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 Maumee River Area of Concern

Maumee River AoC location map

Beneficial Use Impairments
Delisting Targets
RAP Development and Status
Significant RAP Milestones
RAP Implementation
RAP-Related Publications
Community Involvement
Partners and Stakeholders

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Maumee River AOC Boundary Map

Maumee River AoC Boundary Map
(PDF 184Kb 1 page)
(click on map to view in separate window)
Maumee River Shape File

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Students from throughout the Manumee AoC sample streams each fall as a part of the Student Watershed Watch
Students from throughout the Maumee AoC sample streams each fall as a part of the Student Watershed Watch

The Maumee River begins in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and travels more than 130 river miles to Lake Erie Exit disclaimer, 105 miles of which are located in Ohio. The Maumee has the largest drainage area of any Great Lakes river with 8,316 square miles. The Maumee Area of Concern (AoC) does not include the entire Maumee River watershed. It includes the lower reach and tributaries, as well as some of the neighboring watersheds. The boundaries of the Maumee Area of Concern (AoC) were originally identified as the area extending from the Bowling Green water intake near Waterville along the Lower Maumee River at river mile 22.8 downstream to Maumee Bay. The area includes direct drainage into the waters that are within Lucas, Ottawa and Wood counties. This includes Swan Creek, Ottawa River (Ten Mile Creek), Duck Creek, Otter Creek, Grassy Creek, Cedar Creek, and Crane Creek. In 1992, this area was extended to the east to include Turtle Creek, Packer Creek, and the Toussaint River. The Maumee Area of Concern (AoC) covers 775 square miles

Beneficial Use Impairments 

Maumee River Beneficial Use Impairments

Of the 14 beneficial uses Exit disclaimer, these are impaired for Maumee River:

  • Restrictions on fish and wildlife consumption
  • Eutrophication or undesirable algae
  • Restrictions on drinking water consumption, or taste and odor
  • Degradation of fish and wildlife populations
  • Beach closings
  • Fish tumors or other deformities
  • Degradation of aesthetics
  • Degradation of benthos
  • Restriction on dredging activities
  • Loss of fish and wildlife habitat

When the Maumee AoC was designated, it was primarily due to the large problem of agricultural runoff. However, upon further investigation it was discovered that there were more problems than just agricultural nonpoint source pollution. Such problems include the old dumps or contaminated industrial sites, combined sewer overflows, and disposal of dredged materials.

When AoCs were designated, delisting was based upon restoration of 14 beneficial use impairments (BUIs) for an entire AoC. According to the Maumee RAP Stage 1 Investigation Report, 10 of the 14 beneficial use impairments needed to be addressed in the Maumee AoC. This report did not identify impairments by watershed, only for the entire Maumee AoC, because the only means of delisting in 1990 was through a total restoration of the entire AoC.

Since an incremental approach to delisting was adopted in 2001 by the U.S. Policy Committee, the Maumee RAP with the help of other community partners has re-evaluated the 1990 BUIs identified in the Maumee RAP Stage 1 Report. This re-evaluation was conducted based on data and information available in the late 1980s/early 1990s and resulted in a BUI Summary Table (PDF 25Kb 1 page) Exit disclaimer for each watershed in the Maumee AoC. From these new tables the Maumee RAP will be able to better determine progress toward restoration of a watershed and/or a beneficial use.

For further information on the Maumee AoC beneficial use impairments, see the Remedial Action Plan (RAP) documents listed in the RAP Development and Status section below.

Delisting Targets 

The Maumee RAP has adopted the Delisting Targets for Ohio Areas of Concern (PDF 1.08Mb 85 pages) Exit disclaimer (Ohio EPA, June 2005).

RAP Development and Status

The Ravine Park wetlands, downstream of Hecklinger Pond, on Duck Creek are slated for a wetland restoration project starting in 2006
The Ravine Park wetlands, downstream of Hecklinger Pond, on Duck Creek are slated for a wetland restoration project starting in 2006.

The Maumee RAP process began on October 1, 1987, when the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Ohio’s statewide RAP coordinator) and the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG), the local coordinator for the Maumee RAP, held the first public meeting. In 1988 the Maumee RAP Advisory Committee was formed, including representatives from all levels of government, business and industry, universities and other interested individuals. The Advisory Board completed problem definition with the submission of the Maumee RAP Stage 1 Report to Ohio EPA in 1990. Stage 1 of the RAP process was officially concluded in March 1992 when the Maumee RAP Stage 1 (1990) was reviewed and accepted by the IJC.

After Stage 1 was finished, the Advisory Board was abolished and the Maumee RAP Implementation Committee (MRIC) was formed to oversee all the restoration activities of Stage 2. MRIC developed the Maumee RAP Recommendations Report Exit disclaimer (1991) to guide them through the implementation of Stage 2, however this report was never submitted to the IJC as an official Stage 2 Report.

