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Forensic Science Communications January 2007 – Volume 9 – Number 1
Short Communication

Host Needed:
Gunshot Residue Road School

Cynthia Van Landingham
Training Liaison
Quality Assurance and Training Unit
FBI Laboratory
Quantico, Virginia

The FBI Laboratory depends on its partners in the forensic community to help support its education and training efforts. Accordingly, the Laboratory is seeking an agency to host a Gunshot Residue (GSR) Road School. In addition to facilitating training for neighboring agencies, the host agency would receive the training at no cost. The school requires weeklong access to a shooting range with at least seven lanes. The ideal class size is 14 students, divided into teams of two.

The course description is provided below. Agencies interested in hosting the school should contact John Webb of the FBI Laboratory Firearms-Toolmarks Unit at or + 1-703-632-7236.

Gunshot Residue School

This five-day course introduces students to methods of muzzle-to-target distance estimation based on the analysis of GSR patterns on clothing. During the class, students are given a series of practical problems, which get progressively more difficult. Using the Modified Griess, DTO, and Sodium Rhodizonate tests, participants develop GSR patterns on simulated evidence, then shoot test patterns using provided firearms and ammunition.

This course is designed for firearms examiners and trainees who are familiar with handling and using firearms and who need more experience and training in conducting GSR examinations.