Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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What are these new policies from the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP)?
The first is OFPP Policy Letter 05-01. This policy letter establishes new training requirements for the entire civilian acquisition workforce and new certifications in targeted acquisition career fields. It mandates the workforce's use of a federally based training database, ACMIS. The policy letter also establishes a new position, Acquisition Career Manager (ACM), at each agency, to monitor and manage the training and certification of the acquisition workforce within their agency.

The second is Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memo 06-01. This memo establishes the requirements and guidance for the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C), which is a federally recognized program for the acquisition workforce that sets forth the required training, experience and education for certification of contracting professionals.

Why did OFPP issue these policies?
The policies are an effort to align the civilian and defense acquisition workforces. All acquisition workforce members, regardless of their agency or department, will use common core curriculum and follow common training skills currency requirements.

Does this Policy Letter affect all agencies or just my Agency?
The Office of Federal Procurement Policy Letter 05-01 applies to all of the federal executive agencies. The OMB Memo 06-01 applies to all federal executive agencies except those that are subject to Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA).

How do I know if I'm subject to the new continuous learning requirements? Generally, if you are a GS 1102, 1105, or any other warranted job series and hold a Contracting Officer (CO) warrant above the micropurchase threshold, you are required to earn 80 continuous learning points of skills currency training every two years.

Generally, if you are a Contracting Officer Technical Representative (COTR), you are required to earn 40 continuous learning points of skills currency training every two years.

Each agency may also identify employees other than Contract Specialist and COTRs as member of the acquisition workforce and establish training requirements for them. See your agency ACM for details.

How do I know if I'm subject to the new Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C)?
Generally, anyone receiving a warrant at their agency or department for the first time after January 01, 2007 must have a FAC-C. Please see the FAC-C section for more FAQs. COTRs are not required by OFPP to hold FAC-C.

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How much training do I have to have each year?
You have two years to meet the minimum training requirements, thus there is no yearly minimum requirement. A good practice is to acquire about half of your required Continuous Learning Points (CLP) each year. 1102s, 1105s and other COs warranted above the micropurchase threshold are required to earn 80 continuous learning points of skills currency training every two years. COTRs are required to earn 40 continuous learning points of skills currency training every two years.

What is the two-year time frame for the CLP requirement?
OFPP states that the first period will begin on 10/01/07 and end on 9/30/09. Some agencies may choose to implement the CLPs sooner or give credit for previous training. Please contact your agency ACM for more information.

What are examples of acceptable skills currency training and continuous learning points? How much credit can I receive for the different types of training?
Continuous learning opportunities should be used to obtain training in core competencies, maintain critical acquisition skills and obtain agency specific training. If you have a specific question about a course or developmental opportunity, please see your agency ACM.

Who keeps track of my Continuous Learning Points (CLPs)?
You are responsible for regularly updating your training activities in the ACMIS system. Your supervisor is responsible for verifying your compliance with the training requirements and for validating information you enter into ACMIS. For audit purposes, certificates or other documentation giving proof of training completed must be maintained by the individual. Contact your agency ACM for details.

What will happen if I don't meet the required number of training hours every two years?
A FAC-C will be invalid if the 80 CLPs are not met every two years. COs may have their warrants suspended or revoked until the skills currency requirement is met. COTRs may have their appointment suspended or rescinded until their skills currency requirement is met. Limited waivers are available; please see your agency ACM.

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What are the elements of Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C)?
Achievement of the FAC-C is based on meeting education, training and experience requirements. There are three levels and a person must meet the requirements of the previous level before progressing. A chart that outlines the requirements at each of the three levels is available.

How do I apply for the FAC-C?
Contact your agency Acquisition Career Manager (ACM) for specific directions.

I am not an 1102 or 1105. Can I pursue a certification in contracting?
Though priority for certification will be given to contract specialists, the program is not limited to the contracting series.

