March 16, 2001

Briefing Information

Office of Inspector General:  Oversight of Tissue Banking, OEI-01-00-00441, January 2001   pdf

Office of Inspector General:  Informed Consent in Tissue Donation, Expectations and Realities,   OEI-01-00-00440,  January 2001,   pdf

CBER's Plan of Implementation to the Recommendations of the OIG Report "Oversight of Tissue Banking" - OEI-01-00-00441   pdf

January 26, 2001 Recommendations of the Advisory Committee   pdf

Topic IV.  Guidance on Malaria:  Applicability to Plasma   pdf

Viability of Malaria Parasites in Plasma, Chiang Syin PhD, CBER   pdf

Transfusion-Transmitted Malaria in the United States:  Focus on FFP, Monica E Paris, MD, CDC   pdf

Plamapheresis from donors deferred for Malarial travel, Variance request from Memorial Blood Centers of Minnesota (MBCM), Jed B Gorlin, Medical Director   pdf