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Training and Technical Assistance for Local Governments
The Office of Local Government Management Services (LGMS) produced a series of training programs of interest to local governments and economic development officials.  The programs were part of the Community Issues Education sessions originally broadcast via satellite to a number of community colleges, libraries and Cooperative Extension Offices throughout the State of Illinois.  The training sessions are available on VHS tape through the Illinois State Library.  Contact your local library and ask that the tapes be obtained for you as an interlibrary loan.  
View and/or download the slides used in these training sessions.

Utility Rate Studies
The Office of Local Government offers utility rate studies.  This office conducts water and sewer rate analysis to smaller units of local government free of charge providing they have not already contacted a private firm for this type of service.  A smaller unit of government is considered to be anything under 10,000 in population.  This is an extremely valuable service for communities that may not have staff experienced in conducting utility rate studies.
Elected officials are encouraged to review their utility rates on an annual basis to ensure revenues collected from utility users are sufficient to cover operational expenses, maintenance and captial improvement projects.  The analysis will compile three years of actual revenues and expenditures to give an accuratae overview of the community's water and/or sewer operation(s).  Once this data has been entered into the spreadsheet a projection for the upcoming fiscal year utility operations are calculated.  The rate study will also include average customer usage on an annual basis and the revenue generated from those averages.  The analysis will then provide two or three proposals for a rate structure that staff anticipate will be most beneficial to the community.  For more information on utility rate analysis, please contact Troy Markert at 217-558-2859 or Richard Turner at 217-558-2860

Truth in Taxation Requirements for Taxing Districts
Under certain conditions, taxing districts must publish a notice in a newspaper and hold a public hearing before adopting the annual tax levy ordinance. This publication explains the requirements of the law.

Personal Property Replacement Tax
Personal Property Replacement Tax payments are received from the State, to replace lost revenues resulting from the abolishment
of the corporate personal property tax. This publication has been prepared to answer the most commonly asked questions about the payments.

Township & Road District Calendar
The 2009 calendar of some of the important deadlines of interest to townships and road districts.

Annual Treasurers Report
The treasurer (supervisor) in all townships and road districts is required each year to prepare a statement of receipts and disbursements. This statement is commonly known as the Annual Treasurer's Report.

Township Forms
The recommended Township budget format, property tax levy and financial reports are included in this document.  This Excel spreadsheet is a working document that simplifies the preparation of these items by allowing the user to enter the financial data directly to the spreadsheet (Town Disk).

This Excel spreadsheet is a  non-working document in a printable version that may be used for training purposes or for townships that do not have access to a computer. This spreadsheet is not formulated to calculate financial data entered into individual fields (Blank Town Disk).

Road District Forms
The recommended Road District budget format, property tax levy and financial reports are included in this document.  This Excel spreadsheet is a working document that simplifies the preparation of these items by allowing the user to enter the financial data directly to the spreadsheet(Road Disk).

This Excel spreadsheet is a  non-working document in a printable version that may be used for training purposes or for townships that do not have access to a computer. This spreadsheet is not formulated to calculate financial data entered into individual fields (Blank Road Disk).

Multi-Township Assessment District Forms
The recommended Multi-Township Assessment District budget format and property tax levy reports are included in this attachment.  This Excel spreadsheet is a working document that simplifies the preparation of these items by allowing the user to enter the financial data directly to the spreadsheet (Multi-Township Disk).

This Excel spreadsheet is a  non-working document in a printable version that may be used for training purposes or for townships that do not have access to a computer. This spreadsheet is not formulated to calculate financial data entered into individual fields (Blank Multi-Township Disk).

The township board has the responsibility to audit the bills of the township and the road district. This publication gives an explanation of this responsibility.

For more information, contact:
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
Local Government Management Services
620 E Adams, CIPS 3
Springfield, IL 62701

Additional Resources for Local Governments

2007 Local Government Legislative Report
The 2007 Local Government Legislative Report contains Public Acts that took effect within the preceding twelve months that may have a significant impact upon the functioning of local government. 

2008 Local Government Legislative Report
The 2008 Local Government Legislative Report contains Public Acts that took effect within the preceding twelve months that may have a significant impact upon the functioning of local government. 

Community Development Assistance Program
CDAP is a federally funded grant program that assist Illinois communities by providing grants to local governments to assist them in financing economic development, public facilities and housing rehabilitation projects.

2004 State Wide Average Tax Rates

Average Tax Rates, 2000-2004

Average Tax Rates by Type of District-2004

Emergency Shelter Grants Program
Through the ESGP, a funding allocation is made available to units of general local government on behalf of not-for-profit organizations providing homeless assistance, and/or directly to not-for-profit organizations located outside the corporate limits of the City of Chicago and Cook County.

Related Links

Promo Images
Illinois State Mandates Catalogs
Property tax rate and levy manual
Municipal Finance series
State and Federal Loan and Grant programs
©2009 Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity