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News Articles for 2004

planned image coverage for upcoming Iapetus flyby

December 30, 2004

Cassini Caps off 2004 With Flyby of Icy Moon Iapetus

NASA's Cassini spacecraft is set to cap off 2004 with an encounter of Saturn's ying-yang moon Iapetus (eye-APP-eh-tuss) on New Year's Eve.

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December 29, 2004

JPL/Caltech Float Set to Launch on Rose Parade Mission

A towering 50-foot robot from JPL and Caltech will thrill throngs of parade-goers on New Year's Day.

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Cassini image of Huygens

December 28, 2004

Cassini Mission Status Report

NASA's Cassini spacecraft successfully performed a getaway maneuver on Monday, Dec. 27, to keep it from following the European Space Agency's Huygens probe into the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan.

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artist's concept of Huygens release

December 24, 2004

Cassini Mission Status Report

The European Space Agency's Huygens probe successfully detached from NASA's Cassini orbiter today to begin a three-week journey to Saturn's moon Titan.

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Artist concept

December 21, 2004

European Space Agency's Huygens Probe Set to Detach From Cassini Orbiter

The highlights of the first year of the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn can be broken into two chapters: first, the arrival of the Cassini orbiter at Saturn in June, and second, the release of the Huygens probe on Dec. 24, 2004, on a path toward Titan.

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artist concept of galaxy formation

December 21, 2004

Aging Universe May Still be Spawning Massive Galaxies

NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer has spotted what appear to be massive "baby" galaxies in our corner of the universe. Previously, astronomers thought the universe's birth rate had dramatically declined and only small galaxies were forming.

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ultraviolet image showing haze over Titan

December 16, 2004

Cassini Shows Before And After Look At Saturn's Moon Titan

Cassini's second close flyby of Titan completes a 'before' and 'after' look at the fuzzy moon and provides the first direct evidence of changing weather patterns in the skies over Titan.

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Aura MLS images

December 14, 2004

NASA'S Aura Satellite Sheds new Light On Air Quality and Ozone Hole

NASA scientists announced the agency's Aura spacecraft is providing the first daily, direct global measurements of low-level ozone and many other pollutants affecting air quality.

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Artist's Concept of Mars Science Laboratory

December 14, 2004

NASA Selects Investigations for the Mars Science Laboratory

NASA has selected eight proposals to provide instrumentation and associated science investigations for the mobile Mars Science Laboratory rover, scheduled for launch in 2009. Proposals selected today were submitted to NASA in response to an announcement of opportunity released in April.

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Deep Impact Concept

December 14, 2004

NASA Set to Launch First Comet Impact Probe

Launch and flight teams are in final preparations for the planned Jan. 12, 2005, liftoff from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla., of NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft.

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Titan, from Dec. 11, 2004

December 13, 2004

Cassini Mission Status Report

The Cassini spacecraft completed a successful rendezvous with Saturn's moon Titan today.

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This view is the product of a technique called super resolution.

December 13, 2004

Mars Rovers Spot Water-Clue Mineral, Frost, Clouds

Scientists have identified a water-signature mineral called goethite in bedrock that the NASA's Mars rover Spirit examined in the "Columbia Hills," one of the mission's surest indicators yet for a wet history on Spirit's side of Mars.

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Artist's concept depicting a distant hypothetical solar system

December 9, 2004

Spitzer and Hubble Capture Evolving Planetary Systems

Two of NASA's Great Observatories, the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, have provided astronomers an unprecedented look at dusty planetary debris around stars the size of our Sun.

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December 8, 2004

JPL Community Mourns Loss of Three Colleagues

Leadership of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory expressed their deep concern today after a vanpool accident that took the life of three riders and injured several others.

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Saturn rings and moon Prometheus

December 3, 2004

Cassini Captures Saturn Moon Red-Handed

Stealing is a crime on Earth, but at Saturn, apparently it is routine. The Cassini spacecraft has witnessed Saturn's moon Prometheus snatching particles from one of Saturn's rings.

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