MidContinental Region Featured Projects 2007

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Community Outreach at Becker Library

Bernard Becker Medical Library
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri

Bernard Becker Medical Library has initiated an outreach program to increase health literacy awareness among healthcare providers and to promote health literacy in the community. The library has partnered with the Student Organized Clinic Committee, which oversees a free Saturday health clinic for the uninsured. The library is also working with the eight community health coaches of the St. Louis Integrated Health Network (IHN) by providing consumer health brochures, helping with local health-related events, and offering search assistance to the coaches. A consumer health resource guide was created to address the needs of both healthcare providers and the community.

Project Director:
Neville Prendergast

Key Staff:
Misty Carney

Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library

Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library
University of Utah
Salt Lake City


logo for Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library

The Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library (NOVEL) is a web accessible, searchable collection of carefully indexed and described digital images, videos, lectures and other media for use by neuro-ophthalmology professionals, educators, students and patients. It was originally funded with a 3 year Information Systems grant through the National Library of Medicine. #G08 LM07919-02. This collaboration between the Eccles Health Sciences Library of the University of Utah and the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS) is highly successful. NANOS members have committed a great deal of time and energy working with project staff to provide content, metadata, and peer review.

Nancy Lombardo, Project Director
Kathleen Digre, MD, Co-Director
Larry Frohmwan, MD, Co-Director
Ray Balhorn, Video Compressionist/Animator
Allyson Mower, Metadata and Content Support
Alex Reid, Web Programmer/Developer

Utahealthnet: Where Health Information Connects

Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library
University of Utah
Salt Lake City Utah


logo for Utahealthnet

Utahealthnet is the statewide consumer health information portal which provides free, one-stop access to high-quality health information for residents no matter where they live. Sponsored by the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah, Utahealthnet is funded by a grant from the National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health. Partnerships with the Utah Department of Health and numerous other consumer health information providers create a central resource of authoritative and relevant health information. The goal of Utahealthnet is to increase access to and understanding of high quality health information, resources, services and programs, in order to empower Utah residents as partners in the improvement of health statewide.

Project Director, Sally M. Patrick, Outreach Librarian
Outreach Assistant Librarian, Jennie Morris
Web Designer/Developer, Alex Reid

Archie Dykes Library of the Health Sciences

University of Kansas Medical Center
Kansas City Kansas

The Archie Dykes Library of the Health Sciences is working in conjunction with the Office of Cultural Enhancement and Diversity to support the development of cultural competency and health disparities curriculum for the School of Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Library staff helped pair minority students from the Health Careers Pathways with the need to develop curriculum highlighting health disparities and promote cultural competency in medical education. Their research topics range from the Culture of Medical School to Sickle Cell Anemia to HIV/AIDS to Pharmacogenomics. While mentored and supervised by the paraprofessional staff, Biomedical Librarian, Anne Huffman, has taken charge of their research education and has given them skills that will not only prepare them for their own educations, but will also help shape the medical education of our future doctors at The University of Kansas Medical Center.

URL for site associated with the project:

Also, recent local coverage of the work other HCCP students have done with AR Dykes Library support-and the program out of which our students came:

Project Director:
Dr. Kirby Randolph in conjunction with A.R. Dykes Library of the Health Sciences

Student Researchers:
Juan Banuelas
John (Anthony) Faraci
Annaliese Rosales Ortiz
Melissa Villalobos

Research Education:
Biomedical Librarian, Anne Huffman

Mentoring and Supervision:
Sarah McQueeny, Manager of Public Services
Nathan Chadwick, Evening Supervisor/Reference Assistant

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Last reviewed: 10 September 2008
Last updated: 27 September 2007
First published: 01 October 2007
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed