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Forensic Science Communications January 2007 – Volume 9 – Number 1
Short Communication

FBI Laboratory Specialized Training Program:
Training Course Date Changes

Cynthia Van Landingham
Training Liaison
Quality Assurance and Training Unit
FBI Laboratory
Quantico, Virginia

The October 2006 issue of Forensic Science Communications published the FBI Laboratory’s training schedule for the 2007 fiscal year. Four of the dates have changed since the publication of the original schedule. The changes are listed below. Individuals who have applied to these classes do not need to submit new applications to reflect the new course dates. All previous applications remain on file.

Latent Print Examinations—Preparing for a Daubert Hearing, originally scheduled for December 4–8, 2006, has been rescheduled for April 23–27, 2007.

The DNA Auditor Training class scheduled for January 3–4, 2007, has been postponed. The new dates have not been determined yet. All applicants to this class will be notified of the new course dates once they have been established.

The Trace Evidence Symposium scheduled for June 4–8, 2007, has been rescheduled for August 13–16, 2007. Additional information on the symposium is published in this issue of Forensic Science Communications.

The Forensic Facial Imaging class that had been scheduled for July 16–August 3, 2007, has been rescheduled for July 30–August 17, 2007.

Applicants should note that previously published course dates are subject to change.

Questions may be directed to Cynthia Van Landingham by e-mail at or by telephone at + 1-703-632-8372.