
  • Atmospheric Dynamics Group - Centre for Atmospheric Science
    Focuses on fluid dynamical problems of understanding the chemical-climatic environment. These range from the fine-scale mixing of aircraft emissions to global atmospheric circulation and its chemical and radiative consequences.
  • Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
    Investigates processes governing exchanges of energy, water, carbon and trace gases between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere, to model changes in climate and the carbon cycle over the next 50-100 years as Earth responds to changes in atmospheric composition and land use.
  • Climate Analysis Section at Nat'l Center for Atmospheric Research
    Empirical studies and diagnostic analyses of the atmosphere and its interactions with Earth's surface and oceans. Emphasis is on atmospheric general circulation, meteorological phenomena, and climate variations over several time scales. Catalog includes observational data sets and analyses from a variety of sources in support of modeling efforts and climate research.
  • Climate Prediction Center at NOAA
    Monitors short-term climate fluctuations. Diagnoses and predicts them to assist agencies both inside and outside the federal government in coping with climate related problems, such as food supply, energy allocation, and water resources.
  • Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
    Site for College Park campus. Research areas include climate studies, Earth system science, atmospheric chemistry and climate diagnostics, glaciology, weather prediction and atmospheric dynamics, oceanography and air/sea interaction, remote sensing and data assimilation.
  • Landsat/ARM Clear Sky and Cloud (LCSAC) Research
    Research is aimed at forging a link between Landsat and the number one unsolved problem in global climate modeling, the "role of clouds."
  • Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Simulation of Climate Variability over Amazonia
    A research project of scientists at the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA) and the University of New Hampshire, in collaboration with colleagues at CPTEC and the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, to investigate seasonal-to-interannual variability and predictability in the Amazonian climate system.