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Shenandoah National ParkA Shenandoah Salamander crawls on an old tree. NPS Photo By: Lester Via
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Shenandoah National Park
3rd grade - Adaptations for Survival
Suggested Grade Level: 3rd
Maximum Group Size Per Day: 60 students (plus chaperones)
Download Adaptions for Survival lesson plan (pdf, 73kb)
Download Pre/Post-Visit Assessment Score Sheet (pdf, 17kb)
Students and a ranger take a close look at the forest floor.
NPS photo

Living things use adaptations to respond to life needs for survival. These adaptations may be behavioral or physical in nature. Students will investigate adaptations of plants and animals living in Shenandoah National Park using observation, cooperation, discovery, and participation skills. As human and environmental impacts are evaluated, stewardship behaviors that support a healthy environment will be explored and practiced.


Following the park experience and classroom activities, the students will be able to

  1. define physical and behavioral adaptations and list two examples of each;

  2. describe how animals (and plants) use adaptations, instincts, and learned behaviors to get food, find shelter, and provide protection;

  3. explain how natural and human influences on a habitat can impact an organism’s ability to use adaptations to survive;

  4. determine how Shenandoah National Park protects cultural and natural resources and tell how people can contribute to the health of the environment.

Virginia Science Standards of Learning Addressed:

Strand: Life Processes

3.4 - The student will investigate and understand that behavioral and physical adaptations allow animals to respond to life needs. Key concepts include

a) methods of gathering and storing food, finding shelter, defending themselves, and rearing young; and

b) hibernation, migration, camouflage, mimicry, instinct, and learned behavior.

Strand: Resources

3.10 - The student will investigate and understand that natural events and human influences can affect the survival of species. Key concepts include

a) the interdependency of plants and animals;

b) the effects of human activity on the quality of air, water, and habitat;

c) the effects of fire, flood, disease, and erosion on organisms; and

d) conservation and resource renewal.

Teachers attend an instructional workshop.
Teacher Instructional Workshops
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Virginia Standards of Learning
Virginia Standards of Learning
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Closeup photograph of the tiny fuschia blooms of hepatica.  

Did You Know?
Hepatica is usually the first of many native wildflowers to bloom in the spring in Shenandoah National Park.

Last Updated: September 12, 2008 at 11:27 EST