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How to Partner With CMS

The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003, also known as the Medicare Modernization Act, is bringing better benefits and more health plan options, including prescription drug coverage, to people with Medicare. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is working with our partners to implement these important new benefits. As a trusted source of information, you have a unique ability to connect with the people you serve, including those with Medicare. We need your help.  Why not join our partnership for this important outreach campaign, and beyond?  

Why Partner with CMS?

Working with CMS is a key to helping people with Medicare maximize their benefits. By working with CMS, you extend the reach and impact of many programs aimed to improve the health and wellness of seniors, people with disabilities, and even their caregivers or employers.

What is a Partnership with CMS?

A partnership with CMS consists of organizations coming together around issues that affect a common population, like people with Medicare, and sometimes a common cause such as helping them understand the new benefits created by the MMA and helping them enroll in a plan that meets their needs.

A partnership with CMS helps you leverage your resources by fostering relationships with other CMS partners, as well as providing you with our training and educational materials, research, and a connection to our 10 regional offices where you may access personalized local assistance.

When to Partner with CMS?

Partner with CMS now! After 40 years of providing coverage for doctor visits, hospital stays and surgeries, Medicare now covers prescription drugs. Without the help of outreach partners like you, many people with Medicare may not learn about this new coverage or get the information they need to make an informed choice about selecting a drug plan for this important coverage.



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Page Last Modified: 02/27/2009 6:28:11 AM
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