I already hold a warrant. Do I need to become certified?
OFPP states that FAC-C is not mandatory for all GS-1102s; however, acquisition workforce members issued new warrants after January 1, 2007 must have FAC-C. If you wish to transfer to a new agency after that date, a condition of employment as a CO will likely be FAC-C. A new warrant is defined as a warrant issued to an employee for the first time at a department or agency. Agencies can make additional warranting requirements, so check with your agency ACM.

When a person transfers to a new agency, must their warrant be accepted also?
The FAC-C is not directly tied to warrant level. It is the receiving agency's determination whether the warrant level travels with the employee.

I have already been granted a training certification from my agency. Why do I have to get the FAC-C?
All government agencies accept the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C) as evidence that you meet the core training requirements for the 1102 series. It is transferable to all civilian agencies. Agencies other than your own will not automatically recognize your agency's certification program.

What happens if I obtain FAC-C and don't maintain 80 CLPs every two years?
Your FAC-C will expire and you may have your warrants suspended or revoked until the skills currency requirement is met. Please contact your agency ACM for specifics related to your agency.

What happens to my current warrant if I don't become certified?
Current warrant holders are encouraged by OFPP to obtain FAC-C. OFPP and FAI do not require current warrant holders to obtain any certification. However, agencies may be more stringent and require current warrant holders to become certified at a commensurate level with their warrant authority. OFPP and FAI encourage all agencies to require a Level III for all unlimited warrant holders.

It is in every acquisition workforce member's interest to use their 80 CLP requirement to obtain the training to meet the FAC-C requirements and to apply for certification. If you transfer to another civilian agency on or after January 1, 2007 as a CO requiring a warrant, FAC-C is required at an appropriate level to support the warrant delegation.

I am already Department of Defense (DoD) certified under the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA). Do I have to do anything more?
You must have proof of your DAWIA certificate. Then you may apply for the FAC-C through your agency ACM. In the application, include a copy of your DAWIA certificate.

I am certified through DOD's program. Since I left DOD, I only took the 40 hours of training every two years as required by civilian agencies rather than the 80 hours required by DOD. Does my certification still count?
Yes. If you have maintained your training requirement of 40 hours every two years while at the your civilian agency, you are considered current. You will need to increase to the new 80-hour requirement under FAC-C.

I want to be certified but I took my classes in the 1970s or 1980s. Will I have to retake the acquisition courses?
There is a fulfillment process for the acquisition workforce who may be considered "legacy" (took most of the training before 1994). Through the fulfillment process, you will be asked to demonstrate that you possess the core competencies of the new courses.

Is there a process in place that allows Department of Justice (DOJ)-internal training to become accredited/certified under FAI requirements so that our workforce can receive CLPs for this training?
FAC-C is a combination of education, training and experience. Agencies are required to establish a program for tracking CLPs. CLPs and guidance about training and experience that agencies can use is available in the FAC-C memo.

Are agencies that are not required to follow the FAR going to be subject to FAC-C program?
The FAC-C is based on developing and maintaining a professional and capable business advisor workforce with the right mix of analytical, business and technical skills. The opportunities in the policy apply to all civilian agency contracting professionals whether following the FAR or AMS or another system.

When does the requirement of earning 80 hours to maintain their FAC-C certification take effect? Does it start with the date of the OMB FAC-C memo or is there a plan for a phased implementation, such that agencies would be counting CLPs earned in the previous 24 months for tracking purposes?
Section 6(e) of the certification program says that employees have to start earning the 80 hours beginning October 1, 2007. However, contracting personnel are urged to start earning CLPs now since they are currently obligated to earn at least 40 every two years. For the governmentwide policy, we wanted to have enough transition time, but agencies can require their staffs to start earning CLPs earlier than October 1, 2007.

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I am a contract specialist without a warrant. Am I required to use ACMIS?
Yes. All employees designated as members of the acquisition workforce must use ACMIS to track their continuous learning skills currency training every two years.

I am an alternate COTR and I rarely work with contracts. Am I required to use ACMIS?
Yes. In order to keep your COTR status current, you must be registered in ACMIS.

