Research: University of Virginia U.Va. Research
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blue arrow The Responsibilities of Research
blue arrow Compliance Training
Animal Care and Use Committee
Institutional Bio-Safety Committee
Institutional Review Boards
Radiation Safety Committee
  Learn more about the Research Administration & Compliance Initiative (RACI)
office of the vice president
Research Oversight and Compliance

The Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies serves as the chief research officer for the University and, consequently, is the signatory official on numerous documents insuring compliance with federal research regulations. The office is responsible for the management and staffing of Institutional Review Boards and various safety committees, develops and negotiates human and animal welfare assurance documents with federal agencies, develops policies on conflict of interest and handles investigations on issues of research integrity.

The Responsibilities of Research
An outline of the Vice President for Research, compliance committees, and research investigators' responsibilites for ensuring university-wide adherence to federally mandated, research guidelines.
blue arrow More information.

Animal Research
The University of Virginia requires that an animal research protocol be submitted for review and approval by the ACUC (Animal Care and Use Committee) before any investigator purchases/obtains and begins research involving vertebrate species. Any employee or student involved in animal research must also fulfill appropriate educational program requirements and enroll in the occupational health and safety program.
blue arrow IACUC Website | Office of Animal Welfare Training Information

The IBC is responsible for reviewing all proposed University research and teaching activities conducted by faculty, staff, students and/or visiting scientists that involve the use of microorganisms; recombinant DNA experiments as defined by NIH Guidelines, materials derived from human and non human primates, and biological toxins (including human cell lines). Investigators are responsible for registering the possession or use of these materials with the IBC prior to the initiation of experiments. Registration is available online.
blue arrow IBC Website | IBC Training |IBC questions may be directed to the IBC Administrator.

Institutional Review Boards for Human Subject Research
The University of Virginia is committed to protecting the rights and ensuring the safety of human subjects participating in research. This is done through two separate committees known as the Institutional Review Boards (IRB's), both of which operate under the Assurance of Compliance the University has filed with NIH as required by law. The Federalwide Assurance number for the University is FWA00006183.

  • The Institutional Review Board for Health Sciences Research IRB (HSR) reviews all medically invasive research conducted on human subjects.
    blue arrow IRB-HSR Website | HSR Training

  • The Social and Behavioral Sciences IRB (SBS) reviews all non-medical behavioral human research (studies which are considered medically non-invasive).
    blue arrow IRB-SBS Website | SBS Training

  • Post Approval Monitoring (PAM) assures human subject safety in research, provides education to research professionals, and identifies strengths and areas for improvement in research practice.
    blue arrow PAM Website

Radiation Safety
The Radiation Safety Office manages all aspects of the use of radioactive materials and radiation producing equipment at the University of Virginia. The Radiation Safety Office responsibilities extend to the hospital, medical school research and academic areas.
blue arrow Radiation Safety Website | OEHS Training

  Maintained by: Office of the Vice President for Research
Last Modified: Wednesday, 08-Oct-2008 13:00:44 EDT
© Copyright 2009 by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia

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