United States Office of Personnel Management
Theodore Roosevelt Building
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415-0001

Office of the General Counsel

 OPM Ref. # 1996-01497

 Dear Mr.[xxx]:

This responds to your undated letter that we received on March 26, 1997 requesting reconsideration of our November 14, 1996 decision, in which we dismissed your October 13, 1996 claim because it had not been submitted in accordance with our procedures, which we enclosed for your convenience.

In your October 13 letter, you asked that we explain a decision issued previously by the General Accounting Office, B-202864, Aug. 10, 1982 and the appeal of that decision, dated September 2, 1983. In your letter, you stated, "It is worth noting at this time that I am not requesting a ruling on my individual case, but rather am requesting that your office clarify Youngs decision."

As we noted in our November 14 letter, we only settle claims that have been presented to our office in accordance with our procedures. If you believe your agency has misapplied a GAO decision in a manner that deprives you of pay to which you think you are entitled, you should first submit your claim, with your analysis, to your agency. If the agency denies your claim, you may request that our office review the agencys determination. You should submit your claim to us, with the agencys response.

In your most recent letter, you also make several references to labor-management agreements. As you noted in your October 13 letter, we no longer may settle claims that are subject to a negotiated grievance procedure under a collective bargaining agreement. Cecil E. Rigss et. al, 71 Comp. Gen. 374 (1992). Therefore, if you have such a claim, you must use those procedures.

Very truly yours,

Paul Britner

Senior Attorney