Welcome to the US District Court, Northern District of Ohio

Welcome to the Chambers of
The Honorable David A. Katz
United States District Judge



Law Clerk Hiring Information:
       One permanent law clerk and one two-year rotating clerkship.
       The are no openings at the present time.

For further information go to the Federal Law Clerk Information System on the homepage of the Federal Judiciary at: www.uscourts.gov.

Case Management Conference scheduled by Courtroom Deputy as soon as all parties have entered an appearance.
Civil scheduling: contact Judicial Assistant.
Criminal scheduling: contact Courtroom Deputy.

Settlement Conferences:
Encouraged by the Judge. Parties and counsel required to appear in person. Counsel required to submit confidential ex parte settlement narrative to chambers two days prior to conference.

Discovery Disputes:
If counsel cannot resolve a discovery dispute, they should file a certification of the dispute and their efforts to resolve it. The Court will then hold a telephone conference.

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