Estimated food security conditions, 1st Quarter 2009 (January-March)
  • Generally Food Secure
  • Moderately Food Insecure
  • Highly Food Insecure
  • Extremely Food Insecure
  • Famine
  • No Data
  • Favorable Conditions
  • Somewhat Favorable Conditions
  • Short Term Dryness
  • Drought
  • Severe Drought
  • Humanitarian Concern
  • Extreme Event
  • Heavy Snow
  • Heavy Rain
  • Flooding
  • Blowing Dust
  • Extreme Cold
  • Extreme Heat


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West Africa


  • Households across the country are generally food secure given the cumulative effects of widespread availability of agricultural products on markets and the r  ... more

Southern Africa


  • In March, moderate food insecurity was found in most of southern Tete and parts of Manica, Zambézia, and coastal Nampula provinces. Aside from these areas,   ... more



  • Staple foods (maize, beans, rice, roots, and tubers) have been well supplied on major Haitian markets in March. Nominal food prices are stable and lower tha  ... more

East Africa


  • The food security situation in the Northwest will depend on the performance of the Diraa/Sougoum (March to May) season, for which the forecast is currently m  ... more

Central America


  • Food security in different regions of the country is stable, although it could begin to deteriorate during the next three months, due to the beginning of the  ... more

Central Asia


  • Nominal retail prices for wheat, rice, and cooking oil have been declining since November 2008, and the upcoming wheat harvests in Afghanistan and in Pakista  ... more


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