What personal information is required for ACMIS?
1102s and 1105s will have education, federal employment history, job series and grade, entered into ACMIS through the Office of Personnel Management's database. Employees must update their information and training as needed.

Who has access to my personal information?
Your agency ACMIS System Administrator and your immediate supervisor may access portions of your record. Your core training courses, CLPs, job series, grade, warrant information, and education information are visible to them.

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What is grandfathering and how does it apply to me?
In accordance with the qualification standard for contracting professionals in the GS-1102 series, GS-1102 professionals will be "grandfathered" into their grade as of January 1, 2000. The grandfathering applies to the education and training required at the GS-13, 14, 15 or pay band equivalent levels. At the senior level, professionals in the GS-1102 series must have a bachelor's degree supplemented with 24 hours of education, as well as certain training requirements.

The grandfathering means if you were a GS-13 on January 1, 2000, without both the degree and 24 hours of education, you still meet the GS-13 standard for GS-1102s. You need to meet the new standard in order to be promoted to a higher grade. If you left the GS-1102 series as a grandfathered employee, you need to meet the existing qualification standard to re-enter at the senior level.

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When should I select "New Program Manager"?

Select the option "New Program Manager" when the individual has not been certified at the appropriate level and has been assigned to the program within the last twelve months. Unless a waiver is issued, new program/project managers have twelve months from the date of assignment to the project/program to achieve certification.

When should I select "Waiver Issued"?

There are three scenarios where "waiver issued" is an appropriate


1. "Waiver Issued" is appropriate selection when the CAO, or designated functional manager such as the CIO, has waived all or part of the FAC-P/PM requirements in writing. For example, the CAO may waive the FAC-P/PM requirement for an existing program/project manager to attain certification within twelve months from the date of assignment.

2. "Waiver Issued" is also the appropriate selection if the individual is progressing towards certification but has not yet received final certification. In these cases, the designated functional manager must maintain information on the progress of the individual towards certification.

3. "Waiver Issued" may also be used if an agency has a process for issuing FAC-P/PM certifications but the timing of the OMB 300 does not allow for certification prior to submission. In these cases, documentation regarding the agency process, timeline, and expected certification dates for eligible PPMs must be kept on file for each individual.

Agencies that select "Waiver Issued" must ensure that waivers are issued only when determined to be in the best interest of the agency.

What should be included in the documentation for the written waiver?

Waivers must be issued in writing, on a case-by-case basis, when it has been determined that issuing the waiver is in the best interest of the agency. Waivers must include the agency's rationale for issuing the waiver as well as the conditions of the waiver. Appropriate supporting documentation, such as individual development plans and other certifications demonstrating the individual's qualifications, should be attached to the waiver.

Should waivers be sent to OMB or FAI?

Acquisition Career Managers (ACMs) must maintain all supporting documentation and made available to OMB and FAI upon request.

A FAC-P/PM is accepted by other civilian agencies, is this also true for the waivers?

No, unlike the FAC-P/PM, a waiver is agency specific and does not transfer. A FAC-P/PM certification should be issued only when all the requirements of the FAC-P/PM have been satisfied.

How do I know if I’m subject to the new Federal Acquisition Certification in Program and Project Management (FAC-P/PM)?

Check with your Acquisition Career Manager (ACM).

How do I find my ACM?

Go to the FAI website:, select “Manage Your Career” and you’ll see: To learn more about other training opportunities to advance your career contact your ACM.

What is required for FAC- P/PM Certification?

You can satisfy the competency requirements through successful completion of suggested training, completion of comparable education or certification programs, or demonstration of knowledge, skills, and abilities. Additional guidance can be found at or through your agency Acquisition Career Manager.

I have considerable experience in project management. Must I start the certification process at the Entry level?

No. Unlike the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C), P/PM certifications need not be earned in sequence. Work with your supervisor to assess which FAC-P/PM level most closely matches your level of experience and training and apply for that level.

