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RXTE-related Refereed Publications from All Years RXTE

This page contains RXTE-related Refereed Publications from 1996 until present. For information on other RXTE-related publications, including publications separated by year, see:

  1. Thermal emission from the stellar-mass black hole binary XTE J1118+480 in the low/hard state
    R. C. Reis , J. M. Miller , and A. C. Fabian
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v395:L52-L56, 2009 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.395L..52R

  2. RXTE-PCA observations of XMMU J054134.7-682550
    S. C. Inam , L. J. Townsend , V. A. McBride , A. Baykal , M. J. Coe , and R. H. D. Corbet
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, p453, 2009 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.tmp..453I

  3. Discovery of long-term superorbital periodicities in the pseudo-transient LMXBs: IGRJ17098-3628 and EXO0748-676
    M. M. Kotze , P. A. Charles , and L. A. Crause
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, p446, 2009 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.tmp..446K

  4. Quasi-Periodic Oscillations from Random X-Ray Bursts Around Rotating Black Holes
    K. Fukumura , D. Kazanas , and G. Stephenson
    The Astrophysical Journal, v695:1199-1209, 2009 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...695.1199F

  5. Timescale-Resolved Spectroscopy of Cyg X-1
    Y. X. Wu , T. P. Li , T. M. Belloni , T. S. Wang , and H. Liu
    The Astrophysical Journal, v695:921-929, 2009 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...695..921W

  6. GRS 1915+105 in ''Soft State'': Nature of Accretion Disk Wind and Origin of X-ray Emission
    Y. Ueda , K. Yamaoka , and R. Remillard
    The Astrophysical Journal, v695:888-899, 2009 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...695..888U

  7. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer and BeppoSAX Observations of the Transient X-Ray Pulsar XTE J1859+083
    R. H. D. Corbet , J. J. M. in't Zand , A. M. Levine , and F. E. Marshall
    The Astrophysical Journal, v695:30-35, 2009 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...695...30C

  8. Quasi-Periodic Oscillation Frequency-Color Radius Connection in GRS 1915+105: A Possible Turnover Supporting Accretion-Ejection Instability Predictions
    V. J. Mikles , P. Varniere , S. S. Eikenberry , J. Rodriguez , and D. Rothstein
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v694:L132-L135, 2009 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...694L.132M

  9. Searching for pulsed emission from XTE J0929-314 at high radio frequencies
    M. N. Iacolina , M. Burgay , L. Burderi , A. Possenti , and T. di Salvo
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v497:445-450, 2009 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009A&A...497..445I

  10. The aperiodic broad-band X-ray variability of Cygnus X-3
    M. Axelsson , S. Larsson , and L. Hjalmarsdotter
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v394:1544-1550, 2009 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.394.1544A

  11. Accretion flow behaviour during the evolution of the quasi-periodic oscillation frequency of XTE J1550-564 in 1998 outburst
    S. K. Chakrabarti , B. G. Dutta , and P. S. Pal
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v394:1463-1468, 2009 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.394.1463C

  12. Recent torque reversal of 4U1907+09
    S. C. Inam , S. Sahiner , and A. Baykal
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, p404, 2009 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.tmp..404I

  13. 3D modelling of the colliding winds in η Carinae - evidence for radiative inhibition
    E. R. Parkin , J. M. Pittard , M. F. Corcoran , K. Hamaguchi , and I. R. Stevens
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, p279, 2009 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.tmp..279P

  14. Discovery of a broad iron line in the black hole candidate Swift J1753.5-0127, and the disc emission in the low/hard state revisited
    B. Hiemstra , P. Soleri , M. Méndez , T. Belloni , R. Mostafa , and R. Wijnands
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, p274, 2009 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.tmp..274H

  15. Higher-Order Nonlinearity in Accretion Disks: Quasi-Periodic Oscillations of Black Hole and Neutron Star Sources and Their Spin
    B. Mukhopadhyay
    The Astrophysical Journal, v694:387-395, 2009 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...694..387M

  16. Long-Term X-Ray Monitoring of the TeV Binary LS I +61 303 With the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    A. Smith , P. Kaaret , J. Holder , A. Falcone , G. Maier , D. Pandel , and M. Stroh
    The Astrophysical Journal, v693:1621-1627, 2009 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...693.1621S

  17. The new intermediate long-bursting source XTE J1701-407{\ensp}
    M. Falanga , A. Cumming , E. Bozzo , and J. Chenevez
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v496:333-342, 2009 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009A&A...496..333F

  18. Timing of the 2008 outburst of SAX J1808.4-3658 with XMM-Newton: a stable orbital-period derivative over ten years
    L. Burderi , A. Riggio , T. di Salvo , A. Papitto , M. T. Menna , A. D'Ai , and R. Iaria
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v496:L17-L20, 2009 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009A&A...496L..17B

  19. Simultaneous multifrequency single-pulse properties of AXP XTE J1810-197
    M. Serylak , B. W. Stappers , P. Weltevrede , M. Kramer , A. Jessner , A. G. Lyne , C. A. Jordan , K. Lazaridis , and J. A. Zensus
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v394:295-308, 2009 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.394..295S

  20. Orbital phase spectroscopy of four high mass X-ray binary pulsars to study the stellar wind of the companion
    S. Naik , U. Mukherjee , B. Paul , and C. S. Choi
    Advances in Space Research, v43:900-904, 2009 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009AdSpR..43..900N

  21. BeppoSAX Observations of the Power and Energy Spectral Evolution in the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1650-500
    E. Montanari , L. Titarchuk , and F. Frontera
    The Astrophysical Journal, v692:1597-1608, 2009 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...692.1597M

  22. Constraints on the Properties of the Neutron Star XTE J1814-338 from Pulse-Shape Models
    D. A. Leahy , S. M. Morsink , Y. Chung , and Y. Chou
    The Astrophysical Journal, v691:1235-1242, 2009 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...691.1235L

  23. A Comprehensive X-Ray Spectral Analysis of the Seyfert 1.5 NGC 3227
    A. Markowitz , J. N. Reeves , I. M. George , V. Braito , R. Smith , S. Vaughan , P. Arévalo , and F. Tombesi
    The Astrophysical Journal, v691:922-945, 2009 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...691..922M

  24. Discovery of slow X-ray pulsations in the high-mass X-ray binary 4U 2206+54
    P. Reig , J. M. Torrejón , I. Negueruela , P. Blay , M. Ribó , and J. Wilms
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v494:1073-1082, 2009 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009A&A...494.1073R

  25. A model for the Z-track phenomenon in GX 5-1 and observational evidence for the physical origins of the kHz QPO
    N. K. Jackson , M. J. Church , and M. Balucinska-Church
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v494:1059-1071, 2009 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009A&A...494.1059J

  26. A correlation between the spectral and timing properties of AGN
    I. E. Papadakis , M. Sobolewska , P. Arevalo , A. Markowitz , I. M. McHardy , L. Miller , J. N. Reeves , and T. J. Turner
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v494:905-913, 2009 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009A&A...494..905P

  27. The early phase of a H1743-322 outburst observed by INTEGRAL, RXTE, Swift, and XMM/Newton
    L. Prat , J. Rodriguez , M. Cadolle Bel , E. Kuulkers , M. Hanke , J. Tomsick , S. Corbel , M. Coriat , J. Wilms , and A. Goldwurm
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v494:L21-L24, 2009 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009A&A...494L..21P

  28. Exploring the spreading layer of GX 9+9 using RXTE and INTEGRAL
    P. Savolainen , D. C. Hannikainen , O. Vilhu , A. Paizis , J. Nevalainen , and P. Hakala
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v393:569-578, 2009 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.393..569S

  29. Hard X-ray observations of PSR J1833-1034 and its associated pulsar wind nebula
    A. de Rosa , P. Ubertini , R. Campana , A. Bazzano , A. J. Dean , and L. Bassani
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v393:527-530, 2009 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.393..527D

  30. Accretion Properties of a Sample of Hard X-Ray ({\lt}60 keV) Selected Seyfert 1 Galaxies
    J. Wang , Y. F. Mao , and J. Y. Wei
    The Astronomical Journal, v137:3388-3397, 2009 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009AJ....137.3388W

  31. An unusual timing and spectral state of a black hole microquasar XTE J1550-564
    Y. Jin , S. Zhang , and T. Li
    Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, v9:179-190, 2009 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009RAA.....9..179J

  32. The June 2008 Flare of Markarian 421 from Optical to TeV Energies
    I. Donnarumma , V. Vittorini , S. Vercellone , E. D. Monte , M. Feroci , F. D'Ammando , L. Pacciani , A. W. Chen , M. Tavani , A. Bulgarelli , A. Giuliani , F. Longo , G. Pucella , A. Argan , G. Barbiellini , F. Boffelli , P. Caraveo , P. W. Cattaneo , V. Cocco , E. Costa , G. DeParis , G. D. Cocco , Y. Evangelista , M. Fiorini , T. Froysland , M. Frutti , F. Fuschino , M. Galli , F. Gianotti , C. Labanti , I. Lapshov , F. Lazzarotto , P. Lipari , M. Marisaldi , M. Mastropietro , S. Mereghetti , E. Morelli , A. Morselli , A. Pellizzoni , F. Perotti , P. Picozza , G. Porrovecchio , M. Prest , M. Rapisarda , A. Rappoldi , A. Rubini , P. Soffitta , M. Trifoglio , A. Trois , E. Vallazza , A. Zambra , D. Zanello , C. Pittori , P. Santolamazza , F. Verrecchia , P. Giommi , S. Colafrancesco , L. Salotti , M. Villata , C. M. Raiteri , W. P. Chen , N. V. Efimova , B. Jordan , T. S. Konstantinova , E. Koptelova , O. M. Kurtanidze , V. M. Larionov , J. A. Ros , A. C. Sadun , H. Anderhub , L. A. Antonelli , P. Antoranz , M. Backes , C. Baixeras , S. Balestra , J. A. Barrio , H. Bartko , D. Bastieri , J. B. González , J. K. Becker , W. Bednarek , K. Berger , E. Bernardini , A. Biland , R. K. Bock , G. Bonnoli , P. Bordas , D. B. Tridon , V. Bosch-Ramon , T. Bretz , I. Britvitch , M. Camara , E. Carmona , A. Chilingarian , S. Commichau , J. L. Contreras , J. Cortina , M. T. Costado , S. Covino , V. Curtef , F. Dazzi , A. DeAngelis , E. DeCea del Pozo , R. de los Reyes , B. DeLotto , M. DeMaria , F. DeSabata , C. D. Mendez , A. Dominguez , D. Dorner , M. Doro , D. Elsaesser , M. Errando , D. Ferenc , E. Fernández , R. Firpo , M. V. Fonseca , L. Font , N. Galante , R. J. G. López , M. Garczarczyk , M. Gaug , F. Goebel , D. Hadasch , M. Hayashida , A. Herrero , D. Höhne-Mönch , J. Hose , C. C. Hsu , S. Huber , T. Jogler , D. Kranich , A. L. Barbera , A. Laille , E. Leonardo , E. Lindfors , S. Lombardi , M. López , E. Lorenz , P. Majumdar , G. Maneva , N. Mankuzhiyil , K. Mannheim , L. Maraschi , M. Mariotti , M. Martínez , D. Mazin , M. Meucci , M. Meyer , J. M. Miranda , R. Mirzoyan , J. Moldón , M. Moles , A. Moralejo , D. Nieto , K. Nilsson , J. Ninkovic , I. Oya , R. Paoletti , J. M. Paredes , M. Pasanen , D. Pascoli , F. Pauss , R. G. Pegna , M. A. Perez-Torres , M. Persic , L. Peruzzo , F. Prada , E. Prandini , N. Puchades , A. Raymers , W. Rhode , M. Ribó , J. Rico , M. Rissi , A. Robert , S. Rügamer , A. Saggion , T. Y. Saito , M. Salvati , M. Sanchez-Conde , P. Sartori , K. Satalecka , V. Scalzotto , V. Scapin , T. Schweizer , M. Shayduk , K. Shinozaki , S. N. Shore , N. Sidro , A. Sierpowska-Bartosik , A. Sillanpää , J. Sitarek , D. Sobczynska , F. Spanier , A. Stamerra , L. S. Stark , L. Takalo , F. Tavecchio , P. Temnikov , D. Tescaro , M. Teshima , M. Tluczykont , D. F. Torres , N. Turini , H. Vankov , A. Venturini , V. Vitale , R. M. Wagner , W. Wittek , V. Zabalza , F. Zandanel , R. Zanin , J. Zapatero , V. Acciari , E. Aliu , T. Arlen , M. Beilicke , W. Benbow , S. M. Bradbury , J. H. Buckley , V. Bugaev , Y. Butt , K. Byrum , A. Cannon , A. Cesarini , Y. C. Chow , L. Ciupik , P. Cogan , P. Colin , W. Cui , M. K. Daniel , R. Dickherber , C. Duke , T. Ergin , S. J. Fegan , J. P. Finley , G. Finnegan , P. Fortin , A. Furniss , D. Gall , G. H. Gillanders , R. Guenette , G. Gyuk , J. Grube , D. Hanna , J. Holder , D. Horan , C. M. Hui , T. B. Humensky , A. Imran , P. Kaaret , N. Karlsson , M. Kertzman , D. Kieda , J. Kildea , A. Konopelko , H. Krawczynski , F. Krennrich , M. J. Lang , S. LeBohec , G. Maier , A. McCann , M. McCutcheon , A. Milovanovic , P. Moriarty , T. Nagai , R. A. Ong , A. N. Otte , D. Pandel , J. S. Perkins , A. Pichel , M. Pohl , K. Ragan , L. C. Reyes , P. T. Reynolds , E. Roache , H. J. Rose , M. Schroedter , G. H. Sembroski , A. W. Smith , D. Steele , S. P. Swordy , M. Theiling , J. A. Toner , L. Valcarcel , A. Varlotta , S. P. Wakely , J. E. Ward , T. C. Weekes , A. Weinstein , D. A. Williams , S. Wissel , M. Wood , and B. Zitzer
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v691:L13-L19, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...691L..13D

  33. A Search for Iron Emission Lines in the Chandra X-Ray Spectra of Neutron Star Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    E. M. Cackett , J. M. Miller , J. Homan , M. van der Klis , W. H. G. Lewin , M. Méndez , J. Raymond , D. Steeghs , and R. Wijnands
    The Astrophysical Journal, v690:1847-1855, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...690.1847C

  34. The Two Integral X-Ray Transients IGR{\nbsp}J17091-3624 and IGR{\nbsp}J17098-3628: A Multiwavelength Long-Term Campaign
    F. Capitanio , M. Giroletti , M. Molina , A. Bazzano , A. Tarana , J. Kennea , A. J. Dean , A. B. Hill , M. Tavani , and P. Ubertini
    The Astrophysical Journal, v690:1621-1632, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...690.1621C

  35. Frequency Variation of the Kilohertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations and the Flux of the Band-Limited Noise in Scorpius X-1
    X. Cao and W. Yu
    The Astrophysical Journal, v690:1363-1369, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...690.1363C

  36. X-Ray Variability of MS 1603.6+2600
    T. Narita , J. B. Palmieri , and E. S. Tow
    The Astrophysical Journal, v690:1145-1147, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...690.1145N

  37. Chandra X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Focused Wind in the Cygnus X-1 System. I. The Nondip Spectrum in the Low/Hard State
    M. Hanke , J. Wilms , M. A. Nowak , K. Pottschmidt , N. S. Schulz , and J. C. Lee
    The Astrophysical Journal, v690:330-346, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...690..330H

  38. Monitoring Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients With Swift. III. Outbursts of the Prototypical Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients IGR J17544-2619 and XTE J1739-302
    L. Sidoli , P. Romano , V. Mangano , G. Cusumano , S. Vercellone , J. A. Kennea , A. Paizis , H. A. Krimm , D. N. Burrows , and N. Gehrels
    The Astrophysical Journal, v690:120-127, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ApJ...690..120S

  39. High energy variability of 3C 273 during the AGILE multiwavelength campaign of December 2007-January 2008
    L. Pacciani , I. Donnarumma , V. Vittorini , F. D'Ammando , M. T. Fiocchi , D. Impiombato , G. Stratta , F. Verrecchia , A. Bulgarelli , A. W. Chen , A. Giuliani , F. Longo , G. Pucella , S. Vercellone , M. Tavani , A. Argan , G. Barbiellini , F. Boffelli , P. A. Caraveo , P. W. Cattaneo , V. Cocco , E. Costa , E. Del Monte , G. di Cocco , Y. Evangelista , M. Feroci , T. Froysland , F. Fuschino , M. Galli , F. Gianotti , C. Labanti , I. Lapshov , F. Lazzarotto , P. Lipari , M. Marisaldi , S. Mereghetti , A. Morselli , A. Pellizzoni , F. Perotti , P. Picozza , M. Prest , M. Rapisarda , P. Soffitta , M. Trifoglio , G. Tosti , A. Trois , E. Vallazza , D. Zanello , L. A. Antonelli , S. Colafrancesco , S. Cutini , D. Gasparrini , P. Giommi , C. Pittori , and L. Salotti
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v494:49-61, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009A&A...494...49P

  40. Periodicities in the high-mass X-ray binary system RXJ0146.9+6121/LSI+61°235
    G. E. Sarty , L. L. Kiss , R. Huziak , L. J. J. Catalan , D. Luciuk , T. R. Crawford , D. J. Lane , R. D. Pickard , T. A. Grzybowski , P. Closas , H. Johnston , D. Balam , and K. Wu
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v392:1242-1252, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.392.1242S

  41. Reprocessing of X-rays in the outer accretion disc of the black hole binary XTE J1817-330
    M. Gierlinski , C. Done , and K. Page
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v392:1106-1114, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.392.1106G

  42. Broad-band X-ray spectral evolution of GX 339-4 during a state transition
    M. Del Santo , T. M. Belloni , J. Homan , A. Bazzano , P. Casella , R. P. Fender , E. Gallo , N. Gehrels , W. H. G. Lewin , M. Méndez , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v392:992-997, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.392..992D

  43. High-mass X-ray binary SXP18.3 undergoes the longest type II outburst ever seen in the Small Magellanic Cloud
    M. P. E. Schurch , M. J. Coe , J. L. Galache , R. H. D. Corbet , K. E. McGowan , V. A. McBride , L. J. Townsend , A. Udalski , and F. Haberl
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v392:361-366, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.392..361S

  44. The magnetohydrodynamics model of twin kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations in low-mass X-ray binaries
    C. Shi and X. Li
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v392:264-270, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.392..264S

  45. Spectral variability in Cygnus X-3
    L. Hjalmarsdotter , A. A. Zdziarski , A. Szostek , and D. C. Hannikainen
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v392:251-263, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.392..251H

  46. The Swift capture of a long X-ray burst from XTE J1701-407
    M. Linares , A. L. Watts , R. Wijnands , P. Soleri , N. Degenaar , P. A. Curran , R. L. C. Starling , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v392:L11-L15, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009MNRAS.392L..11L

  47. The Influence of Viscosity on the Truncation of Accretion Disks Around Black Holes
    Q. Niu
    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, v33:9-16, 2009 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2009ChA&A..33....9N

  48. Disk-dominated States of 4U 1957+11: Chandra, XMM-Newton, and RXTE Observations of Ostensibly the Most Rapidly Spinning Galactic Black Hole
    M. A. Nowak , A. Juett , J. Homan , Y. Yao , J. Wilms , N. S. Schulz , and C. R. Canizares
    The Astrophysical Journal, v689:1199-1214, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...689.1199N

  49. Relativistic Iron Line Emission from the Neutron Star Low-mass X-Ray Binary 4U 1636-536
    D. Pandel , P. Kaaret , and S. Corbel
    The Astrophysical Journal, v688:1288-1294, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...688.1288P

  50. Constraining Brans-Dicke Gravity with Accreting Millisecond Pulsars in Ultracompact Binaries
    D. Psaltis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v688:1282-1287, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...688.1282P

  51. An intense state of hard X-ray emission of Cyg X-1 observed by INTEGRAL coincident with TeV measurements
    J. Malzac , P. Lubinski , A. A. Zdziarski , M. Cadolle Bel , M. Türler , and P. Laurent
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v492:527-534, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...492..527M

  52. Results of WEBT, VLBA and RXTE monitoring of 3C 279 during 2006-2007
    V. M. Larionov , S. G. Jorstad , A. P. Marscher , C. M. Raiteri , M. Villata , I. Agudo , M. F. Aller , A. A. Arkharov , I. M. Asfandiyarov , U. Bach , R. Bachev , A. Berdyugin , M. Böttcher , C. S. Buemi , P. Calcidese , D. Carosati , P. Charlot , W. Chen , A. di Paola , M. Dolci , S. Dogru , V. T. Doroshenko , Y. S. Efimov , A. Erdem , A. Frasca , L. Fuhrmann , P. Giommi , L. Glowienka , A. C. Gupta , M. A. Gurwell , V. A. Hagen-Thorn , W. Hsiao , M. A. Ibrahimov , B. Jordan , M. Kamada , T. S. Konstantinova , E. N. Kopatskaya , Y. Y. Kovalev , Y. A. Kovalev , O. M. Kurtanidze , A. Lähteenmäki , L. Lanteri , L. V. Larionova , P. Leto , P. Le Campion , C. Lee , E. Lindfors , E. Marilli , I. McHardy , M. G. Mingaliev , S. V. Nazarov , E. Nieppola , K. Nilsson , J. Ohlert , M. Pasanen , D. Porter , T. Pursimo , J. A. Ros , K. Sadakane , A. C. Sadun , S. G. Sergeev , N. Smith , A. Strigachev , N. Sumitomo , L. O. Takalo , K. Tanaka , C. Trigilio , G. Umana , H. Ungerechts , A. Volvach , and W. Yuan
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v492:389-400, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...492..389L

  53. Mass estimate of the XTE J1650-500 black hole from the extended orbital resonance model for high-frequency QPOs
    P. Slaný and Z. Stuchlík
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v492:319-322, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...492..319S

  54. A group of outbursts with exponential decays in the Rapid Burster
    V. Simon
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v492:135-143, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...492..135S

  55. The efficient low-mass Seyfert MCG-05-23-016
    V. Beckmann , T. J. Courvoisier , N. Gehrels , P. Lubinski , J. Malzac , P. Petrucci , C. R. Shrader , and S. Soldi
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v492:93-99, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...492...93B

  56. The highest dynamical frequency in the inner region of an accretion disc
    M. A. Alpar and D. Psaltis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v391:1472-1476, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.391.1472A

  57. Association of the 3:2 HFQPO pairs with the broad Fe K line in XTE J1550-564 and GRO J1655-40
    D. Wang , Z. Gan , C. Huang , and Y. Li
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v391:1332-1340, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.391.1332W

  58. A new model for QPOs in accreting black holes: application to the microquasar GRS 1915+105
    J. Pétri
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v318:181-186, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008Ap&SS.318..181P

  59. Thermonuclear (Type I) X-Ray Bursts Observed by the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    D. K. Galloway , M. P. Muno , J. M. Hartman , D. Psaltis , and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v179:360-422, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJS..179..360G

  60. The impact of asteroseismology on the theory of stellar evolution
    C. S. Jeffery
    Communications in Asteroseismology, v157:240-248, 2008 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008CoAst.157..240J

  61. Outburst Morphology in the Soft X-Ray Transient Aquila X-1
    D. Maitra and C. D. Bailyn
    The Astrophysical Journal, v688:537-549, 2008 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...688..537M

  62. Coherence of Burst Oscillations and Accretion-Powered Pulsations in the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1814-338
    A. L. Watts , A. Patruno , and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v688:L37-L40, 2008 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...688L..37W

  63. Monitoring Supergiant Fast X-Ray Transients with Swift. I. Behavior outside Outbursts
    L. Sidoli , P. Romano , V. Mangano , A. Pellizzoni , J. A. Kennea , G. Cusumano , S. Vercellone , A. Paizis , D. N. Burrows , and N. Gehrels
    The Astrophysical Journal, v687:1230-1235, 2008 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...687.1230S

  64. Quasi-Periodic Oscillations as Global Hydrodynamic Modes in the Boundary Layers of Viscous Accretion Disks
    M. H. Erkut , D. Psaltis , and M. A. Alpar
    The Astrophysical Journal, v687:1220-1229, 2008 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...687.1220E

  65. X-Ray Observations of the Coma Cluster in a Broad Energy Band with the INTEGRAL, RXTE, and ROSAT Observatories
    A. A. Lutovinov , A. Vikhlinin , E. M. Churazov , M. G. Revnivtsev , and R. A. Sunyaev
    The Astrophysical Journal, v687:968-975, 2008 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...687..968L

  66. Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations and State Transitions in the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary 1E 1724-3045 (Terzan 2)
    D. Altamirano , M. van der Klis , M. Méndez , R. Wijnands , C. Markwardt , and J. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal, v687:488-504, 2008 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...687..488A

  67. Influence of Compton scattering on the broad-band X-ray spectra of intermediate polars
    V. Suleimanov , J. Poutanen , M. Falanga , and K. Werner
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v491:525-529, 2008 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...491..525S

  68. Does the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1814-338 precess?
    C. T. Y. Chung , D. K. Galloway , and A. Melatos
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v391:254-267, 2008 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.391..254C

  69. The Hard X-ray Spectra of the Polars V2301 Oph, BL Hyi, and WW Hor
    J. N. Imamura , W. C. Bryson , and T. Y. Steiman-Cameron
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v120:1171-1182, 2008 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008PASP..120.1171I

  70. XTE J1901+014{\mdash}the first low-mass Fast X-ray transient?
    D. I. Karasev , A. A. Lutovinov , and R. A. Burenin
    Astronomy Letters, v34:753-760, 2008 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008AstL...34..753K

  71. Resonant Cyclotron Scattering in Magnetars' Emission
    N. Rea , S. Zane , R. Turolla , M. Lyutikov , and D. Götz
    The Astrophysical Journal, v686:1245-1260, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...686.1245R

  72. Blazing Trails: Microquasars as Head-Tail Sources and the Seeding of Magnetized Plasma into the ISM
    S. Heinz , H. J. Grimm , R. A. Sunyaev , and R. P. Fender
    The Astrophysical Journal, v686:1145-1154, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...686.1145H

  73. Deep Chandra Observation of the Pulsar Wind Nebula Powered by Pulsar PSR J1846-0258 in the Supernova Remnant KES 75
    C. Ng , P. O. Slane , B. M. Gaensler , and J. P. Hughes
    The Astrophysical Journal, v686:508-519, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...686..508N

  74. Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Cen X-3 and the Long-Term Intensity Variations
    H. Raichur and B. Paul
    The Astrophysical Journal, v685:1109-1113, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...685.1109R

  75. Vanishing hardness-flux correlation in Cygnus X-1: signs of the disc moving out
    M. Axelsson , L. Hjalmarsdotter , L. Borgonovo , and S. Larsson
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v490:253-258, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...490..253A

  76. The 2007 outburst of the X-ray binary XTE J1856+053
    G. Sala , J. Greiner , M. Ajello , and N. Primak
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v489:1239-1242, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...489.1239S

  77. Properties of the Galactic population of cataclysmic variables in hard X-rays
    M. Revnivtsev , S. Sazonov , R. Krivonos , H. Ritter , and R. Sunyaev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v489:1121-1127, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...489.1121R

  78. INTEGRAL long-term monitoring of the supergiant fast X-ray transient XTE J1739-302
    P. Blay , S. Martínez-Núñez , I. Negueruela , K. Pottschmidt , D. M. Smith , J. M. Torrejón , P. Reig , P. Kretschmar , and I. Kreykenbohm
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v489:669-676, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...489..669B

  79. XMM-Newton observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud: Be/X-ray binary pulsars active between October 2006 and June 2007
    F. Haberl , P. Eger , and W. Pietsch
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v489:327-348, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...489..327H

  80. Detailed high-energy characteristics of AXP 1RXS J170849-400910. Probing the magnetosphere using INTEGRAL, RXTE, and XMM-Newton
    P. R. den Hartog , L. Kuiper , and W. Hermsen
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v489:263-279, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...489..263D

  81. Detailed high-energy characteristics of AXP 4U 0142+61. Multi-year observations with INTEGRAL, RXTE, XMM-Newton, and ASCA
    P. R. den Hartog , L. Kuiper , W. Hermsen , V. M. Kaspi , R. Dib , J. Knödlseder , and F. P. Gavriil
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v489:245-261, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...489..245D

  82. Spectral variability of GX339-4 in a hard-to-soft state transition
    M. Del Santo , J. Malzac , E. Jourdain , T. Belloni , and P. Ubertini
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v390:227-234, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.390..227D

  83. Rapid optical and X-ray timing observations of GX 339-4: flux correlations at the onset of a low/hard state
    P. Gandhi , K. Makishima , M. Durant , A. C. Fabian , V. S. Dhillon , T. R. Marsh , J. M. Miller , T. Shahbaz , and H. C. Spruit
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v390:L29-L33, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.390L..29G

  84. Orbital evolution of an accreting millisecond pulsar: witnessing the banquet of a hidden black widow?
    T. di Salvo , L. Burderi , A. Riggio , A. Papitto , and M. T. Menna
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v389:1851-1857, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.389.1851D

  85. INTEGRAL and RXTE/ASM Observations on IGR J17098{\minus}3628
    Y. Chen , S. Zhang , N. Schurch , J. Wang , W. Collmar , T. Li , J. Qu , and C. Zhang
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v60:1173-, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008PASJ...60.1173C

  86. The recurrent nova RS Oph: A possible scenario for type Ia supernovae
    M. Hernanz and J. José
    New Astronomy Review, v52:386-389, 2008 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008NewAR..52..386H

  87. X-Ray Time Variability Across the Atoll Source States of 4U 1636-53
    D. Altamirano , M. van der Klis , M. Méndez , P. G. Jonker , M. Klein-Wolt , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v685:436-450, 2008 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...685..436A

  88. HESS upper limits for Kepler's supernova remnant
    F. Aharonian , A. G. Akhperjanian , U. Barres de Almeida , A. R. Bazer-Bachi , B. Behera , M. Beilicke , W. Benbow , D. Berge , K. Bernlöhr , C. Boisson , O. Bolz , V. Borrel , I. Braun , E. Brion , J. Brucker , R. Bühler , T. Bulik , I. Büsching , T. Boutelier , S. Carrigan , P. M. Chadwick , L. Chounet , A. C. Clapson , G. Coignet , R. Cornils , L. Costamante , M. Dalton , B. Degrange , H. J. Dickinson , A. Djannati-Ataï , W. Domainko , L. O'C. Drury , F. Dubois , G. Dubus , J. Dyks , K. Egberts , D. Emmanoulopoulos , P. Espigat , C. Farnier , F. Feinstein , A. Fiasson , A. Förster , G. Fontaine , M. Füßling , Y. A. Gallant , B. Giebels , J. F. Glicenstein , B. Glück , P. Goret , C. Hadjichristidis , D. Hauser , M. Hauser , G. Heinzelmann , G. Henri , G. Hermann , J. A. Hinton , A. Hoffmann , W. Hofmann , M. Holleran , S. Hoppe , D. Horns , A. Jacholkowska , O. C. de Jager , I. Jung , K. Katarzynski , E. Kendziorra , M. Kerschhaggl , B. Khélifi , D. Keogh , N. Komin , K. Kosack , G. Lamanna , I. J. Latham , M. Lemoine-Goumard , J. Lenain , T. Lohse , J. M. Martin , O. Martineau-Huynh , A. Marcowith , C. Masterson , D. Maurin , T. J. L. McComb , R. Moderski , E. Moulin , M. Naumann-Godo , M. de Naurois , D. Nedbal , D. Nekrassov , S. J. Nolan , S. Ohm , J. Olive , E. de Oña Wilhelmi , K. J. Orford , J. L. Osborne , M. Ostrowski , M. Panter , G. Pedaletti , G. Pelletier , P. Petrucci , S. Pita , G. Pühlhofer , M. Punch , A. Quirrenbach , B. C. Raubenheimer , M. Raue , S. M. Rayner , M. Renaud , J. Ripken , L. Rob , S. Rosier-Lees , G. Rowell , B. Rudak , J. Ruppel , V. Sahakian , A. Santangelo , R. Schlickeiser , F. M. Schöck , R. Schröder , U. Schwanke , S. Schwarzburg , S. Schwemmer , A. Shalchi , H. Sol , D. Spangler , L. Stawarz , R. Steenkamp , C. Stegmann , G. Superina , P. H. Tam , J. Tavernet , R. Terrier , C. van Eldik , G. Vasileiadis , C. Venter , J. P. Vialle , P. Vincent , M. Vivier , H. J. Völk , F. Volpe , S. J. Wagner , M. Ward , A. A. Zdziarski , and A. Zech
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v488:219-223, 2008 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...488..219A

  89. X-ray observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud pulsar PSR B0540-69 and its pulsar wind nebula
    R. Campana , T. Mineo , A. de Rosa , E. Massaro , A. J. Dean , and L. Bassani
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v389:691-700, 2008 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.389..691C

  90. A detailed study of 2S 0114+650 with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer
    S. A. Farrell , R. K. Sood , P. M. O'Neill , and S. Dieters
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v389:608-628, 2008 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.389..608F

  91. Origin of X-ray emission from transient black hole candidates in quiescence
    G. Pszota , H. Zhang , F. Yuan , and W. Cui
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v389:423-428, 2008 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.389..423P

  92. Peering through the stellar wind of IGR J19140+0951 with simultaneous INTEGRAL/RXTE observations
    L. Prat , J. Rodriguez , D. C. Hannikainen , and S. E. Shaw
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v389:301-310, 2008 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.389..301P

  93. Results of the First Simultaneous X-Ray Optical, and Radio Campaign on the Blazar PKS 1622-297
    A. Osterman Meyer , H. R. Miller , K. Marshall , W. T. Ryle , H. Aller , M. Aller , J. P. McFarland , J. T. Pollock , D. E. Reichart , J. A. Crain , K. M. Ivarsen , A. P. La Cluyze , and M. C. Nysewander
    The Astronomical Journal, v136:1398-1405, 2008 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008AJ....136.1398O

  94. The Variable Superorbital Modulation of Cygnus X-1
    J. Rico
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v683:L55-L58, 2008 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...683L..55R

  95. Chandra Detection of XTE J1650-500 in Quiescence and the Minimum Luminosity of Black Hole X-Ray Binaries
    E. Gallo , J. Homan , P. G. Jonker , and J. A. Tomsick
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v683:L51-L54, 2008 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...683L..51G

  96. RXTE determination of the intermediate polar status of XSS J00564+4548, IGR J17195-4100, and XSS J12270-4859
    O. W. Butters , A. J. Norton , P. Hakala , K. Mukai , and E. J. Barlow
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v487:271-276, 2008 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...487..271B

  97. INTEGRAL observations of the blazar Mrk 421 in outburst. Results of a multi-wavelength campaign
    G. G. Lichti , E. Bottacini , M. Ajello , P. Charlot , W. Collmar , A. Falcone , D. Horan , S. Huber , A. von Kienlin , A. Lähteenmäki , E. Lindfors , D. Morris , K. Nilsson , D. Petry , M. Rüger , A. Sillanpää , F. Spanier , and M. Tornikoski
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v486:721-734, 2008 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...486..721L

  98. X-ray irradiation in XTE J1817-330 and the inner radius of the truncated disc in the hard state
    M. Gierlinski , C. Done , and K. Page
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v388:753-760, 2008 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.388..753G

  99. Simultaneous Multi-Wavelength Observations of the TeV Blazar Mrk 421 during February March, 2003: X-Ray and NIR Correlated Variability
    A. C. Gupta , B. S. Acharya , D. Bose , V. R. Chitnis , and J. Fan
    Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, v8:395-403, 2008 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ChJAA...8..395G

  100. SWIFT J1753.5-0127: A Surprising Optical/X-Ray Cross-Correlation Function
    M. Durant , P. Gandhi , T. Shahbaz , A. P. Fabian , J. Miller , V. S. Dhillon , and T. R. Marsh
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v682:L45-L48, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...682L..45D

  101. Constraints on the Emission and Viewing Geometry of the Transient Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197
    R. Perna and E. V. Gotthelf
    The Astrophysical Journal, v681:522-529, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...681..522P

  102. Discovery of a Young, Energetic 70.5 ms Pulsar Associated with the TeV Gamma-Ray Source HESS J1837-069
    E. V. Gotthelf and J. P. Halpern
    The Astrophysical Journal, v681:515-521, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...681..515G

  103. Deviations from the Flux-Recurrence Time Relationship in GS 1826-238: Potential Transient Spectral Changes
    T. W. J. Thompson , D. K. Galloway , R. E. Rothschild , and L. Homer
    The Astrophysical Journal, v681:506-514, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...681..506T

  104. X-Ray Dust Scattering at Small Angles: The Complete Halo around GX13+1
    R. K. Smith
    The Astrophysical Journal, v681:343-349, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...681..343S

  105. An X-ray and optical study of the ultracompact X-ray binary A 1246-58
    J. J. M. in't Zand , C. G. Bassa , P. G. Jonker , L. Keek , F. Verbunt , M. Méndez , and C. B. Markwardt
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v485:183-194, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...485..183I

  106. XMM-Newton observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud: XMMU J004814.1-731003, a 25.55 s Be/X-ray binary pulsar
    F. Haberl , P. Eger , W. Pietsch , R. H. D. Corbet , and M. Sasaki
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v485:177-181, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...485..177H

  107. Millisecond dip events in the 2007 RXTE/PCA data of Sco X-1 and the trans-Neptunian object size distribution
    C. Liu , H. Chang , J. Liang , and S. King
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v388:L44-L48, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.388L..44L

  108. Modelling the RXTE light curve of η Carinae from a 3D SPH simulation of its binary wind collision
    A. T. Okazaki , S. P. Owocki , C. M. P. Russell , and M. F. Corcoran
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v388:L39-L43, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.388L..39O

  109. A systematic look at the very high and low/hard state of GX339-4: constraining the black hole spin with a new reflection model
    R. C. Reis , A. C. Fabian , R. R. Ross , G. Miniutti , J. M. Miller , and C. Reynolds
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v387:1489-1498, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.387.1489R

  110. A Long Look at the Be/X-Ray Binaries of the Small Magellanic Cloud
    J. L. Galache , R. H. D. Corbet , M. J. Coe , S. Laycock , M. P. E. Schurch , C. Markwardt , F. E. Marshall , and J. Lochner
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v177:189-215, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJS..177..189G

  111. The X-ray variability of Mrk 421
    V. V. Fidelis and D. A. Iakubovskyi
    Astronomy Reports, v52:526-538, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ARep...52..526F

  112. The influence of viscosity on the truncation of accretion disk around black holes
    Q. Niu
    Acta Astronomica Sinica, v49:243-250, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008AcASn..49..243N

  113. A Study on the Pulse Profiles of the HMXB 4U 1901+03
    W. Chen , J. Qu , S. Zhang , F. Zhang , and G. Zhang
    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, v32:241-252, 2008 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ChA&A..32..241C

  114. A Parameterization Study of the Properties of the X-Ray Dips in the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary X1916-053
    C. Hu , Y. Chou , and Y. Chung
    The Astrophysical Journal, v680:1405-1411, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...680.1405H

  115. The Accretion Disk Wind in the Black Hole GRO J1655-40
    J. M. Miller , J. Raymond , C. S. Reynolds , A. C. Fabian , T. R. Kallman , and J. Homan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v680:1359-1377, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...680.1359M

  116. A New Comptonization Model for Weakly Magnetized, Accreting Neutron Stars in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    R. Farinelli , L. Titarchuk , A. Paizis , and F. Frontera
    The Astrophysical Journal, v680:602-614, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...680..602F

  117. Broadband X-Ray Spectra of GX 339-4 and the Geometry of Accreting Black Holes in the Hard State
    J. A. Tomsick , E. Kalemci , P. Kaaret , S. Markoff , S. Corbel , S. Migliari , R. Fender , C. D. Bailyn , and M. M. Buxton
    The Astrophysical Journal, v680:593-601, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...680..593T

  118. Light Echoes in Kerr Geometry: A Source of High-Frequency QPOs from Random X-Ray Bursts
    K. Fukumura and D. Kazanas
    The Astrophysical Journal, v679:1413-1421, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...679.1413F

  119. XMM-Newton observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud: X-ray outburst of the 6.85 s pulsar XTE J0103-728
    F. Haberl and W. Pietsch
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v484:451-455, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...484..451H

  120. Polarized infrared emission from X-ray binary jets
    D. M. Russell and R. P. Fender
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v387:713-723, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.387..713R

  121. Studying the X-ray hysteresis in GX 339-4: the disc and iron line over one decade
    R. J. H. Dunn , R. P. Fender , E. G. Körding , C. Cabanac , and T. Belloni
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v387:545-563, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.387..545D

  122. Long-term flux variations in Cen X-3: clues from flux-dependent orbital modulation and pulsed fraction
    H. Raichur and B. Paul
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v387:439-445, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.387..439R

  123. Biases for neutron star mass, radius and distance measurements from Eddington-limited X-ray bursts
    D. K. Galloway , F. Özel , and D. Psaltis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v387:268-272, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.387..268G

  124. Multiwavelength study of the transient X-ray binary IGR J01583+6713
    R. Kaur , B. Paul , B. Kumar , and R. Sagar
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v386:2253-2261, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.386.2253K

  125. Redetermination of the space weathering rate using spectra of Iannini asteroid family members
    M. Willman , R. Jedicke , D. Nesvorný , N. Moskovitz , Ž. Ivezić , and R. Fevig
    Icarus, v195:663-673, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008Icar..195..663W

  126. On the Origin of Clustering of Frequency Ratios in the Atoll Source 4U 1636-53
    G. Török , M. A. Abramowicz , P. Bakala , M. Bursa , J. Horák , P. Rebusco , and Z. Stuchlik
    Acta Astronomica, v58:113-119, 2008 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008AcA....58..113T

  127. Chemical Abundances of the Secondary Star in the Black Hole X-Ray Binary XTE J1118+480
    J. I. G. Hernández , R. Rebolo , G. Israelian , A. V. Filippenko , R. Chornock , N. Tominaga , H. Umeda , and K. Nomoto
    The Astrophysical Journal, v679:732-745, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...679..732H

  128. The Magnetar 1E 1547.0-5408: Radio Spectrum, Polarimetry, and Timing
    F. Camilo , J. Reynolds , S. Johnston , J. P. Halpern , and S. M. Ransom
    The Astrophysical Journal, v679:681-686, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...679..681C

  129. Hard X-Ray Emission of the Microquasar GRO J1655-40 during the Rise of Its 2005 Outburst
    A. Joinet , E. Kalemci , and F. Senziani
    The Astrophysical Journal, v679:655-663, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...679..655J

  130. Observation of Gamma-Ray Emission from the Galaxy M87 above 250 GeV with VERITAS
    V. A. Acciari , M. Beilicke , G. Blaylock , S. M. Bradbury , J. H. Buckley , V. Bugaev , Y. Butt , O. Celik , A. Cesarini , L. Ciupik , P. Cogan , P. Colin , W. Cui , M. K. Daniel , C. Duke , T. Ergin , A. D. Falcone , S. J. Fegan , J. P. Finley , G. Finnegan , P. Fortin , L. F. Fortson , K. Gibbs , G. H. Gillanders , J. Grube , R. Guenette , G. Gyuk , D. Hanna , E. Hays , J. Holder , D. Horan , S. B. Hughes , M. C. Hui , T. B. Humensky , A. Imran , P. Kaaret , M. Kertzman , D. B. Kieda , J. Kildea , A. Konopelko , H. Krawczynski , F. Krennrich , M. J. Lang , S. LeBohec , K. Lee , G. Maier , A. McCann , M. McCutcheon , J. Millis , P. Moriarty , R. Mukherjee , T. Nagai , R. A. Ong , D. Pandel , J. S. Perkins , M. Pohl , J. Quinn , K. Ragan , P. T. Reynolds , H. J. Rose , M. Schroedter , G. H. Sembroski , A. W. Smith , D. Steele , S. P. Swordy , A. Syson , J. A. Toner , L. Valcarcel , V. V. Vassiliev , S. P. Wakely , J. E. Ward , T. C. Weekes , A. Weinstein , R. J. White , D. A. Williams , S. A. Wissel , M. D. Wood , and B. Zitzer
    The Astrophysical Journal, v679:397-403, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...679..397A

  131. Precise Orbital Parameters and Anomalous Phase Variations of the Accretion-powered Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1807-294
    Y. Chou , Y. Chung , C. Hu , and T. Yang
    The Astrophysical Journal, v678:1316-1323, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...678.1316C

  132. Spin-up and Phase Fluctuations in the Timing of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1807-294
    A. Riggio , T. Di Salvo , L. Burderi , M. T. Menna , A. Papitto , R. Iaria , and G. Lavagetto
    The Astrophysical Journal, v678:1273-1278, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...678.1273R

  133. Outbursts Large and Small from EXO 2030+375
    C. A. Wilson , M. H. Finger , and A. Camero-Arranz
    The Astrophysical Journal, v678:1263-1272, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...678.1263W

  134. Ultraviolet Observations of the X-Ray Photoionized Wind of Cygnus X-1 during X-Ray Soft/High State
    S. D. Vrtilek , B. S. Boroson , A. Hunacek , D. Gies , and C. T. Bolton
    The Astrophysical Journal, v678:1248-1262, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...678.1248V

  135. On the Nature of the Variability Power Decay Toward Soft Spectral States in X-Ray Binaries: Case Study in Cygnus X-1
    L. Titarchuk and N. Shaposhnikov
    The Astrophysical Journal, v678:1230-1236, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...678.1230T

  136. A Compact Star Rotating at 1122 Hz and the r-Mode Instability
    A. Drago , G. Pagliara , and I. Parenti
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v678:L117-L120, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...678L.117D

  137. Long-Term X-Ray Monitoring of NGC 6251: Evidence for a Jet-dominated Radio Galaxy
    M. Gliozzi , I. E. Papadakis , and R. M. Sambruna
    The Astrophysical Journal, v678:78-86, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...678...78G

  138. Large-scale variations of the cosmic X-ray background and the X-ray emissivity of the local Universe
    M. Revnivtsev , S. Molkov , and S. Sazonov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v483:425-435, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...483..425R

  139. Adaptive optics, near-infrared observations of magnetars
    V. Testa , N. Rea , R. P. Mignani , G. L. Israel , R. Perna , S. Chaty , L. Stella , S. Covino , R. Turolla , S. Zane , G. Lo Curto , S. Campana , G. Marconi , and S. Mereghetti
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v482:607-615, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...482..607T

  140. Cumulative hard X-ray spectrum of local AGN: a link to the cosmic X-ray background
    S. Sazonov , R. Krivonos , M. Revnivtsev , E. Churazov , and R. Sunyaev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v482:517-527, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...482..517S

  141. Spectroscopic monitoring of V1357 Cyg = Cyg X-1 in 2002 2004
    E. A. Karitskaya , N. G. Bochkarev , A. V. Bondar' , G. A. Galazutdinov , B. Lee , F. A. Musaev , A. A. Sapar , and V. V. Shimanskii
    Astronomy Reports, v52:362-378, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ARep...52..362K

  142. Frequency ratio of twin kHz quasi-periodic oscillations: The case of 4U1820-303
    D. Barret and M. Boutelier
    New Astronomy Review, v51:835-840, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008NewAR..51..835B

  143. Fast rotation of neutron stars and equation of state of dense matter
    P. Haensel , J. L. Zdunik , and M. Bejger
    New Astronomy Review, v51:785-790, 2008 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008NewAR..51..785H

  144. Production of Millisecond Dips in Sco X-1 Count Rates by Dead Time Effects
    T. A. Jones , A. M. Levine , E. H. Morgan , and S. Rappaport
    The Astrophysical Journal, v677:1241-1247, 2008 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...677.1241J

  145. Multiwavelength Observations of Markarian 421 in 2001 March: An Unprecedented View on the X-Ray/TeV Correlated Variability
    G. Fossati , J. H. Buckley , I. H. Bond , S. M. Bradbury , D. A. Carter-Lewis , Y. C. K. Chow , W. Cui , A. D. Falcone , J. P. Finley , J. A. Gaidos , J. Grube , J. Holder , D. Horan , D. Horns , M. M. Jordan , D. B. Kieda , J. Kildea , H. Krawczynski , F. Krennrich , M. J. Lang , S. LeBohec , K. Lee , P. Moriarty , R. A. Ong , D. Petry , J. Quinn , G. H. Sembroski , S. P. Wakely , and T. C. Weekes
    The Astrophysical Journal, v677:906-925, 2008 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...677..906F

  146. Correlated X-Ray and Optical Variability in Markarian 509
    K. Marshall , W. T. Ryle , and H. R. Miller
    The Astrophysical Journal, v677:880-883, 2008 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...677..880M

  147. Timing and Spectral Properties of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar SWIFT J1756.9-2508
    M. Linares , R. Wijnands , M. van der Klis , H. Krimm , C. B. Markwardt , and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal, v677:515-519, 2008 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...677..515L

  148. X-Ray and Near-IR Variability of the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937: From Quiescence Back to Activity
    C. R. Tam , F. P. Gavriil , R. Dib , V. M. Kaspi , P. M. Woods , and C. Bassa
    The Astrophysical Journal, v677:503-514, 2008 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...677..503T

  149. Neutral Hydrogen Absorption toward XTE J1810-197: The Distance to a Radio-emitting Magnetar
    A. H. Minter , F. Camilo , S. M. Ransom , J. P. Halpern , and N. Zimmerman
    The Astrophysical Journal, v676:1189-1199, 2008 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...676.1189M

  150. Outburst of the 2 s Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 1547.0-5408
    J. P. Halpern , E. V. Gotthelf , J. Reynolds , S. M. Ransom , and F. Camilo
    The Astrophysical Journal, v676:1178-1183, 2008 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...676.1178H

  151. Discovery of VHE γ-rays from the high-frequency-peaked BL Lacertae object RGB J0152+017
    F. Aharonian , A. G. Akhperjanian , U. Barres de Almeida , A. R. Bazer-Bachi , B. Behera , M. Beilicke , W. Benbow , K. Bernlöhr , C. Boisson , V. Borrel , I. Braun , E. Brion , J. Brucker , R. Bühler , T. Bulik , I. Büsching , T. Boutelier , S. Carrigan , P. M. Chadwick , R. C. G. Chaves , L. Chounet , A. C. Clapson , G. Coignet , R. Cornils , L. Costamante , M. Dalton , B. Degrange , H. J. Dickinson , A. Djannati-Ataï , W. Domainko , L. O.'c. Drury , F. Dubois , G. Dubus , J. Dyks , K. Egberts , D. Emmanoulopoulos , P. Espigat , C. Farnier , F. Feinstein , A. Fiasson , A. Förster , G. Fontaine , M. Füßling , S. Gabici , Y. A. Gallant , B. Giebels , J. Glicenstein , B. Glück , P. Goret , C. Hadjichristidis , D. Hauser , M. Hauser , G. Heinzelmann , G. Henri , G. Hermann , J. A. Hinton , A. Hoffmann , W. Hofmann , M. Holleran , S. Hoppe , D. Horns , A. Jacholkowska , O. C. de Jager , I. Jung , K. Katarzynski , S. Kaufmann , E. Kendziorra , M. Kerschhaggl , D. Khangulyan , B. Khélifi , D. Keogh , N. Komin , K. Kosack , G. Lamanna , I. J. Latham , J. Lenain , T. Lohse , J. Martin , O. Martineau-Huynh , A. Marcowith , C. Masterson , D. Maurin , T. J. L. McComb , R. Moderski , E. Moulin , M. Naumann-Godo , M. de Naurois , D. Nedbal , D. Nekrassov , S. J. Nolan , S. Ohm , J. Olive , E. de Oña Wilhelmi , K. J. Orford , J. L. Osborne , M. Ostrowski , M. Panter , G. Pedaletti , G. Pelletier , P. Petrucci , S. Pita , G. Pühlhofer , M. Punch , A. Quirrenbach , B. C. Raubenheimer , M. Raue , S. M. Rayner , M. Renaud , F. Rieger , J. Ripken , L. Rob , S. Rosier-Lees , G. Rowell , B. Rudak , J. Ruppel , V. Sahakian , A. Santangelo , R. Schlickeiser , F. M. Schöck , R. Schröder , U. Schwanke , S. Schwarzburg , S. Schwemmer , A. Shalchi , H. Sol , D. Spangler , L. Stawarz , R. Steenkamp , C. Stegmann , G. Superina , P. H. Tam , J. Tavernet , R. Terrier , C. van Eldik , G. Vasileiadis , C. Venter , J. Vialle , P. Vincent , M. Vivier , H. J. Völk , F. Volpe , S. J. Wagner , M. Ward , A. A. Zdziarski , and A. Zech
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v481:L103-L107, 2008 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...481L.103A

  152. On the masses and evolutionary status of the black hole binary GX 339-4: a twin system of XTE J1550-564?
    T. Muñoz-Darias , J. Casares , and I. G. Martínez-Pais
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v385:2205-2209, 2008 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.385.2205M

  153. V723 CASSIOPEIA Still on in X-Rays a Bright Super Soft Source 12 Years after Outburst
    J. Ness , G. Schwarz , S. Starrfield , J. P. Osborne , K. L. Page , A. P. Beardmore , R. M. Wagner , and C. E. Woodward
    The Astronomical Journal, v135:1328-1333, 2008 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008AJ....135.1328N

  154. Pulse Phase-resolved Analysis of the High-Mass X-Ray Binary Centaurus X-3 over Two Binary Orbits
    S. Suchy , K. Pottschmidt , J. Wilms , I. Kreykenbohm , G. Schönherr , P. Kretschmar , V. McBride , I. Caballero , R. E. Rothschild , and V. Grinberg
    The Astrophysical Journal, v675:1487-1498, 2008 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...675.1487S

  155. The Long-Term Evolution of the Spin, Pulse Shape, and Orbit of the Accretion-powered Millisecond Pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
    J. M. Hartman , A. Patruno , D. Chakrabarty , D. L. Kaplan , C. B. Markwardt , E. H. Morgan , P. S. Ray , M. van der Klis , and R. Wijnands
    The Astrophysical Journal, v675:1468-1486, 2008 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...675.1468H

  156. 2 Years of INTEGRAL Monitoring of GRS 1915+105. II. X-Ray Spectro-Temporal Analysis
    J. Rodriguez , S. E. Shaw , D. C. Hannikainen , T. Belloni , S. Corbel , M. Cadolle Bel , J. Chenevez , L. Prat , P. Kretschmar , H. J. Lehto , I. F. Mirabel , A. Paizis , G. Pooley , M. Tagger , P. Varnière , C. Cabanac , and O. Vilhu
    The Astrophysical Journal, v675:1449-1458, 2008 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...675.1449R

  157. 2 YEARS of INTEGRAL Monitoring of GRS 1915+105. I. Multiwavelength Coverage with INTEGRAL, RXTE, and the Ryle Radio Telescope
    J. Rodriguez , D. C. Hannikainen , S. E. Shaw , G. Pooley , S. Corbel , M. Tagger , I. F. Mirabel , T. Belloni , C. Cabanac , M. Cadolle Bel , J. Chenevez , P. Kretschmar , H. J. Lehto , A. Paizis , P. Varnière , and O. Vilhu
    The Astrophysical Journal, v675:1436-1448, 2008 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...675.1436R

  158. A Comparison of the Variability of the Symbiotic X-Ray Binaries GX 1+4, 4U 1954+31, and 4U 1700+24 from Swift BAT and RXTE ASM Observations
    R. H. D. Corbet , J. L. Sokoloski , K. Mukai , C. B. Markwardt , and J. Tueller
    The Astrophysical Journal, v675:1424-1435, 2008 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...675.1424C

  159. Identification of Black Hole Power Spectral Components across All Canonical States
    M. Klein-Wolt and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v675:1407-1423, 2008 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...675.1407K

  160. The appearance of magnetospheric instability in flaring activity at the onset of X-ray outbursts in A0535+26
    K. Postnov , R. Staubert , A. Santangelo , D. Klochkov , P. Kretschmar , and I. Caballero
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v480:L21-L24, 2008 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...480L..21P

  161. Probing the nature of IGR J16493-4348: spectral and temporal analysis of the 1-100 keV emission
    A. B. Hill , A. J. Dean , R. Landi , V. A. McBride , A. de Rosa , A. J. Bird , A. Bazzano , and V. Sguera
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v385:423-429, 2008 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.385..423H

  162. Discovery of the upper kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillation from the X-ray transient Aql X-1
    D. Barret , M. Boutelier , and M. C. Miller
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v384:1519-1524, 2008 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.384.1519B

  163. Distribution of Kilohertz QPO Frequencies and Their Ratios in the Atoll Source 4U 1636-53
    G. Török , M. A. Abramowicz , P. Bakala , M. Bursa , J. Horák , W. Kluzniak , P. Rebusco , and Z. Stuchlik
    Acta Astronomica, v58:15-21, 2008 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008AcA....58...15T

  164. Relativistic Iron Emission Lines in Neutron Star Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries as Probes of Neutron Star Radii
    E. M. Cackett , J. M. Miller , S. Bhattacharyya , J. E. Grindlay , J. Homan , M. van der Klis , M. C. Miller , T. E. Strohmayer , and R. Wijnands
    The Astrophysical Journal, v674:415-420, 2008 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...674..415C

  165. On the X-Ray Light Curve, Pulsed-Radio Emission, and Spin Frequency Evolution of the Transient Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197 during Its X-Ray Outburst
    Ü. Ertan and M. H. Erkut
    The Astrophysical Journal, v673:1062-1066, 2008 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...673.1062E

  166. Glitches in Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars
    R. Dib , V. M. Kaspi , and F. P. Gavriil
    The Astrophysical Journal, v673:1044-1061, 2008 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...673.1044D

  167. Recent RXTE/ASM and ROTSEIIId observations of EXO 2030+375 (V2246 Cygni)
    A. Baykal , Ü. Kiziloglu , N. Kiziloglu , E. Beklen , and M. Özbey
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v479:301-306, 2008 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...479..301B

  168. First superburst from a classical low-mass X-ray binary transient
    L. Keek , J. J. M. in't Zand , E. Kuulkers , A. Cumming , E. F. Brown , and M. Suzuki
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v479:177-188, 2008 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...479..177K

  169. Optical and X-ray variability of two Small Magellanic Cloud X-ray binary pulsars - SXP46.6 and SXP6.85
    K. E. McGowan , M. J. Coe , M. P. E. Schurch , R. H. D. Corbet , J. L. Galache , and A. Udalski
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v384:821-826, 2008 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.384..821M

  170. Stellar wind accretion in GX 301-2: evidence for a high-density stream
    D. A. Leahy and M. Kostka
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v384:747-754, 2008 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.384..747L

  171. Modelling the broad-band spectral energy distribution of the microquasars XTE J1550-564 and H 1743-322
    Y. Xue , X. Wu , and W. Cui
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v384:440-448, 2008 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.384..440X

  172. The nature of the hard state of Cygnus X-3
    L. Hjalmarsdotter , A. A. Zdziarski , S. Larsson , V. Beckmann , M. McCollough , D. C. Hannikainen , and O. Vilhu
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v384:278-290, 2008 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.384..278H

  173. A study of the X-ray pulsars X1845-024 and XTE J1858+034 based on INTEGRAL observations
    V. A. Doroshenko , R. F. Doroshenko , K. A. Postnov , A. M. Cherepashchuk , and S. S. Tsygankov
    Astronomy Reports, v52:138-151, 2008 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ARep...52..138D

  174. Discovery of the Spin Frequency of 4U 0614+09 with the Swift Burst Alert Telescope
    T. E. Strohmayer , C. B. Markwardt , and E. Kuulkers
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v672:L37-L40, 2008 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008ApJ...672L..37S

  175. Phase-dependent X-ray observations of the β Lyrae system. No eclipse in the soft band
    R. Ignace , L. M. Oskinova , W. L. Waldron , J. L. Hoffman , and W. Hamann
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v477:L37-L40, 2008 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008A&A...477L..37I

  176. A transient low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillation from the black hole binary GRS 1915+105
    P. Soleri , T. Belloni , and P. Casella
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v383:1089-1102, 2008 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.383.1089S

  177. High-frequency X-ray variability as a mass estimator of stellar and supermassive black holes
    M. Gierlinski , M. Nikolajuk , and B. Czerny
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v383:741-749, 2008 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.383..741G

  178. Measuring the spin up of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTEJ1751-305
    A. Papitto , M. T. Menna , L. Burderi , T. di Salvo , and A. Riggio
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v383:411-416, 2008 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008MNRAS.383..411P

  179. A research of the pulse profiles of HMXB 4U 1901+03
    W. Chen , J. L. Qu , S. Zhang , F. Zhang , and G. B. Zhang
    Acta Astronomica Sinica, v49:18-28, 2008 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008AcASn..49...18C

  180. Anti-correlated X-ray hard lags in XTE J1550-564 and spectral signatures for truncated accretion disk scenario
    K. Sriram , V. K. Agrawal , A. R. Rao , and J. K. Pendharkar
    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v25:59, 2008
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008BASI...25Q..59S

  181. Quasi periodic oscillations in XTE J0111.2--7317, highest frequency among the HMXB pulsars
    R. Kaur , B. Paul , H. Raichur , and R. Sagar
    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v25:51, 2008
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008BASI...25S..51K

  182. Timing studies of 4U0115+63
    H. Raichur and B. Paul
    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v25:49, 2008
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008BASI...25R..49R

  183. SWIFT J1753.5-0127: a new black hole transient?
    M. C. Ramadevi and S. Seetha
    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v25:49, 2008
    ADS bibliographic code: 2008BASI...25Q..49R

  184. Precise determination of orbital parameters in system with slowly drifting phases: application to the case of XTE J1807-294
    A. Riggio , T. di Salvo , L. Burderi , R. Iaria , A. Papitto , M. T. Menna , and G. Lavagetto
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v382:1751-1758, 2007 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.382.1751R

  185. Discovery of multiple Lorentzian components in the X-ray timing properties of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Ark 564
    I. M. McHardy , P. Arévalo , P. Uttley , I. E. Papadakis , D. P. Summons , W. Brinkmann , and M. J. Page
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v382:985-994, 2007 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.382..985M

  186. Gamma-Ray Bursts and Hypernova Explosions of Some Galactic Sources
    G. E. Brown , C. Lee , and E. Moreno Méndez
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v671:L41-L44, 2007 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...671L..41B

  187. Linking Jet Emission, X-Ray States, and Hard X-Ray Tails in the Neutron Star X-Ray Binary GX 17+2
    S. Migliari , J. C. A. Miller-Jones , R. P. Fender , J. Homan , T. Di Salvo , R. E. Rothschild , M. P. Rupen , J. A. Tomsick , R. Wijnands , and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v671:706-712, 2007 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...671..706M

  188. New Multiwavelength Observations of PKS 2155-304 and Implications for the Coordinated Variability Patterns of Blazars
    M. A. Osterman , H. R. Miller , K. Marshall , W. T. Ryle , H. Aller , M. Aller , and J. P. McFarland
    The Astrophysical Journal, v671:97-103, 2007 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...671...97O

  189. Carbon Detonation and Shock-Triggered Helium Burning in Neutron Star Superbursts
    N. N. Weinberg and L. Bildsten
    The Astrophysical Journal, v670:1291-1300, 2007 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...670.1291W

  190. The WEBT Campaign on the Blazar 3C 279 in 2006
    M. Böttcher , S. Basu , M. Joshi , M. Villata , A. Arai , N. Aryan , I. M. Asfandiyarov , U. Bach , R. Bachev , A. Berduygin , M. Blaek , C. Buemi , A. J. Castro-Tirado , A. De Ugarte Postigo , A. Frasca , L. Fuhrmann , V. A. Hagen-Thorn , G. Henson , T. Hovatta , R. Hudec , M. Ibrahimov , Y. Ishii , R. Ivanidze , M. Jelínek , M. Kamada , B. Kapanadze , M. Katsuura , D. Kotaka , Y. Y. Kovalev , Y. A. Kovalev , P. Kubánek , M. Kurosaki , O. Kurtanidze , A. Lähteenmäki , L. Lanteri , V. M. Larionov , L. Larionova , C. Lee , P. Leto , E. Lindfors , E. Marilli , K. Marshall , H. R. Miller , M. G. Mingaliev , N. Mirabal , S. Mizoguchi , K. Nakamura , E. Nieppola , M. Nikolashvili , K. Nilsson , S. Nishiyama , J. Ohlert , M. A. Osterman , S. Pak , M. Pasanen , C. S. Peters , T. Pursimo , C. M. Raiteri , J. Robertson , T. Robertson , W. T. Ryle , K. Sadakane , A. Sadun , L. Sigua , B. Sohn , A. Strigachev , N. Sumitomo , L. O. Takalo , Y. Tamesue , K. Tanaka , J. R. Thorstensen , G. Tosti , C. Trigilio , G. Umana , S. Vennes , S. Vitek , A. Volvach , J. Webb , M. Yamanaka , and H. Yim
    The Astrophysical Journal, v670:968-977, 2007 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...670..968B

  191. Linking the X-ray timing and spectral properties of the glitching AXP 1RXS J170849-400910
    G. L. Israel , D. Götz , S. Zane , S. Dall'Osso , N. Rea , and L. Stella
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v476:L9-L12, 2007 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...476L...9I

  192. An alternative hypothesis for the outburst mechanism in supergiant fast X-ray transients: the case of IGR J11215-5952
    L. Sidoli , P. Romano , S. Mereghetti , A. Paizis , S. Vercellone , V. Mangano , and D. Götz
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v476:1307-1315, 2007 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...476.1307S

  193. Using GRO J1655-40 to test Swift/BAT as a monitor for bright hard X-ray sources
    F. Senziani , G. Novara , A. de Luca , P. A. Caraveo , T. Belloni , and G. F. Bignami
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v476:1297-1305, 2007 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...476.1297S

  194. Three Disk Oscillation Modes of Rotating Magnetized Neutron Stars
    R. V. E. Lovelace and M. M. Romanova
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v670:L13-L16, 2007 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...670L..13L

  195. Tracking the Orbital and Superorbital Periods of SMC X-1
    S. Trowbridge , M. A. Nowak , and J. Wilms
    The Astrophysical Journal, v670:624-634, 2007 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...670..624T

  196. Discovery of 442 Hz Pulsations from an X-Ray Source in the Globular Cluster NGC 6440
    F. P. Gavriil , T. E. Strohmayer , J. H. Swank , and C. B. Markwardt
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v669:L29-L32, 2007 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...669L..29G

  197. Hysteresis of Spectral Evolution in the Soft State of Black Hole Binary LMC X-3
    D. M. Smith , D. M. Dawson , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal, v669:1138-1142, 2007 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...669.1138S

  198. X-Ray Observations and Infrared Identification of the Transient 7.8 s X-Ray Binary Pulsar XTE J1829-098
    J. P. Halpern and E. V. Gotthelf
    The Astrophysical Journal, v669:579-584, 2007 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...669..579H

  199. The Variable Radio-to-X-Ray Spectrum of the Magnetar XTE J1810-197
    F. Camilo , S. M. Ransom , J. Peñalver , A. Karastergiou , M. H. van Kerkwijk , M. Durant , J. P. Halpern , J. Reynolds , C. Thum , D. J. Helfand , N. Zimmerman , and I. Cognard
    The Astrophysical Journal, v669:561-569, 2007 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...669..561C

  200. The AGN Nature of 11 out of 12 Swift/RXTE Unidentified Sources through Optical and X-Ray Spectroscopy
    R. Landi , N. Masetti , L. Morelli , E. Palazzi , L. Bassani , A. Malizia , A. Bazzano , A. J. Bird , A. J. Dean , G. Galaz , D. Minniti , and P. Ubertini
    The Astrophysical Journal, v669:109-125, 2007 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...669..109L

  201. RXTE confirmation of the intermediate polar status of Swift J0732.5-1331
    O. W. Butters , E. J. Barlow , A. J. Norton , and K. Mukai
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v475:L29-L32, 2007 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...475L..29B

  202. Does Submillisecond Pulsar XTE J1739-285 Contain a Weak Magnetic Neutron Star or Quark Star?
    C. M. Zhang , H. X. Yin , Y. H. Zhao , Y. C. Wei , and X. D. Li
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v119:1108-1113, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007PASP..119.1108Z

  203. Photometric activity of the unique X-ray transient CI Camelopardalis (XTE J0421+560)
    V. Šimon , C. Bartolini , A. Guarnieri , A. Piccioni , and D. Hanzl
    New Astronomy, v12:578-589, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007NewA...12..578S

  204. Photometric activity of the unique X-ray transient CI Camelopardalis (XTE J0421+560)
    V. imon , C. \AA}. and {Bartolini , A. Guarnieri , A. Piccioni , and D. Han{\AA}{\frac34}l
    New Astronomy, v12:578-589, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007NewA...12..578I

  205. Superorbital variability of X-ray and radio emission of Cyg X-1 - I. Emission anisotropy of precessing sources
    A. Ibragimov , A. A. Zdziarski , and J. Poutanen
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v381:723-731, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.381..723I

  206. X-ray Spectroscopy of Dips of Cir X-1
    Y. Lei , F. Lu , J. Qu , L. Song , and C. Zhang
    Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, v7:693-704, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ChJAA...7..693L

  207. Possible Magnetic Activity in the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO 0748-676
    M. T. Wolff , K. S. Wood , and P. S. Ray
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v668:L151-L154, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...668L.151W

  208. Discovery of the Accretion-powered Millisecond Pulsar SWIFT J1756.9-2508 with a Low-Mass Companion
    H. A. Krimm , C. B. Markwardt , C. J. Deloye , P. Romano , D. Chakrabarty , S. Campana , J. R. Cummings , D. K. Galloway , N. Gehrels , J. M. Hartman , P. Kaaret , E. H. Morgan , and J. Tueller
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v668:L147-L150, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...668L.147K

  209. Origin of the X-Ray Quasi-periodic Oscillations and Identification of a Transient Ultraluminous X-Ray Source in M82
    H. Feng and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v668:941-948, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...668..941F

  210. A Study of the Pulsed Radio Emission from XTE J1810-197
    A. W. Hotan , S. R. Long , J. M. Dickey , and T. J. Dolley
    The Astrophysical Journal, v668:449-455, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...668..449H

  211. Erratum: ``Discovery of a Second Millisecond Accreting Pulsar: XTE J1751-305'' (ApJ, 575, L21 [2002])
    C. B. Markwardt , J. H. Swank , T. E. Strohmayer , J. J. M. in't Zand , and F. E. Marshall
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v667:L211-L211, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...667L.211M

  212. Evaluating Spectral Models and the X-Ray States of Neutron Star X-Ray Transients
    D. Lin , R. A. Remillard , and J. Homan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v667:1073-1086, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...667.1073L

  213. Fourier-Resolved Spectroscopy of 4U 1728-34: New Insights into Spectral and Temporal Properties of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    C. R. Shrader , P. Reig , and D. Kazanas
    The Astrophysical Journal, v667:1063-1072, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...667.1063S

  214. A Hard-to-Soft State Transition during a Luminosity Decline of Aquila X-1
    W. Yu and J. Dolence
    The Astrophysical Journal, v667:1043-1047, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...667.1043Y

  215. Bridging the gap between stellar-mass black holes and ultraluminous X-ray sources
    R. Soria
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v311:213-222, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.311..213S

  216. Jet disc coupling in black hole binaries
    J. Malzac
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v311:149-159, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.311..149M

  217. X-ray emission from the stellar population in M 32
    M. Revnivtsev , E. Churazov , S. Sazonov , W. Forman , and C. Jones
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v473:783-789, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...473..783R

  218. XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL observations of the black hole candidate XTE J1817-330
    G. Sala , J. Greiner , M. Ajello , E. Bottacini , and F. Haberl
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v473:561-568, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...473..561S

  219. Long-term pulse profile study of the Be/X-ray pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545
    A. Camero Arranz , C. A. Wilson , M. H. Finger , and V. Reglero
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v473:551-559, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...473..551C

  220. Exploring the connection between the stellar wind and the non-thermal emission in LS 5039
    V. Bosch-Ramon , C. Motch , M. Ribó , R. Lopes de Oliveira , E. Janot-Pacheco , I. Negueruela , J. M. Paredes , and A. Martocchia
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v473:545-550, 2007 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...473..545B

  221. The variable radio counterpart and possible large-scale jet of the new Z source XTE J1701-462
    R. P. Fender , M. Dahlem , J. Homan , S. Corbel , R. Sault , and T. M. Belloni
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v380:L25-L29, 2007 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.380L..25F

  222. The Magnetar Nature and the Outburst Mechanism of a Transient Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar
    T. Güver , F. Özel , E. Göğüs , and C. Kouveliotou
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v667:L73-L76, 2007 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...667L..73G

  223. Broadband Spectral Evolution of Scorpius X-1 along Its Color-Color Diagram
    A. D'Aí , P. Zycki , T. Di Salvo , R. Iaria , G. Lavagetto , and N. R. Robba
    The Astrophysical Journal, v667:411-426, 2007 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...667..411D

  224. Correlations between X-Ray Spectral and Timing Characteristics in Cygnus X-2
    L. Titarchuk , S. Kuznetsov , and N. Shaposhnikov
    The Astrophysical Journal, v667:404-410, 2007 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...667..404T

  225. 1E 1547.0-5408: A Radio-emitting Magnetar with a Rotation Period of 2 Seconds
    F. Camilo , S. M. Ransom , J. P. Halpern , and J. Reynolds
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v666:L93-L96, 2007 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...666L..93C

  226. 10 Years of RXTE Monitoring of the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 4U 0142+61: Long-Term Variability
    R. Dib , V. M. Kaspi , and F. P. Gavriil
    The Astrophysical Journal, v666:1152-1164, 2007 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...666.1152D

  227. Swift Observations of the Cooling Accretion Disk of XTE J1817-330
    E. S. Rykoff , J. M. Miller , D. Steeghs , and M. A. P. Torres
    The Astrophysical Journal, v666:1129-1139, 2007 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...666.1129R

  228. Monitoring the Violent Activity from the Inner Accretion Disk of the Seyfert 1.9 Galaxy NGC 2992 with RXTE
    K. D. Murphy , T. Yaqoob , and Y. Terashima
    The Astrophysical Journal, v666:96-108, 2007 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...666...96M

  229. Sensitivity of an underwater Cerenkov km3 telescope to TeV neutrinos from Galactic microquasars
    S. Aiello , M. Ambriola , F. Ameli , I. Amore , M. Anghinolfi , A. Anzalone , G. Barbarino , E. Barbarito , M. Battaglieri , R. Bellotti , N. Beverini , M. Bonori , B. Bouhadef , M. Brescia , G. Cacopardo , F. Cafagna , A. Capone , L. Caponetto , E. Castorina , A. Ceres , T. Chiarusi , M. Circella , R. Cocimano , R. Coniglione , M. Cordelli , M. Costa , S. Cuneo , A. D'Amico , G. de Bonis , C. de Marzo , G. de Rosa , R. de Vita , C. Distefano , E. Falchini , C. Fiorello , V. Flaminio , K. Fratini , A. Gabrielli , S. Galeotti , E. Gandolfi , G. Giacomelli , F. Giorgi , A. Grimaldi , R. Habel , E. Leonora , A. Lonardo , G. Longo , D. Lo Presti , F. Lucarelli , E. Maccioni , A. Margiotta , A. Martini , R. Masullo , R. Megna , E. Migneco , M. Mongelli , T. Montaruli , M. Morganti , M. Musumeci , C. A. Nicolau , A. Orlando , M. Osipenko , G. Osteria , R. Papaleo , V. Pappalardo , C. Petta , P. Piattelli , G. Raia , N. Randazzo , S. Reito , G. Ricco , G. Riccobene , M. Ripani , A. Rovelli , M. Ruppi , G. V. Russo , S. Russo , P. Sapienza , M. Sedita , E. Shirokov , F. Simeone , V. Sipala , M. Spurio , M. Taiuti , G. Terreni , L. Trasatti , S. Urso , V. Valente , and P. Vicini
    Astroparticle Physics, v28:1-9, 2007 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007APh....28....1A

  230. A model for cyclotron resonance scattering features
    G. Schönherr , J. Wilms , P. Kretschmar , I. Kreykenbohm , A. Santangelo , R. E. Rothschild , W. Coburn , and R. Staubert
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v472:353-365, 2007 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...472..353S

  231. A precessing accretion disc in the intermediate polar XY Arietis?
    A. J. Norton and K. Mukai
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v472:225-232, 2007 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...472..225N

  232. Magnetic coupling of a rotating black hole with advection-dominated accretion flows
    Y. Ye , D. Wang , and R. Ma
    New Astronomy, v12:471-478, 2007 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007NewA...12..471Y

  233. Echoes from the companion star in Sco X-1
    T. Muñoz-Darias , I. G. Martínez-Pais , J. Casares , V. S. Dhillon , T. R. Marsh , R. Cornelisse , D. Steeghs , and P. A. Charles
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v379:1637-1646, 2007 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.379.1637M

  234. XMM-Newton observations of the eclipsing polar V2301 Oph
    G. Ramsay and M. Cropper
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v379:1209-1216, 2007 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.379.1209R

  235. Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Radiation from the Stellar Mass Black Hole Binary Cygnus X-1
    J. Albert , E. Aliu , H. Anderhub , P. Antoranz , A. Armada , C. Baixeras , J. A. Barrio , H. Bartko , D. Bastieri , J. K. Becker , W. Bednarek , K. Berger , C. Bigongiari , A. Biland , R. K. Bock , P. Bordas , V. Bosch-Ramon , T. Bretz , I. Britvitch , M. Camara , E. Carmona , A. Chilingarian , J. A. Coarasa , S. Commichau , J. L. Contreras , J. Cortina , M. T. Costado , V. Curtef , V. Danielyan , F. Dazzi , A. De Angelis , C. Delgado , R. de los Reyes , B. De Lotto , E. Domingo-Santamaría , D. Dorner , M. Doro , M. Errando , M. Fagiolini , D. Ferenc , E. Fernández , R. Firpo , J. Flix , M. V. Fonseca , L. Font , M. Fuchs , N. Galante , R. J. García-López , M. Garczarczyk , M. Gaug , M. Giller , F. Goebel , D. Hakobyan , M. Hayashida , T. Hengstebeck , A. Herrero , D. Höhne , J. Hose , C. C. Hsu , P. Jacon , T. Jogler , R. Kosyra , D. Kranich , R. Kritzer , A. Laille , E. Lindfors , S. Lombardi , F. Longo , J. López , M. López , E. Lorenz , P. Majumdar , G. Maneva , K. Mannheim , O. Mansutti , M. Mariotti , M. Martínez , D. Mazin , C. Merck , M. Meucci , M. Meyer , J. M. Miranda , R. Mirzoyan , S. Mizobuchi , A. Moralejo , D. Nieto , K. Nilsson , J. Ninkovic , E. Oña-Wilhelmi , N. Otte , I. Oya , M. Panniello , R. Paoletti , J. M. Paredes , M. Pasanen , D. Pascoli , F. Pauss , R. Pegna , M. Persic , L. Peruzzo , A. Piccioli , E. Prandini , N. Puchades , A. Raymers , W. Rhode , M. Ribó , J. Rico , M. Rissi , A. Robert , S. Rügamer , A. Saggion , T. Saito , A. Sánchez , P. Sartori , V. Scalzotto , V. Scapin , R. Schmitt , T. Schweizer , M. Shayduk , K. Shinozaki , S. N. Shore , N. Sidro , A. Sillanpää , D. Sobczynska , A. Stamerra , L. S. Stark , L. Takalo , P. Temnikov , D. Tescaro , M. Teshima , D. F. Torres , N. Turini , H. Vankov , V. Vitale , R. M. Wagner , T. Wibig , W. Wittek , F. Zandanel , R. Zanin , and J. Zapatero
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v665:L51-L54, 2007 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...665L..51A

  236. Spitzer Mid-Infrared Upper Limits on Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars 1E 1048.1-5937, 1RXS J170849.0-400910, and XTE J1810-197
    Z. Wang , V. M. Kaspi , and S. J. U. Higdon
    The Astrophysical Journal, v665:1292-1296, 2007 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...665.1292W

  237. Generation of Type I X-Ray Burst Oscillations by Unstable Surface Modes
    R. Narayan and R. L. Cooper
    The Astrophysical Journal, v665:628-636, 2007 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...665..628N

  238. Rms flux relation of Cyg X-1 with RXTE: dipping and nondipping cases
    Y. Lei , L. Song , J. Qu , and C. Zhang
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v310:307-315, 2007 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.310..307L

  239. The correlations between the spin frequencies and kHz QPOs of neutron stars in LMXBs
    H. X. Yin , C. M. Zhang , Y. H. Zhao , Y. J. Lei , J. L. Qu , L. M. Song , and F. Zhang
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v471:381-384, 2007 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...471..381Y

  240. Detection of VHE gamma-ray emission from the distant blazar 1ES 1101-232 with HESS and broadband characterisation
    F. Aharonian , A. G. Akhperjanian , A. R. Bazer-Bachi , M. Beilicke , W. Benbow , D. Berge , K. Bernlöhr , C. Boisson , O. Bolz , V. Borrel , I. Braun , E. Brion , A. M. Brown , R. Bühler , I. Büsching , T. Boutelier , S. Carrigan , P. M. Chadwick , L. Chounet , G. Coignet , R. Cornils , L. Costamante , B. Degrange , H. J. Dickinson , A. Djannati-Ataï , L. O'C. Drury , G. Dubus , K. Egberts , D. Emmanoulopoulos , P. Espigat , C. Farnier , F. Feinstein , E. Ferrero , A. Fiasson , G. Fontaine , S. Funk , S. Funk , M. Füßling , Y. A. Gallant , B. Giebels , J. F. Glicenstein , B. Glück , P. Goret , C. Hadjichristidis , D. Hauser , M. Hauser , G. Heinzelmann , G. Henri , G. Hermann , J. A. Hinton , A. Hoffmann , W. Hofmann , M. Holleran , S. Hoppe , D. Horns , A. Jacholkowska , O. C. de Jager , E. Kendziorra , M. Kerschhaggl , B. Khélifi , N. Komin , K. Kosack , G. Lamanna , I. J. Latham , R. Le Gallou , A. Lemière , M. Lemoine-Goumard , T. Lohse , J. M. Martin , O. Martineau-Huynh , A. Marcowith , C. Masterson , G. Maurin , T. J. L. McComb , E. Moulin , M. de Naurois , D. Nedbal , S. J. Nolan , A. Noutsos , J. Olive , K. J. Orford , J. L. Osborne , M. Panter , G. Pelletier , P. Petrucci , S. Pita , G. Pühlhofer , M. Punch , S. Ranchon , B. C. Raubenheimer , M. Raue , S. M. Rayner , J. Ripken , L. Rob , L. Rolland , S. Rosier-Lees , G. Rowell , V. Sahakian , A. Santangelo , L. Saugé , S. Schlenker , R. Schlickeiser , R. Schröder , U. Schwanke , S. Schwarzburg , S. Schwemmer , A. Shalchi , H. Sol , D. Spangler , F. Spanier , R. Steenkamp , C. Stegmann , G. Superina , P. H. Tam , J. Tavernet , R. Terrier , M. Tluczykont , C. van Eldik , G. Vasileiadis , C. Venter , J. P. Vialle , P. Vincent , H. J. Völk , S. J. Wagner , and M. Ward
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v470:475-489, 2007 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...470..475A

  241. Rossi XTE monitoring of 4U1636-53 - I. Long-term evolution and kHz quasi-periodic oscillations
    T. Belloni , J. Homan , S. Motta , E. Ratti , and M. Méndez
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v379:247-252, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.379..247B

  242. Modelling the energy dependencies of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in black hole X-ray binaries
    P. T. Zycki , A. Niedzwiecki , and M. A. Sobolewska
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v379:123-129, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.379..123Z

  243. Millisecond dips in the RXTE/PCA light curve of Sco X-1 and trans-Neptunian object occultation
    H. Chang , J. Liang , C. Liu , and S. King
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v378:1287-1297, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.378.1287C

  244. Detection of a 1258-Hz high-amplitude kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillation in the ultracompact X-ray binary 1A 1246-588
    P. G. Jonker , J. J. M. in't Zand , M. Méndez , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v378:1187-1190, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.378.1187J

  245. A highly polarized radio jet during the 1998 outburst of the black hole transient XTE J1748-288
    C. Brocksopp , J. C. A. Miller-Jones , R. P. Fender , and B. W. Stappers
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v378:1111-1117, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.378.1111B

  246. Erratum: ``An Accreting Millisecond Pulsar with Black Hole-like X-Ray Variability: IGR J00291+5934'' (ApJ, 660, 595 [2007])
    M. Linares , M. van der Klis , and R. Wijnands
    The Astrophysical Journal, v664:597-597, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...664..597L

  247. Possible X-Ray Diagnostic for Jet/Disk Dominance in Type 1 AGNs
    B. J. Mattson , K. A. Weaver , and C. S. Reynolds
    The Astrophysical Journal, v664:101-105, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...664..101M

  248. The Nature of a Broad-Line Radio Galaxy: Simultaneous RXTE and Chandra HETG Observations of 3C 382
    M. Gliozzi , R. M. Sambruna , M. Eracleous , and T. Yaqoob
    The Astrophysical Journal, v664:88-100, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...664...88G

  249. Evidence for Nonlinear Diffusive Shock Acceleration of Cosmic Rays in the 2006 Outburst of the Recurrent Nova RS Ophiuchi
    V. Tatischeff and M. Hernanz
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v663:L101-L104, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...663L.101T

  250. Correlated Radio-X-Ray Variability of Galactic Black Holes: A Radio-X-Ray Flare in Cygnus X-1
    J. Wilms , K. Pottschmidt , G. G. Pooley , S. Markoff , M. A. Nowak , I. Kreykenbohm , and R. E. Rothschild
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v663:L97-L100, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...663L..97W

  251. Peak Luminosities of the Hard States of GX 339-4: Implications for the Accretion Geometry, Disk Mass, and Black Hole Mass
    W. Yu , F. K. Lamb , R. Fender , and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v663:1309-1314, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...663.1309Y

  252. X-Ray Spectral Variation of η Carinae through the 2003 X-Ray Minimum
    K. Hamaguchi , M. F. Corcoran , T. Gull , K. Ishibashi , J. M. Pittard , D. J. Hillier , A. Damineli , K. Davidson , K. E. Nielsen , and G. V. Kober
    The Astrophysical Journal, v663:522-542, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...663..522H

  253. The Magnetar XTE J1810-197: Variations in Torque, Radio Flux Density, and Pulse Profile Morphology
    F. Camilo , I. Cognard , S. M. Ransom , J. P. Halpern , J. Reynolds , N. Zimmerman , E. V. Gotthelf , D. J. Helfand , P. Demorest , G. Theureau , and D. C. Backer
    The Astrophysical Journal, v663:497-504, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...663..497C

  254. Determination of Black Hole Mass in Cygnus X-1 by Scaling of Spectral Index-QPO Frequency Correlation
    N. Shaposhnikov and L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal, v663:445-449, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...663..445S

  255. X-Ray Timing Observations of PSR J1930+1852 in the Crab-like SNR G54.1+0.3
    F. Lu , Q. D. Wang , E. V. Gotthelf , and J. Qu
    The Astrophysical Journal, v663:315-319, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...663..315L

  256. Swift/XRT observes the fifth outburst of the periodic supergiant fast X-ray transient IGR J11215-5952
    P. Romano , L. Sidoli , V. Mangano , S. Mereghetti , and G. Cusumano
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v469:L5-L8, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...469L...5R

  257. A probable accretion-powered X-ray pulsar in IGR J00370+6122
    J. J. M. in't Zand , L. Kuiper , P. R. den Hartog , W. Hermsen , and R. H. D. Corbet
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v469:1063-1068, 2007 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...469.1063I

  258. Timing evidence in determining the accretion state of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3783
    D. P. Summons , P. Arévalo , I. M. McHardy , P. Uttley , and A. Bhaskar
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v378:649-656, 2007 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.378..649S

  259. RXTE observations of the low/hard state X-ray outburst of the new X-ray transient SWIFT J1753.5-0127
    M. C. Ramadevi and S. Seetha
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v378:182-188, 2007 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.378..182R

  260. Analysing the atolls: X-ray spectral transitions of accreting neutron stars
    J. Gladstone , C. Done , and M. Gierlinski
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v378:13-22, 2007 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.378...13G

  261. Measuring atmospheric density with X-ray occultation sounding
    J. R. Determan , S. A. Budzien , M. P. Kowalski , M. N. Lovellette , P. S. Ray , M. T. Wolff , K. S. Wood , L. Titarchuk , and R. Bandyopadhyay
    Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), v112nA11:6323, 2007 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007JGRA..11206323D

  262. 4U 0115+63 from RXTE and INTEGRAL data: Pulse profile and cyclotron line energy
    S. S. Tsygankov , A. A. Lutovinov , E. M. Churazov , and R. A. Sunyaev
    Astronomy Letters, v33:368-384, 2007 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007AstL...33..368T

  263. VLBA Measurement of the Transverse Velocity of the Magnetar XTE J1810-197
    D. J. Helfand , S. Chatterjee , W. F. Brisken , F. Camilo , J. Reynolds , M. H. van Kerkwijk , J. P. Halpern , and S. M. Ransom
    The Astrophysical Journal, v662:1198-1203, 2007 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...662.1198H

  264. Deep Searches for Radio Pulsations and Bursts from Four Southern Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars
    F. Crawford , J. W. T. Hessels , and V. M. Kaspi
    The Astrophysical Journal, v662:1183-1187, 2007 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...662.1183C

  265. Energy-dependent ~100 μs Time Lags as Observational Evidence of Comptonization Effects in the Neutron Star Plasma Environment
    M. Falanga and L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal, v661:1084-1088, 2007 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...661.1084F

  266. Anticorrelated Hard X-Ray Time Lags in Galactic Black Hole Sources
    K. Sriram , V. K. Agrawal , J. K. Pendharkar , and A. R. Rao
    The Astrophysical Journal, v661:1055-1063, 2007 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...661.1055S

  267. The black-hole candidate XTE J1817-330 as seen by XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL
    G. Sala , J. Greiner , E. Bottacini , and F. Haberl
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v309:315-319, 2007 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.309..315S

  268. INTEGRAL serendipitous detection of the gamma-ray microquasar LS 5039
    P. Goldoni , M. Ribó , T. di Salvo , J. M. Paredes , V. Bosch-Ramon , and M. Rupen
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v309:293-297, 2007 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.309..293G

  269. Constraints on Braneworld Gravity Models from a Kinematic Limit on the Age of the Black Hole XTE J1118+480
    D. Psaltis
    Physical Review Letters, v98n18:181101, 2007 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007PhRvL..98r1101P

  270. Dependence of the orbital modulation of X-rays from 4U 1820-303 on the accretion rate
    A. A. Zdziarski , M. Gierlinski , L. Wen , and Z. Kostrzewa
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v377:1017-1023, 2007 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.377.1017Z

  271. The superorbital variability and triple nature of the X-ray source 4U 1820-303
    A. A. Zdziarski , L. Wen , and M. Gierlinski
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v377:1006-1016, 2007 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.377.1006Z

  272. On the neutron star-disc interaction in Be/X-ray binaries
    P. Reig
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v377:867-873, 2007 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.377..867R

  273. Timing properties of XB 1254-690
    S. Bhattacharyya
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v377:198-202, 2007 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.377..198B

  274. The Orbit of the Eclipsing X-Ray Pulsar EXO 1722-363
    T. W. J. Thompson , J. A. Tomsick , J. J. M. i. Zand , R. E. Rothschild , and R. Walter
    The Astrophysical Journal, v661:447-457, 2007 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...661..447T

  275. Lost and Found: A New Position and Infrared Counterpart for the X-Ray Binary Scutum X-1
    D. L. Kaplan , A. M. Levine , D. Chakrabarty , E. H. Morgan , D. K. Erb , B. M. Gaensler , D. Moon , and P. B. Cameron
    The Astrophysical Journal, v661:437-446, 2007 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...661..437K

  276. Quasi-periodic Oscillations in XTE J0111.2-7317: Highest Frequency among the HMXB Pulsars
    R. Kaur , B. Paul , H. Raichur , and R. Sagar
    The Astrophysical Journal, v660:1409-1412, 2007 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...660.1409K

  277. X-Ray Spectral Variability in the Initial Rise of XTE J1550-564
    Y. Wu , C. Liu , and T. Li
    The Astrophysical Journal, v660:1386-1392, 2007 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...660.1386W

  278. An Accreting Millisecond Pulsar with Black Hole-like X-Ray Variability: IGR J00291+5934
    M. Linares , M. van der Klis , and R. Wijnands
    The Astrophysical Journal, v660:595-604, 2007 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...660..595L

  279. Power Spectra of Black Holes and Neutron Stars as a Probe of Hydrodynamic Structure of the Source: Diffusion Theory and Its Application to Cygnus X-1 and Cygnus X-2 X-Ray Observations
    L. Titarchuk , N. Shaposhnikov , and V. Arefiev
    The Astrophysical Journal, v660:556-579, 2007 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...660..556T

  280. Signatures of synchrotron emission and of electron acceleration in the X-ray spectra of Mrk 421
    A. Tramacere , F. Massaro , and A. Cavaliere
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v466:521-529, 2007 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...466..521T

  281. Supporting evidence for the signature of the innermost stable circular orbit in Rossi X-ray data from 4U 1636-536
    D. Barret , J. Olive , and M. C. Miller
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v376:1139-1144, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.376.1139B

  282. Coupling between the 45 Hz Horizontal-Branch Oscillation and the Normal-Branch Oscillation in Scorpius X-1
    W. Yu
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v659:L145-L148, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...659L.145Y

  283. Polarized Radio Emission from the Magnetar XTE J1810-197
    F. Camilo , J. Reynolds , S. Johnston , J. P. Halpern , S. M. Ransom , and W. van Straten
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v659:L37-L40, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...659L..37C

  284. X-Ray Spectral and Timing Properties of the Black Hole X-Ray Transient SWIFT J1753.5-0127
    G. Zhang , J. Qu , S. Zhang , C. Zhang , F. Zhang , W. Chen , L. Song , and S. Yang
    The Astrophysical Journal, v659:1511-1518, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...659.1511Z

  285. Simultaneous Multiwavelength Observations of the Low/Hard State of the X-Ray Transient Source SWIFT J1753.5-0127
    M. Cadolle Bel , M. Ribó , J. Rodriguez , S. Chaty , S. Corbel , A. Goldwurm , F. Frontera , R. Farinelli , P. D'Avanzo , A. Tarana , P. Ubertini , P. Laurent , P. Goldoni , and I. F. Mirabel
    The Astrophysical Journal, v659:549-560, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...659..549C

  286. Modeling the Hard States of XTE J1550-564 during Its 2000 Outburst
    F. Yuan , A. A. Zdziarski , Y. Xue , and X. Wu
    The Astrophysical Journal, v659:541-548, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...659..541Y

  287. The first multi-wavelength campaign of AXP 4U 0142+61 from radio to hard X-rays
    P. R. den Hartog , L. Kuiper , W. Hermsen , N. Rea , M. Durant , B. Stappers , V. M. Kaspi , and R. Dib
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v308:647-653, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.308..647D

  288. High frequency oscillations during magnetar flares
    A. L. Watts and T. E. Strohmayer
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v308:625-629, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.308..625W

  289. On the iron interpretation of the 6.4 keV emission line from SGR 1900+14
    A. I. Ibrahim , H. Anwer , M. H. Soliman , N. Mackie-Jones , K. S. Dhuga , W. C. Parke , J. H. Swank , T. Ukwatta , M. T. Hussein , and T. El-Sherbini
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v308:535-539, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.308..535I

  290. Chandra monitoring of the candidate anomalous X-ray pulsar AX J1845.0-0258
    C. R. Tam , V. M. Kaspi , B. M. Gaensler , and E. V. Gotthelf
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v308:519-523, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.308..519T

  291. 10 years of RXTE monitoring of anomalous X-ray pulsar 4U 0142+61: long-term variability
    R. Dib , V. M. Kaspi , and F. P. Gavriil
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v308:487-491, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.308..487D

  292. Resonant Compton upscattering in anomalous X-ray pulsars
    M. G. Baring and A. K. Harding
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v308:109-118, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.308..109B

  293. The anatomy of a magnetar: XMM monitoring of the transient anomalous X-ray pulsar XTE J1810 197
    E. V. Gotthelf and J. P. Halpern
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v308:79-87, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.308...79G

  294. The continuum and line spectra of SGR 1806-20 bursts
    A. I. Ibrahim , W. C. Parke , J. H. Swank , H. Anwer , R. Turolla , S. Zane , M. T. Hussein , and T. El-Sherbini
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v308:43-50, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.308...43I

  295. MMIV: de SGR 1806 20 Anno Mirabili
    G. Israel
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v308:25-31, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007Ap&SS.308...25I

  296. Discovery of a flux-related change of the cyclotron line energy in Hercules X-1
    R. Staubert , N. I. Shakura , K. Postnov , J. Wilms , R. E. Rothschild , W. Coburn , L. Rodina , and D. Klochkov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v465:L25-L28, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...465L..25S

  297. A 0535+26 in the August/September 2005 outburst observed by RXTE and INTEGRAL
    I. Caballero , P. Kretschmar , A. Santangelo , R. Staubert , D. Klochkov , A. Camero , C. Ferrigno , M. H. Finger , I. Kreykenbohm , V. A. McBride , K. Pottschmidt , R. E. Rothschild , G. Schönherr , A. Segreto , S. Suchy , J. Wilms , and C. A. Wilson
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v465:L21-L24, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...465L..21C

  298. A model for double notches and bifurcated components in radio profiles of pulsars and magnetars. Evidence for the parallel acceleration maser in pulsar magnetosphere
    J. Dyks , B. Rudak , and J. M. Rankin
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v465:981-991, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...465..981D

  299. Six new candidate ultracompact X-ray binaries
    J. J. M. in't Zand , P. G. Jonker , and C. B. Markwardt
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v465:953-963, 2007 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...465..953I

  300. Timing of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1814-338
    A. Papitto , T. di Salvo , L. Burderi , M. T. Menna , G. Lavagetto , and A. Riggio
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v375:971-976, 2007 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.375..971P

  301. Study of the fast X-ray transient XTE J1901+014 based on INTEGRAL, RXTE, and ROSAT data
    D. I. Karasev , A. A. Lutovinov , and S. A. Grebenev
    Astronomy Letters, v33:159-167, 2007 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007AstL...33..159K

  302. Evidence of 1122 Hz X-Ray Burst Oscillations from the Neutron Star X-Ray Transient XTE J1739-285
    P. Kaaret , Z. Prieskorn , J. J. M. i. Zand , S. Brandt , N. Lund , S. Mereghetti , D. Götz , E. Kuulkers , and J. A. Tomsick
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v657:L97-L100, 2007 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...657L..97K

  303. Timing an Accreting Millisecond Pulsar: Measuring the Accretion Torque in IGR J00291+5934
    L. Burderi , T. Di Salvo , G. Lavagetto , M. T. Menna , A. Papitto , A. Riggio , R. Iaria , F. D'Antona , N. R. Robba , and L. Stella
    The Astrophysical Journal, v657:961-966, 2007 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...657..961B

  304. Correlation between X-Ray Light-Curve Shape and Radio Arrival Time in the Vela Pulsar
    A. Lommen , J. Donovan , C. Gwinn , Z. Arzoumanian , A. Harding , M. Strickman , R. Dodson , P. McCulloch , and D. Moffett
    The Astrophysical Journal, v657:436-440, 2007 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...657..436L

  305. Correlation between 3:2 QPO Pairs and Jets in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries
    D. Wang , Y. Ye , and C. Huang
    The Astrophysical Journal, v657:428-435, 2007 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...657..428W

  306. Hard X-Ray Emission of the Microquasar GX 339-4 in the Low/Hard State
    A. Joinet , E. Jourdain , J. Malzac , J. P. Roques , S. Corbel , J. Rodriguez , and E. Kalemci
    The Astrophysical Journal, v657:400-408, 2007 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...657..400J

  307. Search for correlations between nearby AGNs and ultra-high energy cosmic rays
    J. D. Hague , J. A. J. Matthews , B. R. Becker , and M. S. Gold
    Astroparticle Physics, v27:134-141, 2007 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007APh....27..134H

  308. Rotation at 1122 Hz and the neutron star structure
    M. Bejger , P. Haensel , and J. L. Zdunik
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v464:L49-L52, 2007 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...464L..49B

  309. Simultaneous INTEGRAL and RXTE observations of the accreting millisecond pulsar HETE J1900.1-2455
    M. Falanga , J. Poutanen , E. W. Bonning , L. Kuiper , J. M. Bonnet-Bidaud , A. Goldwurm , W. Hermsen , and L. Stella
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v464:1069-1074, 2007 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...464.1069F

  310. X-ray broad-band study of the symbiotic X-ray binary 4U 1954+31
    N. Masetti , E. Rigon , E. Maiorano , G. Cusumano , E. Palazzi , M. Orlandini , L. Amati , and F. Frontera
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v464:277-287, 2007 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...464..277M

  311. Long-Term X-Ray Spectral Variability of the Radio-Loud Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy PKS 0558-504
    M. Gliozzi , I. E. Papadakis , and W. P. Brinkmann
    The Astrophysical Journal, v656:691-698, 2007 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...656..691G

  312. Joint Hα and X-Ray Observations of Massive X-Ray Binaries. I. The B Supergiant System LS I +65 010 = 2S 0114+650
    E. D. Grundstrom , J. L. Blair , D. R. Gies , W. Huang , M. V. McSwain , D. Raghavan , R. L. Riddle , J. P. Subasavage , D. W. Wingert , A. M. Levine , and R. A. Remillard
    The Astrophysical Journal, v656:431-436, 2007 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...656..431G

  313. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of the First Transient Z Source XTE J1701-462: Shedding New Light on Mass Accretion in Luminous Neutron Star X-Ray Binaries
    J. Homan , M. van der Klis , R. Wijnands , T. Belloni , R. Fender , M. Klein-Wolt , P. Casella , M. Méndez , E. Gallo , W. H. G. Lewin , and N. Gehrels
    The Astrophysical Journal, v656:420-430, 2007 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...656..420H

  314. An Unusual Precursor Burst with Oscillations from SAX J1808.4-3658
    S. Bhattacharyya and T. E. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal, v656:414-419, 2007 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...656..414B

  315. The Discovery Outburst of the X-Ray Transient IGR J17497-2821 Observed with RXTE and ATCA
    J. Rodriguez , M. C. Bel , J. A. Tomsick , S. Corbel , C. Brocksopp , A. Paizis , S. E. Shaw , and A. Bodaghee
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v655:L97-L100, 2007 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...655L..97R

  316. Low-frequency radio monitoring of microquasars
    M. Pandey , A. P. Rao , C. H. Ishwara-Chandra , P. Durouchoux , and R. K. Manchanda
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v463:567-577, 2007 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...463..567P

  317. Timing studies on RXTE observations of SAX J2103.5+4545
    A. Baykal , S. C. Inam , M. J. Stark , C. M. Heffner , A. E. Erkoca , and J. H. Swank
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v374:1108-1114, 2007 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.374.1108B

  318. Mass transfer during low-mass X-ray transient decays
    C. R. Powell , C. A. Haswell , and M. Falanga
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v374:466-476, 2007 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007MNRAS.374..466P

  319. A Study of the Light Curve of the X-ray Binary Cyg X-1 as a Black Hole Candidate
    A. Dong , J. Wang , and L. Xue
    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, v31:21-36, 2007 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ChA&A..31...21D

  320. Swift BAT and RXTE Observations of the Peculiar X-Ray Binary 4U 2206+54: Disappearance of the 9.6 Day Modulation
    R. H. D. Corbet , C. B. Markwardt , and J. Tueller
    The Astrophysical Journal, v655:458-465, 2007 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...655..458C

  321. GRO J1655-40: Early Stages of the 2005 Outburst
    N. Shaposhnikov , J. Swank , C. R. Shrader , M. Rupen , V. Beckmann , C. B. Markwardt , and D. A. Smith
    The Astrophysical Journal, v655:434-446, 2007 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...655..434S

  322. Mass Measurements of AGNs from Multi-Lorentzian Models of X-Ray Variability. I. Sampling Effects in Theoretical Models of the σ2rms-MBH Correlation
    M. E. Pessah
    The Astrophysical Journal, v655:66-76, 2007 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...655...66P

  323. Intermittent Pulsations in an Accretion-powered Millisecond Pulsar
    D. K. Galloway , E. H. Morgan , M. I. Krauss , P. Kaaret , and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v654:L73-L76, 2007 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...654L..73G

  324. The Prelude to and Aftermath of the Giant Flare of 2004 December 27: Persistent and Pulsed X-Ray Properties of SGR 1806-20 from 1993 to 2005
    P. M. Woods , C. Kouveliotou , M. H. Finger , E. Göğüs , C. A. Wilson , S. K. Patel , K. Hurley , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal, v654:470-486, 2007 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007ApJ...654..470W

  325. Unveiling the X-ray/TeV engine in Mkn 421
    B. Giebels , G. Dubus , and B. Khélifi
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v462:29-41, 2007 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007A&A...462...29G

  326. Different types of class transitions of GRS 1915+105 using IXAE data
    A. K. Choudhury , A. K. Chatterjee , and A. Nandi
    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v35:41, 2007
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007BASI...35...41C

  327. Suzaku observations of cyclotron resonances in binary X-ray pulsars
    Y. Terada , T. Mihara , F. Nagase , L. Angelini , T. Dotani , T. Enoto , S. Kitamoto , T. Kohmura , M. Kokubun , T. Kotani , K. Makishima , S. Naik , M. Nakajima , S. Sugita , K. Sudoh , M. Suzuki , H. Takahashi , D. Yonetoku , and A. Yoshida
    Advances in Space Research, v40:1485-1490, 2007
    ADS bibliographic code: 2007AdSpR..40.1485T

  328. Black hole spin in GRS 1915+105
    M. Middleton , C. Done , M. Gierlinski , and S. W. Davis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v373:1004-1012, 2006 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.373.1004M

  329. The energy dependence of burst oscillations from the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1814-338
    A. L. Watts and T. E. Strohmayer
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v373:769-780, 2006 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.373..769W

  330. Observational manifestations of the change in the tilt of the accretion disk to the orbital plane in her X-1/HZ her with phase of its 35-day period
    D. K. Klochkov , N. I. Shakura , K. A. Postnov , R. Staubert , J. Wilms , and N. A. Ketsaris
    Astronomy Letters, v32:804-815, 2006 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AstL...32..804K

  331. Discovery of Twin kHz QPOs in the Peculiar X-Ray Binary Circinus X-1
    S. Boutloukos , M. van der Klis , D. Altamirano , M. Klein-Wolt , R. Wijnands , P. G. Jonker , and R. P. Fender
    The Astrophysical Journal, v653:1435-1444, 2006 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...653.1435B

  332. The 2004 Hyperflare from SGR 1806-20: Further Evidence for Global Torsional Vibrations
    T. E. Strohmayer and A. L. Watts
    The Astrophysical Journal, v653:593-601, 2006 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...653..593S

  333. A Long, Hard Look at the Low/Hard State in Accreting Black Holes
    J. M. Miller , J. Homan , D. Steeghs , M. Rupen , R. W. Hunstead , R. Wijnands , P. A. Charles , and A. C. Fabian
    The Astrophysical Journal, v653:525-535, 2006 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...653..525M

  334. A Prominent Accretion Disk in the Low-Hard State of the Black Hole Candidate SWIFT J1753.5-0127
    J. M. Miller , J. Homan , and G. Miniutti
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v652:L113-L116, 2006 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...652L.113M

  335. Predicting the Starquakes in PSR J0537-6910
    J. Middleditch , F. E. Marshall , Q. D. Wang , E. V. Gotthelf , and W. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal, v652:1531-1546, 2006 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...652.1531M

  336. Analysis and Interpretation of Hard X-Ray Emission from the Bullet Cluster (1ES 0657-558), the Most Distant Cluster of Galaxies Observed by RXTE
    V. Petrosian , G. Madejski , and K. Luli
    The Astrophysical Journal, v652:948-954, 2006 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...652..948P

  337. A new symbiotic low mass X-ray binary system: 4U 1954+319
    F. Mattana , D. Götz , M. Falanga , F. Senziani , A. de Luca , P. Esposito , and P. A. Caraveo
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v460:L1-L4, 2006 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...460L...1M

  338. An explanation of the Z-track sources
    M. J. Church , G. S. Halai , and M. Balucinska-Church
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v460:233-244, 2006 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...460..233C

  339. Diagnostics of SS433 with the RXTE
    E. Filippova , M. Revnivtsev , S. Fabrika , K. Postnov , and E. Seifina
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v460:125-131, 2006 December
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...460..125F

  340. Map of the Galaxy in the 6.7-keV emission line
    M. Revnivtsev , S. Molkov , and S. Sazonov
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v373:L11-L15, 2006 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.373L..11R

  341. RXTE Observations of 1A 1744-361: Correlated Spectral and Timing Behavior
    S. Bhattacharyya , T. E. Strohmayer , J. H. Swank , and C. B. Markwardt
    The Astrophysical Journal, v652:603-609, 2006 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...652..603B

  342. Helium-rich Thermonuclear Bursts and the Distance to the Accretion-powered Millisecond Pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
    D. K. Galloway and A. Cumming
    The Astrophysical Journal, v652:559-568, 2006 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...652..559G

  343. Chandra Observations of the Transient 7 s X-ray Pulsar AX J1845.0-0258
    C. R. Tam , V. M. Kaspi , B. M. Gaensler , and E. V. Gotthelf
    The Astrophysical Journal, v652:548-553, 2006 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...652..548T

  344. The Spin of the Near-Extreme Kerr Black Hole GRS 1915+105
    J. E. McClintock , R. Shafee , R. Narayan , R. A. Remillard , S. W. Davis , and L. Li
    The Astrophysical Journal, v652:518-539, 2006 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...652..518M

  345. Further Evidence for Variable Synchrotron Emission in XTE J1118+480 in Outburst
    R. I. Hynes , E. L. Robinson , K. J. Pearson , D. M. Gelino , W. Cui , Y. Q. Xue , M. A. Wood , T. K. Watson , D. E. Winget , and I. M. Silver
    The Astrophysical Journal, v651:401-407, 2006 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...651..401H

  346. A torque reversal of 4U 1907+09
    S. Fritz , I. Kreykenbohm , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , F. Bayazit , K. Pottschmidt , J. Rodriguez , and A. Santangelo
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v458:885-893, 2006 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...458..885F

  347. Infrared polarimetry of the microquasars H1743-322, XTE J1550-564 and GRO J1655-40
    G. Dubus and S. Chaty
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v458:591-595, 2006 November
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...458..591D

  348. Spin of Stellar-Mass Black Holes Estimated by a Model of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations
    S. Kato and J. Fukue
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v58:909-914, 2006 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006PASJ...58..909K

  349. X-ray spectral variations of U Gem from quiescence to outburst
    T. Güver , C. Uluyazi , M. T. Özkan , and E. Göğüs
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v372:450-456, 2006 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.372..450G

  350. On the maximum amplitude and coherence of the kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations in low-mass X-ray binaries
    M. Méndez
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v371:1925-1938, 2006 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.371.1925M

  351. Hydrodynamic Thermonuclear Runaways in Superbursts
    N. N. Weinberg , L. Bildsten , and E. F. Brown
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v650:L119-L122, 2006 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...650L.119W

  352. A Hard X-Ray View of Scorpius X-1 with INTEGRAL: Nonthermal Emission?
    T. Di Salvo , P. Goldoni , L. Stella , M. van der Klis , A. Bazzano , L. Burderi , R. Farinelli , F. Frontera , G. L. Israel , M. Méndez , I. F. Mirabel , N. R. Robba , P. Sizun , P. Ubertini , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v649:L91-L94, 2006 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...649L..91D

  353. Long RXTE Observations of A2163
    Y. Rephaeli , D. Gruber , and Y. Arieli
    The Astrophysical Journal, v649:673-677, 2006 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...649..673R

  354. Study of 23 day periodicity of Blazar Mkn501 in 1997
    S. Osone
    Astroparticle Physics, v26:209-218, 2006 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006APh....26..209O

  355. On the multiwavelength spectrum of the microquasar 1E 1740.7-2942
    V. Bosch-Ramon , G. E. Romero , J. M. Paredes , A. Bazzano , M. Del Santo , and L. Bassani
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v457:1011-1014, 2006 October
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...457.1011B

  356. Disc-corona energetics in the very high state of Galactic black holes
    C. Done and A. Kubota
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v371:1216-1230, 2006 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.371.1216D

  357. V0332+53 in the outburst of 2004-2005: luminosity dependence of the cyclotron line and pulse profile
    S. S. Tsygankov , A. A. Lutovinov , E. M. Churazov , and R. A. Sunyaev
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v371:19-28, 2006 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.371...19T

  358. XSS J00564+4548 and IGR J00234+6141: New cataclysmic variables from the RXTE and INTEGRAL all-sky surveys
    I. F. Bikmaev , M. G. Revnivtsev , R. A. Burenin , and R. A. Sunyaev
    Astronomy Letters, v32:588-593, 2006 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AstL...32..588B

  359. X-Ray Properties of Black-Hole Binaries
    R. A. Remillard and J. E. McClintock
    Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, v44:49-92, 2006 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ARA&A..44...49R

  360. Orbital Parameters for the X-Ray Pulsar IGR J16393-4643
    T. W. J. Thompson , J. A. Tomsick , R. E. Rothschild , J. J. M. in't Zand , and R. Walter
    The Astrophysical Journal, v649:373-381, 2006 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...649..373T

  361. Mid-Infrared Emission from Dust around Quiescent Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    M. P. Muno and J. Mauerhan
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v648:L135-L138, 2006 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...648L.135M

  362. An Investigation of Be/X-Ray Pulsars with OGLE-III Data
    P. C. Schmidtke , A. P. Cowley , and A. Udalski
    The Astronomical Journal, v132:971-975, 2006 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AJ....132..971S

  363. Swift, RXTE, and INTEGRAL observation of Swift J1922.7-1716
    M. Falanga , T. Belloni , and S. Campana
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v456:L5-L8, 2006 September
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...456L...5F

  364. Transient pulsed radio emission from a magnetar
    F. Camilo , S. M. Ransom , J. P. Halpern , J. Reynolds , D. J. Helfand , N. Zimmerman , and J. Sarkissian
    Nature, v442:892-895, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006Natur.442..892C

  365. A transient I-band excess in the optical spectrum of the accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
    J. G. Greenhill , A. B. Giles , and C. Coutures
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v370:1303-1308, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.370.1303G

  366. The coherence of kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-rays from accreting neutron stars
    D. Barret , J. Olive , and M. C. Miller
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v370:1140-1146, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.370.1140B

  367. X-ray spectral transitions of black holes from RXTE All-Sky Monitor
    M. Gierlinski and J. Newton
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v370:837-844, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.370..837G

  368. Rotational and Cyclical Variability in γ Cassiopeia
    M. A. Smith , G. W. Henry , and E. Vishniac
    The Astrophysical Journal, v647:1375-1386, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...647.1375S

  369. A Braking Index for the Young, High Magnetic Field, Rotation-Powered Pulsar in Kesteven 75
    M. A. Livingstone , V. M. Kaspi , E. V. Gotthelf , and L. Kuiper
    The Astrophysical Journal, v647:1286-1292, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...647.1286L

  370. Testing Accretion Disk Theory in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries
    S. W. Davis , C. Done , and O. M. Blaes
    The Astrophysical Journal, v647:525-538, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...647..525D

  371. A Further Study of the Luminosity-dependent Cyclotron Resonance Energies of the Binary X-Ray Pulsar 4U 0115+63 with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    M. Nakajima , T. Mihara , K. Makishima , and H. Niko
    The Astrophysical Journal, v646:1125-1138, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...646.1125N

  372. Timing Features of the Accretion-driven Millisecond X-Ray Pulsar XTE J1807-294 in the 2003 March Outburst
    F. Zhang , J. Qu , C. M. Zhang , W. Chen , and T. P. Li
    The Astrophysical Journal, v646:1116-1124, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...646.1116Z

  373. Fe K Emission and Absorption in the XMM-EPIC Spectrum of the Seyfert Galaxy IC 4329a
    A. Markowitz , J. N. Reeves , and V. Braito
    The Astrophysical Journal, v646:783-800, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...646..783M

  374. IGR J17544-2619: a new supergiant fast X-ray transient revealed by optical/infrared observations
    L. J. Pellizza , S. Chaty , and I. Negueruela
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v455:653-658, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...455..653P

  375. Optical/near-infrared observations of the black hole candidate XTE J1720-318 : from high-soft to low-hard state
    S. Chaty and N. Bessolaz
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v455:639-644, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...455..639C

  376. Discovery of very high energy γ-ray emission from the BL Lacertae object H 2356-309 with the HESS Cherenkov telescopes
    F. Aharonian , A. G. Akhperjanian , A. R. Bazer-Bachi , M. Beilicke , W. Benbow , D. Berge , K. Bernlöhr , C. Boisson , O. Bolz , V. Borrel , I. Braun , F. Breitling , A. M. Brown , R. Bühler , I. Büsching , S. Carrigan , P. M. Chadwick , L. Chounet , R. Cornils , L. Costamante , B. Degrange , H. J. Dickinson , A. Djannati-Ataï , L. O'C. Drury , G. Dubus , K. Egberts , D. Emmanoulopoulos , P. Espigat , F. Feinstein , E. Ferrero , G. Fontaine , S. Funk , S. Funk , Y. A. Gallant , B. Giebels , J. F. Glicenstein , P. Goret , C. Hadjichristidis , D. Hauser , M. Hauser , G. Heinzelmann , G. Henri , G. Hermann , J. A. Hinton , W. Hofmann , M. Holleran , D. Horns , A. Jacholkowska , O. C. de Jager , B. Khélifi , N. Komin , A. Konopelko , I. J. Latham , R. Le Gallou , A. Lemière , M. Lemoine-Goumard , T. Lohse , J. M. Martin , O. Martineau-Huynh , A. Marcowith , C. Masterson , T. J. L. McComb , M. de Naurois , D. Nedbal , S. J. Nolan , A. Noutsos , K. J. Orford , J. L. Osborne , M. Ouchrif , M. Panter , G. Pelletier , S. Pita , G. Pühlhofer , M. Punch , B. C. Raubenheimer , M. Raue , S. M. Rayner , A. Reimer , O. Reimer , J. Ripken , L. Rob , L. Rolland , G. Rowell , V. Sahakian , L. Saugé , S. Schlenker , R. Schlickeiser , U. Schwanke , H. Sol , D. Spangler , F. Spanier , R. Steenkamp , C. Stegmann , G. Superina , J. Tavernet , R. Terrier , C. G. Théoret , M. Tluczykont , C. van Eldik , G. Vasileiadis , C. Venter , P. Vincent , H. J. Völk , S. J. Wagner , and M. Ward
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v455:461-466, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...455..461A

  377. Observations of the intense and ultra-long burst GRB 041219a with the Germanium spectrometer on INTEGRAL
    S. McBreen , L. Hanlon , S. McGlynn , B. McBreen , S. Foley , R. Preece , A. von Kienlin , and O. R. Williams
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v455:433-440, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...455..433M

  378. The origin and fate of short-period low-mass black-hole binaries
    L. R. Yungelson , J. Lasota , G. Nelemans , G. Dubus , E. P. J. van den Heuvel , J. Dewi , and S. Portegies Zwart
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v454:559-569, 2006 August
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...454..559Y

  379. Spectral and Fourier analyses of X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations in accreting black holes
    M. A. Sobolewska and P. T. {\.Z}ycki
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v370:405-414, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.370..405S

  380. Optical spectroscopy of (candidate) ultracompact X-ray binaries: constraints on the composition of the donor stars
    G. Nelemans , P. G. Jonker , and D. Steeghs
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v370:255-262, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.370..255N

  381. XMM-Newton discovery of the X-ray transient XMMU J181227.8-181234 in the Galactic plane
    E. M. Cackett , R. Wijnands , and R. Remillard
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v369:1965-1971, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.369.1965C

  382. Evidence of a change in the long-term spin-down rate of the X-ray pulsar 4U 1907+09
    A. Baykal , S. C. {\.I}nam , and E. Beklen
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v369:1760-1764, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.369.1760B

  383. Unveiling Supergiant Fast X-Ray Transient Sources with INTEGRAL
    V. Sguera , A. Bazzano , A. J. Bird , A. J. Dean , P. Ubertini , E. J. Barlow , L. Bassani , D. J. Clark , A. B. Hill , A. Malizia , M. Molina , and J. B. Stephen
    The Astrophysical Journal, v646:452-463, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...646..452S

  384. The Rates of Type I X-Ray Bursts from Transients Observed with RXTE: Evidence for Black Hole Event Horizons
    R. A. Remillard , D. Lin , R. L. Cooper , and R. Narayan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v646:407-419, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...646..407R

  385. Simultaneous Chandra and RXTE Spectroscopy of the Microquasar H1743-322: Clues to Disk Wind and Jet Formation from a Variable Ionized Outflow
    J. M. Miller , J. Raymond , J. Homan , A. C. Fabian , D. Steeghs , R. Wijnands , M. Rupen , P. Charles , M. van der Klis , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v646:394-406, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...646..394M

  386. Connection between the Accretion Disk and Superluminal Radio Jets and the Role of the Radio Plateau State in GRS 1915+105
    J. S. Yadav
    The Astrophysical Journal, v646:385-393, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...646..385Y

  387. Long-Term X-Ray and TeV Variability of Mrk 501
    M. Gliozzi , R. M. Sambruna , I. Jung , H. Krawczynski , D. Horan , and F. Tavecchio
    The Astrophysical Journal, v646:61-75, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...646...61G

  388. Evolution of Hard X-Ray Spectra along the Orbital Phase in Circinus X-1
    G. Q. Ding , S. N. Zhang , T. P. Li , and J. L. Qu
    The Astrophysical Journal, v645:576-588, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...645..576D

  389. Discovery of Luminous Pulsed Hard X-Ray Emission from Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars 1RXS J1708-4009, 4U 0142+61, and 1E 2259+586 by INTEGRAL and RXTE
    L. Kuiper , W. Hermsen , P. R. den Hartog , and W. Collmar
    The Astrophysical Journal, v645:556-575, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...645..556K

  390. The study of the light curve of X-ray binary Cyg X-1
    A. J. Dong , J. C. Wang , and L. Xue
    Acta Astronomica Sinica, v47:231-246, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AcASn..47..231D

  391. Recent timing studies on RXTE observations of 4U 1538-52
    A. Baykal , S. C. Inam , and E. Beklen
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v453:1037-1040, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...453.1037B

  392. Simultaneous VLBI/GMRT/RXTE observation of SS433
    S. K. Chakrabarti , S. Pal , and A. Nandi
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v453:965-968, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...453..965C

  393. Boundary layer emission and Z-track in the color-color diagram of luminous LMXBs
    M. G. Revnivtsev and M. R. Gilfanov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v453:253-259, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...453..253R

  394. Influences of the magnetic coupling process on the spectrum of a disk covered by the corona
    R. Ma , D. Wang , and X. Zuo
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v453:1-7, 2006 July
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...453....1M

  395. X-Ray Spectral and Timing Observations of AO Piscium
    E. M. Johnson , J. N. Imamura , and T. Y. Steiman-Cameron
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v118:797-804, 2006 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006PASP..118..797J

  396. Interpretation of the 1998 outburst of the unique X-ray transient CI Camelopardalis (XTE J0421+560)
    V. Šimon , C. Bartolini , A. Piccioni , and A. Guarnieri
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v369:355-359, 2006 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.369..355S

  397. High-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations from GRS 1915+105 in its C state
    T. Belloni , P. Soleri , P. Casella , M. Méndez , and S. Migliari
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v369:305-310, 2006 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.369..305B

  398. XTE J1118+480: A Metal-rich Black Hole Binary in the Galactic Halo
    J. I. González Hernández , R. Rebolo , G. Israelian , E. T. Harlaftis , A. V. Filippenko , and R. Chornock
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v644:L49-L52, 2006 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...644L..49G

  399. Multiwavelength Observations of 1ES 1959+650, 1 Year after the Strong Outburst of 2002
    K. Gutierrez , H. M. Badran , S. M. Bradbury , J. H. Buckley , O. Celik , Y. C. Chow , P. Cogan , W. Cui , M. Daniel , A. Falcone , S. J. Fegan , J. P. Finley , G. H. Gillanders , J. Grube , J. Holder , D. Horan , S. B. Hughes , I. Jung , D. Kieda , K. Kosack , H. Krawczynski , F. Krennrich , M. J. Lang , S. Le Bohec , G. Maier , P. Moriarty , J. Perkins , M. Pohl , J. Quinn , P. F. Rebillot , H. J. Rose , M. Schroedter , G. H. Sembroski , S. P. Wakely , T. C. Weekes , R. J. White , M. Aller , H. Aller , P. Charlot , and J. F. Le Campion
    The Astrophysical Journal, v644:742-747, 2006 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...644..742G

  400. The 2005 Outburst of the Halo Black Hole X-Ray Transient XTE J1118+480
    C. Zurita , M. A. P. Torres , D. Steeghs , P. Rodríguez-Gil , T. Muñoz-Darias , J. Casares , T. Shahbaz , I. G. Martínez-Pais , P. Zhao , M. R. Garcia , A. Piccioni , C. Bartolini , A. Guarnieri , J. S. Bloom , C. H. Blake , E. E. Falco , A. Szentgyorgyi , and M. Skrutskie
    The Astrophysical Journal, v644:432-438, 2006 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...644..432Z

  401. Comprehensive Analysis of RXTE Data from Cygnus X-1: Spectral Index-Quasi-Periodic Oscillation Frequency-Luminosity Correlations
    N. Shaposhnikov and L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal, v643:1098-1113, 2006 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...643.1098S

  402. Probing the temporal variability of Cygnus X-1 into the soft state
    M. Axelsson , L. Borgonovo , and S. Larsson
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v452:975-984, 2006 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...452..975A

  403. INTEGRAL and RXTE monitoring of GRS 1758-258 in 2003 and 2004. A transition from the dim soft state to the hard state
    K. Pottschmidt , M. Chernyakova , A. A. Zdziarski , P. Lubinski , D. M. Smith , and N. Bezayiff
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v452:285-294, 2006 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...452..285P

  404. Origin of the Galactic ridge X-ray emission
    M. Revnivtsev , S. Sazonov , M. Gilfanov , E. Churazov , and R. Sunyaev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v452:169-178, 2006 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...452..169R

  405. The faint 2005 hard state outburst of Aquila X-1 seen by INTEGRAL and RXTE
    J. Rodriguez , S. E. Shaw , and S. Corbel
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v451:1045-1048, 2006 June
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...451.1045R

  406. Periodic long-term X-ray and radio variability of Cygnus X-1
    P. Lachowicz , A. A. Zdziarski , A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny , G. G. Pooley , and S. Kitamoto
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v368:1025-1039, 2006 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.368.1025L

  407. Simultaneous X-ray/optical observations of GX9+9 (4U1728-16)
    A. K. H. Kong , P. A. Charles , L. Homer , E. Kuulkers , and D. O'Donoghue
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v368:781-795, 2006 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.368..781K

  408. Spectral States of the X-Ray Binary IGR J17091-3624 Observed by INTEGRAL and RXTE
    F. Capitanio , A. Bazzano , P. Ubertini , A. A. Zdziarski , A. J. Bird , G. De Cesare , A. J. Dean , J. B. Stephen , and A. Tarana
    The Astrophysical Journal, v643:376-380, 2006 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...643..376C

  409. Spreading of Thermonuclear Flames on the Neutron Star in SAX J1808.4-3658: An Observational Tool
    S. Bhattacharyya and T. E. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v642:L161-L164, 2006 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...642L.161B

  410. The Inclination Angle and Mass of the Black Hole in XTE J1118+480
    D. M. Gelino , S. Balman , Ü. Kiziloğlu , A. Yilmaz , E. Kalemci , and J. A. Tomsick
    The Astrophysical Journal, v642:438-442, 2006 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...642..438G

  411. A Precessing Ring Model for Low-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations
    J. D. Schnittman , J. Homan , and J. M. Miller
    The Astrophysical Journal, v642:420-426, 2006 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...642..420S

  412. A historic jet-emission minimum reveals hidden spectral features in 3C 273
    M. Türler , M. Chernyakova , T. J. Courvoisier , C. Foellmi , M. F. Aller , H. D. Aller , A. Kraus , T. P. Krichbaum , A. Lähteenmäki , A. Marscher , I. M. McHardy , P. T. O'Brien , K. L. Page , L. Popescu , E. I. Robson , M. Tornikoski , and H. Ungerechts
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v451:L1-L4, 2006 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...451L...1T

  413. INTEGRAL survey of the Cassiopeia region in hard X rays
    P. R. den Hartog , W. Hermsen , L. Kuiper , J. Vink , J. J. M. in't Zand , and W. Collmar
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v451:587-602, 2006 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...451..587D

  414. Study of the cyclotron feature in MXB 0656-072
    V. A. McBride , J. Wilms , M. J. Coe , I. Kreykenbohm , R. E. Rothschild , W. Coburn , J. L. Galache , P. Kretschmar , W. R. T. Edge , and R. Staubert
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v451:267-272, 2006 May
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...451..267M

  415. Productivity and Impact of Space-based Astronomical Facilities
    V. Trimble , P. Zaich , and T. Bosler
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v118:651-655, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006PASP..118..651T

  416. Super-orbital period in the high-mass X-ray binary 2S 0114+650
    S. A. Farrell , R. K. Sood , and P. M. O'Neill
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v367:1457-1462, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.367.1457F

  417. INTEGRAL/RXTE high-energy observation of a state transition of GX 339-4
    T. Belloni , I. Parolin , M. Del Santo , J. Homan , P. Casella , R. P. Fender , W. H. G. Lewin , M. Méndez , J. M. Miller , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v367:1113-1120, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.367.1113B

  418. Truncated disc versus extremely broad iron line in XTE J1650-500
    C. Done and M. Gierlinski
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v367:659-668, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.367..659D

  419. New nearby active galactic nuclei among INTEGRAL and RXTE X-ray sources
    I. F. Bikmaev , R. A. Sunyaev , M. G. Revnivtsev , and R. A. Burenin
    Astronomy Letters, v32:221-227, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AstL...32..221B

  420. Calibration of the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Proportional Counter Array
    K. Jahoda , C. B. Markwardt , Y. Radeva , A. H. Rots , M. J. Stark , J. H. Swank , T. E. Strohmayer , and W. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v163:401-423, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJS..163..401J

  421. A Systematic Search for Periodicities in RXTE ASM Data
    L. Wen , A. M. Levine , R. H. D. Corbet , and H. V. Bradt
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v163:372-392, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJS..163..372W

  422. Signature of Temporary Burning Front Stalling from a Non-Photospheric Radius Expansion Double-peaked Burst
    S. Bhattacharyya and T. E. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v641:L53-L56, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...641L..53B

  423. INTEGRAL and RXTE Observations of Centaurus A
    R. E. Rothschild , J. Wilms , J. Tomsick , R. Staubert , S. Benlloch , W. Collmar , G. Madejski , S. Deluit , and H. Khandrika
    The Astrophysical Journal, v641:801-821, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...641..801R

  424. Multiwavelength Observations of the Blazar Markarian 421 in 2002 December and 2003 January
    P. F. Rebillot , H. M. Badran , G. Blaylock , S. M. Bradbury , J. H. Buckley , D. A. Carter-Lewis , O. Celik , Y. C. Chow , P. Cogan , W. Cui , M. Daniel , C. Duke , A. Falcone , S. J. Fegan , J. P. Finley , L. F. Fortson , G. H. Gillanders , J. Grube , K. Gutierrez , G. Gyuk , D. Hanna , J. Holder , D. Horan , S. B. Hughes , G. E. Kenny , M. Kertzman , D. Kieda , J. Kildea , K. Kosack , H. Krawczynski , F. Krennrich , M. J. Lang , S. Le Bohec , E. Linton , G. Maier , P. Moriarty , J. Perkins , M. Pohl , J. Quinn , K. Ragan , P. T. Reynolds , H. J. Rose , M. Schroedter , G. H. Sembroski , G. Steele , S. P. Swordy , L. Valcarcel , V. V. Vassiliev , S. P. Wakely , T. C. Weekes , J. Zweerink , M. Aller , H. Aller , P. Boltwood , I. Jung , D. Kranich , K. Nilsson , M. Pasanen , A. Sadun , and A. Sillanpaa
    The Astrophysical Journal, v641:740-751, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...641..740R

  425. A Burst and Simultaneous Short-Term Pulsed Flux Enhancement from the Magnetar Candidate 1E 1048.1-5937
    F. P. Gavriil , V. M. Kaspi , and P. M. Woods
    The Astrophysical Journal, v641:418-426, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...641..418G

  426. X-ray luminosity function of faint point sources in the Milky Way
    S. Sazonov , M. Revnivtsev , M. Gilfanov , E. Churazov , and R. Sunyaev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v450:117-128, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...450..117S

  427. The XMM-Newton/Chandra monitoring campaign of the Galactic center region. Description of the program and preliminary results
    R. Wijnands , J. J. M. in't Zand , M. Rupen , T. Maccarone , J. Homan , R. Cornelisse , R. Fender , J. Grindlay , M. van der Klis , E. Kuulkers , C. B. Markwardt , J. C. A. Miller-Jones , and Q. D. Wang
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v449:1117-1127, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...449.1117W

  428. Correlated spectral and temporal changes in 3C 390.3: a new link between AGN and Galactic black hole binaries?
    M. Gliozzi , I. E. Papadakis , and C. Räth
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v449:969-983, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...449..969G

  429. Correlated X-ray spectral and timing variability of the Be/X-ray binary V0332+53/BQ Camelopardalis during a type II outburst
    P. Reig , S. Martínez-Núñez , and V. Reglero
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v449:703-710, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...449..703R

  430. Wind accretion in the massive X-ray binary 4U 2206+54: abnormally slow wind and a moderately eccentric orbit
    M. Ribó , I. Negueruela , P. Blay , J. M. Torrejón , and P. Reig
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v449:687-698, 2006 April
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...449..687R

  431. Variable Quasi Periodic Oscillations during an Outburst of the Transient X-ray Pulsar XTE J1858+034
    U. Mukherjee , S. Bapna , H. Raichur , B. Paul , and S. N. A. Jaaffrey
    Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, v27:25, 2006 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006JApA...27...25M

  432. Broadband radio spectrum of SS433
    S. Pal , S. K. Chakrabarti , A. Kraus , and S. Mandal
    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v34:1, 2006 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006BASI...34....1P

  433. The Discovery of a Neutron Star with a Spin Frequency of 530 Hz in A1744-361
    S. Bhattacharyya , T. E. Strohmayer , C. B. Markwardt , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v639:L31-L34, 2006 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...639L..31B

  434. Eddington-limited X-Ray Bursts as Distance Indicators. II. Possible Compositional Effects in Bursts from 4U 1636-536
    D. K. Galloway , D. Psaltis , M. P. Muno , and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal, v639:1033-1038, 2006 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...639.1033G

  435. Partial Covering during Long-Term Dips in Circinus X-1
    G. Q. Ding , J. L. Qu , and T. P. Li
    The Astronomical Journal, v131:1693-1701, 2006 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AJ....131.1693D

  436. Identification of four RXTE Slew Survey sources with nearby luminous active galactic nuclei
    M. Revnivtsev , S. Sazonov , E. Churazov , and S. Trudolyubov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v448:L49-L52, 2006 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...448L..49R

  437. Optical identification of IGR J19140+0951
    J. J. M. in't Zand , P. G. Jonker , G. Nelemans , D. Steeghs , and K. O'Brien
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v448:1101-1106, 2006 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...448.1101I

  438. The iron K-shell features of MXB 1728-34 from a simultaneous Chandra-RXTE observation
    A. D'Aí , T. di Salvo , R. Iaria , M. Méndez , L. Burderi , G. Lavagetto , W. H. G. Lewin , N. R. Robba , L. Stella , and M. van der Klis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v448:817-822, 2006 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...448..817D

  439. INTEGRAL high energy behaviour of 4U 1812-12
    A. Tarana , A. Bazzano , P. Ubertini , M. Cocchi , D. Götz , F. Capitanio , A. J. Bird , and M. Fiocchi
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v448:335-339, 2006 March
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...448..335T

  440. XMM-Newton observations of the black hole X-ray transient XTE J1650-500 in quiescence
    J. Homan , R. Wijnands , A. Kong , J. M. Miller , S. Rossi , T. Belloni , and W. H. G. Lewin
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v366:235-237, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.366..235H

  441. A closer look at the X-ray transient XTE J1908+094: identification of two new near-infrared candidate counterparts
    S. Chaty , R. P. Mignani , and G. L. Israel
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v365:1387-1391, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.365.1387C

  442. A variable Quasi-Periodic Oscillation in M82 X-1. Timing and spectral analysis of XMM-Newton and RossiXTE observations
    P. Mucciarelli , P. Casella , T. Belloni , L. Zampieri , and P. Ranalli
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v365:1123-1130, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006MNRAS.365.1123M

  443. On the correlation between the very-high-energy gamma-ray and X-ray fluxes from the blazar 3C 66A
    V. V. Fidelis
    Astronomy Letters, v32:91-95, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AstL...32...91F

  444. The Optical Counterpart to the Peculiar X-Ray Transient XTE J1739-302
    I. Negueruela , D. M. Smith , T. E. Harrison , and J. M. Torrejón
    The Astrophysical Journal, v638:982-986, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...638..982N

  445. XTE J1739-302 as a Supergiant Fast X-Ray Transient
    D. M. Smith , W. A. Heindl , C. B. Markwardt , J. H. Swank , I. Negueruela , T. E. Harrison , and L. Huss
    The Astrophysical Journal, v638:974-981, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...638..974S

  446. The Energy Dependence of Neutron Star Surface Modes and X-Ray Burst Oscillations
    A. L. Piro and L. Bildsten
    The Astrophysical Journal, v638:968-937, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...638..968P

  447. The X-Ray Outburst of H1743-322 in 2003: High-Frequency QPOs with a 3:2 Frequency Ratio
    R. A. Remillard , J. E. McClintock , J. A. Orosz , and A. M. Levine
    The Astrophysical Journal, v637:1002-1009, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...637.1002R

  448. X-Ray Observations of V4641 SGR (SAX J1819.3-2525) during the Brief and Violent Outburst of 2003
    D. Maitra and C. D. Bailyn
    The Astrophysical Journal, v637:992-1001, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...637..992M

  449. Does Low-Frequency X-Ray QPO Behavior in GRS 1915+105 Influence Subsequent X-Ray and Infrared Evolution?
    V. J. Mikles , S. S. Eikenberry , and D. M. Rothstein
    The Astrophysical Journal, v637:978-991, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...637..978M

  450. Long term variability of Cygnus X-1. IV. Spectral evolution 1999-2004
    J. Wilms , M. A. Nowak , K. Pottschmidt , G. G. Pooley , and S. Fritz
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v447:245-261, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...447..245W

  451. A continuous flaring- to normal-branch transition in Scorpius X-1
    P. Casella , T. Belloni , and L. Stella
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v446:579-582, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...446..579C

  452. GMRT observations of the field of INTEGRAL X-ray sources - I
    M. Pandey , R. K. Manchanda , A. P. Rao , and P. Durouchoux
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v446:471-483, 2006 February
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006A&A...446..471P

  453. Erratum: ``Chandra Localization of XTE J1906+090 and Discovery of Its Optical and Infrared Counterparts'' (ApJ, 632, 1069 [2005])
    E. Göğüs , S. K. Patel , C. A. Wilson , P. M. Woods , M. H. Finger , and C. Kouveliotou
    The Astrophysical Journal, v637:553-553, 2006 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...637..553G

  454. A Massive Jet Ejection Event from the Microquasar SS 433 Accompanying Rapid X-Ray Variability
    T. Kotani , S. A. Trushkin , R. Valiullin , K. Kinugasa , S. Safi-Harb , N. Kawai , and M. Namiki
    The Astrophysical Journal, v637:486-493, 2006 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...637..486K

  455. A Non-PRE Double-peaked Burst from 4U 1636-536: Evidence of Burning Front Propagation
    S. Bhattacharyya and T. E. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v636:L121-L124, 2006 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...636L.121B

  456. Estimating the Spin of Stellar-Mass Black Holes by Spectral Fitting of the X-Ray Continuum
    R. Shafee , J. E. McClintock , R. Narayan , S. W. Davis , L. Li , and R. A. Remillard
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v636:L113-L116, 2006 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...636L.113S

  457. On the Origin of Black Hole X-Ray Emission in Quiescence: Chandra Observations of XTE J1550-564 and H1743-322
    S. Corbel , J. A. Tomsick , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v636:971-978, 2006 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...636..971C

  458. Hot One-Temperature Accretion Flows Revisited
    F. Yuan , R. E. Taam , Y. Xue , and W. Cui
    The Astrophysical Journal, v636:46-55, 2006 January
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006ApJ...636...46Y

  459. The Scanning Sky Monitor (SSM) on ASTROSAT
    S. Seetha , M. C. Ramadevi , V. C. Babu , M. R. Sharma , N. S. R. Murthy , B. N. Ashoka , K. C. Shyama , R. Kulkarni , G. Meena , and P. Sreekumar
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2995-2998, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2995S

  460. X-ray timing beyond the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer
    D. Barret
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2979-2984, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2979B

  461. Results from the RXTE All-Sky Monitor
    The Mit/Gsfc Asm Team , H. Bradt , E. H. Morgan , and R. Remillard
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2970-2975, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2970T

  462. Two years of INTEGRAL result on X-ray binaries
    On Behalf Of The Iswt
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2964-2969, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2964O

  463. The Rossi X-ray timing explorer: Capabilities, achievements and aims
    J. H. Swank
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2959-2963, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2959S

  464. Optical/X-ray correlations as a signature of jet-disc coupling in the accreting black hole XTE J1118+480
    J. Malzac
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2872-2876, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2872M

  465. Two years of INTEGRAL observation of the BHC IGR J17464-3213
    F. Capitanio , A. Bazzano , P. Ubertini , G. D. Cesare , M. D. Santo , A. Tarana , and A. Joinet
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2816-2819, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2816C

  466. Black hole spectral states and physical connections
    J. A. Tomsick
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2805-2809, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2805T

  467. Black-hole transients: From QPOs to relativistic jets
    T. Belloni
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2801-2804, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2801B

  468. SLX 1746-311 in outburst
    K. C. S. Narendranath , M. C. Ramadevi , M. Sudhakar , D. Bhattacharya , P. Sreekumar , and S. Seetha
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2788-2790, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2788N

  469. Orbital evolution studies of two HMXB pulsars
    H. Raichur , B. Paul , S. Naik , and N. Bhatt
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2785-2787, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2785R

  470. Evolution of the periodicities in 2S 0114+650
    R. Sood , S. Farrell , P. O{\rsquo}Neill , R. Manchanda , and N. M. Ashok
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2779-2781, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2779S

  471. Orbital phase spectroscopy of X-ray pulsars to study the stellar wind of the companion
    U. Mukherjee and B. Paul
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2774-2776, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2774M

  472. Phase resolved study of the CRSF in MX 0656-072
    V. A. McBride , W. Coburn , M. J. Coe , P. Kretschmar , I. Kreykenbohm , R. E. Rothschild , R. Staubert , and J. Wilms
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2768-2770, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2768M

  473. Understanding high-density matter through analysis of surface spectral lines and burst oscillations from accreting neutron stars
    S. Bhattacharyya , M. C. Miller , T. E. Strohmayer , F. K. Lamb , and C. B. Markwardt
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2765-2767, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2765B

  474. Multiband echo tomography of Sco X-1
    T. Muñoz-Darias , I. G. Martínez-Pais , J. Casares , T. R. Marsh , R. Cornelisse , D. Steeghs , V. S. Dhillon , and P. A. Charles
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2762-2764, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2762M

  475. Study of the luminosity-dependent cyclotron resonance energies of the binary X-ray pulsar 4U 0115+63 with RXTE
    M. Nakajima , T. Mihara , K. Makishima , and H. Niko
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2756-2758, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2756N

  476. Cyclotron features in X-ray spectra of accreting pulsars
    W. Coburn , P. Kretschmar , I. Kreykenbohm , V. A. McBride , R. E. Rothschild , R. Staubert , and J. Wilms
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2747-2751, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2747C

  477. Improved orbital parameters of accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
    M. T. Menna , A. Papitto , L. Burderi , T. di Salvo , F. D{\rsquo}Antona , and N. R. Robba
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2704-2706, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2704M

  478. Production and evolution of millisecond X-ray and radio pulsars
    F. K. Lamb
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2691-2696, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2691L

  479. Kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations in SAX J1808.4{\ndash}3658
    R. Wijnands
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2684-2688, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2684W

  480. Production of QPOs in accreting neutron star systems
    M. C. Miller
    Advances in Space Research, v38:2680-2683, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.2680M

  481. Spectral behaviour of an INTEGRAL sample of black hole candidates: Initial results
    On Behalf Of A Large Group Of Scientists Involved in The Weak Bhc Topic , A. Bazzano , F. Capitanio , G. D. Cesare , M. D. Santo , L. Natalucci , A. Tarana , J. P. Roques , A. Joinet , E. Jourdain , P. Kretschmar , A. A. Zdziarski , A. J. Dean , E. J. Barlow , M. Cadolle Bel , and A. Goldwurm
    Advances in Space Research, v38:1369-1373, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.1369O

  482. INTEGRAL and RXTE power spectra of Cygnus X-1
    K. Pottschmidt , J. Wilms , M. A. Nowak , S. Larsson , A. A. Zdziarski , and G. G. Pooley
    Advances in Space Research, v38:1350-1353, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.1350P

  483. The timing history of the microquasar XTE J1859+226
    P. Casella , T. Belloni , J. Homan , and L. Stella
    Advances in Space Research, v38:1346-1349, 2006
    ADS bibliographic code: 2006AdSpR..38.1346C

  484. A Study on the Correlations between the Twin kHz QPO Frequencies in Sco X-1
    H. Yin , C. Zhang , Y. Zhao , L. Song , and F. Zhang
    Chinese Journal of Astronony and Astrophysics, v5:595-600, 2005 December

  485. A Model for Twin Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Neutron Star Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    X. Li and C. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v635:L57-L60, 2005 December

  486. Discovery of Pulsations in the X-Ray Transient 4U 1901+03
    D. K. Galloway , Z. Wang , and E. H. Morgan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v635:1217-1223, 2005 December

