Explanatory Guide to SMD E/PO Evaluation Factors

If you are preparing a proposal for the ROSES element, Opportunities in Education and Public Outreach for Earth and Space Science:
Use SMD EPOESS Guide 1.0PDF Icon

If you are preparing a proposal for a ROSES Outreach Pathway Supplement:

Use SMD Outreach Supplements Guide1.0 PDF Icon

If you are preparing a proposal for a ROSES Education Pathway Supplement:

Use SMD Education Supplements Guide 1.0PDF Icon

If you are preparing an E/PO element of a proposal for a mission solicitation or a Concept Study Report:

Use Explanatory Guide to SMD E/PO Evaluation Factors, Version 3PDF Icon
In April 2008, the Science Mission Directorate updated the Explanatory Guide To The NASA Science Mission Directorate Education & Public Outreach Evaluation Factors to version 3.0. References to Broker/Facilitators and supplemental E/PO awards were deleted. Details on Outreach goals were added. The language in Evaluation Factors concerning linkage to SMD Science and target audience needs were clarified. FAQ 13 was revised to include discussion of “Continuity” Factor. Additional links to new projects were added. Outdated links were revised/deleted as needed.

If you are preparing a Student Collaboration E/PO element for a mission solicitation or Concept Study Report:

Use Explanatory Guide to the NASA Science Mission Directorate Educational Merit Evaluation Factors for Student Collaboration Elements, Version 1.1PDF Icon