in which IDPH can improve response efforts for future disasters.  More >>

A new Web site is now available for the Modernizing Public Health in Iowa initiative. The new site has several easy-to-navigate tabs, including: News, Presentations, Links, Communities, Assessments and more.  More >>

IDPH continues to coordinate the activities of several key advisory bodies to help implement the sweeping health care reform legislation passed during the 2008 session. Also known as the Health Care Reform Bill, the measure is based on legislative recommendations and a proposal by the Governor.  More >>