  487. X-Ray Variability Characteristics of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 3783
    A. Markowitz
    The Astrophysical Journal, v635:180-197, 2005 December

  488. Iron-Line Emission as a Probe of Bardeen-Petterson Accretion Disks
    P. C. Fragile , W. A. Miller , and E. Vandernoot
    The Astrophysical Journal, v635:157-166, 2005 December

  489. Evidence for Harmonic Content and Frequency Evolution of Oscillations during the Rising Phase of X-Ray Bursts from 4U 1636-536
    S. Bhattacharyya and T. E. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v634:L157-L160, 2005 December

  490. Chandra and RXTE Spectra of the Burster GS 1826-238
    T. W. J. Thompson , R. E. Rothschild , J. A. Tomsick , and H. L. Marshall
    The Astrophysical Journal, v634:1261-1271, 2005 December

  491. Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations and Shifted Frequency Correlations in the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1807-294
    M. Linares , M. van der Klis , D. Altamirano , and C. B. Markwardt
    The Astrophysical Journal, v634:1250-1260, 2005 December

  492. Mass and Radius Determination for the Neutron Star in X-ray Burst Source 4U/MXB 1728-34
    A. Majczyna and J. Madej
    Acta Astronomica, v55:349-366, 2005 December

  493. INTEGRAL broadband X-ray spectrum of the intermediate polar V709 Cassiopeiae
    M. Falanga , J. M. Bonnet-Bidaud , and V. Suleimanov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v444:561-564, 2005 December

  494. Gamma-ray continuum emission from the inner Galactic region as observed with INTEGRAL/SPI
    A. W. Strong , R. Diehl , H. Halloin , V. Sch{\"o}nfelder , L. Bouchet , P. Mandrou , F. Lebrun , and R. Terrier
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v444:495-503, 2005 December

  495. Chandra and RXTE spectroscopy of the accreting msec pulsar IGR J00291+5934
    A. Paizis , M. A. Nowak , J. Wilms , T. J. Courvoisier , K. Ebisawa , J. Rodriguez , and P. Ubertini
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v444:357-363, 2005 December

  496. INTEGRAL observations of recurrent fast X-ray transient sources
    V. Sguera , E. J. Barlow , A. J. Bird , D. J. Clark , A. J. Dean , A. B. Hill , L. Moran , S. E. Shaw , D. R. Willis , A. Bazzano , P. Ubertini , and A. Malizia
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v444:221-231, 2005 December

  497. INTEGRAL and RXTE observations of accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J00291+5934 in outburst
    M. Falanga , L. Kuiper , J. Poutanen , E. W. Bonning , W. Hermsen , T. di Salvo , P. Goldoni , A. Goldwurm , S. E. Shaw , and L. Stella
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v444:15-24, 2005 December

  498. Probing the outer edge of an accretion disk: a Her X-1 turn-on observed with RXTE
    M. Kuster , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , W. A. Heindl , R. E. Rothschild , N. I. Shakura , and K. A. Postnov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v443:753-767, 2005 December

  499. Superhumps in Cataclysmic Binaries. XXV. qcrit}, {\epsi(q), and Mass-Radius
    J. Patterson , J. Kemp , D. A. Harvey , R. E. Fried , R. Rea , B. Monard , L. M. Cook , D. R. Skillman , T. Vanmunster , G. Bolt , E. Armstrong , J. McCormick , T. Krajci , L. Jensen , J. Gunn , N. Butterworth , J. Foote , M. Bos , G. Masi , and P. Warhurst
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v117:1204-1222, 2005 November

  500. Patterns of energy-dependent variability from Comptonization
    M. Gierli{\'n}ski and A. A. Zdziarski
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v363:1349-1360, 2005 November

  501. Long-Term Behavior of X-Ray Pulsars in the Small Magellanic Cloud
    S. Laycock , R. H. D. Corbet , M. J. Coe , F. E. Marshall , C. Markwardt , and J. Lochner
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v161:96-117, 2005 November

  502. RXTE Discovery of Multiple Cyclotron Lines during the 2004 December Outburst of V0332+53
    K. Pottschmidt , I. Kreykenbohm , J. Wilms , W. Coburn , R. E. Rothschild , P. Kretschmar , V. McBride , S. Suchy , and R. Staubert
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v634:L97-L100, 2005 November

  503. Analysis of Variability in the Burst Oscillations of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1814-338
    A. L. Watts , T. E. Strohmayer , and C. B. Markwardt
    The Astrophysical Journal, v634:547-564, 2005 November

  504. Long-Term Phase-coherent X-Ray Timing of PSR B0540-69
    M. A. Livingstone , V. M. Kaspi , and F. P. Gavriil
    The Astrophysical Journal, v633:1095-1100, 2005 November

  505. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of the X-Ray Pulsar EXO 1722-363: A Candidate Eclipsing Supergiant System
    R. H. D. Corbet , C. B. Markwardt , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal, v633:377-383, 2005 November

  506. The Island State of the Atoll Source 4U 1820-30
    D. Altamirano , M. van der Klis , M. M{\'e}ndez , S. Migliari , P. G. Jonker , A. Tiengo , and W. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal, v633:358-366, 2005 November

  507. X-RAY and Radio Monitoring of GX 339-4 and CYG X-1
    M. Nowak
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v300:159-166, 2005 November

  508. Comparing Black Hole and Neutron Star Variability
    M. van der Klis
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v300:149-157, 2005 November

  509. Resonant Oscillations of Accretion Flow and Khz QPOS
    W. Klu{\'z}niak and M. A. Abramowicz
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v300:143-148, 2005 November

  510. The Evolution of Black Hole States
    J. Homan and T. Belloni
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v300:107-117, 2005 November

  511. Jet-Disc Coupling in the Accreting Black Hole Xte J1118+480
    J. Malzac , A. Merloni , and A. C. Fabian
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v300:31-38, 2005 November

  512. The correlations and anticorrelations in QPO data
    M. A. Abramowicz , D. Barret , M. Bursa , J. Hor{\'a}k , W. Klu{\'z}niak , P. Rebusco , and G. T{\"o}r{\"o}k
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v326:864-866, 2005 November

  513. The statistics of Sco X-1 kHZ QPOs
    T. Bulik
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v326:861-863, 2005 November

  514. QPOs in microquasars and Sgr A* measuring the black hole spin
    G. T{\"o}r{\"o}k
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v326:856-860, 2005 November

  515. High frequency QPOs, nonlinear oscillations in strong gravity
    W. Klu{\'z}niak
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v326:820-823, 2005 November

  516. Boundary layer emission in luminous LMXBs
    M. Gilfanov and M. Revnivtsev
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v326:812-819, 2005 November

  517. Drop of coherence of the lower kilo-Hz QPO in neutron stars: Is there a link with the innermost stable circular orbit?
    D. Barret , J. Olive , and M. C. Miller
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v326:808-811, 2005 November

  518. Photometric Periodicities of Be/X-Ray Pulsars in the Small Magellanic Cloud
    P. C. Schmidtke and A. P. Cowley
    The Astronomical Journal, v130:2220-2229, 2005 November

  519. RXTE broadband X-ray spectra of intermediate polars and white dwarf mass estimates
    V. Suleimanov , M. Revnivtsev , and H. Ritter
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v443:291-291, 2005 November

  520. Accretion mode changes in Centaurus X-3
    B. Paul , H. Raichur , and U. Mukherjee
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v442:L15-L19, 2005 November

  521. An X-ray view of Mrk 705. A borderline narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy
    L. C. Gallo , I. Balestra , E. Costantini , T. Boller , V. Burwitz , E. Ferrero , and S. Mathur
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v442:909-915, 2005 November

  522. Multi-wavelength observations of PKS 2155-304 with HESS
    F. Aharonian , A. G. Akhperjanian , A. R. Bazer-Bachi , M. Beilicke , W. Benbow , D. Berge , K. Bernl{\"o}hr , C. Boisson , O. Bolz , V. Borrel , I. Braun , F. Breitling , A. M. Brown , P. M. Chadwick , L. Chounet , R. Cornils , L. Costamante , B. Degrange , H. J. Dickinson , A. Djannati-Ata{\"i} , L. O'C. Drury , G. Dubus , D. Emmanoulopoulos , P. Espigat , F. Feinstein , G. Fontaine , Y. Fuchs , S. Funk , Y. A. Gallant , B. Giebels , S. Gillessen , J. F. Glicenstein , P. Goret , C. Hadjichristidis , M. Hauser , G. Heinzelmann , G. Henri , G. Hermann , J. A. Hinton , W. Hofmann , M. Holleran , D. Horns , A. Jacholkowska , O. C. de Jager , B. Kh{\'e}lifi , N. Komin , A. Konopelko , I. J. Latham , R. Le Gallou , A. Lemi{\`e}re , M. Lemoine-Goumard , N. Leroy , T. Lohse , J. M. Martin , O. Martineau-Huynh , A. Marcowith , C. Masterson , T. J. L. McComb , M. de Naurois , S. J. Nolan , A. Noutsos , K. J. Orford , J. L. Osborne , M. Ouchrif , M. Panter , G. Pelletier , S. Pita , G. P{\"u}hlhofer , M. Punch , B. C. Raubenheimer , M. Raue , J. Raux , S. M. Rayner , A. Reimer , O. Reimer , J. Ripken , L. Rob , L. Rolland , G. Rowell , V. Sahakian , L. Saug{\'e} , S. Schlenker , R. Schlickeiser , C. Schuster , U. Schwanke , M. Siewert , H. Sol , D. Spangler , R. Steenkamp , C. Stegmann , J. Tavernet , R. Terrier , C. G. Th{\'e}oret , M. Tluczykont , G. Vasileiadis , C. Venter , P. Vincent , H. J. V{\"o}lk , and S. J. Wagner
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v442:895-907, 2005 November

  523. Spectral state transitions in low-mass X-ray binaries - the effect of hard and soft irradiation
    B. F. Liu , F. Meyer , and E. Meyer-Hofmeister
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v442:555-562, 2005 November

  524. Correlation between radio luminosity and X-ray timing frequencies in neutron star and black hole X-ray binaries
    S. Migliari , R. P. Fender , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v363:112-120, 2005 October

  525. Broad-band spectra of Cygnus X-1 and correlations between spectral characteristics
    A. Ibragimov , J. Poutanen , M. Gilfanov , A. A. Zdziarski , and C. R. Shrader
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v362:1435-1450, 2005 October

  526. Observations of the X-ray Burster MX 0836-42 by the INTEGRAL and RXTE Orbiting Observatories
    I. V. Chelovekov , A. A. Lutovinov , S. A. Grebenev , and R. A. Sunyaev
    Astronomy Letters, v31:681-694, 2005 October

  527. Discovery of Fast X-Ray Oscillations during the 1998 Giant Flare from SGR 1900+14
    T. E. Strohmayer and A. L. Watts
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v632:L111-L114, 2005 October

  528. Discovery of Radio Emission from the Transient Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197
    J. P. Halpern , E. V. Gotthelf , R. H. Becker , D. J. Helfand , and R. L. White
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v632:L29-L32, 2005 October

  529. A Strong X-Ray Burst from the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO 0748-676
    M. T. Wolff , P. A. Becker , P. S. Ray , and K. S. Wood
    The Astrophysical Journal, v632:1099-1103, 2005 October

  530. The Spectral Evolution of Transient Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197
    E. V. Gotthelf and J. P. Halpern
    The Astrophysical Journal, v632:1075-1085, 2005 October

  531. Chandra Localization of XTE J1906+090 and Discovery of its Optical and Infrared Counterparts
    E. G{\"o}g{\"u}s , S. K. Patel , C. A. Wilson , P. M. Woods , M. H. Finger , and C. Kouveliotou
    The Astrophysical Journal, v632:1069-1074, 2005 October

  532. Discovery of X-Ray Jets in the Microquasar H1743-322
    S. Corbel , P. Kaaret , R. P. Fender , A. K. Tzioumis , J. A. Tomsick , and J. A. Orosz
    The Astrophysical Journal, v632:504-513, 2005 October

  533. On the Temperature Profile of Radiatively Efficient Geometrically Thin Disks in Black Hole Binaries with the ASCA GIS
    A. Kubota , K. Ebisawa , K. Makishima , and K. Nakazawa
    The Astrophysical Journal, v631:1062-1071, 2005 October

  534. Discovery of the binary pulsar PSR B1259-63 in very-high-energy gamma rays around periastron with HESS
    F. Aharonian , A. G. Akhperjanian , K. Aye , A. R. Bazer-Bachi , M. Beilicke , W. Benbow , D. Berge , P. Berghaus , K. Bernl{\"o}hr , C. Boisson , O. Bolz , I. Braun , F. Breitling , A. M. Brown , J. Bussons Gordo , P. M. Chadwick , L. Chounet , R. Cornils , L. Costamante , B. Degrange , A. Djannati-Ata{\"i} , L. O'C. Drury , G. Dubus , D. Emmanoulopoulos , P. Espigat , F. Feinstein , P. Fleury , G. Fontaine , Y. Fuchs , S. Funk , Y. A. Gallant , B. Giebels , S. Gillessen , J. F. Glicenstein , P. Goret , C. Hadjichristidis , M. Hauser , G. Heinzelmann , G. Henri , G. Hermann , J. A. Hinton , W. Hofmann , M. Holleran , D. Horns , O. C. de Jager , S. Johnston , B. Kh{\'e}lifi , J. G. Kirk , N. Komin , A. Konopelko , I. J. Latham , R. Le Gallou , A. Lemi{\`e}re , M. Lemoine-Goumard , N. Leroy , O. Martineau-Huynh , T. Lohse , A. Marcowith , C. Masterson , T. J. L. McComb , M. de Naurois , S. J. Nolan , A. Noutsos , K. J. Orford , J. L. Osborne , M. Ouchrif , M. Panter , G. Pelletier , S. Pita , G. P{\"u}hlhofer , M. Punch , B. C. Raubenheimer , M. Raue , J. Raux , S. M. Rayner , I. Redondo , A. Reimer , O. Reimer , J. Ripken , L. Rob , L. Rolland , G. Rowell , V. Sahakian , L. Saug{\'e} , S. Schlenker , R. Schlickeiser , C. Schuster , U. Schwanke , M. Siewert , O. Skj{\ae}raasen , H. Sol , R. Steenkamp , C. Stegmann , J. Tavernet , R. Terrier , C. G. Th{\'e}oret , M. Tluczykont , G. Vasileiadis , C. Venter , P. Vincent , H. J. V{\"o}lk , and S. J. Wagner
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v442:1-10, 2005 October

  535. INTEGRAL observations of the Be/X-ray binary EXO 2030+375 during outburst
    A. Camero Arranz , C. A. Wilson , P. Connell , S. Martínez N{\'u}{\ n}ez , P. Blay , V. Beckmann , and V. Reglero
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v441:261-269, 2005 October

  536. ULTRACAM observations of the black hole X-ray transient XTE J1118+480 in quiescence
    T. Shahbaz , V. S. Dhillon , T. R. Marsh , J. Casares , C. Zurita , P. A. Charles , C. A. Haswell , and R. I. Hynes
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v362:975-982, 2005 September

  537. SS 433: results of a recent multiwavelength campaign
    S. K. Chakrabarti , B. G. Anandarao , S. Pal , S. Mondal , A. Nandi , A. Bhattacharyya , S. Mandal , R. Sagar , J. C. Pandey , A. Pati , and S. K. Saha
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v362:957-965, 2005 September

  538. Where are the X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations in active galaxies?
    S. Vaughan and P. Uttley
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v362:235-244, 2005 September

  539. Swift, INTEGRAL, RXTE, and Spitzer Reveal IGR J16283-4838
    V. Beckmann , J. A. Kennea , C. Markwardt , A. Paizis , S. Soldi , J. Rodriguez , S. D. Barthelmy , D. N. Burrows , M. Chester , N. Gehrels , N. Mowlavi , and J. Nousek
    The Astrophysical Journal, v631:506-510, 2005 September

  540. Coordinated Multiwavelength Observation of 3C 66A during the WEBT Campaign of 2003-2004
    M. B{\"o}ttcher , J. Harvey , M. Joshi , M. Villata , C. M. Raiteri , D. Bramel , R. Mukherjee , T. Savolainen , W. Cui , G. Fossati , I. A. Smith , D. Able , H. D. Aller , M. F. Aller , A. A. Arkharov , T. Augusteijn , K. Baliyan , D. Barnaby , A. Berdyugin , E. Benítez , P. Boltwood , M. Carini , D. Carosati , S. Ciprini , J. M. Coloma , S. Crapanzano , J. A. de Diego , A. Di Paola , M. Dolci , J. Fan , A. Frasca , V. Hagen-Thorn , D. Horan , M. Ibrahimov , G. N. Kimeridze , Y. A. Kovalev , Y. Y. Kovalev , O. Kurtanidze , A. L{\"a}hteenm{\"a}ki , L. Lanteri , V. M. Larionov , E. G. Larionova , E. Lindfors , E. Marilli , N. Mirabal , M. Nikolashvili , K. Nilsson , J. M. Ohlert , T. Ohnishi , A. Oksanen , L. Ostorero , G. Oyer , I. Papadakis , M. Pasanen , C. Poteet , T. Pursimo , K. Sadakane , L. A. Sigua , L. Takalo , J. B. Tartar , H. Ter{\"a}sranta , G. Tosti , R. Walters , K. Wiik , B. A. Wilking , W. Wills , E. Xilouris , A. B. Fletcher , M. Gu , C. Lee , S. Pak , and H. Yim
    The Astrophysical Journal, v631:169-186, 2005 September

  541. Recovery of the Orbital Parameters and Pulse Evolution of V0332+53 during a Huge Outburst
    S. Zhang , J. Qu , L. Song , and D. F. Torres
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v630:L65-L68, 2005 September

  542. X-Ray Observations of the Black Hole Transient 4U 1630-47 during 2 Years of X-Ray Activity
    J. A. Tomsick , S. Corbel , A. Goldwurm , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v630:413-429, 2005 September

  543. A Multiwavelength View of the TeV Blazar Markarian 421: Correlated Variability, Flaring, and Spectral Evolution
    M. Bla{\.z}ejowski , G. Blaylock , I. H. Bond , S. M. Bradbury , J. H. Buckley , D. A. Carter-Lewis , O. Celik , P. Cogan , W. Cui , M. Daniel , C. Duke , A. Falcone , D. J. Fegan , S. J. Fegan , J. P. Finley , L. Fortson , S. Gammell , K. Gibbs , G. G. Gillanders , J. Grube , K. Gutierrez , J. Hall , D. Hanna , J. Holder , D. Horan , B. Humensky , G. Kenny , M. Kertzman , D. Kieda , J. Kildea , J. Knapp , K. Kosack , H. Krawczynski , F. Krennrich , M. Lang , S. LeBohec , E. Linton , J. Lloyd-Evans , G. Maier , D. Mendoza , A. Milovanovic , P. Moriarty , T. N. Nagai , R. A. Ong , B. Power-Mooney , J. Quinn , M. Quinn , K. Ragan , P. T. Reynolds , P. Rebillot , H. J. Rose , M. Schroedter , G. H. Sembroski , S. P. Swordy , A. Syson , L. Valcarel , V. V. Vassiliev , S. P. Wakely , G. Walker , T. C. Weekes , R. White , J. Zweerink , B. Mochejska , B. Smith , M. Aller , H. Aller , H. Ter{\"a}sranta , P. Boltwood , A. Sadun , K. Stanek , E. Adams , J. Foster , J. Hartman , K. Lai , M. B{\"o}ttcher , A. Reimer , and I. Jung
    The Astrophysical Journal, v630:130-141, 2005 September

  544. On The Low Frequency Quasi Periodic Oscillations Of X-Ray Sources
    C. M. Zhang
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v299:203-210, 2005 September

  545. A large spin-up rate measured with INTEGRAL in the high mass X-ray binary pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545
    L. Sidoli , S. Mereghetti , S. Larsson , M. Chernyakova , I. Kreykenbohm , P. Kretschmar , A. Paizis , A. Santangelo , C. Ferrigno , and M. Falanga
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v440:1033-1039, 2005 September

  546. Identification of the optical counterparts of high-mass X-ray binaries through optical photometry and spectroscopy
    P. Reig , I. Negueruela , G. Papamastorakis , A. Manousakis , and T. Kougentakis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v440:637-646, 2005 September

  547. The evolution of the timing properties of the black-hole transient GX 339-4 during its 2002/2003 outburst
    T. Belloni , J. Homan , P. Casella , M. van der Klis , E. Nespoli , W. H. G. Lewin , J. M. Miller , and M. M{\'e}ndez
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v440:207-222, 2005 September

  548. A possible 3:2 orbital epicyclic resonance in QPO frequencies of Sgr A*
    G. T{\"o}r{\"o}k
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v440:1-4, 2005 September

  549. X-ray outburst of 4U 0115+634 and ROTSE observations of its optical counterpart V635 Cas
    A. Baykal , N. Kizilo&gcaron;lu}, {\"U}. and {Kizilo&gcaron;lu , S. Balman , and S. C. Inam
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v439:1131-1134, 2005 September

  550. Quasi-Periodic Oscillations Resonantly Induced on Spin-Induced Deformed-Disks of Neutron Stars
    S. Kato
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v57:679-690, 2005 August

  551. Three Spectral States of the Disk X-Ray Emission of the Black-Hole Candidate 4U 1630{\minus} 47
    Y. Abe , Y. Fukazawa , A. Kubota , D. Kasama , and K. Makishima
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v57:629-641, 2005 August

  552. X-ray spectral evolution of Her X-1 in a low state and the following short high state
    S. C. {\.I}nam and A. Baykal
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v361:1393-1398, 2005 August

  553. The optical counterpart of XTE J0929-314: the third transient millisecond X-ray pulsar
    A. B. Giles , J. G. Greenhill , K. M. Hill , and E. Sanders
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v361:1180-1186, 2005 August

  554. An abrupt drop in the coherence of the lower kHz quasi-periodic oscillations in 4U 1636-536
    D. Barret , J. Olive , and M. C. Miller
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v361:855-860, 2005 August

  555. The binary period and outburst behaviour of the Small Magellanic Cloud X-ray binary pulsar system SXP504
    W. R. T. Edge , M. J. Coe , J. L. Galache , V. A. McBride , R. H. D. Corbet , A. T. Okazaki , S. Laycock , C. B. Markwardt , F. E. Marshall , and A. Udalski
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v361:743-747, 2005 August

  556. Wavelet analysis of millisecond variability of Cygnus X-1 during its failed state transition
    P. Lachowicz and B. Czerny
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v361:645-658, 2005 August

  557. Periodic variability during the X-ray decline of 4U 1636-53
    I. C. Shih , A. J. Bird , P. A. Charles , R. Cornelisse , and D. Tiramani
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v361:602-606, 2005 August

  558. Discovery of New Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the X-Ray Transient Source V0332+53
    J. L. Qu , S. Zhang , L. M. Song , and M. Falanga
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v629:L33-L36, 2005 August

  559. State Transition and Flaring Activity of IGR J17464-3213/H1743-322 with INTEGRAL SPI
    A. Joinet , E. Jourdain , J. Malzac , J. P. Roques , V. Sch{\"o}nfelder , P. Ubertini , and F. Capitanio
    The Astrophysical Journal, v629:1008-1016, 2005 August

  560. X-Ray Bursts from the Transient Magnetar Candidate XTE J1810-197
    P. M. Woods , C. Kouveliotou , F. P. Gavriil , V. M. Kaspi , M. S. E. Roberts , A. Ibrahim , C. B. Markwardt , J. H. Swank , and M. H. Finger
    The Astrophysical Journal, v629:985-997, 2005 August

  561. Radio-X-Ray Correlation and the ``Quiescent State'' of Black Hole Sources
    F. Yuan and W. Cui
    The Astrophysical Journal, v629:408-413, 2005 August

  562. The ABC of Low-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Black Hole Candidates: Analogies with Z Sources
    P. Casella , T. Belloni , and L. Stella
    The Astrophysical Journal, v629:403-407, 2005 August

  563. An explanation for the kHz-QPO twin peaks separation in slow and fast rotators
    J. P{\'e}tri
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v439:L27-L30, 2005 August

  564. Forced oscillations in magnetized accretion disks and QPOs
    J. P{\'e}tri
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v439:443-459, 2005 August

  565. X-ray orbital modulations in intermediate polars
    T. L. Parker , A. J. Norton , and K. Mukai
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v439:213-225, 2005 August

  566. Evolution of the 0.01-25 Hz power spectral components in Cygnus X-1
    M. Axelsson , L. Borgonovo , and S. Larsson
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v438:999-1012, 2005 August

  567. Sidebands to the lower kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillation in 4U 1636-53
    P. G. Jonker , M. M{\'e}ndez , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v360:921-925, 2005 July

  568. GRS 1915+105: the distance, radiative processes and energy-dependent variability
    A. A. Zdziarski , M. Gierli{\'n}ski , A. R. Rao , S. V. Vadawale , and J. Mikolajewska
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v360:825-838, 2005 July

  569. The Discovery of Rapid X-Ray Oscillations in the Tail of the SGR 1806-20 Hyperflare
    G. L. Israel , T. Belloni , L. Stella , Y. Rephaeli , D. E. Gruber , P. Casella , S. Dall'Osso , N. Rea , M. Persic , and R. E. Rothschild
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v628:L53-L56, 2005 July

  570. Orbital X-Ray Variability of the Microquasar LS 5039
    V. Bosch-Ramon , J. M. Paredes , M. Rib{\'o} , J. M. Miller , P. Reig , and J. Martí
    The Astrophysical Journal, v628:388-394, 2005 July

  571. High-Resolution X-Ray Spectrum of the Accreting Binary X-Ray Pulsar GX 1+4
    B. Paul , T. Dotani , F. Nagase , U. Mukherjee , and S. Naik
    The Astrophysical Journal, v627:915-919, 2005 July

  572. The X-Ray Position and Optical Counterpart of the Accretion-powered Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1814-338
    M. I. Krauss , Z. Wang , A. Dullighan , A. M. Juett , D. L. Kaplan , D. Chakrabarty , M. H. van Kerkwijk , D. Steeghs , P. G. Jonker , and C. B. Markwardt
    The Astrophysical Journal, v627:910-914, 2005 July

  573. X-ray confirmation of the intermediate polar HT Cam
    D. de Martino , G. Matt , K. Mukai , J. Bonnet-Bidaud , B. T. G{\"a}nsicke , J. M. Gonzalez Perez , F. Haberl , M. Mouchet , and J. Solheim
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v437:935-945, 2005 July

  574. INTEGRAL observations of SS433: Results of a coordinated campaign
    A. M. Cherepashchuk , R. A. Sunyaev , S. N. Fabrika , K. A. Postnov , S. V. Molkov , E. A. Barsukova , E. A. Antokhina , T. R. Irsmambetova , I. E. Panchenko , E. V. Seifina , N. I. Shakura , A. N. Timokhin , I. F. Bikmaev , N. A. Sakhibullin , Z. Aslan , I. Khamitov , A. G. Pramsky , O. Sholukhova , Y. N. Gnedin , A. A. Arkharov , and V. M. Larionov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v437:561-573, 2005 July

  575. The distribution of kHz QPO frequencies in bright low mass X-ray binaries
    T. Belloni , M. M{\'e}ndez , and J. Homan
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v437:209-216, 2005 July

  576. A Resonance Model of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    S. Kato
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v57:L17-L20, 2005 June

  577. Geometrical Effect of Supercritical Accretion Flows: Observational Implications of Galactic Black-Hole Candidates and Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources
    K. Watarai , K. Ohsuga , R. Takahashi , and J. Fukue
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v57:513-524, 2005 June

  578. Iron-line and continuum flux variations in the RXTE spectra of the black hole candidate XTE J1650-500
    S. Rossi , J. Homan , J. M. Miller , and T. Belloni
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v360:763-768, 2005 June

  579. MCG-6-30-15: long time-scale X-ray variability, black hole mass and active galactic nuclei high states
    I. M. McHardy , K. F. Gunn , P. Uttley , and M. R. Goad
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v359:1469-1480, 2005 June

  580. Physics of accretion in the millisecond pulsar XTE J1751-305
    M. Gierli{\'n}ski and J. Poutanen
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v359:1261-1276, 2005 June

  581. A Simple Idea for the Changing Sign of the Lag in Microquasars
    P. Varni{\`e}re
    Chinese Journal of Astronony and Astrophysics, v5:325-330, 2005 June

  582. X-ray Spectral Behavior in the Low/Hard States of Black Hole Candidates
    K. Yamaoka , M. Uzawa , M. Arai , T. Yamazaki , and A. Yoshida
    Chinese Journal of Astronony and Astrophysics, v5:273-278, 2005 June

  583. Unveiling the nature of the new transient IGR J19140+0951
    C. Cabanac , J. Rodriguez , P. Petrucci , G. Henri , D. C. Hannikainen , J. Schultz , N. Lund , and P. Durouchoux
    Chinese Journal of Astronony and Astrophysics, v5:93-98, 2005 June

  584. Results of Recent Multi-wavelength Campaign of SS433
    S. Pal , S. K. Chakrabarti , K. Goswami , A. Nandi , B. G. Ananda Rao , and S. Mondal
    Chinese Journal of Astronony and Astrophysics, v5:69-74, 2005 June

  585. Observations of Rapid Disk-Jet Interaction in GRS 1915+105
    D. M. Rothstein , S. S. Eikenberry , and K. Matthews
    Chinese Journal of Astronony and Astrophysics, v5:57-62, 2005 June

  586. Class Transitions in Black Holes
    S. K. Chakrabarti
    Chinese Journal of Astronony and Astrophysics, v5:33-42, 2005 June

  587. Some Conclusions on the MHD Alfv{\'e}n Wave Oscillation Model of kHz QPO
    C. Zhang
    Chinese Journal of Astronony and Astrophysics, v5:21-26, 2005 June

  588. A Toy Model for 3:2 Ratio of kHz QPO Frequency in Black Hole X-ray Binaries
    D. Wang , Y. Ye , R. Ma , and X. Gong
    Chinese Journal of Astronony and Astrophysics, v5:7-12, 2005 June

  589. ASTROSAT observations: complementary studies from gound.
    P. Sreekumar
    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v33:253, 2005 June

  590. A recent multi-wavelength campaign to observe the microquasar SS433
    S. K. Chakrabarti
    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v33:109, 2005 June

  591. Long-Term INTEGRAL and RXTE Observations of the X-Ray Pulsar LMC X-4
    S. S. Tsygankov and A. A. Lutovinov
    Astronomy Letters, v31:380-387, 2005 June

  592. A Lack of Radio Emission from Neutron Star Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    M. P. Muno , T. Belloni , V. Dhawan , E. H. Morgan , R. A. Remillard , and M. P. Rupen
    The Astrophysical Journal, v626:1020-1027, 2005 June

  593. Is the ``IR Coincidence'' Just That?
    M. A. Nowak , J. Wilms , S. Heinz , G. Pooley , K. Pottschmidt , and S. Corbel
    The Astrophysical Journal, v626:1006-1014, 2005 June

  594. Observations of Rapid Disk-Jet Interaction in the Microquasar GRS 1915+105
    D. M. Rothstein , S. S. Eikenberry , and K. Matthews
    The Astrophysical Journal, v626:991-1005, 2005 June

  595. An RXTE Archival Search for Coherent X-Ray Pulsations in the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary 4U 1820-30
    R. Dib , S. M. Ransom , P. S. Ray , V. M. Kaspi , and A. M. Archibald
    The Astrophysical Journal, v626:333-342, 2005 June

  596. How to Distinguish Neutron Star and Black Hole X-Ray Binaries? Spectral Index and Quasi-Periodic Oscillation Frequency Correlation
    L. Titarchuk and N. Shaposhnikov
    The Astrophysical Journal, v626:298-306, 2005 June

  597. XTE J1550-564: INTEGRAL Observations of a Failed Outburst
    S. J. Sturner and C. R. Shrader
    The Astrophysical Journal, v625:923-930, 2005 June

  598. The Large-Scale, Decelerating X-ray Jets from the Microquasar Xte J1550{\minus}564: Evidence for External Shocks Caused by the Jet-Ism Interaction?
    X. Y. Wang , Z. G. Dai , and T. Lu
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v297:155-166, 2005 June

  599. Quasi-periodic oscillations: Resonant shear Alfv{\'e}n waves in neutron star magnetospheres
    V. Rezania and J. C. Samson
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v436:999-1008, 2005 June

  600. INTEGRAL spectroscopy of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1807-294 in outburst
    M. Falanga , J. M. Bonnet-Bidaud , J. Poutanen , R. Farinelli , A. Martocchia , P. Goldoni , J. L. Qu , L. Kuiper , and A. Goldwurm
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v436:647-652, 2005 June

  601. The complex long-term X-ray activity of the compact binary 4U 1915-05
    V. Šimon
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v436:263-272, 2005 June

  602. The orbital resonance model for twin peak kHz quasi periodic oscillations in microquasars
    G. T{\"o}r{\"o}k , M. A. Abramowicz , W. Klu{\'z}niak , and Z. Stuchlík
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v436:1-8, 2005 June

  603. RXTE observations of the dipping low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1624-49
    D. Lommen , S. van Straaten , M. van der Klis , and B. Anthonisse
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v435:1005-1011, 2005 June

  604. Characterizing a new class of variability in GRS 1915+105 with simultaneous INTEGRAL/RXTE observations
    D. C. Hannikainen , J. Rodriguez , O. Vilhu , L. Hjalmarsdotter , A. A. Zdziarski , T. Belloni , J. Poutanen , K. Wu , S. E. Shaw , V. Beckmann , R. W. Hunstead , G. G. Pooley , N. J. Westergaard , I. F. Mirabel , P. Hakala , A. Castro-Tirado , and P. Durouchoux
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v435:995-1004, 2005 June

  605. X-ray observation of SS 433 with RXTE
    A. Nandi , S. K. Chakrabarti , T. Belloni , and P. Goldoni
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v359:629-636, 2005 May

  606. A model of rotating hotspots for the 3 : 2 frequency ratio of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in black hole X-ray binaries
    D. Wang , Y. Ye , G. Yao , and R. Ma
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v359:36-42, 2005 May

  607. Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei as Analogs of Galactic Black Holes in the Low/Hard State: Evidence from X-Ray Timing of NGC 4258
    A. Markowitz and P. Uttley
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v625:L39-L42, 2005 May

  608. X-Ray Emission and Optical Polarization of V1432 Aquilae: An Asynchronous Polar
    V. R. Rana , K. P. Singh , P. E. Barrett , and D. A. H. Buckley
    The Astrophysical Journal, v625:351-367, 2005 May

  609. Confirmation of the Presence of Nonthermal Hard X-Ray Excess in the Cluster A2256 from Two Epoch Observations
    R. Fusco-Femiano , R. Landi , and M. Orlandini
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v624:L69-L72, 2005 May

  610. Multiwavelength Observations of the 2002 Outburst of GX 339-4: Two Patterns of X-Ray-Optical/Near-Infrared Behavior
    J. Homan , M. Buxton , S. Markoff , C. D. Bailyn , E. Nespoli , and T. Belloni
    The Astrophysical Journal, v624:295-306, 2005 May

  611. RXTE broadband X-ray spectra of intermediate polars and white dwarf mass estimates
    V. Suleimanov , M. Revnivtsev , and H. Ritter
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v435:191-199, 2005 May

  612. XMM-Newton observations of two transient millisecond X-ray pulsars in quiescence
    S. Campana , N. Ferrari , L. Stella , and G. L. Israel
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v434:L9-L12, 2005 May

  613. PSR B1929+10 revisited in X-rays
    A. Slowikowska , L. Kuiper , and W. Hermsen
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v434:1097-1105, 2005 May

  614. X-Ray Spectra of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Ton S180 in Comparison with Galactic Black Holes
    M. Murashima , A. Kubota , K. Makishima , M. Kokubun , S. Hong , and H. Negoro
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v57:279-285, 2005 April

  615. Multitemperature Blackbody Spectrum of a Thin Accretion Disk around a Kerr Black Hole: Model Computations and Comparison with Observations
    L. Li , E. R. Zimmerman , R. Narayan , and J. E. McClintock
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v157:335-370, 2005 April

  616. The Optical and Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distributions of Short-Period Black Hole X-Ray Transients in Outburst
    R. I. Hynes
    The Astrophysical Journal, v623:1026-1043, 2005 April

  617. High- and Low-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the X-Ray Light Curves of the Black Hole Transient H1743-322
    J. Homan , J. M. Miller , R. Wijnands , M. van der Klis , T. Belloni , D. Steeghs , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v623:383-391, 2005 April

  618. Downscattering Due to Wind Outflows in Compact X-Ray Sources: Theory and Interpretation
    L. Titarchuk and C. Shrader
    The Astrophysical Journal, v623:362-371, 2005 April

  619. Discovery of a Be/X-Ray Binary Consistent with the Position of GRO J2058+42
    C. A. Wilson , M. C. Weisskopf , M. H. Finger , M. J. Coe , J. Greiner , P. Reig , and G. Papamastorakis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v622:1024-1032, 2005 April

  620. A Simultaneous RXTE and XMM-Newton Observation of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C 111
    K. T. Lewis , M. Eracleous , M. Gliozzi , R. M. Sambruna , and R. F. Mushotzky
    The Astrophysical Journal, v622:816-829, 2005 April

  621. X-Ray Monitoring of η Carinae: Variations on a Theme
    M. F. Corcoran
    The Astronomical Journal, v129:2018-2025, 2005 April

  622. Simultaneous X-Ray and Optical Observations of EX Hydrae
    K. E. Belle , S. B. Howell , K. Mukai , P. Szkody , K. Nishikida , D. R. Ciardi , R. E. Fried , and J. P. Oliver
    The Astronomical Journal, v129:1985-1992, 2005 April

  623. A simple model for the complex lag structure of microquasars
    P. Varni{\`e}re
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v434:L5-L8, 2005 April

  624. 1E 1740.7-2942: Temporal and spectral evolution from INTEGRAL and RXTE observations
    M. del Santo , A. Bazzano , A. A. Zdziarski , D. M. Smith , N. Bezayiff , R. Farinelli , G. de Cesare , P. Ubertini , A. J. Bird , M. Cadolle Bel , F. Capitanio , A. Goldwurm , A. Malizia , I. F. Mirabel , L. Natalucci , and C. Winkler
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v433:613-617, 2005 April

  625. On the high coherence of kHz quasi-periodic oscillations
    D. Barret , W. Klu{\'z}niak , J. F. Olive , S. Paltani , and G. K. Skinner
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v357:1288-1294, 2005 March

  626. Discovery of the Accretion-powered Millisecond X-Ray Pulsar IGR J00291+5934
    D. K. Galloway , C. B. Markwardt , E. H. Morgan , D. Chakrabarty , and T. E. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v622:L45-L48, 2005 March

  627. X-Ray Observations of the Bright Old Nova V603 Aquilae
    K. Mukai and M. Orio
    The Astrophysical Journal, v622:602-612, 2005 March

  628. X-Ray Flares from Markarian 501
    Y. Xue and W. Cui
    The Astrophysical Journal, v622:160-167, 2005 March

  629. Interpreting the High-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillation Power Spectra of Accreting Black Holes
    J. D. Schnittman
    The Astrophysical Journal, v621:940-950, 2005 March

  630. Unveiling the nature of the high energy source IGR J19140+0951
    J. Rodriguez , C. Cabanac , D. C. Hannikainen , V. Beckmann , S. E. Shaw , and J. Schultz
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v432:235-247, 2005 March

  631. Observations of the Transient X-ray Pulsar KS 1947+300 by the INTEGRAL and RXTE Observatories
    S. S. Tsygankov and A. A. Lutovinov
    Astronomy Letters, v31:88-97, 2005 February

  632. Discovery of a Transition to Global Spin-up in EXO 2030+375
    C. A. Wilson , J. Fabregat , and W. Coburn
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v620:L99-L102, 2005 February

  633. An Accretion-Jet Model for Black Hole Binaries: Interpreting the Spectral and Timing Features of XTE J1118+480
    F. Yuan , W. Cui , and R. Narayan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v620:905-914, 2005 February

  634. The X-Ray Afterglow of Dark GRB 970815: A Common Origin for Gamma-Ray Bursts and X-Ray Flashes?
    N. Mirabal , J. P. Halpern , E. V. Gotthelf , and R. Mukherjee
    The Astrophysical Journal, v620:379-384, 2005 February

  635. INTEGRAL observations of five sources in the Galactic Center region
    A. Lutovinov , M. Revnivtsev , S. Molkov , and R. Sunyaev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v430:997-1003, 2005 February

  636. The 2003 radio outburst of a new X-ray transient: XTE J1720-318
    C. Brocksopp , S. Corbel , R. P. Fender , M. Rupen , R. Sault , S. J. Tingay , D. Hannikainen , and K. O'Brien
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v356:125-130, 2005 January

  637. Chandra Observations of the Accretion-driven Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars XTE J0929-314 and XTE J1751-305 in Quiescence
    R. Wijnands , J. Homan , C. O. Heinke , J. M. Miller , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v619:492-502, 2005 January

  638. Constraints on Neutron Star Parameters from Burst Oscillation Light Curves of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1814-338
    S. Bhattacharyya , T. E. Strohmayer , M. C. Miller , and C. B. Markwardt
    The Astrophysical Journal, v619:483-491, 2005 January

  639. Relations Between Timing Features and Colors in Accreting Millisecond Pulsars
    S. van Straaten , M. van der Klis , and R. Wijnands
    The Astrophysical Journal, v619:455-482, 2005 January

  640. Studying the Properties of Accretion Disks and Coronae in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries with Monte Carlo Simulation
    Y. Yao , S. N. Zhang , X. Zhang , Y. Feng , and C. R. Robinson
    The Astrophysical Journal, v619:446-454, 2005 January

  641. The Fading of Transient Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197
    J. P. Halpern and E. V. Gotthelf
    The Astrophysical Journal, v618:874-882, 2005 January

  642. Observations of Cygnus X-1 with the EXITE2 Hard X-Ray Balloon Payload
    Y. Chou , P. F. Bloser , J. E. Grindlay , and T. Narita
    The Astrophysical Journal, v618:856-865, 2005 January

  643. Has the Black Hole in XTE J1118+480 Experienced an Asymmetric Natal Kick?
    A. Gualandris , M. Colpi , S. Portegies Zwart , and A. Possenti
    The Astrophysical Journal, v618:845-851, 2005 January

  644. Multitemperature Blackbody Spectra of Thin Accretion Disks with and without a Zero-Torque Inner Boundary Condition
    E. R. Zimmerman , R. Narayan , J. E. McClintock , and J. M. Miller
    The Astrophysical Journal, v618:832-844, 2005 January

  645. XMM-Newton observation of 4U 1543-475: The X-ray spectrum of a stellar-mass black-hole at low luminosity
    N. La Palombara and S. Mereghetti
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v430:L53-L56, 2005 January

  646. The low X-ray state of LS 5039 / RX J1826.2-1450
    A. Martocchia , C. Motch , and I. Negueruela
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v430:245-253, 2005 January

  647. Recurrent ~24h Periods in RXTE ASM Data
    S. A. Farrell , P. M. O'Neill , and R. K. Sood
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, v22:267-276, 2005

  648. Chandra and RXTE study of the western lobe of W 50 and galactic microquasar SS 433.
    A. Moldowan and S. Safi-Harb
    Journal of The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, v99:141-141, 2005

  649. Long-term periodicities in the flux from low mass X-ray binaries
    S. Dieters , P. O'Neill , S. Farrell , and R. Sood
    Advances in Space Research, v35:1185-1191, 2005

  650. Near-infrared, optical, and X-ray observations of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 4U 0142 + 61
    M. Morii , N. Kawai , J. Kataoka , Y. Yatsu , N. Kobayashi , and H. Terada
    Advances in Space Research, v35:1177-1180, 2005

  651. Correlated Infrared and X-Ray Flux Changes Following the 2002 June Outburst of the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 2259+586
    C. R. Tam , V. M. Kaspi , M. H. van Kerkwijk , and M. Durant
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v617:L53-L56, 2004 December

  652. X1908+075: A Pulsar Orbiting in the Stellar Wind of a Massive Companion
    A. M. Levine , S. Rappaport , R. Remillard , and A. Savcheva
    The Astrophysical Journal, v617:1284-1295, 2004 December

  653. On the Origin of Radio Emission in the X-Ray States of XTE J1650-500 during the 2001-2002 Outburst
    S. Corbel , R. P. Fender , J. A. Tomsick , A. K. Tzioumis , and S. Tingay
    The Astrophysical Journal, v617:1272-1283, 2004 December

  654. An Expanded Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Survey of X-Ray Variability in Seyfert 1 Galaxies
    A. Markowitz and R. Edelson
    The Astrophysical Journal, v617:939-965, 2004 December

  655. Detection of an Anticorrelated Hard X-Ray Time Lag in Cygnus X-3
    M. Choudhury and A. R. Rao
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v616:L143-L146, 2004 December

  656. Chandra Detection of a Synchrotron Nebula around the Vela-like Pulsar J1016-5857
    F. Camilo , B. M. Gaensler , E. V. Gotthelf , J. P. Halpern , and R. N. Manchester
    The Astrophysical Journal, v616:1118-1123, 2004 December

  657. Hard X-ray emission clumps in the γ-Cygni supernova remnant: An INTEGRAL-ISGRI view
    A. M. Bykov , A. M. Krassilchtchikov , Y. A. Uvarov , H. Bloemen , R. A. Chevalier , M. Y. Gustov , W. Hermsen , F. Lebrun , T. A. Lozinskaya , G. Rauw , T. V. Smirnova , S. J. Sturner , J. Swings , R. Terrier , and I. N. Toptygin
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v427:L21-L24, 2004 December

  658. The variable cyclotron line in GX 301-2
    I. Kreykenbohm , J. Wilms , W. Coburn , M. Kuster , R. E. Rothschild , W. A. Heindl , P. Kretschmar , and R. Staubert
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v427:975-986, 2004 December

  659. On the incidence of kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations in the neutron star system 4U 1636-53
    R. Misra and K. Shanthi
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v354:945-952, 2004 November

  660. The XMM-Newton view of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 120
    D. R. Ballantyne , A. C. Fabian , and K. Iwasawa
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v354:839-850, 2004 November

  661. Optical and X-ray observations of the neutron star soft X-ray transient XTE J1709-267
    P. G. Jonker , D. K. Galloway , J. E. McClintock , M. Buxton , M. Garcia , and S. Murray
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v354:666-674, 2004 November

  662. Broadband X-ray Spectrum of the Intermediate Polar V2400 Oph
    M. G. Revnivtsev , A. A. Lutovinov , B. F. Suleimanov , S. V. Molkov , and R. A. Sunyaev
    Astronomy Letters, v30:772-778, 2004 November

  663. Optical and X-ray Observations of Thermonuclear Bursts from GS 1826-24 during September-October 2003
    A. V. Mescheryakov , I. M. Khamitov , M. G. Revnivtsev , R. A. Burenin , M. R. Gilfanov , N. N. Pavlinsky , R. A. Sunyaev , Z. Aslan , and E. Gogush
    Astronomy Letters, v30:751-758, 2004 November

  664. Discovery of a Soft Spectral Component and Transient 22.7 Second Quasi-periodic Oscillations of SAX J2103.5+4545
    S. C. Inam , A. Baykal , J. Swank , and M. J. Stark
    The Astrophysical Journal, v616:463-468, 2004 November

  665. Orbital Parameters for the Black Hole Binary XTE J1650-500
    J. A. Orosz , J. E. McClintock , R. A. Remillard , and S. Corbel
    The Astrophysical Journal, v616:376-382, 2004 November

  666. An Unveiling Event in the Type 2 Active Galactic Nucleus NGC 4388:A Challenge for a Parsec-Scale Absorber
    M. Elvis , G. Risaliti , F. Nicastro , J. M. Miller , F. Fiore , and S. Puccetti
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v615:L25-L28, 2004 November

  667. Spectral Properties of Low-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in GRS 1915+105
    J. Rodriguez , S. Corbel , D. C. Hannikainen , T. Belloni , A. Paizis , and O. Vilhu
    The Astrophysical Journal, v615:416-421, 2004 November

  668. On the Lack of Thermal Emission from the Quiescent Black Hole XTE J1118+480: Evidence for the Event Horizon
    J. E. McClintock , R. Narayan , and G. B. Rybicki
    The Astrophysical Journal, v615:402-415, 2004 November

  669. Orbital phase spectroscopy of GX 301-2 with RXTE-PCA
    U. Mukherjee and B. Paul
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v427:567-573, 2004 November

  670. High-energy observations of the state transition of the X-ray nova and black hole candidate XTE J1720-318
    M. Cadolle Bel , J. Rodriguez , P. Sizun , R. Farinelli , M. Del Santo , A. Goldwurm , P. Goldoni , S. Corbel , A. N. Parmar , E. Kuulkers , P. Ubertini , F. Capitanio , J. Roques , F. Frontera , L. Amati , and N. J. Westergaard
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v426:659-667, 2004 November

