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Forensic Science Communications January 2006 – Volume 8 – Number 1
Standards and Guidelines

Glass Density Determination

Scientific Working Group for Materials Analysis (SWGMAT)

July 2004, Correction


Some of the references in the SWGMAT guidelines published in the January 2005 issue of Forensic Science Communications contained errors. The following represents the corrected version of the references, which also have been corrected in the journal's January 2005 issue (see Authors who have cited these works based on the previously published references should ensure that they now use the correct citations. The editors apologize for the errors.


Beveridge, A. D. and Semen, C. Glass density measurement using a calculating digital density meter, Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal (1979) 12(3):113–116.

Kirk, P. L. Density and Refractive Index: Their Application in Criminal Identification. American Lecture Series. Publication 112. American Lectures in Public Protection. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, 1951.

Koons, R. D., Buscaglia, J., Bottrell, M., and Miller, E. T. Forensic glass comparisons. In: Forensic Science Handbook. 2nd ed. R. Saferstein, ed. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2002, Volume 1, pp.161–213.

Stoney, D. A. and Thornton, J. I. The forensic significance of the correlation of density and refractive index in glass evidence, Forensic Science International (1985) 29:147–157.