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Palila Restoration

Dr. Susan Jarvi, Research Geneticist, PIERC/PCSU at UH Manoa
Dr Paul Banko, Wildlife Biologist, PIERC
Project: SIS 5001761.
The application of molecular techniques to conservation genetics issues can provide important guidance criteria for management of endangered species. The Palila Loxioides bailleui is endangered largely due to habitat loss, threats to food resources, predation and avian disease with the remnant populations currently restricted to high-elevation dry woodlands on Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii. Efforts to save remaining species are currently underway and, for some, involve the artificial manipulation of populations through captive breeding and release or geographic translocation of selected groups of Palila to other suitable predator-controlled habitats.
'Palila Loxioides bailleui
      'Palila Loxioides bailleui
We have initiated genetic studies of the Palila to evaluate genomic variability by means of AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) analyses. These data will provide population managers with additional criteria for maintaining diversity in populations subject to artificial manipulation. These data will also provide information on the degree of relatedness of the helpers that have been observed feeding females, nestlings and fledglings.

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