Food and Drug Administration

Blood Products Advisory Committee

March 14, 2002

Briefing Information

Committee Updates

FDA's Current Thinking on Parvovirus B19 NAT for Blood and Plasma   pdf  htm  doc

FDA's Current Thinking on Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) NAT for Blood and Plasma   pdf  htm doc

Draft "Guidance for Industry on Precautionary Measures to Reduce the Possible Risk of Transmisison of Zoonoses by blood and Blood Products from Xenotransplantation Products Recipients and Their Intimate Contacts" February 2002   pdf   htm

I. Emergency Preparedness - Informational Presentation

OBRR Strategic Plan, Richard M Lewis PhD, FDA   ppt   htm

Division of Hematology Emergency Preparedness Action Initiatives, Prepared by Mark Weinstein PhD, Dorothy Scott MD and Basil Golding MD, FDA   ppt   htm

Division of Emerging and Transfusion Transmitted Diseases, Bioterrorism Preparedness Initiatives, Hira L Nakhasi PhD, FDA   ppt

II. Discussion on Percutaneous Exposure of Blood and Plasma Donors:  Tattoos and Body Piercing

Epidemiological Studies Evaluating Risk of Viral Hepatitis Infection from Tattoos and Body Piercing, Miriam J Alter PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   ppt   htm

Prevalence and risk relationships of tattoo, acupuncture and skin/body piercing histories among American Red Cross blood donors, Sharyn Orton MSPH PhD, FDA and Roger Dodd PhD, American Red Cross Holland Laboratory  ppt   htm

II. Discussion on Percutaneous Exposure of Blood and Plasma Donors:  Tattoos and Body Piercing - Bibliography   pdf   htm  doc

Open Public Hearing

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance, Tierney Tully MSOM   pdf   htm  doc

Body Piercing and Blood Donors, Elayne Angel, Association of Professional Piercers   txt

American Electrology Association, Barbara Kieffer   pdf   htm  doc

Infection Control Standards for the Practice of Electrology, compiles by: The American Electrology Association, Joan L Mahan LE CPE, Mary Ellen Ebersole RN CNOR LE CPE, 1988   pdf   htm   doc

Statement of the American Association of Blood Banks, America's Blood Centers, and the American Red Cross, Tattoo and Body Piercing,  Louis Katz  MD   pdf   htm   doc