I am being considered for assignment to a “major acquisition/investment.” Must I have my P/PM certification to be given this assignment?

The policy that established FAC-P/PM states that project and program managers must be senior-level certified for such assignments. However, this certification must be attained within one year of such an assignment – not before you are initially assigned.

What happens if I am not able to attain senior-level certification within a year of such an assignment?

In such cases, the CAO, or a designated functional manager such as a CIO, may waive all or part of the FAC-P/PM requirements in writing, on a case-by-case basis, if granting the waiver is in the best interest of the agency. Additional conditions for such waivers are on page 2 of the attachment to the April 25 memorandum.

Is FAC-P/PM certification sufficient for a project manager in Information Technology (IT)?

No. FAC-P/PM certification indicates that a person had acquired general program and project competencies and suggested experience standards. Program and project managers assigned to IT investments must also meet the requirements of the Federal IT Project Manager Guidance Matrix found at

Why must I meet the FAC-P/PM continuous learning requirements?

FAC-P/PM describes core, minimum competencies that are considered essential for successful program and project management. If you are required by your CAO to attain P/PM certification you must not only acquire these competencies and have a certain number of years of experience associated with each of three levels. You must also earn 80 continuous learning points (CLPs) every two years to maintain the currency of your certification. The competencies and experience are cumulative across levels.

What are examples of acceptable skills currency training and continuous learning points?

Guidelines can be found in Appendix C of the April 25, 2007, memorandum. These guidelines reflect best-in-practice recommendations for continuous learning. Agencies retain flexibility and supervisors remain responsible for working with program and project managers to identify those activities and opportunities of greatest benefit to the professional development of an individual. The training, professional activities, education and experience that are used to meet the CLP requirements must be job related.

Continuous learning activities related to program and project management activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Training activities, such as teaching, self-directed study, mentoring
  • Courses completed to achieve certification at the next higher level
  • Professional activities, such as attending/speaking/presenting at professional seminars/symposia/conferences, publishing and attending workshops
  • Educational activities, such as formal training, and formal academic programs
  • Experience such as developmental or rotation assignments

FAI will provide additional guidance as needed on its Web site,

Who keeps track of my Continuous Learning Points?

Individuals are responsible for maintaining continuous learning records, and agency ACMs, or their designees, will monitor the continuous learning requirements to ensure certifications remain active.

When will courses to begin the certification process be available?

Private vendors, the Defense Acquisition University, and other government agencies offer a variety of online and classroom courses that address many of these competencies. FAI plans to offer additional training in the first quarter of FY 2008.

How do you know FAC-P/PM is a viable tool for the acquisition community?

FAI will conduct periodic reviews to ensure that the FAC-P/PM program is being managed consistently. In addition, FAI is mapping the program and project management competencies to learning objectives that will be used to assess current training or develop new training to meet these requirements.

Does a PMP certification equal a Mid-level FAC-P/PM Certification?

It does NOT equal the Mid-level FAC P/PM certification. PMP maps to 24 hours of project management coursework at midlevel.

Does one have to have 136 hours at senior level plus 5+ experience, or can they have 136 hours in a combination of entry, mid, and senior plus 5 years.

Each certification level stands on its own. So at the senior/expert level, they are required to demonstrate how they met the requirements for each of the five coursework areas. They would need to show how they satisfied the learning objectives associated with each of the five coursework areas. It is 136 hours plus 5 years of experience as a government PM.

Can we use bureau/agency developed courses in lieu of vendor courses or do they need to be approved by FAI first?

Absolutely, if your agency course meets the learning requirements, it can be used to satisfy that coursework area. That agency course can also be 'shared' or offered to other agencies to meet the requirement. (So if you have an online offering that you might open to other agencies or if you have a classroom course where you have slots available that you could offer to another agency that is encouraged).

OMB mentioned that for all MAJOR INVESTMENTS -- the Project Manager must be a FAC-P/PM Senior/Expert Level 3 or else a waiver will be needed. Is the waiver provided by FAI or DOE?

