HAMM 1999 Abstracts

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  1. Anderson, Donald
    Mitigation of Harmful Algal Blooms:Present Status and Future Prospects

  2. Anderson, Donald
    Monitoring and Management of Harmful Algal Blooms:A Global Perspective

  3. Azanza, Rhodora
    Seafood Toxicity in the Philippines: Impacts and Management

  4. Bricelj, Monica
    Management and Mitigation of Biotoxins in Molluscan Shellfish

  5. F.L. Guzmán. et al.
    Conceptual Approach and Knowledge Level of Independent Fishermen about PSP: Bases to its Incorporation to Routine Monitoring Programmes in Southern Chile

  6. F.L. Guzmán. et al.
    PSP Variability and Alexandrium catenella Distribution and Abundance along the Magellan Region, Chile (1994-1998)

  7. F.L. Guzmán. et al.
    Strategies to Incorporate Tourism Services and Communication Media in Prevention Actions to PSP in the Magellan Region, Chile

  8. F.L. Guzmán. et al.
    Strategy to Mitigate Effects of PSP Outbreaks at the Magellan Region, Chile

  9. La Barbera Sánchez, Amelia, et al.
    Red Tide Outbreaks and Management in Venezuela

  10. Martin, Jennifer
    Phytoplankton Monitoring as an Approach to HAB Management in Eastern Canada

  11. McCoubrey, DorothyJean, et al.
    Risk Assessment of New Zealand Marine Biotoxin Management Programme

  12. Mozetic, Patricija, et al.
    DSP Events in Slovenia: A Need for Legislative Regulation

  13. Todd, Kirsten
    Harmful algae monitoring is an essential prerequisite to successful management

  14. Vershinin, Alexander, et al.
    Harmful/Potentially Harmful Algae in Russian European Coastal Waters

last updated on 2005-OCT-19 by frf