  671. A study of the low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray light curves of the black hole candidate XTE J1859+226
    P. Casella , T. Belloni , J. Homan , and L. Stella
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v426:587-600, 2004 November

  672. Resonant Excitation of Disk Oscillations by Warps: A Model of kHz QPOs
    S. Kato
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v56:905-922, 2004 October

  673. Of NBOs and kHz QPOs: a Low-Frequency Modulation in Resonant Oscillations of Relativistic Accretion Disks
    J. Horák , M. A. Abramowicz , V. Karas , and W. Kluzniak
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v56:819-822, 2004 October

  674. The iron Kα lines as a tool for magnetic field estimations in non-flat accretion flows
    A. F. Zakharov , Z. Ma , and Y. Bao
    New Astronomy, v9:663-677, 2004 October

  675. The distances to Galactic low-mass X-ray binaries: consequences for black hole luminosities and kicks
    P. G. Jonker and G. Nelemans
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v354:355-366, 2004 October

  676. Three new X-ray pulsars detected in the Small Magellanic Cloud and the positions of two other known pulsars determined
    W. R. T. Edge , M. J. Coe , J. L. Galache , V. A. McBride , R. H. D. Corbet , C. B. Markwardt , and S. Laycock
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v353:1286-1292, 2004 October

  677. Broadband X-ray Spectrum of XTE J1550-564 during the Outburst of 2003
    V. A. Aref'ev , M. G. Revnivtsev , A. A. Lutovinov , and R. A. Sunyaev
    Astronomy Letters, v30:669-674, 2004 October

  678. Discovery of the Neutron Star Spin Frequency in EXO 0748-676
    A. R. Villarreal and T. E. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v614:L121-L124, 2004 October

  679. Is M82 X-1 Really an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole? X-Ray Spectral and Timing Evidence
    R. Fiorito and L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v614:L113-L116, 2004 October

  680. Origin of the Soft Excess in X-Ray Pulsars
    R. C. Hickox , R. Narayan , and T. R. Kallman
    The Astrophysical Journal, v614:881-896, 2004 October

  681. Discovery of Hard Nonthermal Pulsed X-Ray Emission from the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 1841-045
    L. Kuiper , W. Hermsen , and M. Mendez
    The Astrophysical Journal, v613:1173-1178, 2004 October

  682. A Frequency Glitch in an Accreting Pulsar
    D. K. Galloway , E. H. Morgan , and A. M. Levine
    The Astrophysical Journal, v613:1164-1172, 2004 October

  683. Broadband X-ray spectrum of intermediate polar V1223 Sgr
    M. Revnivtsev , A. Lutovinov , V. Suleimanov , R. Sunyaev , and V. Zheleznyakov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v426:253-256, 2004 October

  684. Correlated Infrared and X-ray variability of the transient Anomalous X-ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197
    N. Rea , V. Testa , G. L. Israel , S. Mereghetti , R. Perna , L. Stella , A. Tiengo , V. Mangano , T. Oosterbroek , R. Mignani , G. L. Curto , S. Campana , and S. Covino
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v425:L5-L8, 2004 October

  685. Measuring mass and angular momentum of black holes with high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations
    B. Aschenbach
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v425:1075-1082, 2004 October

  686. Long term variability of Cygnus X-1. III. Radio-X-ray correlations
    T. Gleissner , J. Wilms , G. G. Pooley , M. A. Nowak , K. Pottschmidt , S. Markoff , S. Heinz , M. Klein-Wolt , R. P. Fender , and R. Staubert
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v425:1061-1068, 2004 October

  687. The very high state accretion disc structure from the Galactic black hole transient XTE J1550 - 564
    A. Kubota and C. Done
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v353:980-990, 2004 September

  688. Microsecond Timing of PSR B1821-24 with Chandra High Resolution Camera-S
    R. E. Rutledge , D. W. Fox , S. R. Kulkarni , B. A. Jacoby , I. Cognard , D. C. Backer , and S. S. Murray
    The Astrophysical Journal, v613:522-531, 2004 September

  689. MMT Observations of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1118+480 near and in Quiescence
    M. A. P. Torres , P. J. Callanan , M. R. Garcia , P. Zhao , S. Laycock , and A. K. H. Kong
    The Astrophysical Journal, v612:1026-1033, 2004 September

  690. An X-Ray Timing Study of XTE J1550-564: Evolution of the Low-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations for the Complete 2000 Outburst
    J. Rodriguez , S. Corbel , E. Kalemci , J. A. Tomsick , and M. Tagger
    The Astrophysical Journal, v612:1018-1025, 2004 September

  691. The Long-Term Light Curves of X-Ray Binaries Contain Simultaneous Periodic and Random Components
    P. T. Boyd and A. P. Smale
    The Astrophysical Journal, v612:1006-1017, 2004 September

  692. Spectral and timing properties of the X-ray emission from the millisecond pulsar PSR B1821-24
    T. Mineo , G. Cusumano , E. Massaro , W. Becker , and L. Nicastro
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v423:1045-1050, 2004 September

  693. A transient high-coherence oscillation in 4U 1820-30
    T. Belloni , I. Parolin , and P. Casella
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v423:969-973, 2004 September

  694. Quenched millimetre emission from Cygnus X-1 in a soft X-ray state
    S. P. Tigelaar , R. P. Fender , R. P. J. Tilanus , E. Gallo , and G. G. Pooley
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v352:1015-1018, 2004 August

  695. The Correlation between Hard X-Ray Peak Flux and Soft X-Ray Peak Flux in the Outburst Rise of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    W. Yu , M. van der Klis , and R. Fender
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v611:L121-L124, 2004 August

  696. X-Ray Spectral Variability in Cygnus X-1
    C. Z. Liu and T. P. Li
    The Astrophysical Journal, v611:1084-1090, 2004 August

  697. Chandra Observations and Monte Carlo Simulations of the Grain-scattered Halo of the Binary X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1538-52
    G. W. Clark
    The Astrophysical Journal, v610:956-976, 2004 August

  698. The Low Quiescent X-Ray Luminosity of the Neutron Star Transient XTE J2123-058
    J. A. Tomsick , D. M. Gelino , J. P. Halpern , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v610:933-940, 2004 August

  699. Studies of orbital parameters and pulse profile of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1807-294
    M. G. F. Kirsch , K. Mukerjee , M. G. Breitfellner , S. Djavidnia , M. J. Freyberg , E. Kendziorra , and M. J. S. Smith
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v423:L9-L12, 2004 August

  700. Statistical properties of local active galactic nuclei inferred from the RXTE 3-20 keV all-sky survey
    S. Y. Sazonov and M. G. Revnivtsev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v423:469-480, 2004 August

  701. The MHD Alfven wave oscillation model of kHz Quasi Periodic Oscillations of Accreting X-ray binaries
    C. Zhang
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v423:401-404, 2004 August

  702. Why soft X-ray transients can remain in the low/hard state during outburst
    E. Meyer-Hofmeister
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v423:321-326, 2004 August

  703. Evidence for a Neutron Star in the non-pulsating massive X-ray binary 4U2206+54
    J. M. Torrejón , I. Kreykenbohm , A. Orr , L. Titarchuk , and I. Negueruela
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v423:301-309, 2004 August

  704. Near infrared intraday variability of Mrk 421
    A. C. Gupta , D. P. K. Banerjee , N. M. Ashok , and U. C. Joshi
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v422:505-508, 2004 August

  705. Radio and X-ray observations during the outburst decay of the black hole candidate XTE J1908+094
    P. G. Jonker , E. Gallo , V. Dhawan , M. Rupen , R. P. Fender , and G. Dubus
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v351:1359-1364, 2004 July

  706. GX 339-4: the distance, state transitions, hysteresis and spectral correlations
    A. A. Zdziarski , M. Gierlinski , J. Mikolajewska , G. Wardzinski , D. M. Smith , B. Alan Harmon , and S. Kitamoto
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v351:791-807, 2004 July

  707. Spectral and Timing Evolution of the Black Hole X-Ray Nova 4U 1543-47 during Its 2002 Outburst
    S. Q. Park , J. M. Miller , J. E. McClintock , R. A. Remillard , J. A. Orosz , C. R. Shrader , R. W. Hunstead , D. Campbell-Wilson , C. H. Ishwara-Chandra , A. P. Rao , and M. P. Rupen
    The Astrophysical Journal, v610:378-389, 2004 July

  708. Observation of M87 at 400 GeV with the Whipple 10 Meter Telescope
    S. Le Bohec , H. M. Badran , I. H. Bond , P. J. Boyle , S. M. Bradbury , J. H. Buckley , D. A. Carter-Lewis , M. Catanese , O. Celik , W. Cui , M. Daniel , M. D'Vali , I. de la Calle Perez , C. Duke , A. Falcone , D. J. Fegan , S. J. Fegan , J. P. Finley , L. F. Fortson , J. A. Gaidos , S. Gammell , K. Gibbs , G. H. Gillanders , J. Grube , J. Hall , T. A. Hall , D. Hanna , A. M. Hillas , J. Holder , D. Horan , A. Jarvis , M. Jordan , G. E. Kenny , M. Kertzman , D. Kieda , J. Kildea , J. Knapp , K. Kosack , H. Krawczynski , F. Krennrich , M. J. Lang , E. Linton , J. Lloyd-Evans , A. Milovanovic , P. Moriarty , D. Müller , T. Nagai , S. Nolan , R. A. Ong , R. Pallassini , D. Petry , B. Power-Mooney , J. Quinn , M. Quinn , K. Ragan , P. Rebillot , P. T. Reynolds , H. J. Rose , M. Schroedter , G. H. Sembroski , S. P. Swordy , A. Syson , V. V. Vassiliev , S. P. Wakely , G. Walker , T. C. Weekes , and J. Zweerink
    The Astrophysical Journal, v610:156-160, 2004 July

  709. Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937: Pulsed Flux Flares and Large Torque Variations
    F. P. Gavriil and V. M. Kaspi
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v609:L67-L70, 2004 July

  710. Discovery of a Transient Magnetar: XTE J1810-197
    A. I. Ibrahim , C. B. Markwardt , J. H. Swank , S. Ransom , M. Roberts , V. Kaspi , P. M. Woods , S. Safi-Harb , S. Balman , W. C. Parke , C. Kouveliotou , K. Hurley , and T. Cline
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v609:L21-L24, 2004 July

  711. Long-Term Spectral and Timing Behavior of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1908+094
    E. Gögüs , M. H. Finger , C. Kouveliotou , P. M. Woods , S. K. Patel , M. Rupen , J. H. Swank , C. B. Markwardt , and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v609:977-987, 2004 July

  712. Long-Term Optical Variability of the Blazars PKS 2005-489 and PKS 2155-304
    T. P. Dominici , Z. Abraham , R. Teixeira , and P. Benevides-Soares
    The Astronomical Journal, v128:47-55, 2004 July

  713. Wave-Warp Resonant Interactions in Relativistic Disks and kHz QPOs
    S. Kato
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v56:559-567, 2004 June

  714. Twin Peaks kHz QPOs: Mathematics of the 3:2 Orbital Resonance
    P. Rebusco
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v56:553-557, 2004 June

  715. The relativistic Fe emission line in XTE J1650-500 with BeppoSAX: evidence for black hole spin and light-bending effects?
    G. Miniutti , A. C. Fabian , and J. M. Miller
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v351:466-472, 2004 June

  716. Jet-disc coupling through a common energy reservoir in the black hole XTE J1118+480
    J. Malzac , A. Merloni , and A. C. Fabian
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v351:253-264, 2004 June

  717. Radio detections of the neutron star X-ray binaries 4U 1820 - 30 and Ser X-1 in soft X-ray states
    S. Migliari , R. P. Fender , M. Rupen , S. Wachter , P. G. Jonker , J. Homan , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v351:186-192, 2004 June

  718. The Effect of Neutron Star Rotation on the Properties of Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts
    M. P. Muno , D. K. Galloway , and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal, v608:930-934, 2004 June

  719. Evolution of Spectral States of Aquila X-1 during the 2000 Outburst
    D. Maitra and C. D. Bailyn
    The Astrophysical Journal, v608:444-453, 2004 June

  720. A Comprehensive Study of the X-Ray Bursts from the Magnetar Candidate 1E 2259+586
    F. P. Gavriil , V. M. Kaspi , and P. M. Woods
    The Astrophysical Journal, v607:959-969, 2004 June

  721. Two long-period X-ray pulsars detected in the SMC field around XTE J0055-727
    F. Haberl , W. Pietsch , N. Schartel , P. Rodriguez , and R. H. D. Corbet
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v420:L19-L22, 2004 June

  722. Binary corrected X-ray light curve of Cygnus X-3: Implications for the timing properties of the compact binary system
    M. Choudhury , A. R. Rao , S. V. Vadawale , A. K. Jain , and N. S. Singh
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v420:665-671, 2004 June

  723. High-speed Keck II and RXTE spectroscopy of Cygnus X-2 - I. Three X-ray components revealed by correlated variability
    K. O'Brien , K. Horne , R. H. Gomer , J. B. Oke , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v350:587-595, 2004 May

  724. Fine-Tuning the Accretion Disk Clock in Hercules X-1
    M. Still and P. Boyd
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v606:L135-L138, 2004 May

  725. Evidence of Black Hole Spin in GX 339-4: XMM-Newton/EPIC-pn and RXTE Spectroscopy of the Very High State
    J. M. Miller , A. C. Fabian , C. S. Reynolds , M. A. Nowak , J. Homan , M. J. Freyberg , M. Ehle , T. Belloni , R. Wijnands , M. van der Klis , P. A. Charles , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v606:L131-L134, 2004 May

  726. On the Nature of the Flux Variability during an Expansion Stage of a Type I X-Ray Burst: Constraints on Neutron Star Parameters for 4U 1820-30
    N. Shaposhnikov and L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v606:L57-L60, 2004 May

  727. The Harmonic Structure of High-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Accreting Black Holes
    J. D. Schnittman and E. Bertschinger
    The Astrophysical Journal, v606:1098-1111, 2004 May

  728. Spectral Analysis of Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of A3667
    Y. Rephaeli and D. Gruber
    The Astrophysical Journal, v606:825-828, 2004 May

  729. RXTE all-sky slew survey. Catalog of X-ray sources at |b|>10o
    M. Revnivtsev , S. Sazonov , K. Jahoda , and M. Gilfanov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v418:927-936, 2004 May

  730. The properties of outbursts and long-term activity of the soft X-ray transient 4U 1608-52 (QX Nor)
    V. Šimon
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v418:617-624, 2004 May

  731. X-ray and TeV observations of the extreme BL Lac AGN H1426+428 during 2002
    A. D. Falcone
    New Astronomy Review, v48:415-417, 2004 April

  732. Multi-wavelength signal variability in the active galactic nuclei Markarian 421 at keV and TeV energies
    S. J. Nolan , M. Hanafee , and K. Lie
    New Astronomy Review, v48:395-398, 2004 April

  733. TeV observations of H1426+428 with HEGRA
    D. Horns , F. A. Aharonian , and L. Costamante
    New Astronomy Review, v48:387-390, 2004 April

  734. A light bending model for the X-ray temporal and spectral properties of accreting black holes
    G. Miniutti and A. C. Fabian
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v349:1435-1448, 2004 April

  735. Simulations of spectral lines from an eccentric precessing accretion disc
    S. B. Foulkes , C. A. Haswell , J. R. Murray , and D. J. Rolfe
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v349:1179-1192, 2004 April

  736. On the deep minimum state in the Seyfert galaxy MCG-6-30-15
    C. S. Reynolds , J. Wilms , M. C. Begelman , R. Staubert , and E. Kendziorra
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v349:1153-1166, 2004 April

  737. On the magnetic accretor GK Persei in outburst
    C. Hellier , S. Harmer , and A. P. Beardmore
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v349:710-714, 2004 April

  738. Absolute Timing of the Crab Pulsar with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    A. H. Rots , K. Jahoda , and A. G. Lyne
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v605:L129-L132, 2004 April

  739. X-Ray Flaring Activity of Markarian 421
    W. Cui
    The Astrophysical Journal, v605:662-669, 2004 April

  740. Changes in the X-Ray Emission from the Magnetar Candidate 1E 2259+586 during Its 2002 Outburst
    P. M. Woods , V. M. Kaspi , C. Thompson , F. P. Gavriil , H. L. Marshall , D. Chakrabarty , K. Flanagan , J. Heyl , and L. Hernquist
    The Astrophysical Journal, v605:378-399, 2004 April

  741. Imaging X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Observations of the Transient Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197
    E. V. Gotthelf , J. P. Halpern , M. Buxton , and C. Bailyn
    The Astrophysical Journal, v605:368-377, 2004 April

  742. Simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of the low-mass X-ray binary GX 13+1
    J. Homan , R. Wijnands , M. P. Rupen , R. Fender , R. M. Hjellming , T. di Salvo , and M. van der Klis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v418:255-263, 2004 April

  743. Optical Variations of XTE J1859+226 during the 1999 Outburst
    M. Uemura , T. Kato , E. Pavlenko , S. Shugarov , M. Mitskevich , R. E. Fried , and Y. Sano
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v56:147-, 2004 March

  744. X-ray flux related timing and spectral features of 2S 1417-62
    S. C. Inam , A. Baykal , D. Matthew Scott , M. Finger , and J. Swank
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v349:173-180, 2004 March

  745. A long hard look at MCG-6-30-15 with XMM-Newton- II. Detailed EPIC analysis and modelling
    S. Vaughan and A. C. Fabian
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v348:1415-1438, 2004 March

  746. Combined long and short time-scale X-ray variability of NGC 4051 with RXTE and XMM-Newton
    I. M. McHardy , I. E. Papadakis , P. Uttley , M. J. Page , and K. O. Mason
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v348:783-801, 2004 March

  747. Accurate X-Ray Position of the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197 and Identification of Its Likely Infrared Counterpart
    G. L. Israel , N. Rea , V. Mangano , V. Testa , R. Perna , W. Hummel , R. Mignani , N. Ageorges , G. L. Curto , O. Marco , L. Angelini , S. Campana , S. Covino , G. Marconi , S. Mereghetti , and L. Stella
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v603:L97-L100, 2004 March

  748. Galactic Populations of Ultracompact Binaries
    K. Belczynski and R. E. Taam
    The Astrophysical Journal, v603:690-696, 2004 March

  749. The Big Glitcher: The Rotation History of PSR J0537-6910
    F. E. Marshall , E. V. Gotthelf , J. Middleditch , Q. D. Wang , and W. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal, v603:682-689, 2004 March

  750. A Close Look at the State Transitions of Galactic Black Hole Transients during Outburst Decay
    E. Kalemci , J. A. Tomsick , R. E. Rothschild , K. Pottschmidt , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v603:231-241, 2004 March

  751. X-ray spectral evolution of SAX J1747.0-2853 during outburst activity and confirmation of its transient nature
    N. Werner , J. J. M. in't Zand , L. Natalucci , C. B. Markwardt , R. Cornelisse , A. Bazzano , M. Cocchi , J. Heise , and P. Ubertini
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v416:311-318, 2004 March

  752. X-ray behaviour of Circinus X-1 - I. X-ray dips as a diagnostic of periodic behaviour
    W. I. Clarkson , P. A. Charles , and N. Onyett
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v348:458-468, 2004 February

  753. Confirmation of Nonthermal Hard X-Ray Excess in the Coma Cluster from Two Epoch Observations
    R. Fusco-Femiano , M. Orlandini , G. Brunetti , L. Feretti , G. Giovannini , P. Grandi , and G. Setti
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v602:L73-L76, 2004 February

  754. Cessation of X-Ray Pulsation of GX 1+4
    W. Cui and B. Smith
    The Astrophysical Journal, v602:320-326, 2004 February

  755. On the Correlated X-Ray and Optical Evolution of SS Cygni
    K. E. McGowan , W. C. Priedhorsky , and S. P. Trudolyubov
    The Astrophysical Journal, v601:1100-1108, 2004 February

  756. Possibility of a White Dwarf as the Accreting Compact Star in CI Camelopardalis (=XTE J0421+560)
    M. Ishida , K. Morio , and Y. Ueda
    The Astrophysical Journal, v601:1088-1099, 2004 February

  757. RXTE and BeppoSAX Observations of MCG -5-23-16: Reflection from Distant Cold Material
    B. J. Mattson and K. A. Weaver
    The Astrophysical Journal, v601:771-777, 2004 February

  758. Evolution of the Synchrotron Spectrum in Markarian 421 during the 1998 Campaign
    C. Tanihata , J. Kataoka , T. Takahashi , and G. M. Madejski
    The Astrophysical Journal, v601:759-770, 2004 February

  759. Long term variability of Cyg X-1. II. The rms-flux relation
    T. Gleissner , J. Wilms , K. Pottschmidt , P. Uttley , M. A. Nowak , and R. Staubert
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v414:1091-1104, 2004 February

  760. The hard X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert galaxy IRAS 18325-5926: reflection from an ionized disc and variable iron K emission
    K. Iwasawa , J. C. Lee , A. J. Young , C. S. Reynolds , and A. C. Fabian
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v347:411-420, 2004 January

  761. The orbital period of the dipping, bursting, globular cluster X-ray source XB 1746-371 from Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations
    M. Balucinska-Church , M. J. Church , and A. P. Smale
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v347:334-338, 2004 January

  762. Periodic Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts from GS 1826-24 and the Fuel Composition as a Function of Accretion Rate
    D. K. Galloway , A. Cumming , E. Kuulkers , L. Bildsten , D. Chakrabarty , and R. E. Rothschild
    The Astrophysical Journal, v601:466-473, 2004 January

  763. Chandra/High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer Spectroscopy of the Galactic Black Hole GX 339-4: A Relativistic Iron Emission Line and Evidence for a Seyfert-like Warm Absorber
    J. M. Miller , J. Raymond , A. C. Fabian , J. Homan , M. A. Nowak , R. Wijnands , M. van der Klis , T. Belloni , J. A. Tomsick , D. M. Smith , P. A. Charles , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v601:450-465, 2004 January

  764. Detection of Low-Hard State Spectral and Timing Signatures from the Black Hole X-Ray Transient XTE J1650-500 at Low X-Ray Luminosities
    J. A. Tomsick , E. Kalemci , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v601:439-449, 2004 January

  765. The Three Spectral Regimes Found in the Stellar Black Hole XTE J1550-564 in Its High/Soft State
    A. Kubota and K. Makishima
    The Astrophysical Journal, v601:428-438, 2004 January

  766. X-Ray Spectral Variability of Extreme BL Lacertae Active Galactic Nucleus H1426+428
    A. D. Falcone , W. Cui , and J. P. Finley
    The Astrophysical Journal, v601:165-172, 2004 January

  767. Multiwavelength Observations of Strong Flares from the TeV Blazar 1ES 1959+650
    H. Krawczynski , S. B. Hughes , D. Horan , F. Aharonian , M. F. Aller , H. Aller , P. Boltwood , J. Buckley , P. Coppi , G. Fossati , N. Götting , J. Holder , D. Horns , O. M. Kurtanidze , A. P. Marscher , M. Nikolashvili , R. A. Remillard , A. Sadun , and M. Schröder
    The Astrophysical Journal, v601:151-164, 2004 January

  768. Instability of the 13.8 Day Period in X-Ray Emission from 4U 1700-377
    J. Hong and C. J. Hailey
    The Astrophysical Journal, v600:743-751, 2004 January

  769. Periodicities in the X-Ray Intensity Variations of TV Columbae: An Intermediate Polar
    V. R. Rana , K. P. Singh , E. M. Schlegel , and P. Barrett
    The Astronomical Journal, v127:489-500, 2004 January

  770. BeppoSAX observation of PSR B1937+21
    L. Nicastro , G. Cusumano , O. Löhmer , M. Kramer , L. Kuiper , W. Hermsen , T. Mineo , and W. Becker
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v413:1065-1072, 2004 January

  771. Physical interpretation of the NGC 7469 UV/X-ray variability
    P. O. Petrucci , L. Maraschi , F. Haardt , and K. Nandra
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v413:477-487, 2004 January

  772. Time Lags of Z Source GX 5-1
    J. L. Qu , Y. Chen , M. Wu , L. Chen , and L. M. Song
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v293:441-451, 2004

  773. Relativistic astrophysics explorer
    P. Kaaret
    Advances in Space Research, v34:2662-2666, 2004

  774. MIRAX: a Brazilian X-ray astronomy satellite mission
    J. Braga , R. Rothschild , J. Heise , R. Staubert , R. Remillard , F. D'Amico , F. Jablonski , W. Heindl , J. Matteson , E. Kuulkers , J. Wilms , and E. Kendziorra
    Advances in Space Research, v34:2657-2661, 2004

  775. Challenges in X-ray binary timing: current and future
    M. van der Klis
    Advances in Space Research, v34:2646-2656, 2004

  776. Anomalous X-ray pulsars: long-term monitoring and soft-gamma repeater like X-ray bursts
    F. P. Gavriil , V. M. Kaspi , and P. M. Woods
    Advances in Space Research, v33:654-662, 2004

  777. Long term studies of Z sources with HEXTE/RXTE
    F. D'Amico , W. A. Heindl , and R. E. Rothschild
    Advances in Space Research, v33:612-615, 2004

  778. Phase-coherent timing of PSR J1811-1925: the pulsar at the heart of G11.2-0.3
    F. P. Gavriil , V. M. Kaspi , and M. S. E. Roberts
    Advances in Space Research, v33:592-596, 2004

  779. Chandra and RXTE studies of the X-ray/γ-ray millisecond pulsar PSR J0218+4232
    L. Kuiper , W. Hermsen , and B. Stappers
    Advances in Space Research, v33:507-512, 2004

  780. ASCA and RXTE observations of non-thermal X-ray emission from galactic supernova remnants: G156.2+5.7
    T. G. Pannuti and G. E. Allen
    Advances in Space Research, v33:434-439, 2004

  781. Observation of non-thermal emission from the supernova remnant IC 443 with RXTE
    S. J. Sturner , J. W. Keohane , and O. Reimer
    Advances in Space Research, v33:429-433, 2004

  782. Mapping the shape of the accretion disk of Hercules X-1
    D. A. Leahy
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v325:205-208, 2004

  783. The Infrared Counterpart of the X-Ray Nova XTE J1720-318
    T. Nagata , D. Kato , D. Baba , S. Nishiyama , T. Nagayama , C. Nagashima , M. Kurita , S. Sato , T. Kato , M. Uemura , H. Yamaoka , B. Monard , Y. Ita , N. Matsunaga , Y. Nakajima , M. Tamura , H. Nakaya , and K. Sugitani
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v55:L73-L76, 2003 December

  784. X-ray spectral evolution of low-mass X-ray binary GX 349+2
    V. K. Agrawal and P. Sreekumar
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v346:933-939, 2003 December

  785. Multiwavelength observations revealing the evolution of the outburst of the black hole XTE J1118+480
    S. Chaty , C. A. Haswell , J. Malzac , R. I. Hynes , C. R. Shrader , and W. Cui
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v346:689-703, 2003 December

  786. The Glitches of the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1RXS J170849.0-400910
    S. Dall'Osso , G. L. Israel , L. Stella , A. Possenti , and E. Perozzi
    The Astrophysical Journal, v599:485-497, 2003 December

  787. White Dwarf Donors in Ultracompact Binaries: The Stellar Structure of Finite-Entropy Objects
    C. J. Deloye and L. Bildsten
    The Astrophysical Journal, v598:1217-1228, 2003 December

  788. Long-Term X-Ray Spectral Variability in Seyfert 1 Galaxies
    A. Markowitz , R. Edelson , and S. Vaughan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v598:935-955, 2003 December

  789. A transient variable 6 Hz QPO from GX 339-4
    E. Nespoli , T. Belloni , J. Homan , J. M. Miller , W. H. G. Lewin , M. Méndez , and M. van der Klis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v412:235-240, 2003 December

  790. Does GRS 1915+105 exhibit ``canonical'' black-hole states?
    P. Reig , T. Belloni , and M. van der Klis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v412:229-233, 2003 December

  791. The spectrum of the cosmic X-ray background observed by RTXE/PCA
    M. Revnivtsev , M. Gilfanov , R. Sunyaev , K. Jahoda , and C. Markwardt
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v411:329-334, 2003 December

  792. Evidence of a decrease of kHz quasi-periodic oscillation peak separation towards low frequencies in 4U 1728-34 (GX 354-0)
    S. Migliari , M. van der Klis , and R. P. Fender
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v345:L35-L39, 2003 November

  793. Correlated optical and X-ray variability in LMC X-2
    K. E. McGowan , P. A. Charles , D. O'Donoghue , and A. P. Smale
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v345:1039-1048, 2003 November

  794. RXTE Observations of the Transient Sources IGR J17091-3624 and IGR J18539+0727
    A. A. Lutovinov and M. G. Revnivtsev
    Astronomy Letters, v29:719-723, 2003 November

  795. The First Results of Observations of the Transient Pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545 by the INTEGRAL Observatory
    A. A. Lutovinov , S. V. Molkov , and M. G. Revnivtsev
    Astronomy Letters, v29:713-718, 2003 November

  796. Discovery of X-Ray Burst Oscillations from a Neutron Star X-Ray Transient in the Globular Cluster NGC 6440
    P. Kaaret , J. J. M. Zand , J. Heise , and J. A. Tomsick
    The Astrophysical Journal, v598:481-485, 2003 November

  797. Theoretical Considerations on the Properties of Accreting Millisecond Pulsars
    L. A. Nelson and S. Rappaport
    The Astrophysical Journal, v598:431-445, 2003 November

  798. Multi-TeV Gamma-Ray Flares from Markarian 421 in 2000 and 2001 Observed with the Tibet Air Shower Array
    M. Amenomori , S. Ayabe , S. W. Cui , Danzengluobu , L. K. Ding , X. H. Ding , C. F. Feng , Z. Y. Feng , X. Y. Gao , Q. X. Geng , H. W. Guo , H. H. He , M. He , K. Hibino , N. Hotta , H. Hu , H. B. Hu , J. Huang , Q. Huang , H. Y. Jia , F. Kajino , K. Kasahara , Y. Katayose , K. Kawata , Labaciren , G. M. Le , J. Y. Li , H. Lu , S. L. Lu , X. R. Meng , K. Mizutani , J. Mu , H. Nanjo , M. Nishizawa , M. Ohnishi , I. Ohta , T. Ouchi , S. Ozawa , J. R. Ren , T. Saito , M. Sakata , T. Sasaki , M. Shibata , A. Shiomi , T. Shirai , H. Sugimoto , K. Taira , M. Takita , Y. H. Tan , N. Tateyama , S. Torii , H. Tsuchiya , S. Udo , T. Utsugi , B. S. Wang , H. Wang , X. Wang , Y. G. Wang , L. Xue , Y. Yamamoto , X. C. Yang , Z. H. Ye , G. C. Yu , A. F. Yuan , T. Yuda , H. M. Zhang , J. L. Zhang , N. J. Zhang , X. Y. Zhang , Y. Zhang , Zhaxisangzhu , and X. X. Zhou
    The Astrophysical Journal, v598:242-249, 2003 November

  799. Chandra Detections of Two Quiescent Black Hole X-Ray Transients
    J. A. Tomsick , S. Corbel , R. Fender , J. M. Miller , J. A. Orosz , M. P. Rupen , T. Tzioumis , R. Wijnands , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v597:L133-L136, 2003 November

  800. On the Origin of the Various Types of Radio Emission in GRS 1915+105
    S. V. Vadawale , A. R. Rao , S. Naik , J. S. Yadav , C. H. Ishwara-Chandra , A. Pramesh Rao , and G. G. Pooley
    The Astrophysical Journal, v597:1023-1035, 2003 November

  801. Probing the Inflow/Outflow and Accretion Disk of Cygnus X-1 in the High State with the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating
    Y. X. Feng , A. F. Tennant , and S. N. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal, v597:1017-1022, 2003 November

  802. X-Ray Variability of the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable V1432 Aquilae and the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 6814
    K. Mukai , C. Hellier , G. Madejski , J. Patterson , and D. R. Skillman
    The Astrophysical Journal, v597:479-493, 2003 November

  803. Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Spectra of the Black Hole Binary LMC X-3
    J. B. Hutchings , K. Winter , A. P. Cowley , P. C. Schmidtke , and D. Crampton
    The Astronomical Journal, v126:2368-2371, 2003 November

  804. First INTEGRAL observations of GRS 1915+105
    D. C. Hannikainen , O. Vilhu , J. Rodriguez , S. Brandt , N. J. Westergaard , N. Lund , I. Mocœur , P. Durouchoux , T. Belloni , A. Castro-Tirado , P. A. Charles , A. J. Dean , R. P. Fender , M. Feroci , P. Hakala , R. W. Hunstead , C. R. Kaiser , A. King , I. F. Mirabel , G. G. Pooley , J. Poutanen , K. Wu , and A. A. Zdziarski
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v411:L415-L419, 2003 November

  805. First INTEGRAL observations of Cygnus X-3
    O. Vilhu , L. Hjalmarsdotter , A. A. Zdziarski , A. Paizis , M. L. McCollough , V. Beckmann , T. J. Courvoisier , K. Ebisawa , P. Goldoni , P. Hakala , D. Hannikainen , P. Kretschmar , and N. J. Westergaard
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v411:L405-L410, 2003 November

  806. First IBIS results on the high energy emission of Cygnus X-2
    L. Natalucci , M. Del Santo , P. Ubertini , F. Capitanio , M. Cocchi , S. Piraino , and A. Santangelo
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v411:L395-L398, 2003 November

  807. INTEGRAL-RXTE observations of Cygnus X-1
    K. Pottschmidt , J. Wilms , M. Chernyakova , M. A. Nowak , J. Rodriguez , A. A. Zdziarski , V. Beckmann , P. Kretschmar , T. Gleissner , G. G. Pooley , S. Martínez-Núñez , T. J. Courvoisier , V. Schönfelder , and R. Staubert
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v411:L383-L388, 2003 November

  808. First results from TOO observations of the Aql X-1 field with INTEGRAL
    S. Molkov , A. Lutovinov , and S. Grebenev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v411:L357-L361, 2003 November

  809. Simultaneous observations of the quasar 3C 273 with INTEGRAL and RXTE
    T. J. Courvoisier , V. Beckmann , G. Bourban , J. Chenevez , M. Chernyakova , S. Deluit , P. Favre , J. E. Grindlay , N. Lund , P. O'Brien , K. Page , N. Produit , M. Türler , M. J. L. Turner , R. Staubert , M. Stuhlinger , R. Walter , and A. A. Zdziarski
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v411:L343-L348, 2003 November

  810. Absolute timing with IBIS, SPI and JEM-X aboard INTEGRAL. Crab main-pulse arrival times in radio, X-rays and high-energy gamma -rays
    L. Kuiper , W. Hermsen , R. Walter , and L. Foschini
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v411:L31-L36, 2003 November

  811. Distribution of the Galactic bulge emission at |b|>2o according to the RXTE Galactic Center scans
    M. Revnivtsev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v410:865-870, 2003 November

  812. TeV gamma -ray light curve and energy spectrum of Mkn 421 during its 2001 flare as measured with HEGRA CT1
    F. Aharonian , A. Akhperjanian , M. Beilicke , K. Bernlöhr , H. G. Börst , H. Bojahr , O. Bolz , J. A. Coarasa , J. L. Contreras , J. Cortina , S. Denninghoff , V. Fonseca , M. Girma , F. Goebel , N. Götting , G. Heinzelmann , G. Hermann , A. Heusler , W. Hofmann , D. Horns , I. Jung , R. Kankanyan , M. Kestel , J. Kettler , A. Kohnle , A. Konopelko , D. Kranich , H. Krawczynski , H. Lampeitl , M. López , E. Lorenz , F. Lucarelli , O. Mang , H. Meyer , R. Mirzoyan , A. Moralejo , E. Oña-Wilhelmi , D. Paneque , M. Panter , A. Plyasheshnikov , G. Pühlhofer , R. de los Reyes , W. Rhode , J. Ripken , G. Rowell , V. Sahakian , M. Samorski , M. Schilling , T. Schweizer , I. Sevilla , M. Siems , D. Sobczynska , W. Stamm , M. Tluczykont , N. Tonello , V. Vitale , H. J. Völk , R. M. Wagner , C. A. Wiedner , and W. Wittek
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v410:813-821, 2003 November

  813. Variability timescale and jet power of 3C 273
    J. Kataoka and N. Kawai
    New Astronomy Review, v47:685-687, 2003 October

  814. Moving relativistic large-scale X-ray jets in the microquasar XTE J1550-564
    S. Corbel , R. P. Fender , A. K. Tzioumis , J. A. Tomsick , J. A. Orosz , J. M. Miller , R. Wijnands , and P. Kaaret
    New Astronomy Review, v47:477-480, 2003 October

  815. The remarkable rapid X-ray, ultraviolet, optical and infrared variability in the black hole XTE J1118+480
    R. I. Hynes , C. A. Haswell , W. Cui , C. R. Shrader , K. O'Brien , S. Chaty , D. R. Skillman , J. Patterson , and K. Horne
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v345:292-310, 2003 October

  816. The X-ray and extreme-ultraviolet flux evolution of SS Cygni throughout outburst
    P. J. Wheatley , C. W. Mauche , and J. A. Mattei
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v345:49-61, 2003 October

  817. XTE J0111.2-7317: a nebula-embedded X-ray binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud
    M. J. Coe , N. J. Haigh , C. A. Wilson , and I. Negueruela
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v344:1075-1084, 2003 October

  818. The long time-scale X-ray variability of the radio-quiet quasar PG 0804+761
    I. E. Papadakis , P. Reig , and K. Nandra
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v344:993-999, 2003 October

  819. RXTE Observations of the Strongly Absorbed Sources IGR J16318-4848 and IGR J16358-4726
    M. G. Revnivtsev
    Astronomy Letters, v29:644-648, 2003 October

  820. Evolution of Hard X-Ray Spectra along the Branches in Circinus X-1
    G. Q. Ding , J. L. Qu , and T. P. Li
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v596:L219-L222, 2003 October

  821. A Second Glitch from the ``Anomalous'' X-Ray Pulsar 1RXS J170849.0-4000910
    V. M. Kaspi and F. P. Gavriil
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v596:L71-L74, 2003 October

  822. X-Ray Bursts from the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1814-338
    T. E. Strohmayer , C. B. Markwardt , J. H. Swank , and J. in't Zand
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v596:L67-L70, 2003 October

  823. The Atoll Source States of 4U 1608-52
    S. van Straaten , M. van der Klis , and M. Méndez
    The Astrophysical Journal, v596:1155-1176, 2003 October

  824. Coordinated Multiwavelength Observations of BL Lacertae in 2000
    M. Böttcher , A. P. Marscher , M. Ravasio , M. Villata , C. M. Raiteri , H. D. Aller , M. F. Aller , H. Teräsranta , O. Mang , G. Tagliaferri , F. Aharonian , H. Krawczynski , O. M. Kurtanidze , M. G. Nikolashvili , M. A. Ibrahimov , I. E. Papadakis , K. Tsinganos , K. Sadakane , N. Okada , L. O. Takalo , A. Sillanpää , G. Tosti , S. Ciprini , A. Frasca , E. Marilli , R. Robb , J. C. Noble , S. G. Jorstad , V. A. Hagen-Thorn , V. M. Larionov , R. Nesci , M. Maesano , R. D. Schwartz , J. Basler , P. W. Gorham , H. Iwamatsu , T. Kato , C. Pullen , E. Benítez , J. A. de Diego , M. Moilanen , A. Oksanen , D. Rodriguez , A. C. Sadun , M. Kelly , M. T. Carini , H. R. Miller , S. Catalano , D. Dultzin-Hacyan , J. H. Fan , G. Ghisellini , R. Ishioka , H. Karttunen , P. Keinänen , N. A. Kudryavtseva , M. Lainela , L. Lanteri , E. G. Larionova , K. Matsumoto , J. R. Mattox , I. McHardy , F. Montagni , G. Nucciarelli , L. Ostorero , J. Papamastorakis , M. Pasanen , G. Sobrito , and M. Uemura
    The Astrophysical Journal, v596:847-859, 2003 October

  825. The 2001 April Burst Activation of SGR 1900+14: X-Ray Afterglow Emission
    M. Feroci , S. Mereghetti , P. Woods , C. Kouveliotou , E. Costa , D. D. Frederiks , S. V. Golenetskii , K. Hurley , E. Mazets , P. Soffitta , and M. Tavani
    The Astrophysical Journal, v596:470-476, 2003 October

  826. The 2001 April Burst Activation of SGR 1900+14: Pulse Properties and Torque
    P. M. Woods , C. Kouveliotou , E. Gögüs , M. H. Finger , M. Feroci , S. Mereghetti , J. H. Swank , K. Hurley , J. Heise , D. Smith , F. Frontera , C. Guidorzi , and C. Thompson
    The Astrophysical Journal, v596:464-469, 2003 October

  827. Fe XXV and Fe XXVI Diagnostics of the Black Hole and Accretion Disk in Active Galaxies: Chandra Time-resolved Grating Spectroscopy of NGC 7314
    T. Yaqoob , I. M. George , T. R. Kallman , U. Padmanabhan , K. A. Weaver , and T. J. Turner
    The Astrophysical Journal, v596:85-104, 2003 October

  828. Long-Term X-Ray Variability in GX 13+1: Energy-dependent Periodic Modulation
    R. H. D. Corbet
    The Astrophysical Journal, v595:1086-1093, 2003 October

  829. The Energy Dependence of Millisecond Oscillations in Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts
    M. P. Muno , F. Özel , and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal, v595:1066-1076, 2003 October

  830. X-Ray Bursts in Neutron Star and Black Hole Binaries from Unconventional Stellar Aspect Experiment and Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Data: Detections and Upper Limits
    D. Tournear , E. Raffauf , E. D. Bloom , W. Focke , B. Giebels , G. Godfrey , P. M. S. Parkinson , K. T. Reilly , K. S. Wood , P. S. Ray , M. T. Wolff , R. M. Bandyopadhyay , M. N. Lovellette , and J. D. Scargle
    The Astrophysical Journal, v595:1058-1065, 2003 October

  831. Spectral Evolution of the Microquasar XTE J1550-564 over Its Entire 2000 Outburst
    J. Rodriguez , S. Corbel , and J. A. Tomsick
    The Astrophysical Journal, v595:1032-1038, 2003 October

  832. Catching NGC 4051 in the Low State with Chandra
    P. Uttley , A. Fruscione , I. McHardy , and G. Lamer
    The Astrophysical Journal, v595:656-664, 2003 October

  833. The phase of the radio and X-ray pulses of PSR B1937+21
    G. Cusumano , W. Hermsen , M. Kramer , L. Kuiper , O. Löhmer , E. Massaro , T. Mineo , L. Nicastro , and B. W. Stappers
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v410:L9-L12, 2003 October

  834. Boundary layer, accretion disk and X-ray variability in the luminous LMXBs
    M. Gilfanov , M. Revnivtsev , and S. Molkov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v410:217-230, 2003 October

  835. The multifrequency variability of Mrk 421
    K. Katarzynski , H. Sol , and A. Kus
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v410:101-115, 2003 October

  836. Simultaneous multi-wavelength observations of GRS 1915+105
    Y. Fuchs , J. Rodriguez , I. F. Mirabel , S. Chaty , M. Ribó , V. Dhawan , P. Goldoni , P. Sizun , G. G. Pooley , A. A. Zdziarski , D. C. Hannikainen , P. Kretschmar , B. Cordier , and N. Lund
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v409:L35-L39, 2003 October

  837. The X-ray afterglow of GRB 030329
    A. Tiengo , S. Mereghetti , G. Ghisellini , E. Rossi , G. Ghirlanda , and N. Schartel
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v409:983-987, 2003 October

  838. A peculiar type-I X-ray burst from GRS 1747-312
    J. J. M. in't Zand , T. E. Strohmayer , C. B. Markwardt , and J. Swank
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v409:659-663, 2003 October

  839. Simultaneous ASCA and Hubble Space Telescope/GHRS Observations of Cygnus X-2/V1341 Cygni
    S. D. Vrtilek , J. C. Raymond , B. Boroson , R. McCray , A. Smale , T. Kallman , and F. Nagase
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v115:1124-1134, 2003 September

  840. An analytic model of a rotating hotspot and kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations in X-ray binaries
    D. Wang , R. Ma , W. Lei , and G. Yao
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v344:473-480, 2003 September

  841. A search for the optical and near-infrared counterpart of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar XTE J1751-305
    P. G. Jonker , G. Nelemans , Z. Wang , A. K. H. Kong , D. Chakrabarty , M. Garcia , P. J. Groot , M. van der Klis , T. Kerr , B. Mobasher , M. Sullivan , T. Augusteijn , B. W. Stappers , P. Challis , R. P. Kirshner , J. Hjorth , and A. Delsanti
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v344:201-206, 2003 September

  842. Long-Term X-Ray Variability of Circinus X-1
    P. M. S. Parkinson , D. M. Tournear , E. D. Bloom , W. B. Focke , K. T. Reilly , K. S. Wood , P. S. Ray , M. T. Wolff , and J. D. Scargle
    The Astrophysical Journal, v595:333-341, 2003 September

  843. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of A2256
    Y. Rephaeli and D. Gruber
    The Astrophysical Journal, v595:137-141, 2003 September

  844. XMM-Newton Observation of the 5.25 Millisecond Transient Pulsar XTE J1807-294 in Outburst
    S. Campana , M. Ravasio , G. L. Israel , V. Mangano , and T. Belloni
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v594:L39-L42, 2003 September

  845. BeppoSAX and multiwavelength observations of BL Lacertae in 2000
    M. Ravasio , G. Tagliaferri , G. Ghisellini , F. Tavecchio , M. Böttcher , and M. Sikora
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v408:479-491, 2003 September

  846. Long term variability of Cygnus X-1. I. X-ray spectral-temporal correlations in the hard state
    K. Pottschmidt , J. Wilms , M. A. Nowak , G. G. Pooley , T. Gleissner , W. A. Heindl , D. M. Smith , R. Remillard , and R. Staubert
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v407:1039-1058, 2003 September

  847. The near-synchronous polar V1432 Aql (RX J1940.1-1025): Accretion geometry and synchronization time scale
    R. Staubert , S. Friedrich , K. Pottschmidt , S. Benlloch , S. L. Schuh , P. Kroll , E. Splittgerber , and R. Rothschild
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v407:987-998, 2003 September

  848. Discovery of powerful millisecond flares from Cygnus X-1
    M. Gierlinski and A. A. Zdziarski
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v343:L84-L88, 2003 August

  849. Long-term properties of accretion discs in X-ray binaries - II. Stability of radiation-driven warping
    W. I. Clarkson , P. A. Charles , M. J. Coe , and S. Laycock
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v343:1213-1223, 2003 August

  850. The Bursting Behavior of 4U 1728-34: The Parameters of a Neutron Star and the Geometry of a Neutron Star-Disk System
    N. Shaposhnikov , L. Titarchuk , and F. Haberl
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v593:L35-L38, 2003 August

  851. X-Ray Observations of the Compact Central Object in Supernova Remnant G347.3-0.5
    J. S. Lazendic , P. O. Slane , B. M. Gaensler , P. P. Plucinsky , J. P. Hughes , D. K. Galloway , and F. Crawford
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v593:L27-L30, 2003 August

  852. X-Ray Dip Monitoring of XB 1916-053
    T. Narita , J. E. Grindlay , P. F. Bloser , and Y. Chou
    The Astrophysical Journal, v593:1007-1012, 2003 August

  853. Correlated Radio:X-Ray Emission in the Hard States of Galactic Microquasars
    M. Choudhury , A. R. Rao , S. V. Vadawale , and A. K. Jain
    The Astrophysical Journal, v593:452-462, 2003 August

  854. Multiwavelength Spectrum of the Black Hole XTE J1118+480 in Quiescence
    J. E. McClintock , R. Narayan , M. R. Garcia , J. A. Orosz , R. A. Remillard , and S. S. Murray
    The Astrophysical Journal, v593:435-451, 2003 August

  855. RXTE, ROSAT, and ASCA Observations of G347.3-0.5 (RX J1713.7-3946): Probing Cosmic-Ray Acceleration by a Galactic Shell-Type Supernova Remnant
    T. G. Pannuti , G. E. Allen , J. C. Houck , and S. J. Sturner
    The Astrophysical Journal, v593:377-392, 2003 August

  856. Spectral and Temporal Behavior of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1118+480 as Observed with BeppoSAX
    F. Frontera , L. Amati , A. A. Zdziarski , T. Belloni , S. Del Sordo , N. Masetti , M. Orlandini , and E. Palazzi
    The Astrophysical Journal, v592:1110-1118, 2003 August

  857. X-Ray Flares and Oscillations from the Black Hole Candidate X-Ray Transient XTE J1650-500 at Low Luminosity
    J. A. Tomsick , E. Kalemci , S. Corbel , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v592:1100-1109, 2003 August

