Illinois Department of Agriculture
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Environmental Programs

Employees in the Department's Bureau of Environmental Programs administer several state and federal programs regarding the protection of various aspects of our environment. Staff of the nursery inspection program work to control plant pests, diseases, and noxious weeds through nursery grower, nursery stock dealer, and greenhouse inspection and certification programs. Plant pest and disease quarantine programs are also regulated and administered by bureau staff members. The nursery inspection staff also inspects and certifies plant and plant products for domestic and international export. The Department also registers pesticides; tests, certifies and licenses pesticide applicators; and investigate alleged cases of pesticide misuse. The Bureau also operates a statewide agricultural pesticide container-recycling program and operates a pesticide laboratory that tests groundwater, soil, and plant samples for pesticide residues and ensures accurate marketing and labeling of pesticides. Another key program administered by Bureau staff involves the enforcement of proper storage, containment, and disposal of pesticides and fertilizers. The Department also administers the Livestock Management Facilities Act that regulates the siting and construction of livestock production facilities across the state and includes requirements regarding facility setback distances, facility design and construction standards, waste management plans, and livestock manager certification.
Acts and associated rules
Livestock Management Facilities Act
Illinois Insect Pest and Plant Disease Act
Illinois Pesticide Act
Illinois Noxious Weed Law
Illinois Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Acts

Agrichemical Container Recycling Schedule

Nursery Program

Pesticides in Water


Exotic Pests

Livestock Management Facilities Program

Plant and Plant Products Exports

  • Pesticide Use

  • Pesticide (Economic Poison) Product Registration Form

  • Pesticide Applicator Training & Testing Schedule
    Commercial Applicator
    Private Applicator

  • �On-Farm� Storage of Agrichemicals

  • Questions or comments.

    Copyright © 2001
    State of Illinois Department of Agriculture
    P.O. Box 19281, State Fairgrounds
    Springfield, IL 62794-9281
    (217) 782-2172
    (217) 524-6858 TTY