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Date Posted Subject
May 1, 2009 Statements from the Supreme Court Regarding Justice David H. Souter's Retirement
May 1, 2009 Justice Souter Retirement Announcement
April 20, 2009 Oral Argument Audio Release for Northwest Austin Mun. Util. v. Holder, April 29, 2009
March 17, 2009 Press Release Regarding Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
February 13, 2009 Press Release update regarding Justice Ginsburg
February 5, 2009 Press Release Regarding Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
June 27, 2008 Summer Order Lists
March 4, 2008 Oral Argument Audio Release for District of Columbia v. Heller, March 18, 2008
December 20, 2007 Oral Argument Audio Release for Baze v. Rees, January 5, 2008
November 27, 2007 Oral Argument Audio Release for Boumediene v. Bush; Al Odah v. U.S., December 5
July 31, 2007 Press Release Regarding the Chief Justice, July 30, 2007
July 17, 2007 Revised Rules of the Court
May 14, 2007 Proposed Revisions to the Supreme Court Rules
December 29, 2006 National Day of Mourning for Gerald R. Ford
November 27, 2006 Oral Argument Audio Release for Parents Involved v. Seattle School District No. 1 and Meredith v. Jefferson County Board of Education, December 4
November 2, 2006 Oral Argument Audio Release for Gonzales v. Carhart and Gonzales v. Planned Parenthood, November 8
October 25, 2006 AO Deputy Director Announcement
September 19, 2006 Press Release Regarding the Judicial Conduct and Disability Study Committee Report
September 14, 2006 Press Release Regarding Oral Argument Transcripts
August 14, 2006 Jeffrey P. Minear named new Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice
June 30, 2006 Summer Order Lists
June 9, 2006 Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist Bar Memorial
May 9, 2006 Sally M. Rider Named Director of The William H. Rehnquist Center
April 20, 2006 AO Director Announcement
March 21, 2006 Oral Argument Audio Release for Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
February 3, 2006 Investiture Press Release
January 31, 2006 Justice Alito Press Release
December 15, 2005 Director of Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
November 25, 2005 Oral Argument Audio Tapes for November 30 and December 6
September 30, 2005 Investiture Photo Opportunity Release
September 29, 2005 Investiture Press Release
September 4, 2005 Funeral Arrangements for the Chief Justice
September 4, 2005 Statements of the Justices Regarding the Death of Chief Justice Rehnquist
September 4, 2005 Release Regarding the Death of the Chief Justice
July 1, 2005J. O'Connor Retirement Announcement
June 27, 2005 Summer Orders List
April 26, 2005Perimeter Security
April 14, 2005Supreme Court Library Access
March 14, 2005Revised Rules of the Court
October 25, 2004Press Release Regarding Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist
September 28, 2004Oral Argument Transcripts
June 30, 2004Summer Order Lists
June 10, 2004Judicial Conduct and Disability Act Study Committee
April 29, 2004Contract Selection Phase II
April 13, 2004Oral Argument Audio Tapes in April Cases
April 5, 2004Questions Presented Available on Website
October 2, 2003Merits Briefs
June 27, 2003Summer Order Lists
June 27, 2003Judith Gaskell Named Librarian of the Supreme Court of the U. S.
April 3, 2003April 1, 2003 Oral Argument Audiotapes
January 27, 2003Revised Rules of the Court
January 9, 2003Statement of the Chief Justice--the National Comm. on the Public Service
November 13, 2002Justice Byron R. White--Meeting of the Supreme Court's Bar

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Last Updated: May 1, 2009
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