  858. The optical and X-ray flickering of XTE J1118+480
    J. Malzac , T. Belloni , H. C. Spruit , and G. Kanbach
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v407:335-345, 2003 August

  859. The Vela pulsar in the near-infrared
    Y. A. Shibanov , A. B. Koptsevich , J. Sollerman , and P. Lundqvist
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v406:645-655, 2003 August

  860. Quasi-periodic X-ray brightness fluctuations in an accreting millisecond pulsar
    R. Wijnands , M. van der Klis , J. Homan , D. Chakrabarty , C. B. Markwardt , and E. H. Morgan
    Nature, v424:44-47, 2003 July

  861. Optical and near-infrared observations of the microquasar V4641 Sgr during the 1999 September outburst
    S. Chaty , P. A. Charles , J. Martí , I. F. Mirabel , L. F. Rodríguez , and T. Shahbaz
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v343:169-174, 2003 July

  862. Disc-jet coupling in an atoll-type neutron star X-ray binary: 4U 1728-34 (GX 354-0)
    S. Migliari , R. P. Fender , M. Rupen , P. G. Jonker , M. Klein-Wolt , R. M. Hjellming , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v342:L67-L71, 2003 July

  863. An absorption event in the X-ray light curve of NGC 3227
    G. Lamer , P. Uttley , and I. M. McHardy
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v342:L41-L45, 2003 July

  864. Magnetic fields in active galactic nuclei and microquasars
    A. F. Zakharov , N. S. Kardashev , V. N. Lukash , and S. V. Repin
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v342:1325-1333, 2003 July

  865. The X-ray/γ-ray spectrum of XTE J1550-564 in the very high state
    M. Gierlinski and C. Done
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v342:1083-1092, 2003 July

  866. Discovery of type I X-ray bursts from the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1708-40
    S. Migliari , T. Di Salvo , T. Belloni , M. van der Klis , R. P. Fender , S. Campana , C. Kouveliotou , M. Méndez , and W. H. G. Lewin
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v342:909-914, 2003 July

  867. The X-Ray Spectral Changes of Scorpius X-1
    C. F. Bradshaw , B. J. Geldzahler , and E. B. Fomalont
    The Astrophysical Journal, v592:486-497, 2003 July

  868. External Shock Model for the Large-Scale, Relativistic X-Ray Jets from the Microquasar XTE J1550-564
    X. Y. Wang , Z. G. Dai , and T. Lu
    The Astrophysical Journal, v592:347-353, 2003 July

  869. Rayleigh-Taylor Gravity Waves and Quasi-periodic Oscillation Phenomena in X-Ray Binaries
    L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal, v591:354-360, 2003 July

  870. Bursts, eclipses, dips and a refined position for the luminous low-mass X-ray binary in the globular cluster Terzan 6
    J. J. M. in't Zand , F. Hulleman , C. B. Markwardt , M. Méndez , E. Kuulkers , R. Cornelisse , J. Heise , T. E. Strohmayer , and F. Verbunt
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v406:233-243, 2003 July

  871. Peculiar spectral and power spectral behaviour of the LMXB GX 13+1
    R. S. Schnerr , T. Reerink , M. van der Klis , J. Homan , M. Méndez , R. P. Fender , and E. Kuulkers
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v406:221-232, 2003 July

  872. On the correlated spectral and timing properties of 4U 1636-53: An atoll source at high accretion rates
    T. Di Salvo , M. Méndez , and M. van der Klis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v406:177-192, 2003 July

  873. Long-term X-ray variability of the microquasar system LS 5039/RX J1826.2-1450.
    P. Reig , M. Ribó , J. M. Paredes , and J. Martí
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v405:285-290, 2003 July

  874. Physical changes during Z-track movement in Sco X-1 on the flaring branch
    R. Barnard , M. J. Church , and M. Balucinska-Church
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v405:237-247, 2003 July

  875. Long-term X-ray activity of the ultra-compact binary 4U 1820-30
    V. Šimon
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v405:199-206, 2003 July

  876. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer All-Sky Monitor Detection of the Orbital Period of Scorpius X-1
    K. W. Vanderlinde , A. M. Levine , and S. A. Rappaport
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v115:739-747, 2003 June

  877. On the accretion geometry of Cyg X-1 in the low/hard state
    F. E. Barrio , C. Done , and S. Nayakshin
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v342:557-563, 2003 June

  878. Modelling the extreme ultraviolet emission during the low state of Hercules X-1
    D. A. Leahy
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v342:446-452, 2003 June

  879. Global solution for a viscous accretion disc around a rotating compact object: pseudo-general-relativistic study
    B. Mukhopadhyay and S. Ghosh
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v342:274-286, 2003 June

  880. A Weak Outburst of the Millisecond X-ray Pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658 in October 1996 as Detected from RXTE Slew Data
    M. G. Revnivtsev
    Astronomy Letters, v29:383-386, 2003 June

  881. The 590 Day Long-Term Periodicity of the Microquasar GRS 1915+105
    A. Rau , J. Greiner , and M. L. McCollough
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v590:L37-L40, 2003 June

  882. The Complete Z Diagram of LMC X-2
    A. P. Smale , J. Homan , and E. Kuulkers
    The Astrophysical Journal, v590:1035-1040, 2003 June

  883. Eddington-limited X-Ray Bursts as Distance Indicators. I. Systematic Trends and Spherical Symmetry in Bursts from 4U 1728-34
    D. K. Galloway , D. Psaltis , D. Chakrabarty , and M. P. Muno
    The Astrophysical Journal, v590:999-1007, 2003 June

  884. A Chandra X-Ray Study of the Dense Globular Cluster Terzan 5
    C. O. Heinke , P. D. Edmonds , J. E. Grindlay , D. A. Lloyd , H. N. Cohn , and P. M. Lugger
    The Astrophysical Journal, v590:809-821, 2003 June

  885. Evidence for a 2:3 resonance in Sco X-1 kHz QPOs
    M. A. Abramowicz , T. Bulik , M. Bursa , and W. Kluzniak
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v404:L21-L24, 2003 June

  886. Evidence for local mass accretion rate variations in the disc of GRS 1915+105
    S. Migliari and T. Belloni
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v404:283-289, 2003 June

  887. Chandra observations of the neutron star soft X-ray transient RX J170930.2 - 263927 returning to quiescence
    P. G. Jonker , M. Méndez , G. Nelemans , R. Wijnands , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v341:823-831, 2003 May

  888. Hard X-Ray Flares Preceding Soft X-Ray Outbursts in Aquila X-1: A Link between Neutron Star and Black Hole State Transitions
    W. Yu , M. Klein-Wolt , R. Fender , and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v589:L33-L36, 2003 May

  889. A Major Soft Gamma Repeater-like Outburst and Rotation Glitch in the No-longer-so-anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 2259+586
    V. M. Kaspi , F. P. Gavriil , P. M. Woods , J. B. Jensen , M. S. E. Roberts , and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v588:L93-L96, 2003 May

  890. Simultaneous Chandra and Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of the Nearby Bright Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4945
    C. Done , G. M. Madejski , P. T. Zycki , and L. J. Greenhill
    The Astrophysical Journal, v588:763-770, 2003 May

  891. A Complete Catalog of Radio Afterglows: The First Five Years
    D. A. Frail , S. R. Kulkarni , E. Berger , and M. H. Wieringa
    The Astronomical Journal, v125:2299-2306, 2003 May

  892. Timing noise, glitches and the braking index of PSR B0540-69
    G. Cusumano , E. Massaro , and T. Mineo
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v402:647-652, 2003 May

  893. Non-Linear Resonance in Nearly Geodesic Motion in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    M. A. Abramowicz , V. Karas , W. Kluzniak , W. H. Lee , and P. Rebusco
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v55:467-466, 2003 April

  894. Identification of a 12-17 d time-scale in X-ray observations of GRS 1915+105
    J. Greenhough , S. C. Chapman , S. Chaty , R. O. Dendy , and G. Rowlands
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v340:851-855, 2003 April

  895. An Extended Burst Tail from SGR 1900+14 with a Thermal X-Ray Spectrum
    G. T. Lenters , P. M. Woods , J. E. Goupell , C. Kouveliotou , E. Gögüs , K. Hurley , D. Frederiks , S. Golenetskii , and J. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal, v587:761-770, 2003 April

  896. X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar XTE J0929-314 in Outburst
    A. M. Juett , D. K. Galloway , and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal, v587:754-760, 2003 April

  897. The Evolution of LMC X-4 Flares: Evidence for Super-Eddington Radiation Oozing through Inhomogeneous Polar Cap Accretion Flows?
    D. Moon , S. S. Eikenberry , and I. M. Wasserman
    The Astrophysical Journal, v586:1280-1296, 2003 April

  898. High-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Black Hole X-Ray Transient XTE J1650-500
    J. Homan , M. Klein-Wolt , S. Rossi , J. M. Miller , R. Wijnands , T. Belloni , M. van der Klis , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v586:1262-1267, 2003 April

  899. Hard X-ray behaviour of Her X-1 during second main-on after the anomalous low state
    R. K. Manchanda
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v401:1111-1117, 2003 April

  900. Spectral variations of the X-ray binary pulsar LMC X-4 during its long period intensity variation and a comparison with Her X-1
    S. Naik and B. Paul
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v401:265-270, 2003 April

  901. High-mass X-ray binaries as a star formation rate indicator in distant galaxies
    H. Grimm , M. Gilfanov , and R. Sunyaev
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v339:793-809, 2003 March

  902. RXTE Observations of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
    V. R. Rana and K. P. Singh
    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v31:347-349, 2003 March

  903. Discovery of X-Ray Quasi-periodic Oscillations from an Ultraluminous X-Ray Source in M82: Evidence against Beaming
    T. E. Strohmayer and R. F. Mushotzky
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v586:L61-L64, 2003 March

  904. X-Ray Temporal Properties of XTE J1650-500 during Outburst Decay
    E. Kalemci , J. A. Tomsick , R. E. Rothschild , K. Pottschmidt , S. Corbel , R. Wijnands , J. M. Miller , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v586:419-426, 2003 March

  905. The Optical Light Curves of XTE J2123-058. III. The Mass of the Binary Components and the Structure of the Quiescent Accretion Disk
    T. Shahbaz , C. Zurita , J. Casares , G. Dubus , P. A. Charles , R. M. Wagner , and E. Ryan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v585:443-452, 2003 March

  906. Hard X-ray timing and spectral properties of PSR B0540-69
    J. de Plaa , L. Kuiper , and W. Hermsen
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v400:1013-1019, 2003 March

  907. Radio/X-ray correlation in the low/hard state of GX 339-4
    S. Corbel , M. A. Nowak , R. P. Fender , A. K. Tzioumis , and S. Markoff
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v400:1007-1012, 2003 March

  908. Simultaneous BeppoSAX and Rossi X-ray timing explorer observations of 4U 1812-12
    D. Barret , J. F. Olive , and T. Oosterbroek
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v400:643-647, 2003 March

  909. Spectral modeling of the three spectral states of the Galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105
    M. A. Sobolewska and P. T. Zycki
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v400:553-558, 2003 March

  910. Spectral fits to the 1999 Aql X-1 outburst data
    T. J. Maccarone and P. S. Coppi
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v399:1151-1157, 2003 March

  911. Observational Evidence for a High-Energy Compton Cloud in GRO J1655-40 under a High Accretion Rate
    Y. Kobayashi , A. Kubota , K. Nakazawa , T. Takahashi , and K. Makishima
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v55:273-279, 2003 February

  912. Review of Discrete X-Ray Sources in the Small Magellanic Cloud: Summary of the ASCA Results and Implication on the Recent Star-Forming Activity
    J. Yokogawa , K. Imanishi , M. Tsujimoto , K. Koyama , and M. Nishiuchi
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v55:161-189, 2003 February

  913. Long-term properties of accretion discs in X-ray binaries - I. The variable third period in SMC X-1
    W. I. Clarkson , P. A. Charles , M. J. Coe , S. Laycock , M. D. Tout , and C. A. Wilson
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v339:447-454, 2003 February

  914. X-Ray and optical observations of XTE J0052-723: a transient Be/X-ray pulsar in the Small Magellanic Cloud
    S. Laycock , R. H. D. Corbet , M. J. Coe , F. E. Marshall , C. Markwardt , and W. Edge
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v339:435-441, 2003 February

  915. Origin and Interpretation of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations from Strange Stars in an X-Ray Binary System: Theoretical Hydrodynamical Description
    B. Mukhopadhyay , S. Ray , J. Dey , and M. Dey
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v584:L83-L86, 2003 February

  916. Correlated Long-Term Optical and X-Ray Variations in NGC 5548
    P. Uttley , R. Edelson , I. M. McHardy , B. M. Peterson , and A. Markowitz
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v584:L53-L56, 2003 February

  917. CH Cygni. I. Observational Evidence for a Disk-Jet Connection
    J. L. Sokoloski and S. J. Kenyon
    The Astrophysical Journal, v584:1021-1026, 2003 February

  918. XTE J1946+274 = GRO J1944+26: An Enigmatic Be/X-Ray Binary
    C. A. Wilson , M. H. Finger , M. J. Coe , and I. Negueruela
    The Astrophysical Journal, v584:996-1007, 2003 February

  919. Long-Term Continuous Monitoring of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxies 3C 390.3 and 3C 120 with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    M. Gliozzi , R. M. Sambruna , and M. Eracleous
    The Astrophysical Journal, v584:176-189, 2003 February

  920. XMM-Newton Spectroscopy of the Accretion-driven Millisecond X-Ray Pulsar XTE J1751-305 in Outburst
    J. M. Miller , R. Wijnands , M. Méndez , E. Kendziorra , A. Tiengo , M. van der Klis , D. Chakrabarty , B. M. Gaensler , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v583:L99-L102, 2003 February

  921. Aperiodic variability of low-mass X-ray binaries at very low frequencies
    P. Reig , I. Papadakis , and N. D. Kylafis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v398:1103-1110, 2003 February

  922. X-ray spectral variability of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051
    G. Lamer , I. M. McHardy , P. Uttley , and K. Jahoda
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v338:323-330, 2003 January

  923. Hard X-ray light curves of high-mass X-ray binaries
    S. Laycock , M. J. Coe , C. A. Wilson , B. A. Harmon , and M. Finger
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v338:211-218, 2003 January

  924. Hysteresis in the light curves of soft X-ray transients
    T. J. Maccarone and P. S. Coppi
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v338:189-196, 2003 January

  925. Chandra and RXTE spectroscopy of the Galactic microquasar XTE J1550-564 in outburst
    J. M. Miller , H. L. Marshall , R. Wijnands , T. Di Matteo , D. W. Fox , J. Kommers , D. Pooley , T. Belloni , J. Casares , P. A. Charles , A. C. Fabian , M. van der Klis , and W. H. G. Lewin
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v338:7-13, 2003 January

  926. Wind Accretion and State Transitions in Cygnus X-1
    D. R. Gies , C. T. Bolton , J. R. Thomson , W. Huang , M. V. McSwain , R. L. Riddle , Z. Wang , P. J. Wiita , D. W. Wingert , B. Csák , and L. L. Kiss
    The Astrophysical Journal, v583:424-436, 2003 January

  927. Correlated Timing and Spectral Behavior of 4U 1705-44
    J. Olive , D. Barret , and M. Gierlinski
    The Astrophysical Journal, v583:416-423, 2003 January

  928. SMC X-1 as an Intermediate-Stage Flaring X-Ray Pulsar
    D. Moon , S. S. Eikenberry , and I. M. Wasserman
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v582:L91-L94, 2003 January

  929. A Disk-Jet Interaction Model for the X-Ray Variability in Microquasars
    L. Nobili
    The Astrophysical Journal, v582:954-958, 2003 January

  930. X-Ray Emission from the Jets of XTE J1550-564
    P. Kaaret , S. Corbel , J. A. Tomsick , R. Fender , J. M. Miller , J. A. Orosz , A. K. Tzioumis , and R. Wijnands
    The Astrophysical Journal, v582:945-953, 2003 January

  931. X-Ray Jet Emission from the Black Hole X-Ray Binary XTE J1550-564 with Chandra in 2000
    J. A. Tomsick , S. Corbel , R. Fender , J. M. Miller , J. A. Orosz , T. Tzioumis , R. Wijnands , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v582:933-944, 2003 January

  932. Limits to the Cassiopeia A 44Ti Line Flux and Constraints on the Ejecta Energy and the Compact Source
    R. E. Rothschild and R. E. Lingenfelter
    The Astrophysical Journal, v582:257-261, 2003 January

  933. The Kinematics and Physical Conditions of the Ionized Gas in Markarian 509. I. Chandra High Energy Grating Spectroscopy
    T. Yaqoob , B. McKernan , S. B. Kraemer , D. M. Crenshaw , J. R. Gabel , I. M. George , and T. J. Turner
    The Astrophysical Journal, v582:105-124, 2003 January

  934. Correlated X-ray timing and spectral behavior in GX 349+2
    V. K. Agrawal and S. Bhattacharyya
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v398:223-228, 2003 January

  935. Tracing the power-law component in the energy spectrum of black hole candidates as a function of the QPO frequency
    F. Vignarca , S. Migliari , T. Belloni , D. Psaltis , and M. van der Klis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v397:729-738, 2003 January

  936. Comptonization and reflection of X-ray radiation and the X-ray-radio correlation in the chi -states of GRS 1915+105
    A. Rau and J. Greiner
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v397:711-722, 2003 January

  937. Simultaneous optical and X-ray observations of flares and rotational modulation on the RS CVn binary HR 1099 (V711 Tau) from the MUSICOS 1998 campaign
    D. García-Alvarez , B. H. Foing , D. Montes , J. Oliveira , J. G. Doyle , S. Messina , A. F. Lanza , M. Rodonò , J. Abbott , T. D. C. Ash , I. K. Baldry , T. R. Bedding , D. A. H. Buckley , J. Cami , H. Cao , C. Catala , K. P. Cheng , A. Domiciano de Souza , J. Donati , A. Hubert , E. Janot-Pacheco , J. X. Hao , L. Kaper , A. Kaufer , N. V. Leister , J. E. Neff , C. Neiner , S. Orlando , S. J. O'Toole , D. Schäfer , S. J. Smartt , O. Stahl , J. Telting , and S. Tubbesing
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v397:285-303, 2003 January

  938. X-ray properties of 4U 1543-624
    J. Schultz
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v397:249-256, 2003 January

  939. RXTE monitoring of the 65-ms X-ray pulsars PSR J1811-1925 in G11.2-0.3 and PSR J0205+6559 in 3C 58.
    F. Gavriil , S. M. Ransom , M. S. E. Roberts , V. M. Kaspi , B. M. Gaensler , S. S. Murray , and P. O. Slane
    Journal of The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, v97:213-213, 2003

  940. Discovery of the near-infrared counterpart of the X-ray transient XTE J1908+094
    S. Chaty , R. P. Mignani , and G. L. Israel
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v337:L23-L26, 2002 December

  941. The X-ray spectrum of the atoll source 4U 1608-52
    M. Gierlinski and C. Done
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v337:1373-1380, 2002 December

  942. X-ray and γ-ray spectra and variability of the black hole candidate GX 339-4
    G. Wardzinski , A. A. Zdziarski , M. Gierlinski , J. Eric Grove , K. Jahoda , and W. Neil Johnson
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v337:829-839, 2002 December

  943. Fast Transition between High-soft and Low-soft States in GRS 1915 + 105: Evidence for a Critically Viscous Accretion Flow
    S. Naik , A. R. Rao , and S. K. Chakrabarti
    Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, v23:213-234, 2002 December

  944. The Orbit of the High-Mass X-Ray Binary Pulsar 1E 1145.1-6141
    P. S. Ray and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal, v581:1293-1296, 2002 December

  945. Dip Spectroscopy of the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary XB 1254-690
    A. P. Smale , M. J. Church , and M. Balucinska-Church
    The Astrophysical Journal, v581:1286-1292, 2002 December

  946. Rotational Broadening Measurement for the Neutron Star X-Ray Transient XTE J2123-058
    J. A. Tomsick , W. A. Heindl , D. Chakrabarty , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v581:570-576, 2002 December

  947. The Amplitude Evolution and Harmonic Content of Millisecond Oscillations in Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts
    M. P. Muno , F. Özel , and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal, v581:550-561, 2002 December

  948. The X-Ray Reflectors in the Nucleus of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1068
    E. J. M. Colbert , K. A. Weaver , J. H. Krolik , J. S. Mulchaey , and R. F. Mushotzky
    The Astrophysical Journal, v581:182-196, 2002 December

  949. XMM-Newton Observations of a Possible Light Echo in the Seyfert 1 Nucleus of NGC 4051
    K. O. Mason , I. M. McHardy , M. J. Page , P. Uttley , F. A. Córdova , L. Maraschi , W. C. Priedhorsky , E. M. Puchnarewicz , and T. Sasseen
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v580:L117-L120, 2002 December

  950. The Frequency Stability of Millisecond Oscillations in Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts
    M. P. Muno , D. Chakrabarty , D. K. Galloway , and D. Psaltis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v580:1048-1059, 2002 December

  951. Evidence for Harmonic Relationships in the High-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations of XTE J1550-564 and GRO J1655-40
    R. A. Remillard , M. P. Muno , J. E. McClintock , and J. A. Orosz
    The Astrophysical Journal, v580:1030-1042, 2002 December

  952. Detectability and characteristics of the 2.223 MeV line emission from nearby X-ray binaries
    N. Guessoum and P. Jean
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v396:157-169, 2002 December

  953. Reflection at large distance from the central engine in Seyferts
    J. Malzac and P. Petrucci
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v336:1209-1216, 2002 November

  954. RXTE observations of 3C 273 between 1996 and 2000: variability time-scale and jet power
    J. Kataoka , C. Tanihata , N. Kawai , F. Takahara , T. Takahashi , P. G. Edwards , and F. Makino
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v336:932-944, 2002 November

  955. Higher order variability properties of accreting black holes
    T. J. Maccarone and P. S. Coppi
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v336:817-825, 2002 November

  956. Correlation of the Quasi-Periodic Oscillation Frequencies of White Dwarf, Neutron Star, and Black Hole Binaries
    C. W. Mauche
    The Astrophysical Journal, v580:423-428, 2002 November

  957. Magnetic Fields of Accreting X-Ray Pulsars with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    W. Coburn , W. A. Heindl , R. E. Rothschild , D. E. Gruber , I. Kreykenbohm , J. Wilms , P. Kretschmar , and R. Staubert
    The Astrophysical Journal, v580:394-412, 2002 November

  958. Results from a Second Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observation of the Coma Cluster
    Y. Rephaeli and D. Gruber
    The Astrophysical Journal, v579:587-591, 2002 November

  959. Chandra Observations of the Bursting X-Ray Transient SAX J1747.0-2853 during Low-Level Accretion Activity
    R. Wijnands , J. M. Miller , and Q. D. Wang
    The Astrophysical Journal, v579:422-429, 2002 November

  960. Confirmation of two cyclotron lines in Vela X-1
    I. Kreykenbohm , W. Coburn , J. Wilms , P. Kretschmar , R. Staubert , W. A. Heindl , and R. E. Rothschild
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v395:129-140, 2002 November

  961. Broad-band X-ray measurements of the black hole candidate XTE J1908+094
    J. J. M. in't Zand , J. M. Miller , T. Oosterbroek , and A. N. Parmar
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v394:553-560, 2002 November

  962. Large-Scale, Decelerating, Relativistic X-ray Jets from the Microquasar XTE J1550-564
    S. Corbel , R. P. Fender , A. K. Tzioumis , J. A. Tomsick , J. A. Orosz , J. M. Miller , R. Wijnands , and P. Kaaret
    Science, v298:196-199, 2002 October

  963. Kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations difference frequency exceeds inferred spin frequency in 4U 1636-53
    P. G. Jonker , M. Méndez , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v336:L1-L5, 2002 October

  964. X-ray spectroscopy of the intermediate polar PQ Gem
    C. H. James , G. Ramsay , M. C. Mark Cropper , and G. Branduardi-Raymont
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v336:550-558, 2002 October

  965. The X-ray fast-time variability of Sco X-2 (GX 349+2) with RXTE
    P. M. O'Neill , E. Kuulkers , R. K. Sood , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v336:217-232, 2002 October

  966. Extremely weak reflection features in the X-ray spectrum of XTE J1118+480: possible evidence for X-ray-emitting jets?
    J. M. Miller , D. R. Ballantyne , A. C. Fabian , and W. H. G. Lewin
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v335:865-870, 2002 October

  967. The Soft X-ray Novae, Black-Hole Candidates XTE J2012+381 and XTE J1550-564
    N. L. Aleksandrovich and V. A. Aref'ev
    Astronomy Letters, v28:660-668, 2002 October

  968. Orbital and Superorbital Periods of 1E 1740.7-2942 and GRS 1758-258
    D. M. Smith , W. A. Heindl , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v578:L129-L132, 2002 October

  969. Chandra High Resolution Camera Imaging of GRS 1758-258
    W. A. Heindl and D. M. Smith
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v578:L125-L128, 2002 October

  970. Effects of Resonance in Quasi-periodic Oscillators of Neutron Star Binaries
    L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v578:L71-L74, 2002 October

  971. A High-Energy Study of the Geminga Pulsar
    M. S. Jackson , J. P. Halpern , E. V. Gotthelf , and J. R. Mattox
    The Astrophysical Journal, v578:935-942, 2002 October

  972. Understanding the Long-Term Spectral Variability of Cygnus X-1 with Burst and Transient Source Experiment and All-Sky Monitor Observations
    A. A. Zdziarski , J. Poutanen , W. S. Paciesas , and L. Wen
    The Astrophysical Journal, v578:357-373, 2002 October

  973. A Comprehensive Study of Pulse Profile Evolution in SGR 1806-20 and SGR 1900+14 with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Proportional Counter Array
    E. Gögüs , C. Kouveliotou , P. M. Woods , M. H. Finger , and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v577:929-939, 2002 October

  974. The Orbit and Position of the X-Ray Pulsar XTE J1855-026: an Eclipsing Supergiant System
    R. H. D. Corbet and K. Mukai
    The Astrophysical Journal, v577:923-928, 2002 October

  975. X-Ray versus Optical Variations in the Seyfert 1 Nucleus NGC 3516: A Puzzling Disconnectedness
    D. Maoz , A. Markowitz , R. Edelson , and K. Nandra
    The Astronomical Journal, v124:1988-1994, 2002 October

  976. Strongly absorbed quiescent X-ray emission from the X-ray transient XTE J0421+56 (CI Cam) observed with XMM-Newton
    L. Boirin , A. N. Parmar , T. Oosterbroek , D. Lumb , M. Orlandini , and N. Schartel
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v394:205-211, 2002 October

  977. The identification of the optical/IR counterpart of the 15.8-s transient X--ray pulsar XTE J1946+274
    F. Verrecchia , G. L. Israel , I. Negueruela , S. Covino , V. F. Polcaro , J. S. Clark , I. A. Steele , R. Gualandi , R. Speziali , and L. Stella
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v393:983-989, 2002 October

  978. Hot White Dwarf Donors in Ultracompact X-Ray Binaries
    L. Bildsten
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v577:L27-L30, 2002 September

  979. Evidence for a Millisecond Pulsar in 4U 1636-53 during a Superburst
    T. E. Strohmayer and C. B. Markwardt
    The Astrophysical Journal, v577:337-345, 2002 September

  980. Discovery of a High-Latitude Accreting Millisecond Pulsar in an Ultracompact Binary
    D. K. Galloway , D. Chakrabarty , E. H. Morgan , and R. A. Remillard
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v576:L137-L140, 2002 September

  981. Why Is It Difficult to Detect a Millisecond Pulsar in Neutron Star X-Ray Binaries?
    L. Titarchuk , W. Cui , and K. Wood
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v576:L49-L52, 2002 September

  982. A Peculiar Spectral State Transition of 4U 1705-44: When an Atoll Looks Like a Z
    D. Barret and J. Olive
    The Astrophysical Journal, v576:391-401, 2002 September

  983. Large Torque Variations in Two Soft Gamma Repeaters
    P. M. Woods , C. Kouveliotou , E. Gögüs , M. H. Finger , J. Swank , C. B. Markwardt , K. Hurley , and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v576:381-390, 2002 September

  984. The Multicomponent Nature of the Vela Pulsar Nonthermal X-Ray Spectrum
    A. K. Harding , M. S. Strickman , C. Gwinn , R. Dodson , D. Moffet , and P. McCulloch
    The Astrophysical Journal, v576:376-380, 2002 September

  985. Spectroscopic observations of the candidate sgB[e]/X-ray binary CI Camelopardalis
    R. I. Hynes , J. S. Clark , E. A. Barsukova , P. J. Callanan , P. A. Charles , A. Collier Cameron , S. N. Fabrika , M. R. Garcia , C. A. Haswell , K. Horne , A. Miroshnichenko , I. Negueruela , P. Reig , W. F. Welsh , and D. K. Witherick
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v392:991-1013, 2002 September

  986. New measurements of orbital period change in Cygnus X-3
    N. S. Singh , S. Naik , B. Paul , P. C. Agrawal , A. R. Rao , and K. Y. Singh
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v392:161-167, 2002 September

  987. Super-Eddington outburst of V4641 Sgr
    M. Revnivtsev , M. Gilfanov , E. Churazov , and R. Sunyaev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v391:1013-1022, 2002 September

  988. The Milky Way in X-rays for an outside observer. Log(N)-Log(S) and luminosity function of X-ray binaries from RXTE/ASM data
    H. Grimm , M. Gilfanov , and R. Sunyaev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v391:923-944, 2002 September

  989. The X-ray transient XTE J1859 + 226 in outburst and quiescence
    C. Zurita , C. Sánchez-Fernández , J. Casares , P. A. Charles , T. M. Abbott , P. Hakala , P. Rodríguez-Gil , S. Bernabei , A. Piccioni , A. Guarnieri , C. Bartolini , N. Masetti , T. Shahbaz , A. Castro-Tirado , and A. Henden
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v334:999-1008, 2002 August

  990. Modelling RXTE/ASM observations of the 35-d cycle in Her X-1
    D. A. Leahy
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v334:847-854, 2002 August

  991. X-Ray Light Curves of Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected with the All-Sky Monitor on RXTE
    D. A. Smith , A. Levine , H. Bradt , K. Hurley , M. Feroci , P. Butterworth , S. Golenetskii , G. Pendleton , and S. Phengchamnan
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v141:415-428, 2002 August

  992. Discovery of a Second Millisecond Accreting Pulsar: XTE J1751-305
    C. B. Markwardt , J. H. Swank , T. E. Strohmayer , J. J. M. Zand , and F. E. Marshall
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v575:L21-L24, 2002 August

  993. X-Ray and Optical Variations in the Classical Be Star γ Cassiopeia: The Discovery of a Possible Magnetic Dynamo
    R. D. Robinson , M. A. Smith , and G. W. Henry
    The Astrophysical Journal, v575:435-448, 2002 August

  994. Eclipse Timings of the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO 0748-676. III. Orbital Period Jitter Observed with the Unconventional Stellar Aspect Experiment and the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    M. T. Wolff , P. Hertz , K. S. Wood , P. S. Ray , and R. M. Bandyopadhyay
    The Astrophysical Journal, v575:384-396, 2002 August

  995. The Peculiar Infrared Counterpart of GX 17+2
    P. J. Callanan , P. Curran , A. V. Filippenko , M. R. Garcia , B. Margon , E. Deutsch , S. Anderson , L. Homer , and R. P. Fender
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v574:L143-L146, 2002 August

  996. Correlated X-ray and optical variability in KV UMa
    H. C. Spruit and G. Kanbach
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v391:225-233, 2002 August

  997. The RXTE/ASM X-ray light curve of GX301-2
    D. A. Leahy
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v391:219-224, 2002 August

  998. The nature of the X-ray transient SAX J1711.6-3808
    J. J. M. in't Zand , C. B. Markwardt , A. Bazzano , M. Cocchi , R. Cornelisse , J. Heise , E. Kuulkers , L. Natalucci , M. Santos-Lleo , J. Swank , and P. Ubertini
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v390:597-609, 2002 August

  999. Detection of superhumps in XTE J1118+480 approaching quiescence
    C. Zurita , J. Casares , T. Shahbaz , R. M. Wagner , C. B. Foltz , P. Rodríguez-Gil , R. I. Hynes , P. A. Charles , E. Ryan , G. Schwarz , and S. G. Starrfield
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v333:791-799, 2002 July

  1000. Low- and high-frequency variability as a function of spectral properties in the bright X-ray binary GX 5-1
    P. G. Jonker , M. van der Klis , J. Homan , M. Méndez , W. H. G. Lewin , R. Wijnands , and W. Zhang
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v333:665-678, 2002 July

  1001. ASCA observations of the Crab-like pulsar/nebula system PSR B0540-69
    M. Hirayama , F. Nagase , T. Endo , N. Kawai , and M. Itoh
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v333:603-612, 2002 July

  1002. Discovery of Cyclotron Resonance Features in the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1806-20
    A. I. Ibrahim , S. Safi-Harb , J. H. Swank , W. Parke , S. Zane , and R. Turolla
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v574:L51-L55, 2002 July

  1003. Long-Term Spectral Variability of Seyfert Galaxies from Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Color-Flux Diagrams
    I. E. Papadakis , P. O. Petrucci , L. Maraschi , I. M. McHardy , P. Uttley , and F. Haardt
    The Astrophysical Journal, v573:92-104, 2002 July

  1004. A low/hard state outburst of XTE J1550-564
    T. Belloni , A. P. Colombo , J. Homan , S. Campana , and M. van der Klis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v390:199-204, 2002 July

  1005. Discovery of the neutron star nature of SLX 1737-282
    J. J. M. in't Zand , F. Verbunt , E. Kuulkers , C. B. Markwardt , A. Bazzano , M. Cocchi , R. Cornelisse , J. Heise , L. Natalucci , and P. Ubertini
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v389:L43-L46, 2002 July

  1006. The infrared counterpart of the X-ray burster KS 1731-260
    R. P. Mignani , S. Chaty , I. F. Mirabel , and S. Mereghetti
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v389:L11-L14, 2002 July

  1007. The spin pulse of the intermediate polar V1062 Tauri
    C. Hellier , A. P. Beardmore , and K. Mukai
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v389:904-907, 2002 July

  1008. RXTE view of the starburst galaxies M 82 and NGC 253
    Y. Rephaeli and D. Gruber
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v389:752-760, 2002 July

  1009. Origin of the ``Disk-Line'' Feature in the X-Ray Energy Spectrum of a Seyfert Galaxy, NGC 4151
    K. Takahashi , H. Inoue , and T. Dotani
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v54:373-386, 2002 June

  1010. The ultraviolet line spectrum of the soft X-ray transient XTE J1118+480: a CNO-processed core exposed
    C. A. Haswell , R. I. Hynes , A. R. King , and K. Schenker
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v332:928-932, 2002 June

  1011. Coronal-temporal correlations in GX 339-4: hysteresis, possible reflection changes and implications for advection-dominated accretion flows
    M. A. Nowak , J. Wilms , and J. B. Dove
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v332:856-878, 2002 June

  1012. Spectroscopic Studies of X-Ray Binary Pulsars
    F. Nagase
    Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, v23:59, 2002 June

  1013. X-ray Spectroscopy of Cygnus X-3
    M. Choudhury and A. R. Rao
    Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, v23:39, 2002 June

  1014. Spectral Properties of the X-ray Binary Pulsar LMC X-4 during Different Intensity States
    S. Naik and B. Paul
    Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, v23:27, 2002 June

  1015. A Unified Description of the Timing Features of Accreting X-Ray Binaries
    T. Belloni , D. Psaltis , and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v572:392-406, 2002 June

  1016. Can Any ``Invariants'' Be Revealed in Quasi-periodic Phenomena Observed from Scorpius X-1?
    S. Kuznetsov and L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v571:L137-L141, 2002 June

  1017. Observation of X-Ray Variability in the BL Lacertae Object 1ES 1959+65
    B. Giebels , E. D. Bloom , W. Focke , G. Godfrey , G. Madejski , K. T. Reilly , P. M. S. Parkinson , G. Shabad , R. M. Bandyopadhyay , G. G. Fritz , P. Hertz , M. P. Kowalski , M. N. Lovellette , P. S. Ray , M. T. Wolff , K. S. Wood , D. J. Yentis , and J. D. Scargle
    The Astrophysical Journal, v571:763-770, 2002 June

  1018. External Compton emission from relativistic jets in Galactic black hole candidates and ultraluminous X-ray sources
    M. Georganopoulos , F. A. Aharonian , and J. G. Kirk
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v388:L25-L28, 2002 June

  1019. Re-examining the X-ray versus spin-down luminosity correlation of rotation powered pulsars
    A. Possenti , R. Cerutti , M. Colpi , and S. Mereghetti
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v387:993-1002, 2002 June

  1020. Constraining the central engine of radio-loud AGNs
    R. M. Sambruna , M. Eracleous , and R. F. Mushotzky
    New Astronomy Review, v46:215-220, 2002 May

  1021. On the hard X-ray spectra of radio-loud active galaxies
    D. R. Ballantyne , R. R. Ross , and A. C. Fabian
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v332:L45-L49, 2002 May

  1022. Monitoring RXTE observations of Markarian 348: the origin of the column density variations
    A. Akylas , I. Georgantopoulos , R. G. Griffiths , I. E. Papadakis , A. Mastichiadis , R. S. Warwick , K. Nandra , and D. A. Smith
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v332:L23-L27, 2002 May

  1023. Measuring the broad-band power spectra of active galactic nuclei with RXTE
    P. Uttley , I. M. McHardy , and I. E. Papadakis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v332:231-250, 2002 May

  1024. Evidence of Spin and Energy Extraction in a Galactic Black Hole Candidate: The XMM-Newton/EPIC-pn Spectrum of XTE J1650-500
    J. M. Miller , A. C. Fabian , R. Wijnands , C. S. Reynolds , M. Ehle , M. J. Freyberg , M. van der Klis , W. H. G. Lewin , C. Sanchez-Fernandez , and A. J. Castro-Tirado
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v570:L69-L73, 2002 May

  1025. The Shape of the Relativistic Iron Kα Line from MCG -6-30-15 Measured with the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer and the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    J. C. Lee , K. Iwasawa , J. C. Houck , A. C. Fabian , H. L. Marshall , and C. R. Canizares
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v570:L47-L50, 2002 May

  1026. Three Type I X-Ray Bursts from Cygnus X-2: Application of Analytical Models for Neutron Star Mass and Radius Determination
    L. Titarchuk and N. Shaposhnikov
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v570:L25-L28, 2002 May

  1027. A Decade in the Life of EXO 2030+375: A Multiwavelength Study of an Accreting X-Ray Pulsar
    C. A. Wilson , M. H. Finger , M. J. Coe , S. Laycock , and J. Fabregat
    The Astrophysical Journal, v570:287-302, 2002 May

  1028. The X-Ray Spectra of Black Hole X-Ray Novae in Quiescence as Measured by Chandra
    A. K. H. Kong , J. E. McClintock , M. R. Garcia , S. S. Murray , and D. Barret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v570:277-286, 2002 May

  1029. Accretion-ejection instability and QPO in black-hole binaries. II. Relativistic effects
    P. Varnière , J. Rodriguez , and M. Tagger
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v387:497-506, 2002 May

  1030. Optical Observations of XTE J1118 + 480 during the 2000 Outburst
    M. Uemura , T. Kato , K. Matsumoto , H. Iwamatsu , R. Ishioka , L. M. Cook , E. Dmitrienko , V. Simon , M. Honkawa , A. Oksanen , M. Moilanen , R. Novak , B. Martin , Y. Lipkin , E. M. Leibowitz , G. Masi , Y. Sano , D. Nogami , D. Buczynski , H. Yamaoka , K. Takamizawa , and K. Haseda
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v54:285-298, 2002 April

  1031. Initial low/hard state, multiple jet ejections and X-ray/radio correlations during the outburst of XTE J1859+226
    C. Brocksopp , R. P. Fender , M. McCollough , G. G. Pooley , M. P. Rupen , R. M. Hjellming , C. J. de la Force , R. E. Spencer , T. W. B. Muxlow , S. T. Garrington , and S. Trushkin
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v331:765-775, 2002 April

  1032. Hard X-ray states and radio emission in GRS 1915+105
    M. Klein-Wolt , R. P. Fender , G. G. Pooley , T. Belloni , S. Migliari , E. H. Morgan , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v331:745-764, 2002 April

  1033. X-Ray Spectra and Pulse Frequency Changes in SAX J2103.5+4545
    A. Baykal , M. J. Stark , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal, v569:903-910, 2002 April

  1034. Optical Spectral Monitoring of XTE J1118+480 in Outburst: Evidence for a Precessing Accretion Disk?
    M. A. P. Torres , P. J. Callanan , M. R. Garcia , J. E. McClintock , P. Garnavich , Z. Balog , P. Berlind , W. R. Brown , M. Calkins , and A. Mahdavi
    The Astrophysical Journal, v569:423-431, 2002 April

  1035. Two Different Long-Term Behaviors in Black Hole Candidates: Evidence for Two Accretion Flows?
    D. M. Smith , W. A. Heindl , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal, v569:362-380, 2002 April

  1036. A Multi-Lorentzian Timing Study of the Atoll Sources 4U 0614+09 and 4U 1728-34
    S. van Straaten , M. van der Klis , T. di Salvo , and T. Belloni
    The Astrophysical Journal, v568:912-930, 2002 April

  1037. A Closer Look at the Soft X-Ray Transient X1608-52: Long-Term Optical and X-Ray Observations
    S. Wachter , D. W. Hoard , C. D. Bailyn , S. Corbel , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v568:901-911, 2002 April

  1038. RXTE Observations of the Neutron Star Low-Mass X-Ray Binary GX 17+2: Correlated X-Ray Spectral and Timing Behavior
    J. Homan , M. van der Klis , P. G. Jonker , R. Wijnands , E. Kuulkers , M. Méndez , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v568:878-900, 2002 April

  1039. Dynamical Evidence for a Black Hole in the Microquasar XTE J1550-564
    J. A. Orosz , P. J. Groot , M. van der Klis , J. E. McClintock , M. R. Garcia , P. Zhao , R. K. Jain , C. D. Bailyn , and R. A. Remillard
    The Astrophysical Journal, v568:845-861, 2002 April

  1040. X-Ray Spectral Variability and Rapid Variability of the Soft X-Ray Spectrum Seyfert 1 Galaxies Arakelian 564 and Ton S180
    R. Edelson , T. J. Turner , K. Pounds , S. Vaughan , A. Markowitz , H. Marshall , P. Dobbie , and R. Warwick
    The Astrophysical Journal, v568:610-626, 2002 April

  1041. Energy dependence of a low frequency QPO in GRS 1915+105
    J. Rodriguez , P. Durouchoux , I. F. Mirabel , Y. Ueda , M. Tagger , and K. Yamaoka
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v386:271-279, 2002 April

  1042. V4641Sgr - A super-Eddington source enshrouded by an extended envelope
    M. Revnivtsev , R. Sunyaev , M. Gilfanov , and E. Churazov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v385:904-908, 2002 April

  1043. Discovery of a new transient X-ray pulsar in the Small Magellanic Cloud
    S. Laycock , R. H. D. Corbet , D. Perrodin , M. J. Coe , F. E. Marshall , and C. Markwardt
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v385:464-470, 2002 April

  1044. The Ultraviolet Light Curve of LMC X-4: X-Ray Heating of the O Star and Accretion Disk
    M. E. Preciado , B. Boroson , and S. D. Vrtilek
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v114:340-349, 2002 March

  1045. The accretion flow in the discless intermediate polar V2400 Ophiuchi
    C. Hellier and A. P. Beardmore
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v331:407-416, 2002 March

  1046. The evolving accretion disc in the black hole X-ray transient XTE J1859+226
    R. I. Hynes , C. A. Haswell , S. Chaty , C. R. Shrader , and W. Cui
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v331:169-179, 2002 March

  1047. Phase-resolved X-ray spectroscopy of the millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
    M. Gierlinski , C. Done , and D. Barret
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v331:141-153, 2002 March

  1048. 4U 1957+11: a persistent low-mass X-ray binary and black hole candidate in the high state?
    R. Wijnands , J. M. Miller , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v331:60-70, 2002 March

  1049. How Do Z and Atoll X-Ray Binaries Differ?
    M. P. Muno , R. A. Remillard , and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v568:L35-L39, 2002 March

  1050. Burst Oscillation Periods from 4U 1636-53: A Constraint on the Binary Doppler Modulation
    A. B. Giles , K. M. Hill , T. E. Strohmayer , and N. Cummings
    The Astrophysical Journal, v568:279-288, 2002 March

  1051. Discovery of X-Ray Pulsations from the Compact Central Source in the Supernova Remnant 3C 58
    S. S. Murray , P. O. Slane , F. D. Seward , S. M. Ransom , and B. M. Gaensler
    The Astrophysical Journal, v568:226-231, 2002 March

  1052. Discovery of 16.6 and 25.5 Second Pulsations from the Small Magellanic Cloud
    R. C. Lamb , D. J. Macomb , T. A. Prince , and W. A. Majid
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v567:L129-L132, 2002 March

  1053. Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation Frequency Anticorrelated with Millihertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation Flux in 4U 1608-52
    W. Yu and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v567:L67-L70, 2002 March

  1054. High-Resolution Chandra HETGS and Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of GRS 1915+105: A Hot Disk Atmosphere and Cold Gas Enriched in Iron and Silicon
    J. C. Lee , C. S. Reynolds , R. Remillard , N. S. Schulz , E. G. Blackman , and A. C. Fabian
    The Astrophysical Journal, v567:1102-1111, 2002 March

  1055. X-Ray Spectral and Timing Observations of Cygnus X-2
    S. Piraino , A. Santangelo , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v567:1091-1101, 2002 March

  1056. Long-Term Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Monitoring of Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars
    F. P. Gavriil and V. M. Kaspi
    The Astrophysical Journal, v567:1067-1076, 2002 March

  1057. Observational Signatures of Black Holes: Spectral and Temporal Features of XTE J1550-564
    L. Titarchuk and C. R. Shrader
    The Astrophysical Journal, v567:1057-1066, 2002 March

  1058. Low-Frequency Radio Transients in the Galactic Center
    S. D. Hyman , T. J. W. Lazio , N. E. Kassim , and A. L. Bartleson
    The Astronomical Journal, v123:1497-1501, 2002 March

  1059. The 1998 outburst of the X-ray transient XTE J2012+381 as observed with BeppoSAX
    S. Campana , L. Stella , T. Belloni , G. L. Israel , A. Santangelo , F. Frontera , M. Orlandini , and D. Dal Fiume
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v384:163-170, 2002 March

  1060. Disk-jet connection in Cygnus X-3
    M. Choudhury , A. R. Rao , S. V. Vadawale , C. H. Ishwara-Chandra , and A. K. Jain
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v383:L35-L38, 2002 March

  1061. X-ray properties of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 during a variability class transition
    S. Naik , P. C. Agrawal , A. R. Rao , and B. Paul
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v330:487-496, 2002 February

  1062. The Spectral Components of SS 433
    D. R. Gies , M. V. McSwain , R. L. Riddle , Z. Wang , P. J. Wiita , and D. W. Wingert
    The Astrophysical Journal, v566:1069-1083, 2002 February

  1063. A Remarkable 3 Hour Thermonuclear Burst from 4U 1820-30
    T. E. Strohmayer and E. F. Brown
    The Astrophysical Journal, v566:1045-1059, 2002 February

  1064. High-Dispersion Spectroscopy of the X-Ray Transient RXTE J0421+560 (=CI Camelopardalis) during Outburst
    E. L. Robinson , I. I. Ivans , and W. F. Welsh
    The Astrophysical Journal, v565:1169-1182, 2002 February

  1065. The 1998 Outburst of XTE J1550-564: A Model Based on Multiwavelength Observations
    K. Wu , R. Soria , D. Campbell-Wilson , D. Hannikainen , B. A. Harmon , R. Hunstead , H. Johnston , M. McCollough , and V. McIntyre
    The Astrophysical Journal, v565:1161-1168, 2002 February

  1066. Serendipitous Detections of XTE J1906+09 with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    C. A. Wilson , M. H. Finger , E. Gögüs , P. M. Woods , and C. Kouveliotou
    The Astrophysical Journal, v565:1150-1160, 2002 February

  1067. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Spectrum of A2319
    D. Gruber and Y. Rephaeli
    The Astrophysical Journal, v565:877-882, 2002 February

  1068. A superburst from GX 3+1
    E. Kuulkers
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v383:L5-L8, 2002 February

  1069. X-ray bursts at extreme mass accretion rates from GX 17+2
    E. Kuulkers , J. Homan , M. van der Klis , W. H. G. Lewin , and M. Méndez
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v382:947-973, 2002 February

  1070. Dramatic change of the recurrence time and outburst parameters of the intermediate polar GK Persei
    V. Šimon
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v382:910-920, 2002 February

  1071. An optimal extraction of spatially blended spectra
    R. I. Hynes
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v382:752-757, 2002 February

