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Uterine Cancer

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Also called: Also called: Endometrial cancer

The uterus, or womb, is an important female reproductive organ. It is the place where a baby grows when a women is pregnant. There are different types of uterine cancer. The most common type starts in the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. This type of cancer is sometimes called endometrial cancer.

The symptoms of uterine cancer include

Uterine cancer usually occurs after menopause. Being obese and taking estrogen-alone hormone replacement therapy also increase your risk. Treatment varies depending on your overall health, how advanced the cancer is and whether hormones affect its growth. Treatment is usually a hysterectomy, which is surgery to remove the uterus. Other options include hormone therapy and radiation.

National Cancer Institute

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The primary NIH organization for research on Uterine Cancer is the National Cancer Institute -

Date last updated: May 04 2009
Topic last reviewed: April 20 2009