Following the development of the Maumee RAP Strategic Plan Exit disclaimer in 1997, the Maumee RAP developed a new logo and MRIC changed its name to the Maumee RAP Committee. Although the name changed, the membership stayed the same. It is still comprised of 21 members, including 7 representatives from government, 7 from business/industry and 7 citizens/nonprofit, including a Chair, Vice-chair, and Treasurer.

The Maumee RAP Committee submitted their Stage 2 Report for the Maumee AoC in January 2006. It is expected that once this report is approved the Maumee RAP will again go through some organizational changes to better align with the plan and to facilitate its implementation.

Significant RAP Milestones   Exit disclaimer

RAP Implementation Exit disclaimer

Maumee RAP logo

Since the Maumee RAP launched into Stage 2 with the formation of the Maumee RAP Implementation Committee in 1991, activities to improve the AoC have been varied in size and focus. The Maumee RAP Committee and its extensive partnerships have made great progress toward achieving the goals of restoring the Maumee Area of Concern to "fishable and swimmable" condition. Annual summaries of the Maumee RAP Committee and Action Group activities, as well as a 10 year summary of the Activities and Accomplishments in the Maumee Area of Concern (1991-2001) are available for downloading from the Publications and Documents Section of the Maumee RAP web page.

Recent Progress and Achievements

Removal of the Camp Miakonda Dam on the Ottawa River in Deceber 2002
Removal of the Camp Miakonda Dam on the Ottawa River in December 2002.



Clean Your Streams is an annual streambank cleanup event that draws over 500 people and collects nearly 10,000 pounds of trash each fall from Maumee AoC waterways
Clean Your Streams is an annual streambank cleanup event that draws over 500 people and collects nearly 10,000 pounds of trash each fall from Maumee AoC waterways.

Sampling along the Toussaint River for the TMDL. TMDLs are expected in several Maumee AoC watersheds through 2008-09
Sampling along the Toussaint River for the TMDL. TMDLs are expected in several Maumee AoC watersheds through 2008-09.




Current Projects and Outlook

RAP-Related Publications Exit disclaimer

The Maumee RAP has numerous reports, fact sheets, brochures, and other materials available on-line from the Maumee RAP web site. A direct link to their Publications Page is http://www.maumeerap.org/publications.html.

Community/Local RAP Group Involvement 

Sampling along the Toussaint River for the TMDL. TMDLs are expected in several Maumee AoC watersheds through 2008-09.
Sampling along the Toussaint River for the TMDL. TMDLs are expected in several Maumee AoC watersheds through 2008-09.

The Maumee RAP as an organization was created after the first public meeting in October 1987. It has grown and changed over the years, but has always been a public-private partnership working to restore the health of our area’s waterways to fishable and swimmable conditions.

The Maumee RAP involves a diverse cross-section of environmentally concerned businesses, industries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, educators, and citizens. The Maumee RAP Committee makes the official decisions for the organization and provides general program oversight. The Maumee RAP Committee has action groups (or sub-committees) that are integral to the progress of the Maumee RAP. These action groups address specific issues that affect the Maumee AoC, such as open space, wetlands, agriculture, rural, and urban concerns. There are two action groups utilizing a comprehensive watershed approach to improving Swan Creek and the Ottawa River. The Maumee RAP has focused on public outreach and education. This focus is ongoing and primarily coordinated through its own action group.

Since that initial public meeting a great deal of information has been compiled and developed concerning the Maumee AoC. The Maumee RAP continues to advocate and/or directly sponsor programs and activities to address the projects and issues throughout the Maumee AoC. These occurred from both within the RAP structure by the action groups and outside through community partners. For more information about the Maumee RAP, visit www.MaumeeRAP.org.

Partners and Stakeholders Exit disclaimer

The Maumee RAP relies on the power of partnerships. Without community partners the Maumee RAP would not succeed and the Maumee AoC would not be restored. Some of the active partners in the Maumee RAP are listed below:

Business & Industry

Government Nonprofit Organizations Academia

Maumee River AoC Contacts

U.S. EPA RAP Liaison:
David Barna
U.S. EPA Region 5 Cleveland Office
25089 Center Ridge Road (ME-W)
Westlake, OH 44145
Tel:  (440) 250-1708
Fax: (440) 250-1750
Email: barna.david@epa.gov

State RAP Contact:
Cherie A. Blair, Maumee RAP Coordinator
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Northwest District Office
347 North Dunbridge Road
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
Tel:  (419) 373-3010
Fax: (419) 352-8468
Email: cherie.blair@epa.state.oh.us 

Local Coordinator:
Matt Horvat, Lower Maumee Watershed Coordinator
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments
300 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza
P.O. Box 9508
Toledo, Ohio 43697-9508
Tel:  (419) 241-9155
Fax: (419) 241-9116
Email: horvat@tmacog.org 

RAP Committee Chair:
Patrick Lawrence
Chair, Maumee RAP Committee
University of Toledo - Deparement of Geography and Planning
University Hall 4320
Toledo, OH 43606
Tel:  (419) 530-4128
Fax: (419) 530-7919
Email: plawren2@utnet.utoledo.edu


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