  1072. X-ray and UV variability in the core of M15: the nature of X2127+119/AC211
    P. A. Charles , W. I. Clarkson , and L. van Zyl
    New Astronomy, v7:21-33, 2002 January

  1073. The formerly X-ray reflection-dominated Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 6300
    M. Guainazzi
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v329:L13-L17, 2002 January

  1074. Long-term X-ray variability and state transition of GX 339-4
    A. K. H. Kong , P. A. Charles , E. Kuulkers , and S. Kitamoto
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v329:588-596, 2002 January

  1075. VLT spectroscopy of XTE J2123-058 during quiescence: the masses of the two components
    J. Casares , G. Dubus , T. Shahbaz , C. Zurita , and P. A. Charles
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v329:29-36, 2002 January

  1076. ASCA X-Ray Source Catalog in the Galactic Center Region
    M. Sakano , K. Koyama , H. Murakami , Y. Maeda , and S. Yamauchi
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v138:19-34, 2002 January

  1077. Evidence for Intrinsic Magnetic Moments in Black Hole Candidates
    S. L. Robertson and D. J. Leiter
    The Astrophysical Journal, v565:447-454, 2002 January

  1078. A Peculiar Flaring Episode of Cygnus X-1
    W. Cui , Y. Feng , and M. Ertmer
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v564:L77-L80, 2002 January

  1079. A Phase-connected Timing Solution for the Magnetar Candidate 1E 1841-045
    E. V. Gotthelf , F. P. Gavriil , V. M. Kaspi , G. Vasisht , and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v564:L31-L34, 2002 January

  1080. The New X-Ray Transient SAX J1711.6-3808: Decoupling between Its 3-20 keV Luminosity and Its State Transitions
    R. Wijnands and J. M. Miller
    The Astrophysical Journal, v564:974-980, 2002 January

  1081. Characterizing the Quasi-periodic Oscillation Behavior of the X-Ray Nova XTE J1550-564
    R. A. Remillard , G. J. Sobczak , M. P. Muno , and J. E. McClintock
    The Astrophysical Journal, v564:962-973, 2002 January

  1082. Discovery of Two Types of X-Ray Dips in Cygnus X-1
    Y. X. Feng and W. Cui
    The Astrophysical Journal, v564:953-961, 2002 January

  1083. Precession of Magnetically Driven Warped Disks and Low-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    A. Shirakawa and D. Lai
    The Astrophysical Journal, v564:361-368, 2002 January

  1084. Bounds on Compactness for Low-Mass X-Ray Binary Neutron Stars from X-Ray Burst Oscillations
    N. R. Nath , T. E. Strohmayer , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal, v564:353-360, 2002 January

  1085. A Chandra X-Ray Study of Cygnus A. II. The Nucleus
    A. J. Young , A. S. Wilson , Y. Terashima , K. A. Arnaud , and D. A. Smith
    The Astrophysical Journal, v564:176-189, 2002 January

  1086. X-Ray/Optical Studies of Two Outbursts of the Intermediate Polar YY (DO) Draconis
    P. Szkody , K. Nishikida , D. Erb , K. Mukai , C. Hellier , M. Uemura , T. Kato , E. Pavlenko , N. Katysheva , S. Shugarov , and L. Cook
    The Astronomical Journal, v123:413-419, 2002 January

  1087. The aperiodic variability of Cyg X-1 and GRS 1915+105 at very low frequencies
    P. Reig , I. Papadakis , and N. D. Kylafis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v383:202-209, 2002 January

  1088. Detection of a high frequency break in the X-ray power spectrum of Ark 564
    I. E. Papadakis , W. Brinkmann , H. Negoro , and M. Gliozzi
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v382:L1-L4, 2002 January

  1089. Understanding the LMXB X2127+119 in M 15. I. X-ray eclipses and dips
    Z. Ioannou , T. Naylor , A. P. Smale , P. A. Charles , and K. Mukai
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v382:130-140, 2002 January

  1090. X-ray and optical monitoring of the peculiar source 4U 1700+24/V934 Her
    N. Masetti , D. Dal Fiume , G. Cusumano , L. Amati , C. Bartolini , S. Del Sordo , F. Frontera , A. Guarnieri , M. Orlandini , E. Palazzi , A. N. Parmar , A. Piccioni , and A. Santangelo
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v382:104-117, 2002 January

  1091. On the recurrence time and outburst properties of the soft X-ray transient Aquila X-1
    V. Šimon
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v381:151-167, 2002 January

  1092. Multifrequency Monitoring of the Blazar PKS 2005-489
    T. Rector , E. Perlman , R. Sambruna , G. Madejski , and F. Rantakyro
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, v19:158-160, 2002

  1093. X-ray Variability of Blazars
    E. Pian
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, v19:49-54, 2002

  1094. A detailed study of the 5-Hz quasi-periodic oscillations in the bright X-ray transient and black hole candidate GRS 1739-278
    R. Wijnands , M. Méndez , J. M. Miller , and J. Homan
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v328:451-460, 2001 December

  1095. Correlation between Break Frequency and Power-Density Spectrum Slope for the X-ray Source Cygnus X-2: RXTE/PCA Data
    S. I. Kuznetsov
    Astronomy Letters, v27:790-793, 2001 December

  1096. Identification of the Optical and Quiescent Counterparts to the Bright X-Ray Transient in NGC 6440
    J. J. M. in't Zand , M. H. van Kerkwijk , D. Pooley , F. Verbunt , R. Wijnands , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v563:L41-L44, 2001 December

  1097. Discovery of a Cyclotron Resonance Scattering Feature in the X-Ray Spectrum of XTE J1946+274
    W. A. Heindl , W. Coburn , D. E. Gruber , R. E. Rothschild , I. Kreykenbohm , J. Wilms , and R. Staubert
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v563:L35-L39, 2001 December

  1098. Binary and Long-Term (Triple?) Modulations of 4U 1820-30 in NGC 6624
    Y. Chou and J. E. Grindlay
    The Astrophysical Journal, v563:934-940, 2001 December

  1099. High-Frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the 2000 Outburst of the Galactic Microquasar XTE J1550-564
    J. M. Miller , R. Wijnands , J. Homan , T. Belloni , D. Pooley , S. Corbel , C. Kouveliotou , M. van der Klis , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v563:928-933, 2001 December

  1100. Long-Term Multiwavelength Observations of GRS 1758-258 and the Advection-dominated Accretion Flow Model
    J. W. Keck , W. W. Craig , C. J. Hailey , F. Harrison , J. S. Hong , S. M. Kahn , P. M. Lubin , R. McLean , M. J. Pivovaroff , M. Seiffert , R. Wurtz , and K. P. Ziock
    The Astrophysical Journal, v563:301-312, 2001 December

  1101. Disk Diffusion Propagation Model for the Outburst of XTE J1118+480
    K. S. Wood , L. Titarchuk , P. S. Ray , M. T. Wolff , M. N. Lovellette , and R. M. Bandyopadhyay
    The Astrophysical Journal, v563:246-254, 2001 December

  1102. X-Ray Observations of XTE J1550-564 during the Decay of the 2000 Outburst. II. Timing
    E. Kalemci , J. A. Tomsick , R. E. Rothschild , K. Pottschmidt , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v563:239-245, 2001 December

  1103. X-Ray Observations of XTE J1550-564 during the Decay of the 2000 Outburst. I. Chandra and RXTE Energy Spectra
    J. A. Tomsick , S. Corbel , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v563:229-238, 2001 December

  1104. Millihertz Optical/Ultraviolet Oscillations in 4U 1626-67: Evidence for a Warped Accretion Disk
    D. Chakrabarty , L. Homer , P. A. Charles , and D. O'Donoghue
    The Astrophysical Journal, v562:985-991, 2001 December

  1105. A Second Intense Burst with Photospheric Radius Expansion from X2127+119 in M15
    A. P. Smale
    The Astrophysical Journal, v562:957-962, 2001 December

  1106. Delayed Iron Lines in Centaurus X-3
    T. Kohmura , S. Kitamoto , and K. Torii
    The Astrophysical Journal, v562:943-949, 2001 December

  1107. 4U 2206+54: An Unusual High-Mass X-Ray Binary with a 9.6 Day Orbital Period But No Strong Pulsations
    R. H. D. Corbet and A. G. Peele
    The Astrophysical Journal, v562:936-942, 2001 December

  1108. Discovery of a 1247 s pulsar in the Be X-ray binary SAX J2239.3+6116
    J. J. M. in't Zand , J. Swank , R. H. D. Corbet , and C. B. Markwardt
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v380:L26-L29, 2001 December

  1109. Reflection and noise in the low spectral state of GX 339-4
    M. Revnivtsev , M. Gilfanov , and E. Churazov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v380:520-525, 2001 December

  1110. The gamma-ray source LSI +61deg303. I. RXTE/ASM observations
    D. A. Leahy
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v380:516-519, 2001 December

  1111. A study of the spectral evolution during dipping in XB 1323-619 with Rossi-XTE and BeppoSAX
    R. Barnard , M. Balucinska-Church , A. P. Smale , and M. J. Church
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v380:494-503, 2001 December

  1112. Lower limits on the maximum orbital frequency around rotating strange stars
    D. Gondek-Rosinska , N. Stergioulas , T. Bulik , W. Kluzniak , and E. Gourgoulhon
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v380:190-197, 2001 December

  1113. Correlated fast X-ray and optical variability in the black-hole candidate XTE J1118+480
    G. Kanbach , C. Straubmeier , H. C. Spruit , and T. Belloni
    Nature, v414:180-182, 2001 November

  1114. The steady spin-down rate of 4U 1907+09
    A. Baykal , C. Inam , M. Ali Alpar , J. in't Zand , and T. Strohmayer
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v327:1269-1272, 2001 November

  1115. Stability of the Cyclotron Resonance Scattering Feature in Hercules X-1 with RXTE
    D. E. Gruber , W. A. Heindl , R. E. Rothschild , W. Coburn , R. Staubert , I. Kreykenbohm , and J. Wilms
    The Astrophysical Journal, v562:499-507, 2001 November

  1116. USA Experiment Observation of Spectral and Timing Evolution During the 2000 Outburst of XTE J1550-564
    K. T. Reilly , E. D. Bloom , W. Focke , B. Giebels , G. Godfrey , P. M. Saz Parkinson , P. S. Ray , R. M. Bandyopadhyay , K. S. Wood , M. T. Wolff , G. G. Fritz , P. Hertz , M. P. Kowalski , and M. N. Lovellette
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v561:L183-L186, 2001 November

  1117. The Amplitude of the Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in 4U 1728-34, 4U 1608-52, and Aquila X-1, as a Function of X-Ray Intensity
    M. Méndez , M. van der Klis , and E. C. Ford
    The Astrophysical Journal, v561:1016-1026, 2001 November

  1118. A Measurement of the Broadband Spectrum of XTE J1118+480 with BeppoSAX and Its Astrophysical Implications
    F. Frontera , A. A. Zdziarski , L. Amati , J. Mikolajewska , T. Belloni , S. Del Sordo , F. Haardt , E. Kuulkers , N. Masetti , M. Orlandini , E. Palazzi , A. N. Parmar , R. A. Remillard , A. Santangelo , and L. Stella
    The Astrophysical Journal, v561:1006-1015, 2001 November

  1119. A Possible Explanation for the ``Parallel Tracks'' Phenomenon in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v561:943-949, 2001 November

  1120. Multiwavelength Monitoring of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Arakelian 564. III. Optical Observations and the Optical-UV-X-Ray Connection
    O. Shemmer , P. Romano , R. Bertram , W. Brinkmann , S. Collier , K. A. Crowley , E. Detsis , A. V. Filippenko , C. M. Gaskell , T. A. George , M. Gliozzi , M. E. Hiller , T. L. Jewell , S. Kaspi , E. S. Klimek , M. H. Lannon , W. Li , P. Martini , S. Mathur , H. Negoro , H. Netzer , I. Papadakis , I. Papamastorakis , B. M. Peterson , B. W. Peterson , R. W. Pogge , V. I. Pronik , K. S. Rumstay , S. G. Sergeev , E. A. Sergeeva , G. M. Stirpe , C. J. Taylor , R. R. Treffers , T. J. Turner , P. Uttley , M. Vestergaard , K. von Braun , R. M. Wagner , and Z. Zheng
    The Astrophysical Journal, v561:162-170, 2001 November

  1121. Neutron star blackbody contraction during flaring in X 1624-490
    M. Balucinska-Church , R. Barnard , M. J. Church , and A. P. Smale
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v378:847-860, 2001 November

  1122. Trapping of Non-Axisymmetric g-Mode Oscillations in Thin Relativistic Disks and kHz QPOs
    S. Kato
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v53:L37-L39, 2001 October

  1123. Observational Evidence for Strong Disk Comptonization in GRO J1655-40
    A. Kubota , K. Makishima , and K. Ebisawa
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v560:L147-L150, 2001 October

  1124. B-Field Determination from Magnetoacoustic Oscillations in Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation Neutron Star Binaries: Theory and Observations
    L. G. Titarchuk , C. F. Bradshaw , and K. S. Wood
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v560:L55-L58, 2001 October

  1125. The Erratic Luminosity Behavior of SAX J1808.4-3658 during Its 2000 Outburst
    R. Wijnands , M. Méndez , C. Markwardt , M. van der Klis , D. Chakrabarty , and E. Morgan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v560:892-896, 2001 October

  1126. Characteristic X-Ray Variability of TeV Blazars: Probing the Link between the Jet and the Central Engine
    J. Kataoka , T. Takahashi , S. J. Wagner , N. Iyomoto , P. G. Edwards , K. Hayashida , S. Inoue , G. M. Madejski , F. Takahara , C. Tanihata , and N. Kawai
    The Astrophysical Journal, v560:659-674, 2001 October

  1127. Keck Measurement of the XTE J2123-058 Radial Velocity Curve
    J. A. Tomsick , W. A. Heindl , D. Chakrabarty , J. P. Halpern , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v559:L123-L126, 2001 October

  1128. Quiescent Thermal Emission from the Neutron Star in Aquila X-1
    R. E. Rutledge , L. Bildsten , E. F. Brown , G. G. Pavlov , and V. E. Zavlin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v559:1054-1059, 2001 October

  1129. The X-ray emission of the intermediate polar V 709 Cas
    D. de Martino , G. Matt , K. Mukai , T. Belloni , J. M. Bonnet-Bidaud , L. Chiappetti , B. T. Gänsicke , F. Haberl , and M. Mouchet
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v377:499-511, 2001 October

  1130. A high-velocity black hole on a Galactic-halo orbit in the solar neighbourhood
    I. F. Mirabel , V. Dhawan , R. P. Mignani , I. Rodrigues , and F. Guglielmetti
    Nature, v413:139-141, 2001 September

  1131. Keck II spectroscopy of mHz quasi-periodic oscillations in Hercules X-1
    K. O'Brien , K. Horne , B. Boroson , M. Still , R. Gomer , J. B. Oke , P. Boyd , and S. D. Vrtilek
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v326:1067-1075, 2001 September

  1132. Dependence of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation Properties on the Normal-Branch Oscillation Phase in Scorpius X-1
    W. Yu , M. van der Klis , and P. G. Jonker
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v559:L29-L32, 2001 September

  1133. Simultaneous X-Ray and TeV Gamma-Ray Observation of the TeV Blazar Markarian 421 during 2000 February and May
    H. Krawczynski , R. Sambruna , A. Kohnle , P. S. Coppi , F. Aharonian , A. Akhperjanian , J. Barrio , K. Bernlöhr , H. Börst , H. Bojahr , O. Bolz , J. Contreras , J. Cortina , S. Denninghoff , V. Fonseca , J. Gonzalez , N. Götting , G. Heinzelmann , G. Hermann , A. Heusler , W. Hofmann , D. Horns , A. Ibarra , I. Jung , R. Kankanyan , M. Kestel , J. Kettler , A. Konopelko , H. Kornmeyer , D. Kranich , H. Lampeitl , E. Lorenz , F. Lucarelli , N. Magnussen , O. Mang , H. Meyer , R. Mirzoyan , A. Moralejo , L. Padilla , M. Panter , R. Plaga , A. Plyasheshnikov , G. Pühlhofer , G. Rauterberg , A. Röhring , W. Rhode , G. Rowell , V. Sahakian , M. Samorski , M. Schilling , F. Schröder , M. Siems , W. Stamm , M. Tluczykont , H. J. Völk , C. A. Wiedner , and W. Wittek
    The Astrophysical Journal, v559:187-195, 2001 September

  1134. X-Ray Synchrotron Emission from 10-100 TeV Cosmic-Ray Electrons in the Supernova Remnant SN 1006
    G. E. Allen , R. Petre , and E. V. Gotthelf
    The Astrophysical Journal, v558:739-752, 2001 September

  1135. Day-Scale Variability of 3C 279 and Searches for Correlations in Gamma-Ray, X-Ray, and Optical Bands
    R. C. Hartman , M. Villata , T. J. Balonek , D. L. Bertsch , H. Bock , M. Böttcher , M. T. Carini , W. Collmar , G. De Francesco , E. C. Ferrara , J. Heidt , G. Kanbach , S. Katajainen , M. Koskimies , O. M. Kurtanidze , L. Lanteri , A. Lawson , Y. C. Lin , A. P. Marscher , J. P. McFarland , I. M. McHardy , H. R. Miller , M. Nikolashvili , K. Nilsson , J. C. Noble , G. Nucciarelli , L. Ostorero , T. Pursimo , C. M. Raiteri , R. Rekola , T. Savolainen , A. Sillanpää , A. Smale , G. Sobrito , L. O. Takalo , D. J. Thompson , G. Tosti , S. J. Wagner , and J. W. Wilson
    The Astrophysical Journal, v558:583-589, 2001 September

  1136. On the Two Types of Steady Hard X-Ray States of GRS 1915+105
    S. P. Trudolyubov
    The Astrophysical Journal, v558:276-282, 2001 September

  1137. Long-Term Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Monitoring of the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937
    V. M. Kaspi , F. P. Gavriil , D. Chakrabarty , J. R. Lackey , and M. P. Muno
    The Astrophysical Journal, v558:253-262, 2001 September

  1138. An Unusual Burst from Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1900+14: Comparisons with Giant Flares and Implications for the Magnetar Model
    A. I. Ibrahim , T. E. Strohmayer , P. M. Woods , C. Kouveliotou , C. Thompson , R. C. Duncan , S. Dieters , J. H. Swank , J. van Paradijs , and M. Finger
    The Astrophysical Journal, v558:237-252, 2001 September

  1139. Temporal and Spectral Characteristics of Short Bursts from the Soft Gamma Repeaters 1806-20 and 1900+14
    E. Gögüs , C. Kouveliotou , P. M. Woods , C. Thompson , R. C. Duncan , and M. S. Briggs
    The Astrophysical Journal, v558:228-236, 2001 September

  1140. RXTE observations of single pulses of PSR B0531+21. II. Test for radio behavior
    M. Vivekanand
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v376:580-585, 2001 September

  1141. BeppoSAX observation of the eclipsing dipping X-ray binary X 1658-298
    T. Oosterbroek , A. N. Parmar , L. Sidoli , J. J. M. in't Zand , and J. Heise
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v376:532-542, 2001 September

  1142. Timing in the Time Domain: Cygnus X-1
    T. Li
    Chinese Journal of Astronony and Astrophysics, v1:313-332, 2001 August

  1143. Observations of the Optical Counterpart to XTE J1118+480 during Outburst by the Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment I Telescope
    J. Wren , C. Akerlof , R. Balsano , J. Bloch , K. Borozdin , D. Casperson , G. Gisler , R. Kehoe , B. C. Lee , S. Marshall , T. McKay , W. Priedhorsky , E. Rykoff , D. Smith , S. Trudolyubov , and W. T. Vestrand
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v557:L97-L100, 2001 August

  1144. A Possible Emission Feature in an X-Ray Afterglow of GRB 970828 as a Radiative Recombination Edge
    A. Yoshida , M. Namiki , D. Yonetoku , T. Murakami , C. Otani , N. Kawai , Y. Ueda , R. Shibata , and S. Uno
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v557:L27-L30, 2001 August

  1145. Thermal Comptonization and Disk Thermal Reprocessing in NGC 3516
    J. Chiang and O. Blaes
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v557:L15-L18, 2001 August

  1146. Radio Emission and the Timing Properties of the Hard X-Ray State of GRS 1915+105
    M. P. Muno , R. A. Remillard , E. H. Morgan , E. B. Waltman , V. Dhawan , R. M. Hjellming , and G. Pooley
    The Astrophysical Journal, v556:515-532, 2001 August

  1147. The X-ray spectrum of LSI+61° 303
    J. Greiner and A. Rau
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v375:145-148, 2001 August

  1148. The discovery and study of the optical counterparts of the transient X-ray pulsars RX J0052.1-7319 and XTE J0111.2-7317 in the SMC
    S. Covino , I. Negueruela , S. Campana , G. L. Israel , V. F. Polcaro , L. Stella , and F. Verrecchia
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v374:1009-1016, 2001 August

  1149. Accretion column eclipses in the X-ray pulsars GX 1+4 and RX J0812.4-3114
    D. K. Galloway , A. B. Giles , K. Wu , and J. G. Greenhill
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v325:419-425, 2001 July

  1150. Mapping the inner accretion disc of the Galactic black hole J1550-564 through its rise to outburst
    C. D. Wilson and C. Done
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v325:167-177, 2001 July

  1151. On the peak radio and X-ray emission from neutron star and black hole candidate X-ray transients
    R. P. Fender and E. Kuulkers
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v324:923-930, 2001 July

  1152. The Halo Black Hole X-Ray Transient XTE J1118+480
    R. M. Wagner , C. B. Foltz , T. Shahbaz , J. Casares , P. A. Charles , S. G. Starrfield , and P. Hewett
    The Astrophysical Journal, v556:42-46, 2001 July

  1153. On the Interpretation of the Burst Structure of Gamma-Ray Bursts
    R. Ruffini , C. L. Bianco , F. Fraschetti , S. Xue , and P. Chardonnet
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v555:L113-L116, 2001 July

  1154. Relative Spacetime Transformations in Gamma-Ray Bursts
    R. Ruffini , C. L. Bianco , F. Fraschetti , S. Xue , and P. Chardonnet
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v555:L107-L111, 2001 July

  1155. Classification of Power Density Spectrum Features and Estimation of the δ-invariant Value for the Z Source GX 340+0
    L. Titarchuk and V. Osherovich
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v555:L55-L59, 2001 July

  1156. Normal-Branch Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Scorpius X-1: Viscous Oscillations of a Spherical Shell Near the Neutron Star
    L. G. Titarchuk , C. F. Bradshaw , B. J. Geldzahler , and E. B. Fomalont
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v555:L45-L48, 2001 July

  1157. Phase-dependent Spectral Variability in 4U 1907+09
    M. S. E. Roberts , P. F. Michelson , D. A. Leahy , T. A. Hall , J. P. Finley , L. R. Cominsky , and R. Srinivasan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v555:967-977, 2001 July

  1158. X-Ray and Ultraviolet Orbital Phase Dependence in LMC X-3
    P. T. Boyd , A. P. Smale , and J. F. Dolan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v555:822-828, 2001 July

  1159. A Black Hole in the Superluminal Source SAX J1819.3-2525 (V4641 Sgr)
    J. A. Orosz , E. Kuulkers , M. van der Klis , J. E. McClintock , M. R. Garcia , P. J. Callanan , C. D. Bailyn , R. K. Jain , and R. A. Remillard
    The Astrophysical Journal, v555:489-503, 2001 July

  1160. Modeling the Low-State Spectrum of the X-Ray Nova XTE J1118+480
    A. A. Esin , J. E. McClintock , J. J. Drake , M. R. Garcia , C. A. Haswell , R. I. Hynes , and M. P. Muno
    The Astrophysical Journal, v555:483-488, 2001 July

  1161. Complete and Simultaneous Spectral Observations of the Black Hole X-Ray Nova XTE J1118+480
    J. E. McClintock , C. A. Haswell , M. R. Garcia , J. J. Drake , R. I. Hynes , H. L. Marshall , M. P. Muno , S. Chaty , P. M. Garnavich , P. J. Groot , W. H. G. Lewin , C. W. Mauche , J. M. Miller , G. G. Pooley , C. R. Shrader , and S. D. Vrtilek
    The Astrophysical Journal, v555:477-482, 2001 July

  1162. The Cross Spectra of Circinus X-1: Evolution of Time Lags
    J. L. Qu , W. Yu , and T. P. Li
    The Astrophysical Journal, v555:7-11, 2001 July

  1163. A study of Tycho's SNR at TeV energies with the HEGRA CT-System
    F. A. Aharonian , A. G. Akhperjanian , J. A. Barrio , K. Bernlöhr , H. Börst , H. Bojahr , O. Bolz , J. L. Contreras , J. Cortina , S. Denninghoff , V. Fonseca , J. C. Gonzalez , N. Götting , G. Heinzelmann , G. Hermann , A. Heusler , W. Hofmann , D. Horns , A. Ibarra , I. Jung , R. Kankanyan , M. Kestel , J. Kettler , A. Kohnle , A. Konopelko , H. Kornmeyer , D. Kranich , H. Krawczynski , H. Lampeitl , E. Lorenz , F. Lucarelli , N. Magnussen , O. Mang , H. Meyer , R. Mirzoyan , A. Moralejo , L. Padilla , M. Panter , R. Plaga , A. Plyasheshnikov , J. Prahl , G. Pühlhofer , G. Rauterberg , A. Röhring , W. Rhode , G. P. Rowell , V. Sahakian , M. Samorski , M. Schilling , F. Schröder , W. Stamm , M. Tluczykont , H. J. Völk , C. Wiedner , and W. Wittek
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v373:292-300, 2001 July

  1164. Scattering in the inner accretion disk and the waveforms and polarization of millisecond flux oscillations in LMXBs
    S. Y. Sazonov and R. A. Sunyaev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v373:241-250, 2001 July

  1165. RXTE observations of single pulses of PSR B0531+21. I. Flux variations
    M. Vivekanand
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v373:236-240, 2001 July

  1166. A 168-s X-Ray Pulsar in the Small Magellanic Cloud Observed with ASCA
    J. Yokogawa , K. Torii , T. Kohmura , and K. Koyama
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v53:L9-L12, 2001 June

  1167. A search for periodicities in the radio emission from XTE J1118+480
    G. G. Pooley
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v324:L23-L24, 2001 June

  1168. Optical studies of two Large Magellanic Cloud X-ray transients: RX J0544.1-7100 and RX J0520.5-6932
    M. J. Coe , I. Negueruela , D. A. H. Buckley , N. J. Haigh , and S. G. T. Laycock
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v324:623-627, 2001 June

  1169. Optical studies of the X-ray transient XTE J2123-058 - II. Phase-resolved spectroscopy
    R. I. Hynes , P. A. Charles , C. A. Haswell , J. Casares , C. Zurita , and M. Serra-Ricart
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v324:180-190, 2001 June

  1170. Low State of the X-ray Burster SLX 1732-304 in the Globular Cluster Terzan 1 According to RXTE Data
    S. V. Molkov , S. A. Grebenev , and A. A. Lutovinov
    Astronomy Letters, v27:363-365, 2001 June

  1171. Multiwavelength Observations of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1550-564 during the 2000 Outburst
    R. K. Jain , C. D. Bailyn , J. A. Orosz , J. E. McClintock , and R. A. Remillard
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v554:L181-L184, 2001 June

  1172. A Phase-connected Braking Index Measurement for the Large Magellanic Cloud Pulsar PSR B0540-69
    W. Zhang , F. E. Marshall , E. V. Gotthelf , J. Middleditch , and Q. D. Wang
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v554:L177-L180, 2001 June

  1173. Discovery of a Second High-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillation from the Microquasar GRS 1915+105
    T. E. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v554:L169-L172, 2001 June

  1174. OSSE and RXTE Observations of GRS 1915+105: Evidence for Nonthermal Comptonization
    A. A. Zdziarski , J. E. Grove , J. Poutanen , A. R. Rao , and S. V. Vadawale
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v554:L45-L48, 2001 June

  1175. A Transition to the Soft State in GRS 1758-258
    D. M. Smith , W. A. Heindl , C. B. Markwardt , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v554:L41-L44, 2001 June

  1176. Changing Frequency Separation of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Sonic-Point Beat-Frequency Model
    F. K. Lamb and M. C. Miller
    The Astrophysical Journal, v554:1210-1215, 2001 June

  1177. Temporal Characteristics of the X-Ray Emission of NGC 7469
    K. Nandra and I. E. Papadakis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v554:710-724, 2001 June

  1178. An Orbital Light-Curve Model for GX 301-2
    S. H. Pravdo and P. Ghosh
    The Astrophysical Journal, v554:383-390, 2001 June

  1179. Atmospheric Reflection during an Anomalous Low State of Hercules X-1
    M. Still , K. O'Brien , K. Horne , B. Boroson , L. G. Titarchuk , K. Engle , S. D. Vrtilek , H. Quaintrell , and H. Fiedler
    The Astrophysical Journal, v554:352-361, 2001 June

  1180. The Effect of the Mass Accretion Rate on the Burst Oscillations in 4U 1728-34
    L. M. Franco
    The Astrophysical Journal, v554:340-351, 2001 June

  1181. High-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy and Modeling of the Absorbing and Emitting Outflow in NGC 3783
    S. Kaspi , W. N. Brandt , H. Netzer , I. M. George , G. Chartas , E. Behar , R. M. Sambruna , G. P. Garmire , and J. A. Nousek
    The Astrophysical Journal, v554:216-232, 2001 June

  1182. X-Ray States and Radio Emission in the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1550-564
    S. Corbel , P. Kaaret , R. K. Jain , C. D. Bailyn , R. P. Fender , J. A. Tomsick , E. Kalemci , V. McIntyre , D. Campbell-Wilson , J. M. Miller , and M. L. McCollough
    The Astrophysical Journal, v554:43-48, 2001 June

  1183. The Hard X-Ray Luminosity of OB Star Populations: Implications for The Contribution of Star Formation to the Cosmic X-Ray Background
    D. J. Helfand and E. C. Moran
    The Astrophysical Journal, v554:27-42, 2001 June

  1184. Discovery of a 75 Day Orbit in XTE J1543-568
    J. J. M. in't Zand , R. H. D. Corbet , and F. E. Marshall
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v553:L165-L168, 2001 June

  1185. Millisecond Oscillations and Photospheric Radius Expansion in Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts
    M. P. Muno , D. Chakrabarty , D. K. Galloway , and P. Savov
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v553:L157-L160, 2001 June

  1186. Coronal Cooling and Its Signatures in the Rapid Aperiodic Variability of Galactic Black Hole Candidates
    M. Böttcher
    The Astrophysical Journal, v553:960-967, 2001 June

  1187. RXTE Observations of Hercules X-1 during the 1998 July Short High State
    M. Still , K. O'Brien , K. Horne , D. Hudson , B. Boroson , S. D. Vrtilek , H. Quaintrell , and H. Fiedler
    The Astrophysical Journal, v553:776-787, 2001 June

  1188. A jet model for the broadband spectrum of XTE J1118+480. Synchrotron emission from radio to X-rays in the Low/Hard spectral state
    S. Markoff , H. Falcke , and R. Fender
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v372:L25-L28, 2001 June

  1189. Spectral differences between the radio-loud and radio-quiet low-hard states of GRS 1915+105: Possible detection of synchrotron radiation in X-rays
    S. V. Vadawale , A. R. Rao , and S. K. Chakrabarti
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v372:793-802, 2001 June

  1190. The high-frequency QPOs in GRS 1915+105
    T. Belloni , M. Méndez , and C. Sánchez-Fernández
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v372:551-556, 2001 June

  1191. The crust of rotating strange quark stars
    J. L. Zdunik , P. Haensel , and E. Gourgoulhon
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v372:535-543, 2001 June

  1192. A BeppoSAX view of transient black hole candidates in quiescence
    S. Campana , A. N. Parmar , and L. Stella
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v372:241-244, 2001 June

  1193. RXTE monitoring of Centaurus A
    S. Benlloch , R. E. Rothschild , J. Wilms , C. S. Reynolds , W. A. Heindl , and R. Staubert
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v371:858-864, 2001 June

  1194. Thermal Comptonization in GRS 1915+105
    O. Vilhu , J. Poutanen , P. Nikula , and J. Nevalainen
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v553:L51-L54, 2001 May

  1195. Evolution of Iron Kα Line Emission in the Black Hole Candidate GX 339-4
    Y. X. Feng , S. N. Zhang , X. Sun , P. Durouchoux , W. Chen , and W. Cui
    The Astrophysical Journal, v553:394-398, 2001 May

  1196. Discovery of a Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation in 2S 0918-549
    P. G. Jonker , M. van der Klis , J. Homan , M. Méndez , J. van Paradijs , T. Belloni , C. Kouveliotou , W. Lewin , and E. C. Ford
    The Astrophysical Journal, v553:335-340, 2001 May

  1197. Optical Spectroscopy of the X-Ray Transient XTE J1118+480 in Outburst
    G. Dubus , R. S. J. Kim , K. Menou , P. Szkody , and D. V. Bowen
    The Astrophysical Journal, v553:307-320, 2001 May

  1198. X-Ray Measurements of Nonthermal Emission from the Abell 1367 Galaxy Cluster Using the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    M. Henriksen and R. Mushotzky
    The Astrophysical Journal, v553:84-89, 2001 May

  1199. Discovery of Coupling between Periodic and Aperiodic Variability and X-Ray Quasi-periodic Oscillations from Hercules X-1
    D. Moon and S. S. Eikenberry
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v552:L135-L139, 2001 May

  1200. Discovery of a 450 HZ Quasi-periodic Oscillation from the Microquasar GRO J1655-40 with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    T. E. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v552:L49-L53, 2001 May

  1201. Discovery of a Cyclotron Resonant Scattering Feature in the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Spectrum of 4U 0352+309 (X Persei)
    W. Coburn , W. A. Heindl , D. E. Gruber , R. E. Rothschild , R. Staubert , J. Wilms , and I. Kreykenbohm
    The Astrophysical Journal, v552:738-747, 2001 May

  1202. Testing the Transition Layer Model of Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Neutron Star X-Ray Binaries
    X. Wu
    The Astrophysical Journal, v552:227-234, 2001 May

  1203. The afterglow of the short/intermediate-duration gamma-ray burst GRB 000301C: A jet at z=2.04
    B. L. Jensen , J. U. Fynbo , J. Gorosabel , J. Hjorth , S. Holland , P. Möller , B. Thomsen , G. Björnsson , H. Pedersen , I. Burud , A. Henden , N. R. Tanvir , C. J. Davis , P. Vreeswijk , E. Rol , K. Hurley , T. Cline , J. Trombka , T. McClanahan , R. Starr , J. Goldsten , A. J. Castro-Tirado , J. Greiner , C. A. L. Bailer-Jones , M. Kümmel , and R. Mundt
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v370:909-922, 2001 May

  1204. IXAE observations of the X-ray pulsar XTE J1946+274
    B. Paul , P. C. Agrawal , K. Mukerjee , A. R. Rao , S. Seetha , and K. Kasturirangan
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v370:529-532, 2001 May

  1205. ASCA Identification of SMC X-2 with the 2.37-s Pulsar Discovered by RXTE
    J. Yokogawa , K. Torii , T. Kohmura , and K. Koyama
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v53:227-231, 2001 April

  1206. ASCA Observation of the Superluminal Jet Source GRO J1655-40 in the 1997 Outburst
    K. Yamaoka , Y. Ueda , H. Inoue , F. Nagase , K. Ebisawa , T. Kotani , Y. Tanaka , and S. N. Zhang
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v53:179-188, 2001 April

  1207. Spectral evidence for a powerful compact jet from XTE J1118+480
    R. P. Fender , R. M. Hjellming , R. P. J. Tilanus , G. G. Pooley , J. R. Deane , R. N. Ogley , and R. E. Spencer
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v322:L23-L27, 2001 April

  1208. On the multi-periodicities in the X-ray dipper XB1916-053
    L. Homer , P. A. Charles , P. Hakala , P. Muhli , I. Shih , A. P. Smale , and G. Ramsay
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v322:827-842, 2001 April

  1209. RXTE observations of 4U 1630-47 during the peak of its 1998 outburst
    S. P. Trudolyubov , K. N. Borozdin , and W. C. Priedhorsky
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v322:309-320, 2001 April

  1210. RXTE observations of Seyfert 2 galaxies: evidence for spectral variability
    I. Georgantopoulos and I. E. Papadakis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v322:218-230, 2001 April

  1211. A Black Hole Greater Than 6 Msolar in the X-Ray Nova XTE J1118+480
    J. E. McClintock , M. R. Garcia , N. Caldwell , E. E. Falco , P. M. Garnavich , and P. Zhao
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v551:L147-L150, 2001 April

  1212. The Early X-Ray Emission from V382 Velorum (Nova Velorum 1999): An Internal Shock Model
    K. Mukai and M. Ishida
    The Astrophysical Journal, v551:1024-1030, 2001 April

  1213. An Atlas of Burst Oscillations and Spectral Properties in 4U 1728-34
    S. van Straaten , M. van der Klis , E. Kuulkers , and M. Méndez
    The Astrophysical Journal, v551:907-920, 2001 April

  1214. Separating Thermal and Nonthermal X-Rays in Supernova Remnants. I. Total Fits to SN 1006 AD
    K. K. Dyer , S. P. Reynolds , K. J. Borkowski , G. E. Allen , and R. Petre
    The Astrophysical Journal, v551:439-453, 2001 April

  1215. The Ephemeris and Dipping Spectral Behavior of 4U 1624-49
    A. P. Smale , M. J. Church , and M. Balucinska-Church
    The Astrophysical Journal, v550:962-969, 2001 April

  1216. Variable X-Ray Absorption in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Markarian 348
    D. A. Smith , I. Georgantopoulos , and R. S. Warwick
    The Astrophysical Journal, v550:635-643, 2001 April

  1217. Observational evidence for mass ejection during soft X-ray dips in GRS 1915+105
    S. V. Vadawale , A. R. Rao , A. Nandi , and S. K. Chakrabarti
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v370:L17-L21, 2001 April

  1218. Search for millisecond periodicities in type I X-ray bursts of the Rapid Burster
    D. W. Fox , W. H. G. Lewin , R. E. Rutledge , E. H. Morgan , R. Guerriero , L. Bildsten , M. van der Klis , J. van Paradijs , C. B. Moore , T. Dotani , and K. Asai
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v321:776-782, 2001 March

  1219. Normal-branch quasi-periodic oscillations during the high-intensity state of Cygnus X-2
    R. Wijnands and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v321:537-543, 2001 March

  1220. Broadband X-Ray Spectra of the Persistent Black Hole Candidates LMC X-1 and LMC X-3
    F. Haardt , M. R. Galli , A. Treves , L. Chiappetti , D. Dal Fiume , A. Corongiu , T. Belloni , F. Frontera , E. Kuulkers , and L. Stella
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v133:187-193, 2001 March

  1221. X-Ray Power Density Spectrum of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Arakelian 564
    K. Pounds , R. Edelson , A. Markowitz , and S. Vaughan
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v550:L15-L18, 2001 March

  1222. A Compton Upscattering Model for Soft Lags in the Lower Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation in 4U 1608-52
    H. C. Lee , R. Misra , and R. E. Taam
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v549:L229-L232, 2001 March

  1223. Large X-Ray Flares from LMC X-4: Discovery of Millihertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations and Quasi-periodic Oscillation-Modulated Pulsations
    D. Moon and S. S. Eikenberry
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v549:L225-L228, 2001 March

  1224. Discovery of a 270 Hertz X-Ray Burst Oscillation in the X-Ray Dipper 4U 1916-053
    D. K. Galloway , D. Chakrabarty , M. P. Muno , and P. Savov
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v549:L85-L88, 2001 March

  1225. Timing Analysis of the Light Curve of the Dipping-Bursting X-Ray Binary X1916-053
    Y. Chou , J. E. Grindlay , and P. F. Bloser
    The Astrophysical Journal, v549:1135-1144, 2001 March

  1226. A `superoutburst' in XTE J1118+480
    E. Kuulkers
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v322:9, 2001 March

  1227. Correlated X-Ray Spectral and Timing Behavior of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1550-564: A New Interpretation of Black Hole States
    J. Homan , R. Wijnands , M. van der Klis , T. Belloni , J. van Paradijs , M. Klein-Wolt , R. Fender , and M. Méndez
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v132:377-402, 2001 February

  1228. The Discovery of an Outburst and Pulsed X-Ray Flux from SMC X-2 Using the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    R. H. D. Corbet , F. E. Marshall , M. J. Coe , S. Laycock , and G. Handler
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v548:L41-L44, 2001 February

  1229. A Hard Tail in the Broadband Spectrum of the Dipper XB 1254-690
    R. Iaria , T. Di Salvo , L. Burderi , and N. R. Robba
    The Astrophysical Journal, v548:883-888, 2001 February

  1230. Disk-Jet Connection in the Microquasar GRS 1915+105 and Infrared and Radio Emission
    J. S. Yadav
    The Astrophysical Journal, v548:876-882, 2001 February

  1231. Evidence for Rapid Iron Kα Line Flux Variability in MCG -6-30-15
    S. Vaughan and R. Edelson
    The Astrophysical Journal, v548:694-702, 2001 February

  1232. The X-Ray Properties of Low-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations from GRS 1915+105 Up to 120 KEV
    J. A. Tomsick and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v548:401-409, 2001 February

  1233. Pulse Characteristics of the X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1907+09
    K. Mukerjee , P. C. Agrawal , B. Paul , A. R. Rao , J. S. Yadav , S. Seetha , and K. Kasturirangan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v548:368-376, 2001 February

  1234. High-Energy X-Ray Timing Experiment Detections of Hard X-Ray Tails in Scorpius X-1
    F. D'Amico , W. A. Heindl , R. E. Rothschild , and D. E. Gruber
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v547:L147-L150, 2001 February

  1235. The X-Ray Light Curve of η Carinae: Refinement of the Orbit and Evidence for Phase-dependent Mass Loss
    M. F. Corcoran , K. Ishibashi , J. H. Swank , and R. Petre
    The Astrophysical Journal, v547:1034-1039, 2001 February

  1236. RXTE Investigation into Extended Hard X-Ray Emission from Elliptical Galaxies
    M. Loewenstein , A. Valinia , and R. F. Mushotzky
    The Astrophysical Journal, v547:722-730, 2001 February

  1237. An RXTE Survey of Long-Term X-Ray Variability in Seyfert 1 Galaxies
    A. Markowitz and R. Edelson
    The Astrophysical Journal, v547:684-692, 2001 February

  1238. Discovery of recurring soft-to-hard state transitions in LMC X-3
    J. Wilms , M. A. Nowak , K. Pottschmidt , W. A. Heindl , J. B. Dove , and M. C. Begelman
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v320:327-340, 2001 January

  1239. A good long look at the black hole candidates LMC X-1 and LMC X-3
    M. A. Nowak , J. Wilms , W. A. Heindl , K. Pottschmidt , J. B. Dove , and M. C. Begelman
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v320:316-326, 2001 January

  1240. Multiwaveband studies of the hard ROSAT SMC transient 1WGA J0053.8-7226: a new X-ray pulsar
    D. A. H. Buckley , M. J. Coe , J. B. Stevens , K. van der Heyden , L. Angelini , N. White , and P. Giommi
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v320:281-288, 2001 January

  1241. The Flared Disc Project: RXTE and ASCA observations of X 1822-371
    S. Heinz and M. A. Nowak
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v320:249-260, 2001 January

  1242. Infrared Photometry of the X-ray Binary XTE J1118+480 in April 2000
    O. G. Taranova and V. I. Shenavrin
    Astronomy Letters, v27:25-28, 2001 January

  1243. The Correlated Intensity and Spectral Evolution of Cygnus X-1 During State Transitions
    L. Wen , W. Cui , and H. V. Bradt
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v546:L105-L108, 2001 January

  1244. Study of the Temporal Behavior of 4U 1728-34 as a Function of Its Position in the Color-Color Diagram
    T. Di Salvo , M. Méndez , M. van der Klis , E. Ford , and N. R. Robba
    The Astrophysical Journal, v546:1107-1120, 2001 January

  1245. Optical Observations of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1550-564 during Reflare and Quiescence
    R. K. Jain , C. D. Bailyn , J. A. Orosz , J. E. McClintock , G. J. Sobczak , and R. A. Remillard
    The Astrophysical Journal, v546:1086-1097, 2001 January

  1246. Relativistic Iron Emission and Disk Reflection in Galactic Microquasar XTE J1748-288
    J. M. Miller , D. W. Fox , T. Di Matteo , R. Wijnands , T. Belloni , D. Pooley , C. Kouveliotou , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v546:1055-1067, 2001 January

  1247. The Orbit of X Persei and Its Neutron Star Companion
    H. Delgado-Martí , A. M. Levine , E. Pfahl , and S. A. Rappaport
    The Astrophysical Journal, v546:455-468, 2001 January

  1248. Simultaneous BeppoSAX and RXTE observations of the X-ray burst sources GX 3+1 and Ser X-1
    T. Oosterbroek , D. Barret , M. Guainazzi , and E. C. Ford
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v366:138-145, 2001 January

  1249. Future X-Ray Timing Missions
    D. Barret , M. van der Klis , G. K. Skinner , R. Staubert , and L. Stella
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:305-312, 2001

  1250. Jets in XRB Low/Hard States: Models of XTE J1118+480 Suggest a Strong Signature from Radio through X-Ray
    S. Markoff , H. Falcke , and R. Fender
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:289-290, 2001

  1251. Broadband X-Ray Spectroscopy of GRS 1915+105
    A. Rau and J. Greiner
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:225-226, 2001

  1252. X-ray Flares/Bursts from GRS 1915+105 and the Two Component Accretion Flow
    J. S. Yadav and A. R. Rao
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:221-224, 2001

  1253. XTE J1118+480: Clues on the Nature of the Accretion Flow from the Optical Variability
    A. Merloni , T. Di Matteo , and A. C. Fabian
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:213-216, 2001

  1254. RXTE Observations of the X-Ray Transient XTE J1859 +226
    C. Markwardt
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:209-212, 2001

  1255. A Review of Disk-Corona Oscillations
    J. Swank
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:201-208, 2001

  1256. Thermal Comptonization in GRS 1915+105
    O. Vilhu , P. Nikula , J. Poutanen , and J. Nevalainen
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:185-186, 2001

  1257. Chasing the instability: Spectral and timing analysis of GRS 1915+105
    S. Migliari , F. Vignarca , and T. Belloni
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:183-184, 2001

  1258. On the Nature of the Microquasar V4641 Sagittarii
    S. Chaty , I. F. Mirabel , J. Martí , and L. F. Rodríguez
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:153-156, 2001

  1259. Inner Disk Oscillations
    T. Belloni
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:145-152, 2001

  1260. The moderate and high-speed photometry of the black hole candidate XTE J1118+480
    E. P. Pavlenko , E. S. Dmitrienko , N. M. Shakhovskoi , S. Y. Shugarov , N. A. Katysheva , and I. M. Volkov
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:63-64, 2001

  1261. Recent Hubble Space Telescope results on X-ray novae
    R. I. Hynes , C. A. Haswell , S. Chaty , C. R. Shrader , W. Cui , and C. W. Mauche
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:61-62, 2001

  1262. Optical observations of the X-ray transients XTE J1859 +226 and XTE J1118+480
    S. S. Guziy and A. S. Shlyapnikov
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:57-58, 2001

  1263. Minioutbursts in XTE J1859+226
    C. Zurita , J. Casares , P. RodrÍguez-Gil , T. Shahbaz , P. A. Charles , C. Sánchez-Fernández , A. J. Castro-Tirado , T. Abbot , and P. Hakala
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:55-56, 2001

  1264. Optical behaviour of XTE J1550-564 and XTE J1859+226 from outburst to quiescence
    C. Sánchez-Fernández , A. J. Castro-Tirado , A. Giménez , C. Zurita , J. Casares , and N. Lund
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:51-54, 2001

  1265. XTE J1550-564: a superluminal ejection during the September 1998 outburst
    D. Hannikainen , D. Campbell-Wilson , R. Hunstead , V. McIntyre , J. Lovell , J. Reynolds , T. Tzioumis , and K. Wu
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:45-48, 2001

  1266. The 2000 April multiwavelength campaign of GRS 1915+105
    Y. Ueda , K. Yamaoka , J. E. Grove , M. McCollough , P. Durouchoux , J. Rodriguez , F. Mirabel , J. Swank , M. Feroci , P. Casella , A. J. Castro-Tirado , C. Sánchez-Fernández , S. Chaty , H. Castaneda , K. Kohno , V. Dhawan , S. A. Trushkin , K. Ebisawa , T. Kotani , and H. Inoue
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:25-28, 2001

  1267. Recent results on X-ray novae and microquasars at radio and infrared wavelengths
    J. Martí
    Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement, v276:3-10, 2001

  1268. The 150\d Modulation of the X-ray Emission of CYG X-1
    S. Özdemir and O. Demircan
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v278:319-325, 2001

