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VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENTS AND APPLICATION PROCEDURES - Search the USAJOBS website for career opportunities in a variety of fields, including:

STUDENT PROGRAMS - If you are a student and would like to acquire work experience related to your academic studies, consider one of EPA's student employment programs. The EPA Student Educational Employment Program offers work opportunities from high school through graduate level study. By combining your academic studies with on-the-job training, the Student Educational Employment Program can help you obtain valuable experience for future employment.

POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH PROGRAM - If you have completed or will soon complete your doctoral degree in science or engineering, consider the post-doctoral research program in EPA’s Office of Research and Development. This program provides developmental work opportunities and allows qualified individuals who are not yet ready for a permanent position, or who are shifting research areas, to obtain excellent research experience. Our program accelerates the post-doctoral candidate’s career and professional development by affording opportunities to use the unexcelled facilities of EPA and to work in close association with leading authorities in the environmental sciences. These federal post-doctoral positions are established for two to four years and include federal employee benefits.

When you become a Federal employee, you enjoy a wide range of compensation and benefits. These include:


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