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Excluded Parties List System

What is the purpose of EPLS?

The EPLS is a widely available source of the most current information about persons who are excluded or disqualified from covered transactions.

Where can I find the EPLS?

You may access the EPLS through the Internet, currently at http://www.epls.gov Exit Disclaimer

Who uses the EPLS?

1. Federal agency officials use the EPLS to determine whether to enter into a transaction with a person.

2. Participants may, but are not required to, use the EPLS to determine if either principals of their transactions are excluded or disqualified or persons with whom they are entering into covered transactions at the next lower tier are excluded or disqualified. However, participants are required to ensure that these persons are not excluded or disqualified and must pass down this requirement to any lower tier covered transactions by adding a term and condition to the award.

3. The EPLS is available to the general public.

Who maintains the EPLS?

In accordance with the OMB guidelines, the General Services Administration (GSA) maintains the EPLS. When a Federal agency takes an action to exclude a person under the nonprocurement or procurement debarment and suspension system, the agency enters the information about the excluded person into the EPLS.

What specific information is in the EPLS?

At a mininum, the EPLS indicates: full name and address of each excluded person, type of action, cause for the action, scope of the action, termination date for the action, the agency and name and telephone number of the agency point of contact for the action, and the excluded person's Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS), if available.

Whom do I ask if I have a question about a person in the EPLS?

If you have questions about a person in the EPLS, ask the point of contact for the Federal agency that placed the person's name into the EPLS. You may find the agency point of contact from the EPLS.

For questions about persons listed by EPA, contact Suzanne Hersh at (202) 564-5374.

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