USDA Forest Service

Payette National Forest Region

Payette Avalanche Center
Hell's Canyon National Recreation Area
State & Private Forestry
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Payette National Forest
800 West Lakeside Ave
McCall, ID 83638-3602

(208) 634-0700

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Fire and Aviation

Fire -- On the Payette National Forest

Fire has always been a part of nature

Photograph - shows a column of smoke from a wildland fire in the forestThe writings of the early Northwest explorers and settlers mention that forest and range fires were commonplace. Then, as now, most fires were lightning caused. After huge forest fires burned large sections of Idaho in 1910, the Forest Service made suppressing wildfires a primary part of its mission. Foresters knew that some trees had developed unique ways to survive fire, but little was known about what would happen to the forests if you fully excluded fire from the forest ecosystem.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Forest Service researched the role of fire in western ecosystems. They found that deadwood and undergrowth, which would normally be burned up by natural fires, was building up over time due to the absence of fires. this buildup was increasing the potential for wildfires in the future. Eventually, this lead to a change in management philosophy and the practice of allowing fire to play a more natural role in certain ecosystems.

The Payette National Forest is home to some of the best firefighters, and their mission has not changed. Fires that are not planned or pose a threat to human safety or property will continue to be suppressed. Today's firefighters also assist with prescribed burning and management of Wildland Fire Use Fires.

Fire as a Tool
2008 Fire Season in Review
2007 Fire Season in Review
WUI and Hazardous Fuels Reduction Projects

The national Firewise Communities program is a multi-agency effort desined to reach beyon the fire service by involving homeowners, community leaders, planners, developers, and others in an effort to protect people, proterty, and natural resources from the rish of wilnd fire - before a fire starts. Click this Firewise link for more information.



Wildland Fire

Prescribed Fire


US Forest Service - Payette National Forest
Last Modified: Thursday, 26 February 2009 at 16:17:08 EST

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