Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center

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Our Mission

The mission of PIERC is to work with others to provide the scientific understanding and technologies needed to support the sound management and conservation of our Nation's biological resources occuring within cultural, sociological and political contex of the State of Hawai'i and other lands under U.S. jurisdiction in the Pacific Basin.

PIERC works with federal, state, local and private organizations to provide objective research, baseline information, and technical assistance relating to conservation and restoration of indigenous biological resources occurring within the cultural, sociological and political context of the States and Islands Territories of Hawaii, Guam, Truk, the Marianas Islands, American Samoa and others under U.S. jurisdiction in the Pacific Basin.

Hawaii Archipelago and inset of Mariana Islands

More native species have been eliminated in Hawai'i
than anywhere else in the United States
and most places in the world

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