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Train Stops Manufacture of Heptachlor/Chlordane, Cites Imminent Cancer Risk

[EPA press release - July 30, 1975]

Citing an imminent human cancer hazard, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Russell E. Train today ordered an end to the manufacture of the pesticides heptachlor and chlordane for most household and agricultural uses.

Heptachlor and chlordane are now in widespread use for home, lawn and garden pest control. Their major agricultural use is on corn crops. Today's decision would allow continued production for termite control by ground insertion and the dipping of roots and tops of non-food plants.

Train said that since his cancellation notice on November 18, 1974, which questioned the safety of heptachlor and chlordane and set in motion extensive public hearings on the issue, new evidence has been received "which confirms and heightens the human cancer hazard posed by these pesticides."

"I have found that these compounds cause cancer in laboratory animals and that laboratory tests are reliable indications of the human cancer hazard," Train said. "In addition, although any single component of human exposure--such as the intake through poultry--may not appear to be significant, it alone poses a cancer hazard to certain of the more susceptible individuals and together with the several other components of human exposure presents a serious human cancer threat. This threat is made even more alarming by evidence that human exposure begins in the mother's womb and continues without interruption throughout life. In addition, because these chemicals are ubiquitous, the major sources of human exposure are largely unavoidable by individual action."

Train cited new cancer evidence including:

Train's "notice of intent to suspend" issued today will stop the manufacture and sale of these chemicals almost immediately, unless an expedited hearing is requested by manufacturers or formulators of the product. Velsicol Chemical Corp. is the sole U.S. manufacturer of the active ingredients. There are several hundred "formulators" who formulate, package and sell these chemicals for various purposes under various brand names.

The suspension hearing, if requested within 5 days from the date affected registrants receive the suspension notice, is limited by regulation to 40 hearing days in duration. The Administrator may grant an extra 10 days if necessary. The hearing examiner's recommendations are due within the 10 days following completion of the hearing, and the Administrator's final decision is required to follow within 7 days. This means the entire suspension process could be completed by the end of this year.

Train pointed out that a number of other pesticides registered with EPA can be substituted for the same general uses as heptachlor and chlordane.

Train listed eight findings which led to his decision to suspend:

Train said continued use of stocks of EPA registered pesticides containing heptachlor or chlordane, formulated prior to today's decision, will be permitted. He said existing stocks should be relatively small and could not be realistically retrieved.

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