DOE provides the waiver.

  • Are there criteria for the waiver?
    If an individual has not met the LIII requirements but there is a plan in place to do so within the next 12 months, a waiver is issued.

To whom does the FAC-P/PM Certification apply?

The FAC-P/PM applies to all employees of executive branch agencies except those covered under 10USC. It does not cover contractors employed by private sector firms.

If you have a Masters in Project Management can you apply these credit hours to a FAC-P/PM certification? If so what is the conversion rate (i.e. of the 100 credit hours, could 50 of the credit hours count towards a FAC-P/PM) and at what level - entry, journey or senior?

A Master’s in Project Management would most likely map to the Project Management coursework area at mid-level but it would depend on the rigor and expected outcomes of the masters program. Depending on what is included in the program, other coursework areas might be satisfied as well. We recommend that the ACM review the courses included in the program and make a determination as to where it maps and what competencies and coursework areas are satisfied.

Do Senior Executive Service (SES) who are three years way from retirement required to complete the FAC-P/PM Advanced training?

The OMB Policy Letter for FAC-P/PM states "The FAC-P/PM is not mandatory for all program and project managers; however, at a minimum, program and project managers assigned to programs considered major acquisitions must be senior-level certified unless a waiver is granted by the appropriate agency official..." If the SES is named on a major acquisition, then they would need to meet the requirement.

Does the PMP Certification fulfill 24 hours of coursework at the mid-level? If not, then what does the PMP certification fulfills?

PMP maps to 24 hours of project management midlevel.

When applicants submit a certification or fulfillment package is there a required form that must be completed?

The agency provides the application process and template. In the implementation toolkit, (under the ACM Restricted site) we provided a sample template as a starting point.

The OFPP Policy Letter dated April 25, 2007 regarding FAC-P/PM states “The competencies and experience are cumulative across levels." If the competencies and experience are cumulative across levels, why is each level independent of one another?

What it means is that you do not have to demonstrate meeting the requirements at the previous level. So if you are applying for Senior Level FAC-P/PM, you are not required to show certification for the entry and mid level to apply nor do you have to show how you met the prerequisites for advanced level training. Similarly if you are applying for mid-level certification, you are not required to show entry level certification to apply nor show how you met the entry level prerequisites that would lay the foundation for mid-level training.

  • If each level is independent of one another, why does the mid level experience read "experience at the entry-level."
    It seemed intuitive that one cannot apply knowledge before they understand what the knowledge means. At entry level an individual is to know what project management fundamentals are and understand the framework for successful project management. At mid-level they must demonstrate that they can apply those processes and the framework to successfully manage projects and programs. The foundation has to be established for someone to exercise the discipline to apply. So it says “at entry level” to show the progressional development of the project manager.

Both the entry and mid levels have a 5 year requirement; whereas the senior level does not.

It is as it reads, four years of experience. If your agency desires to frame it within a time period, your agency can make that an additional requirement.

The Entry and Senior levels include acquisition competencies. The mid-level does not. Is this an oversight? Should the mid-level contain acquisition competencies?

The acquisition competencies were included and addressed in the Government Specific coursework area at mid-level. At mid-level the project and program manager role is central to the acquisition planning component of projects and programs in the federal government and it was decided to address both coursework areas under Government Specific coursework area.

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How will the FAI address vendor courses that cross course work areas and/or levels of certification?

We ask the vendor’s to describe how their available training maps to the training coursework or process areas.

How will the site indicate if more than one vendor's courses must be taken together to fully meet the competency requirements of a particular course work area (not just hour requirements)?

The Vendor Consortium information provides the mapping of vendor training to FAC-P/PM requirements.

Will the site have a generic or static list of locations that can be associated to a class (e.g., Arlington, VA, Washington, DC, etc.). Or, can we provide a URL to our public website that lists our dynamic course schedule?

The course mapping is not based on location. A vendor’s web address will be included in the course mapping.

Will any pricing or contract information be listed with each vendor?

No, there will not.

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