  1269. Gamma ray astronomy beyond 2001: What instruments for the newt challenges?
    G. Vedrenne
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v276:337-346, 2001

  1270. Oscillations during thermonuclear x-ray bursts
    T. E. Strohmayer
    Advances in Space Research, v28:511-522, 2001

  1271. Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accretion disks around a weakly magnetized neutron star in strong gravity
    Y. Kato , M. R. Hayashi , S. Miyaji , and R. Matsumoto
    Advances in Space Research, v28:505-510, 2001

  1272. Cygnus X-1 from RXTE: monitoring the short term variability
    K. Pottschmidt , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , M. A. Nowak , W. A. Heindl , and D. M. Smith
    Advances in Space Research, v28:493-498, 2001

  1273. Quasi-periodic oscillations and noise in neutron star and black-hole X-ray binaries
    R. Wijnands
    Advances in Space Research, v28:469-479, 2001

  1274. New measurements of orbital period changes in Cygnus X-3
    B. Paul , S. Naik , N. S. Singh , K. Y. Singh , P. C. Agrawal , A. R. Rao , S. Seetha , and K. Kasturirangan
    Advances in Space Research, v28:405-409, 2001

  1275. HEXTE studies of Sco X-1 spectra: Detections of hard X-ray tails beyond 200 keV
    F. D'Amico , W. A. Heindl , R. E. Rothschild , L. E. Peterson , D. E. Gruber , M. Pelling , and J. A. Tomsick
    Advances in Space Research, v28:389-394, 2001

  1276. Recent results for AGN observed by the Rossi X-ray timing explorer
    G. Madejski , C. Done , and P. Zycki
    Advances in Space Research, v28:369-373, 2001

  1277. X-ray bursts from the galactic X-ray transient source GRS 1915+105
    J. S. Yadav and A. R. Rao
    Advances in Space Research, v28:363-367, 2001

  1278. Spectral evolution of the continuum and disc line in dipping in GRO J1655-40
    M. Balucinska-Church
    Advances in Space Research, v28:349-354, 2001

  1279. X-ray emission characteristics of GRS 1915+105 during the two spectral states
    A. R. Rao , B. Paul , J. S. Yadav , and S. V. Vadawale
    Advances in Space Research, v28:343-347, 2001

  1280. The broad band x-ray/hard x-ray spectra of accreting neutron stars
    D. Barret
    Advances in Space Research, v28:307-321, 2001

  1281. An X-Ray Study of the Helium-Disk Dwarf Nova V803 Centauri
    P. Szkody , K. Nishikida , and W. Liller
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v112:1607-1610, 2000 December

  1282. Long-Term Optical and X-Ray Observations of the Old Novae DI Lacertae and V841 Ophiuchi
    D. W. Hoard , P. Szkody , R. K. Honeycutt , J. Robertson , V. Desai , and T. Hillwig
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v112:1595-1606, 2000 December

  1283. RXTE observations of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5506: evidence for reflection from disc and torus
    G. Lamer , P. Uttley , and I. M. McHardy
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v319:949-955, 2000 December

  1284. No Persistent Pulsations in Aquila X-1 As It Fades into Quiescence
    A. M. Chandler and R. E. Rutledge
    The Astrophysical Journal, v545:1000-1006, 2000 December

  1285. A Broadband X-Ray Study of Supernova Remnant 3C 397
    S. Safi-Harb , R. Petre , K. A. Arnaud , J. W. Keohane , K. J. Borkowski , K. K. Dyer , S. P. Reynolds , and J. P. Hughes
    The Astrophysical Journal, v545:922-938, 2000 December

  1286. The X-Ray Spectral Evolution of η Carinae as Seen by ASCA
    M. F. Corcoran , A. C. Fredericks , R. Petre , J. H. Swank , and S. A. Drake
    The Astrophysical Journal, v545:420-428, 2000 December

  1287. Discovery of the Orbit of the Transient X-Ray Pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545
    A. Baykal , M. J. Stark , and J. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v544:L129-L132, 2000 December

  1288. A Broad Fe Kα Emission Line in the X-Ray Spectrum of the Quasar 3C 273
    T. Yaqoob and P. Serlemitsos
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v544:L95-L99, 2000 December

  1289. Complete RXTE Spectral Observations of the Black Hole X-ray Nova XTE J1550-564
    G. J. Sobczak , J. E. McClintock , R. A. Remillard , W. Cui , A. M. Levine , E. H. Morgan , J. A. Orosz , and C. D. Bailyn
    The Astrophysical Journal, v544:993-1015, 2000 December

  1290. Light Curves and Radio Structure of the 1999 September Transient Event in V4641 Sagittarii (=XTE J1819-254=SAX J1819.3-2525)
    R. M. Hjellming , M. P. Rupen , R. W. Hunstead , D. Campbell-Wilson , A. J. Mioduszewski , B. M. Gaensler , D. A. Smith , R. J. Sault , R. P. Fender , R. E. Spencer , C. J. de la Force , A. M. S. Richards , S. T. Garrington , S. A. Trushkin , F. D. Ghigo , E. B. Waltman , and M. McCollough
    The Astrophysical Journal, v544:977-992, 2000 December

  1291. Radio, X-Ray, and Extreme-Ultraviolet Coronal Variability of the Short-Period RS Canum Venaticorum Binary σ2 Coronae Borealis
    R. A. Osten , A. Brown , T. R. Ayres , J. L. Linsky , S. A. Drake , M. Gagné , and R. A. Stern
    The Astrophysical Journal, v544:953-976, 2000 December

  1292. The Origin of the X-Ray and Ultraviolet Emission in NGC 7469
    K. Nandra , T. Le , I. M. George , R. A. Edelson , R. F. Mushotzky , B. M. Peterson , and T. J. Turner
    The Astrophysical Journal, v544:734-746, 2000 December

  1293. Differences between the two anomalous X-ray pulsars: variations in the spin-down rate of 1E 1048.1-5937 and an extended interval of quiet spin-down in 1E 2259+586
    A. Baykal , T. Strohmayer , J. Swank , M. Ali Alpar , and M. J. Stark
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v319:205-208, 2000 November

  1294. The harmonic and sideband structure of the kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations in Sco X-1
    M. Méndez and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v318:938-942, 2000 November

  1295. The X-ray variability of the Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15 from long ASCA and RXTE observations
    J. C. Lee , A. C. Fabian , C. S. Reynolds , W. N. Brandt , and K. Iwasawa
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v318:857-874, 2000 November

  1296. USA Experiment and RXTE Observations of a Variable Low-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillation in XTE J1118+480
    K. S. Wood , P. S. Ray , R. M. Bandyopadhyay , M. T. Wolff , G. Fritz , P. Hertz , M. P. Kowalski , M. N. Lovellette , D. Yentis , E. D. Bloom , B. Giebels , G. Godfrey , K. Reilly , P. Saz Parkinson , G. Shabad , and J. Scargle
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v544:L45-L48, 2000 November

  1297. Rotational Evolution during Type I X-Ray Bursts
    A. Cumming and L. Bildsten
    The Astrophysical Journal, v544:453-474, 2000 November

  1298. Rapid State Transitions in the Galactic Black Hole Candidate Source GRS 1915+105
    A. R. Rao , J. S. Yadav , and B. Paul
    The Astrophysical Journal, v544:443-452, 2000 November

  1299. Diffuse Galactic Soft Gamma-Ray Emission
    S. E. Boggs , R. P. Lin , S. Slassi-Sennou , W. Coburn , and R. M. Pelling
    The Astrophysical Journal, v544:320-329, 2000 November

  1300. Accretion Column Disruption in GX 1+4
    D. K. Galloway
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v543:L137-L140, 2000 November

  1301. ASCA Observations of the Jet Source XTE J1748-288
    T. Kotani , N. Kawai , F. Nagase , M. Namiki , M. Sakano , T. Takeshima , Y. Ueda , K. Yamaoka , and R. M. Hjellming
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v543:L133-L136, 2000 November

  1302. Thermal X-Ray Emission and Cosmic-Ray Production in Young Supernova Remnants
    A. Decourchelle , D. C. Ellison , and J. Ballet
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v543:L57-L60, 2000 November

  1303. The 1999 Hercules X-1 Anomalous Low State
    W. Coburn , W. A. Heindl , J. Wilms , D. E. Gruber , R. Staubert , R. E. Rothschild , K. A. Postnov , N. Shakura , P. Risse , I. Kreykenbohm , and M. R. Pelling
    The Astrophysical Journal, v543:351-358, 2000 November

  1304. Rapid Synchrotron Flares from BL Lacertae Detected by ASCA and RXTE
    C. Tanihata , T. Takahashi , J. Kataoka , G. M. Madejski , S. Inoue , H. Kubo , F. Makino , J. R. Mattox , and N. Kawai
    The Astrophysical Journal, v543:124-130, 2000 November

  1305. High frequencies in the power spectrum of Cyg X-1 in the hard and soft spectral states
    M. Revnivtsev , M. Gilfanov , and E. Churazov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v363:1013-1018, 2000 November

  1306. Magnetic flares and the optical variability of the X-ray transient XTE J1118+480
    A. Merloni , T. Di Matteo , and A. C. Fabian
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v318:L15-L19, 2000 October

  1307. Are there three peaks in the power spectra of GX 339-4 and Cyg X-1?
    M. A. Nowak
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v318:361-367, 2000 October

  1308. The Orbit of the Binary X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1538-52 from Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations
    G. W. Clark
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v542:L131-L133, 2000 October

  1309. Canonical Timing and Spectral Behavior of LMC X-3 in the Low/Hard State
    P. T. Boyd , A. P. Smale , J. Homan , P. G. Jonker , M. van der Klis , and E. Kuulkers
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v542:L127-L130, 2000 October

  1310. The Global Normal Disk Oscillations and the Persistent Low-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in X-Ray Binaries
    L. Titarchuk and V. Osherovich
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v542:L111-L114, 2000 October

  1311. Complex Spectral Variability from Intensive Multiwavelength Monitoring of Markarian 421 in 1998
    T. Takahashi , J. Kataoka , G. Madejski , J. Mattox , C. M. Urry , S. Wagner , F. Aharonian , M. Catanese , L. Chiappetti , P. Coppi , B. Degrange , G. Fossati , H. Kubo , H. Krawczynski , F. Makino , H. Marshall , L. Maraschi , F. Piron , R. Remillard , F. Takahara , M. Tashiro , H. Terasranta , and T. Weekes
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v542:L105-L109, 2000 October

  1312. Detection of a Compact X-Ray Source in the Supernova Remnant G29.6+0.1: A Variable Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar?
    G. Vasisht , E. V. Gotthelf , K. Torii , and B. M. Gaensler
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v542:L49-L52, 2000 October

  1313. Nearly Coherent Oscillations in Type I X-Ray Bursts from KS 1731-260
    M. P. Muno , D. W. Fox , E. H. Morgan , and L. Bildsten
    The Astrophysical Journal, v542:1016-1033, 2000 October

  1314. RXTE Studies of Long-Term X-Ray Spectral Variations in 4U 1820-30
    P. F. Bloser , J. E. Grindlay , P. Kaaret , W. Zhang , A. P. Smale , and D. Barret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v542:1000-1015, 2000 October

  1315. RXTE Studies of X-Ray Spectral Variations with Accretion Rate in 4U 1915-05
    P. F. Bloser , J. E. Grindlay , D. Barret , and L. Boirin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v542:989-999, 2000 October

  1316. A Search for Aperiodic Millisecond Variability in Cygnus X-1
    C. Chaput , E. Bloom , L. Cominsky , G. Godfrey , P. Hertz , J. Scargle , G. Shabad , H. Wen , K. Wood , and D. Yentis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v541:1026-1032, 2000 October

  1317. Phase Lag Variability Associated with the 0.5-10 HZ Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in GRS 1915+105
    P. Reig , T. Belloni , M. van der Klis , M. Méndez , N. D. Kylafis , and E. C. Ford
    The Astrophysical Journal, v541:883-888, 2000 October

  1318. Hard X-Ray Observation of Abell 496
    A. Valinia , K. Arnaud , M. Loewenstein , R. F. Mushotzky , and R. Kelley
    The Astrophysical Journal, v541:550-555, 2000 October

  1319. RXTE observations of XTE J2012+381 during its 1998 outburst
    L. Vasiliev , S. Trudolyubov , and M. Revnivtsev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v362:L53-L56, 2000 October

  1320. Disk-jet connection in GRS 1915+105: X-ray soft dips as cause of radio flares
    S. Naik and A. R. Rao
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v362:691-696, 2000 October

  1321. On the peculiar X-ray properties of the bright nearby radio-quiet quasar PDS 456
    C. Vignali , A. Comastri , F. Nicastro , G. Matt , F. Fiore , and G. G. C. Palumbo
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v362:69-74, 2000 October

  1322. X-Ray variability of NLS1s and BLS1s
    R. Edelson
    New Astronomy Review, v44:423-425, 2000 September

  1323. An exploratory study of the hard X-ray variability properties of PG quasars with RXTE
    M. Guainazzi , F. Fiore , E. Giallongo , A. Laor , M. Elvis , and A. Siemiginowska
    New Astronomy Review, v44:415-417, 2000 September

  1324. X-ray spectral complexity in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
    S. Vaughan , K. Pounds , R. Warwick , J. Reeves , and R. Edelson
    New Astronomy Review, v44:411-413, 2000 September

  1325. Correlated V/R and infrared photometric variations in the Be/X-ray binary LS I +61° 235/RX J0146.9+6121
    P. Reig , I. Negueruela , M. J. Coe , J. Fabregat , A. E. Tarasov , and R. K. Zamanov
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v317:205-210, 2000 September

  1326. Orbital Decay in LMC X-4
    A. M. Levine , S. A. Rappaport , and G. Zojcheski
    The Astrophysical Journal, v541:194-202, 2000 September

  1327. Discovery of a New, Third Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation in 4U 1608-52, 4U 1728-34, and 4U 1636-53: Sidebands to the Lower Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation?
    P. G. Jonker , M. Méndez , and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v540:L29-L32, 2000 September

  1328. Relations between Timing Features and Colors in the X-Ray Binary 4U 0614+09
    S. van Straaten , E. C. Ford , M. van der Klis , M. Méndez , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v540:1049-1061, 2000 September

  1329. A Search for Rotational Modulation of X-Ray Centers on the Classical BE Star γ Cassiopeiae
    R. D. Robinson and M. A. Smith
    The Astrophysical Journal, v540:474-488, 2000 September

  1330. Using Astrophysical Data Archives In Astrophysical Research: RXTE As A Case Study
    H. A. Sabat
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v273:141-153, 2000 September

  1331. Discovery of a 0.08 Hz QPO in the power spectrum of black hole candidate XTE J1118+480
    M. Revnivtsev , R. Sunyaev , and K. Borozdin
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v361:L37-L39, 2000 September

  1332. Kilohertz QPOs, the marginally stable orbit, and the mass of the central sources - a maximum likelihood test
    T. Bulik , W. Kluzniak , and W. Zhang
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v361:153-158, 2000 September

  1333. Low and high frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in 4U1915-05
    L. Boirin , D. Barret , J. F. Olive , P. F. Bloser , and J. E. Grindlay
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v361:121-138, 2000 September

  1334. The transient X-ray source SAX J2239.3+6116 and its optical counterpart
    J. J. M. in't Zand , J. Halpern , M. Eracleous , M. McCollough , T. Augusteijn , R. A. Remillard , and J. Heise
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v361:85-91, 2000 September

  1335. Discovery and Photometric Observation of the Optical Counterpart of a Possible Galactic Halo X-Ray Transient, XTE J1118+480
    M. Uemura , T. Kato , K. Matsumoto , H. Yamaoka , K. Takamizawa , Y. Sano , K. Haseda , L. M. Cook , D. Buczynski , and G. Masi
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v52:L15-L20, 2000 August

  1336. Frequency-resolved spectroscopy of Cyg X-1: fast variability of the reflected emission in the soft state
    M. Gilfanov , E. Churazov , and M. Revnivtsev
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v316:923-928, 2000 August

  1337. RXTE observation of NGC 6240: a search for the obscured active nucleus
    Y. Ikebe , K. Leighly , Y. Tanaka , T. Nakagawa , Y. Terashima , and S. Komossa
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v316:433-441, 2000 August

  1338. The X-Ray Transient XTE J1118+480: Multiwavelength Observations of a Low-State Minioutburst
    R. I. Hynes , C. W. Mauche , C. A. Haswell , C. R. Shrader , W. Cui , and S. Chaty
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v539:L37-L40, 2000 August

  1339. A 695 HZ Quasi-periodic Oscillation in the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO 0748-676
    J. Homan and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v539:847-850, 2000 August

  1340. The 35 Day Evolution of the Hercules X-1 Pulse Profile: Evidence for a Resolved Inner Disk Occultation of the Neutron Star
    D. M. Scott , D. A. Leahy , and R. B. Wilson
    The Astrophysical Journal, v539:392-412, 2000 August

  1341. ASCA Observation of the New Transient X-Ray Pulsar XTE J0111.2-7317 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
    J. Yokogawa , B. Paul , M. Ozaki , F. Nagase , D. Chakrabarty , and T. Takeshima
    The Astrophysical Journal, v539:191-196, 2000 August

  1342. Unusual quiescent X-ray activity from XTE J0421+560
    A. N. Parmar , T. Belloni , M. Orlandini , D. Dal Fiume , A. Orr , and N. Masetti
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v360:L31-L34, 2000 August

  1343. X-ray spectral components in the hard state of GRS 1915+105: origin of the 0.5 - 10 Hz QPO
    A. R. Rao , S. Naik , S. V. Vadawale , and S. K. Chakrabarti
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v360:L25-L29, 2000 August

  1344. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in three dimensional radiative jets
    M. Micono , G. Bodo , S. Massaglia , P. Rossi , A. Ferrari , and R. Rosner
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v360:795-808, 2000 August

  1345. A study of the dipping low mass X-ray binary X 1624-490 from the broadband BeppoSAX observation
    M. Balucinska-Church , P. J. Humphrey , M. J. Church , and A. N. Parmar
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v360:583-591, 2000 August

  1346. An EUVE observation of the globular cluster NGC 1851: The second EUV detection of a low mass X-ray binary?
    P. J. Callanan , J. J. Drake , A. Fruscione , and D. Christian
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v360:559-561, 2000 August

  1347. Optical studies of the X-ray transient XTE J2123-058 - I. Photometry
    C. Zurita , J. Casares , T. Shahbaz , P. A. Charles , R. I. Hynes , S. Shugarov , V. Goransky , E. P. Pavlenko , and Y. Kuznetsova
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v316:137-142, 2000 July

  1348. Erratum: RXTE observations of Galactic microquasar XTE J1748-288 during its 1998 outburst
    M. G. Revnivtsev , S. P. Trudolyubov , and K. N. Borozdin
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v315:655-656, 2000 July

  1349. The Timing Evolution of 4U 1630-47 during Its 1998 Outburst
    S. W. Dieters , T. Belloni , E. Kuulkers , P. Woods , W. Cui , S. N. Zhang , W. Chen , M. van der Klis , J. van Paradijs , J. Swank , W. H. G. Lewin , and C. Kouveliotou
    The Astrophysical Journal, v538:307-314, 2000 July

  1350. Correlated Intense X-Ray and TEV Activity of Markarian 501 in 1998 June
    R. M. Sambruna , F. A. Aharonian , H. Krawczynski , A. G. Akhperjanian , J. A. Barrio , K. Bernlöhr , H. Bojahr , I. Calle , J. L. Contreras , J. Cortina , S. Denninghoff , V. Fonseca , J. C. Gonzalez , N. Götting , G. Heinzelmann , M. Hemberger , G. Hermann , A. Heusler , W. Hofmann , D. Horns , A. Ibarra , R. Kankanyan , M. Kestel , J. Kettler , C. Köhler , A. Kohnle , A. Konopelko , H. Kornmeyer , D. Kranich , H. Lampeitl , A. Lindner , E. Lorenz , N. Magnussen , O. Mang , H. Meyer , R. Mirzoyan , A. Moralejo , L. Padilla , M. Panter , R. Plaga , A. Plyasheshnikov , J. Prahl , G. Pühlhofer , G. Rauterberg , A. Röhring , V. Sahakian , M. Samorski , M. Schilling , D. Schmele , F. Schröder , W. Stamm , M. Tluczykont , H. J. Völk , B. Wiebel-Sooth , C. Wiedner , M. Willmer , W. Wittek , L. Chou , P. S. Coppi , R. Rothschild , and C. M. Urry
    The Astrophysical Journal, v538:127-133, 2000 July

  1351. Discovery of a 6.4 KEV Emission Line in a Burst from SGR 1900+14
    T. E. Strohmayer and A. I. Ibrahim
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v537:L111-L114, 2000 July

  1352. A Glitch in an Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar
    V. M. Kaspi , J. R. Lackey , and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v537:L31-L34, 2000 July

  1353. Diffuse Continuum Gamma Rays from the Galaxy
    A. W. Strong , I. V. Moskalenko , and O. Reimer
    The Astrophysical Journal, v537:763-784, 2000 July

  1354. Hard X-Ray Spectra of Broad-Line Radio Galaxies from the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    M. Eracleous , R. Sambruna , and R. F. Mushotzky
    The Astrophysical Journal, v537:654-666, 2000 July

  1355. X-Ray Spectral and Timing Evolution during the Decay of the 1998 Outburst from the Recurrent X-Ray Transient 4U 1630-47
    J. A. Tomsick and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v537:448-460, 2000 July

  1356. A Multiwavelength Campaign on γ Cassiopeiae. IV. The Case for Illuminated Disk-enhanced Wind Streams
    S. R. Cranmer , M. A. Smith , and R. D. Robinson
    The Astrophysical Journal, v537:433-447, 2000 July

  1357. The Power Spectral Properties of the Z Source GX 340+0
    P. G. Jonker , M. van der Klis , R. Wijnands , J. Homan , J. van Paradijs , M. Méndez , E. C. Ford , E. Kuulkers , and F. K. Lamb
    The Astrophysical Journal, v537:374-386, 2000 July

  1358. Simultaneous Measurements of X-Ray Luminosity and Kilohertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    E. C. Ford , M. van der Klis , M. Méndez , R. Wijnands , J. Homan , P. G. Jonker , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal, v537:368-373, 2000 July

  1359. Attenuation of Beaming Oscillations near Neutron Stars
    M. C. Miller
    The Astrophysical Journal, v537:342-350, 2000 July

  1360. Strange stars - linear approximation of the EOS and maximum QPO frequency
    J. L. Zdunik
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v359:311-315, 2000 July

  1361. On the mass of moderately rotating strange stars in the MIT bag model and LMXBs
    J. L. Zdunik , T. Bulik , W. Kluzniak , P. Haensel , and D. Gondek-Rosinska
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v359:143-147, 2000 July

  1362. The X-ray observation of newly discovered transient XTE J1748-288 by the Indian X-ray Astronomy Experiment
    S. Naik , P. C. Agrawal , B. Paul , A. R. Rao , S. Seetha , and K. Kasturirangan
    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v28:289-291, 2000 June

  1363. Near absence of hard X-ray pulsation from GS 1843+00 in the middle of burst phase
    R. K. Manchanda
    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v28:277-280, 2000 June

  1364. RXTE Observations of the X-Ray Binary 2S 0114+650
    T. A. Hall , J. P. Finley , R. H. D. Corbet , and R. C. Thomas
    The Astrophysical Journal, v536:450-454, 2000 June

  1365. The Relativistic Iron Line Profile in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy IC 4329A
    C. Done , G. M. Madejski , and P. T. Zycki
    The Astrophysical Journal, v536:213-224, 2000 June

  1366. Discovery of High-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1859+226
    W. Cui , C. R. Shrader , C. A. Haswell , and R. I. Hynes
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v535:L123-L127, 2000 June

  1367. Relativistic Effects in the Pulse Profile of the 2.5 Millisecond X-Ray Pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
    E. C. Ford
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v535:L119-L122, 2000 June

  1368. Structure of the Circumnuclear Region of Seyfert 2 Galaxies Revealed by Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Hard X-Ray Observations of NGC 4945
    G. Madejski , P. Zycki , C. Done , A. Valinia , P. Blanco , R. Rothschild , and B. Turek
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v535:L87-L90, 2000 June

  1369. Disk mass accretion rate and infrared flares in GRS 1915+105
    T. Belloni , S. Migliari , and R. P. Fender
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v358:L29-L32, 2000 June

  1370. Determining the mass of the accreting white dwarf in magnetic cataclysmic variables using RXTE data
    G. Ramsay
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v314:403-408, 2000 May

  1371. The SMC X-ray transient XTE J0111.2-7317: a Be/X-ray binary in a supernova remnant?
    M. J. Coe , N. J. Haigh , and P. Reig
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v314:290-294, 2000 May

  1372. Timing Noise in SGR 1806-20
    P. M. Woods , C. Kouveliotou , M. H. Finger , E. Gögüs , D. M. Scott , S. Dieters , C. Thompson , R. C. Duncan , K. Hurley , T. Strohmayer , J. Swank , and T. Murakami
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v535:L55-L58, 2000 May

  1373. A High Signal-to-Noise Ultraviolet Spectrum of NGC 7469: New Support for Reprocessing of Continuum Radiation
    G. A. Kriss , B. M. Peterson , D. M. Crenshaw , and W. Zheng
    The Astrophysical Journal, v535:58-72, 2000 May

  1374. Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binary Sources and Their Relation to the Neutron Star Magnetic Field
    S. Campana
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v534:L79-L82, 2000 May

  1375. A Giant Glitch in the Energetic 69 Millisecond X-Ray Pulsar AXS J161730-505505
    K. Torii , E. V. Gotthelf , G. Vasisht , T. Dotani , and K. Kinugasa
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v534:L71-L74, 2000 May

  1376. A Rapid X-ray Flare from Markarian 501
    M. Catanese and R. M. Sambruna
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v534:L39-L42, 2000 May

  1377. On the Disappearance of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations at a High Mass Accretion Rate in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    W. Cui
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v534:L31-L34, 2000 May

  1378. The Reappearance of the Transient Low-Mass X-Ray Binary X1658-298
    S. Wachter , A. P. Smale , and C. Bailyn
    The Astrophysical Journal, v534:367-372, 2000 May

  1379. Measurement of the Galactic X-Ray/Gamma-Ray Background Radiation: Contribution of Discrete Sources
    A. Valinia , R. L. Kinzer , and F. E. Marshall
    The Astrophysical Journal, v534:277-282, 2000 May

  1380. Intensive HST, RXTE, and ASCA Monitoring of NGC 3516: Evidence against Thermal Reprocessing
    R. Edelson , A. Koratkar , K. Nandra , M. Goad , B. M. Peterson , S. Collier , J. Krolik , M. Malkan , D. Maoz , P. O'Brien , J. M. Shull , S. Vaughan , and R. Warwick
    The Astrophysical Journal, v534:180-188, 2000 May

  1381. An X-ray burst with strong photospheric radius expansion observed from the source 4U1724-307 in Terzan 2
    S. V. Molkov , S. A. Grebenev , and A. A. Lutovinov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v357:L41-L44, 2000 May

  1382. Temporal evolution of X-ray lags in Cygnus X-1
    K. Pottschmidt , J. Wilms , M. A. Nowak , W. A. Heindl , D. M. Smith , and R. Staubert
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v357:L17-L20, 2000 May

  1383. BeppoSAX observations of the nearby low-mass X-ray binary and fast transient SAX J1819.3-2525
    J. J. M. in't Zand , E. Kuulkers , A. Bazzano , R. Cornelisse , M. Cocchi , J. Heise , J. M. Muller , L. Natalucci , M. J. S. Smith , and P. Ubertini
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v357:520-526, 2000 May

  1384. Short-term pulse frequency fluctuations of OAO 1657-415 from RXTE observations
    A. Baykal
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v313:637-640, 2000 April

  1385. Some Startling Discoveries about X-Ray Bursts
    D. Q. Lamb
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v127:395-408, 2000 April

  1386. Detection of a 5 HZ Quasi-periodic Oscillation from X-Ray Nova GRS 1739-278
    K. N. Borozdin and S. P. Trudolyubov
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v533:L131-L134, 2000 April

  1387. On the Lack of X-Ray Iron Line Reverberation in MCG -6-30-15: Implications for the Black Hole Mass and Accretion Disk Structure
    C. S. Reynolds
    The Astrophysical Journal, v533:811-820, 2000 April

  1388. Hard X-Ray Emission from Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    D. Barret , J. F. Olive , L. Boirin , C. Done , G. K. Skinner , and J. E. Grindlay
    The Astrophysical Journal, v533:329-351, 2000 April

  1389. Statistical Properties of SGR 1806-20 Bursts
    E. Gögüs , P. M. Woods , C. Kouveliotou , J. van Paradijs , M. S. Briggs , R. C. Duncan , and C. Thompson
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v532:L121-L124, 2000 April

  1390. Identification of a Likely Radio Counterpart to the Rapid Burster
    C. B. Moore , R. E. Rutledge , D. W. Fox , R. A. Guerriero , W. H. G. Lewin , R. Fender , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal, v532:1181-1191, 2000 April

  1391. X1908+075: An X-Ray Binary with a 4.4 Day Period
    L. Wen , R. A. Remillard , and H. V. Bradt
    The Astrophysical Journal, v532:1119-1123, 2000 April

  1392. Simultaneous Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer and Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of AM Herculis
    D. J. Christian
    The Astronomical Journal, v119:1930-1941, 2000 April

  1393. The first radius-expansion X-ray burst from GX 3+1
    E. Kuulkers and M. van der Klis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v356:L45-L48, 2000 April

  1394. Post-glitch RXTE-PCA observations of the Vela pulsar
    M. A. Gürkan , A. Baykal , M. A. Alpar , H. B. Ögelman , and T. Strohmayer
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v356:1136-1140, 2000 April

  1395. Innermost stable circular orbits around strange stars and kHz QPOs in low-mass X-ray binaries
    J. L. Zdunik , P. Haensel , D. Gondek-Rosinska , and E. Gourgoulhon
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v356:612-618, 2000 April

  1396. X-ray/optical observations of XTE J0421+560/CI Cam in quiescence
    M. Orlandini , A. N. Parmar , F. Frontera , N. Masetti , D. Dal Fiume , A. Orr , A. Piccioni , G. Raimondo , A. Santangelo , G. Valentini , and T. Belloni
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v356:163-170, 2000 April

  1397. Photometric observations of the radio bright B[e]/X-ray binary CI Cam
    J. S. Clark , A. S. Miroshnichenko , V. M. Larionov , V. M. Lyuty , R. I. Hynes , G. G. Pooley , M. J. Coe , M. McCollough , S. Dieters , Y. S. Efimov , J. Fabregat , V. P. Goranskii , C. A. Haswell , N. V. Metlova , E. L. Robinson , P. Roche , V. I. Shenavrin , and W. F. Welsh
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v356:50-62, 2000 April

  1398. Discovery of a red- and blueshifted iron disc line in the Galactic jet source GROJ1655-40
    M. Balucinska-Church and M. J. Church
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v312:L55-L59, 2000 March

  1399. Simultaneous EUV and X-ray variability of NGC 4051
    P. Uttley , I. M. McHardy , I. E. Papadakis , I. Cagnoni , and A. Fruscione
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v312:880-886, 2000 March

  1400. Optical counter-parts of Gamma Ray Bursts
    P. N. Bhat
    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v28:165, 2000 March

  1401. Faint Infrared Flares from the Microquasar GRS 1915+105
    S. S. Eikenberry , K. Matthews , M. Muno , P. R. Blanco , E. H. Morgan , and R. A. Remillard
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v532:L33-L36, 2000 March

  1402. Simultaneous Observations of GRS 1758-258 in 1997 by VLA, IRAM, SEST, RXTE, and OSSE: Spectroscopy and Timing
    D. Lin , I. A. Smith , E. P. Liang , T. Bridgman , D. M. Smith , J. Martí , P. Durouchoux , I. F. Mirabel , and L. F. Rodríguez
    The Astrophysical Journal, v532:548-562, 2000 March

  1403. Phase Lag and Coherence Function of X-Ray Emission from Black Hole Candidate XTE J1550-564
    W. Cui , S. N. Zhang , and W. Chen
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v531:L45-L48, 2000 March

  1404. Correlation among Quasi-Periodic Oscillation Frequencies and Quiescent-State Duration in Black Hole Candidate GRS 1915+105
    S. K. Chakrabarti and S. G. Manickam
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v531:L41-L44, 2000 March

  1405. Implications of the X-Ray Variability for the Mass of MCG -6-30-15
    M. A. Nowak and J. Chiang
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v531:L13-L16, 2000 March

  1406. The Energy Dependence of the Aperiodic Variability for Cygnus X-1, GX 339-4, GRS 1758-258, and 1E 1740.7-2942
    D. Lin , I. A. Smith , M. Böttcher , and E. P. Liang
    The Astrophysical Journal, v531:963-970, 2000 March

  1407. Correlations between Low-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations and Spectral Parameters in XTE J1550-564 and GRO J1655-40
    G. J. Sobczak , J. E. McClintock , R. A. Remillard , W. Cui , A. M. Levine , E. H. Morgan , J. A. Orosz , and C. D. Bailyn
    The Astrophysical Journal, v531:537-545, 2000 March

  1408. BeppoSAX Observation of NGC 7582: Constraints on the X-Ray Absorber
    T. J. Turner , G. C. Perola , F. Fiore , G. Matt , I. M. George , L. Piro , and L. Bassani
    The Astrophysical Journal, v531:245-256, 2000 March

  1409. Possible signatures for strange stars in stellar X-ray binaries
    B. Datta , A. V. Thampan , and I. Bombaci
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v355:L19-L22, 2000 March

  1410. A model-independent analysis of the variability of GRS 1915+105
    T. Belloni , M. Klein-Wolt , M. Méndez , M. van der Klis , and J. van Paradijs
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v355:271-290, 2000 March

  1411. PDS 456: an extreme accretion rate quasar?
    J. N. Reeves , P. T. O'Brien , S. Vaughan , D. Law-Green , M. Ward , C. Simpson , K. A. Pounds , and R. Edelson
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v312:L17-L21, 2000 February

  1412. RXTE observations of Galactic microquasar XTE J1748-288 during its 1998 outburst
    M. G. Revnivtsev , S. P. Trudolyubov , and K. N. Borozdin
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v312:151-158, 2000 February

  1413. The 0.1-100keV spectrum and variability of Mrk 421 in a high state
    A. Malizia , M. Capalbi , F. Fiore , P. Giommi , G. Gandolfi , A. Tesseri , L. A. Antonelli , R. C. Butler , G. Celidonio , A. Coletta , L. Di Ciolo , J. M. Muller , L. Piro , S. Rebecchi , D. Ricci , R. Ricci , M. Smith , and V. Torroni
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v312:123-129, 2000 February

  1414. The distribution of X-ray dips with orbital phase in Cygnus X-1
    M. Balucinska-Church , M. J. Church , P. A. Charles , F. Nagase , J. LaSala , and R. Barnard
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v311:861-868, 2000 February

  1415. Spectral variation in the X-ray pulsar GX 1+4 during a low-flux episode
    D. K. Galloway , A. B. Giles , J. G. Greenhill , and M. C. Storey
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v311:755-761, 2000 February

  1416. The Orbital Period of the Be/Neutron Star Binary RX J0812.4-3114
    R. H. D. Corbet and A. G. Peele
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v530:L33-L36, 2000 February

  1417. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of an Outburst of Recurrent X-Ray Nova GS 1354-644
    M. G. Revnivtsev , K. N. Borozdin , W. C. Priedhorsky , and A. Vikhlinin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v530:955-965, 2000 February

  1418. Correlated Timing and Spectral Variations of the Soft X-Ray Transient Aquila X-1: Evidence for an Atoll Classification
    P. Reig , M. Méndez , M. van der Klis , and E. C. Ford
    The Astrophysical Journal, v530:916-922, 2000 February

  1419. Discovery of Kilohertz Fluctuations in Centaurus X-3: Evidence for Photon Bubble Oscillations (PBO) and Turbulence in a High-Mass X-Ray Binary Pulsar
    J. G. Jernigan , R. I. Klein , and J. Arons
    The Astrophysical Journal, v530:875-889, 2000 February

  1420. Evidence for Doppler-shifted Iron Emission Lines in Black Hole Candidate 4U 1630-47
    W. Cui , W. Chen , and S. N. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal, v529:952-960, 2000 February

  1421. Observation of X-ray transient XTE J1748-288 by the Indian X-ray astronomy experiment
    S. Naik , P. C. Agrawal , B. Paul , A. R. Rao , S. Seetha , and K. Kasturirangan
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v354:938-942, 2000 February

  1422. Coordinated Optical and X-Ray Observations of the AM Herculis Objects VV Puppis, V834 Centauri, and EF Eridani
    J. N. Imamura , T. Y. Steiman-Cameron , and M. T. Wolff
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v112:18-30, 2000 January

  1423. X-ray/optical bursts from GS1826-24
    A. K. H. Kong , L. Homer , E. Kuulkers , P. A. Charles , and A. P. Smale
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v311:405-413, 2000 January

  1424. Variability of Cyg X-1 (V1357 Cyg) in 1995-1996 during the Hard and Soft X-ray Spectral States
    E. A. Karitskaya , V. P. Goranskii , K. N. Grankin , and S. Y. Mel'Nikov
    Astronomy Letters, v26:22-33, 2000 January

  1425. Pulse Profiles, Accretion Column Dips, and a Flare in GX 1+4 During a Faint State
    A. B. Giles , D. K. Galloway , J. G. Greenhill , M. C. Storey , and C. A. Wilson
    The Astrophysical Journal, v529:447-452, 2000 January

  1426. The Rapid X-Ray Variability of V4641 Sagittarii (SAX J1819.3-2525 = XTE J1819-254)
    R. Wijnands and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v528:L93-L96, 2000 January

  1427. LMC X-2: The First Extragalactic Z Source?
    A. P. Smale and E. Kuulkers
    The Astrophysical Journal, v528:702-710, 2000 January

  1428. Simultaneous X-Ray and Radio Monitoring of the Unusual Binary LS I +61 deg303: Measurements of the Light Curve and High-Energy Spectrum
    F. A. Harrison , P. S. Ray , D. A. Leahy , E. B. Waltman , and G. G. Pooley
    The Astrophysical Journal, v528:454-461, 2000 January

  1429. Changes in the Long-Term Intensity Variations in Cygnus X-2 and LMC X-3
    B. Paul , S. Kitamoto , and F. Makino
    The Astrophysical Journal, v528:410-417, 2000 January

  1430. Simultaneous EUVE/ASCA/RXTE Observations of NGC 5548
    J. Chiang , C. S. Reynolds , O. M. Blaes , M. A. Nowak , N. Murray , G. Madejski , H. L. Marshall , and P. Magdziarz
    The Astrophysical Journal, v528:292-305, 2000 January

  1431. A Possible 100 Day X-Ray-to-Optical Lag in the Variations of the Seyfert 1 Nucleus NGC 3516
    D. Maoz , R. Edelson , and K. Nandra
    The Astronomical Journal, v119:119-125, 2000 January

  1432. HEGRA search for TeV emission from BL Lacertae objects
    F. A. Aharonian , A. G. Akhperjanian , J. A. Barrio , K. Bernlöhr , H. Bojahr , I. Calle , J. L. Contreras , J. Cortina , A. Daum , T. Deckers , S. Denninghoff , V. Fonseca , J. C. Gonzalez , G. Heinzelmann , M. Hemberger , G. Hermann , M. Heß , A. Heusler , W. Hofmann , H. Hohl , D. Horns , A. Ibarra , R. Kankanyan , M. Kestel , J. Kettler , C. Köhler , A. Konopelko , H. Kornmeyer , D. Kranich , H. Krawczynski , H. Lampeitl , A. Lindner , E. Lorenz , N. Magnussen , O. Mang , H. Meyer , R. Mirzoyan , A. Moralejo , L. Padilla , M. Panter , D. Petry , R. Plaga , A. Plyasheshnikov , J. Prahl , G. Pühlhofer , G. Rauterberg , C. Renault , W. Rhode , A. Röhring , V. Sahakian , M. Samorski , D. Schmele , M. Schilling , F. Schröder , W. Stamm , H. J. Völk , B. Wiebel-Sooth , C. Wiedner , M. Willmer , and W. Wittek
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v353:847-852, 2000 January

  1433. Luminosity dependent changes in the X-ray pulse profile of the transient pulsar Cepheus X-4 during its declining phase of the 1997 outburst
    K. Mukerjee , P. C. Agrawal , B. Paul , A. R. Rao , S. Seetha , and K. Kasturirangan
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v353:239-243, 2000 January

  1434. X-ray/TeV-gamma-ray observations of several strong flares of Mkn 501 during 1997 and implications
    H. Krawczynski , P. S. Coppi , T. Maccarone , and F. A. Aharonian
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v353:97-107, 2000 January

  1435. X-ray observation of XTE J2012+381 during the 1998 outburst.
    S. Naik , P. C. Agrawal , B. Paul , A. R. Rao , S. Seetha , and K. Kasturirangan
    Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, v21:29-38, 2000

  1436. Correlation between the kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillation and energy spectrum of Aql X-1
    J. Qu , W. Yu , and T. Li
    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, v24:153-158, 2000

  1437. X-Ray Variability of The Afterglow from GRB970828
    A. Yoshida , M. Namiki , C. Otani , N. Kawai , T. Murakami , Y. Ueda , R. Shibata , and S. Uno
    Advances in Space Research, v25:761-764, 2000

  1438. X-ray Emission Properties of Rotation-Driven Pulsars
    W. Becker
    Advances in Space Research, v25:647-658, 2000

  1439. Different Types of X-ray Bursts During High State of the Superluminal Source GRS 1915+105
    J. S. Yadav , P. C. Agrawal , B. Paul , A. R. Rao , S. Seetha , and K. Kasturirangan
    Advances in Space Research, v25:441-444, 2000

  1440. ASCA Observations of Two New X-ray pulsars near SMC X-3
    M. Ozaki , R. H. D. Corbet , F. E. Marshall , and J. C. Lochner
    Advances in Space Research, v25:425-428, 2000

  1441. Low and High Frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in 4U1915-05
    L. Boirin , D. Barret , J. F. Olive , J. E. Grindlay , and P. F. Bloser
    Advances in Space Research, v25:387-390, 2000

  1442. No High Frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations from the X-ray Burster 1E1724-3045
    D. Barret , J. F. Olive , L. Boirin , J. E. Grindlay , J. H. Swank , and A. P. Smale
    Advances in Space Research, v25:383-386, 2000

  1443. RXTE Broad Band X-ray Spectrum of the Burster 1E1724-3045
    J. F. Olive , D. Barret , L. Boirin , and J. E. Grindlay
    Advances in Space Research, v25:369-374, 2000

  1444. Studies of Binary Sources with the Indian X-ray Astronomy Experiment
    P. C. Agrawal , K. Mukerjee , S. Naik , B. Paul , A. R. Rao , J. S. Yadav , K. Kasturirangan , S. Seetha , and K. Y. Singh
    Advances in Space Research, v25:357-362, 2000

  1445. Direct demodulation imaging analysis of the combined two sets of SSC data of RXTE ASM.
    Y. Chen , L. Song , T. Li , and W. Cui
    Acta Astronomica Sinica, v41:214-218, 2000

  1446. Millisecond Oscillations in X-ray Binaries
    M. van der Klis
    Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, v38:717-760, 2000

  1447. Angular momentum transfer in the binary X-ray pulsar GX 1+4
    J. G. Greenhill , D. K. Galloway , and J. R. Murray
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, v16:240-6, 1999 December

  1448. First constraints on iron abundance versus reflection fraction from the Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15
    J. C. Lee , A. C. Fabian , W. N. Brandt , C. S. Reynolds , and K. Iwasawa
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v310:973-981, 1999 December

  1449. Simultaneous X-ray and IR variability in the quasar 3C 273
    I. McHardy , A. Lawson , A. Newsam , A. Marscher , I. Robson , and J. Stevens
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v310:571-576, 1999 December

  1450. On the Nature of the Compact Star in 4U 1728-34
    X. Li , S. Ray , J. Dey , M. Dey , and I. Bombaci
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v527:L51-L54, 1999 December

  1451. On the Nature of XTE J0421+560/CI Camelopardalis
    T. Belloni , S. Dieters , M. E. van den Ancker , R. P. Fender , D. W. Fox , B. A. Harmon , M. van der Klis , J. M. Kommers , W. H. G. Lewin , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal, v527:345-352, 1999 December

  1452. A Cessation of X-Ray Dipping Activity in X1254-690
    A. P. Smale and S. Wachter
    The Astrophysical Journal, v527:341-344, 1999 December

  1453. The Orbital Period of the Accreting Pulsar GX 1+4
    M. G. Pereira , J. Braga , and F. Jablonski
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v526:L105-L109, 1999 December

  1454. Statistical Properties of SGR 1900+14 Bursts
    E. GögüS , P. M. Woods , C. Kouveliotou , J. van Paradijs , M. S. Briggs , R. C. Duncan , and C. Thompson
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v526:L93-L96, 1999 December

  1455. Twin Peak Separation in Sources with Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations Caused by Orbital Motion
    V. Karas
    The Astrophysical Journal, v526:953-956, 1999 December

  1456. Localizations of 13 Gamma-Ray Bursts by the All-Sky Monitor on the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    D. A. Smith , A. M. Levine , H. V. Bradt , R. Remillard , J. G. Jernigan , K. C. Hurley , L. Wen , M. Briggs , T. Cline , E. Mazets , S. Golenetskii , and D. Frederics
    The Astrophysical Journal, v526:683-696, 1999 December

  1457. Keplerian frequencies and innermost stable circular orbits of rapidly rotating strange stars
    N. Stergioulas , W. Kluzniak , and T. Bulik
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v352:L116-L120, 1999 December

  1458. Evidence for an ~ 80 day periodicity in the X-ray transient pulsar XTE J1946+274
    S. Campana , G. Israel , and L. Stella
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v352:L91-L94, 1999 December

  1459. Detection of optical bursts from the transient X-ray source XTE J2123-058
    C. D. Gneiding , J. E. Steiner , and D. Cieslinski
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v352:543-546, 1999 December

  1460. Reflection and noise in Cygnus X-1
    M. Gilfanov , E. Churazov , and M. Revnivtsev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v352:182-188, 1999 December

  1461. The X-ray source GRS 1915 + 105: The low-luminosity state and transitions between the states during 1996-1997 (RXTE observations)
    S. P. Trudolyubov , E. M. Churazov , and M. R. Gilfanov
    Astronomy Letters, v25:718-738, 1999 November

  1462. The Complex Phase-Lag Behavior of the 3-12 HZ Quasi-Periodic Oscillations during the Very High State of XTE J1550-564
    R. Wijnands , J. Homan , and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v526:L33-L36, 1999 November

  1463. X-Ray and Optical Observations of BL Hydri
    M. T. Wolff , K. S. Wood , J. N. Imamura , J. Middleditch , and T. Y. Steiman-Cameron
    The Astrophysical Journal, v526:435-444, 1999 November

  1464. Timing Spectroscopy of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the Low-Mass X-Ray Neutron Star Binaries
    L. Titarchuk , V. Osherovich , and S. Kuznetsov
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v525:L129-L132, 1999 November

  1465. Precision Timing of Two Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars
    V. M. Kaspi , D. Chakrabarty , and J. Steinberger
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v525:L33-L36, 1999 November

  1466. Orbital Modulation of X-Rays from Cygnus X-1 in its Hard and Soft States
    L. Wen , W. Cui , A. M. Levine , and H. V. Bradt
    The Astrophysical Journal, v525:968-977, 1999 November

  1467. Long-Term X-Ray Monitoring of 1E 1740.7-2942 and GRS 1758-258
    D. S. Main , D. M. Smith , W. A. Heindl , J. Swank , M. Leventhal , I. F. Mirabel , and L. F. Rodríguez
    The Astrophysical Journal, v525:901-908, 1999 November

  1468. The Zoo of X-Ray Sources in the Galactic Center Region: Observations with BEPPOSAX
    L. Sidoli , S. Mereghetti , G. L. Israel , L. Chiappetti , A. Treves , and M. Orlandini
    The Astrophysical Journal, v525:215-227, 1999 November

  1469. The 1-12 HZ QPOs and dips in GRS 1915+105: tracers of Keplerian and viscous time scales?
    S. Trudolyubov , E. Churazov , and M. Gilfanov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v351:L15-L18, 1999 November

  1470. COMPTEL detection of pulsed gamma -ray emission from PSR B1509-58 up to at least 10 MeV
    L. Kuiper , W. Hermsen , J. M. Krijger , K. Bennett , A. Carramiñana , V. Schönfelder , M. Bailes , and R. N. Manchester
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v351:119-132, 1999 November

  1471. A study of the new X-ray transient RXTE J2123-058 during its post-outburst state
    R. Soria , K. Wu , and D. K. Galloway
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v309:528-532, 1999 October

  1472. Radiation mechanisms and geometry of Cygnus X-1 in the soft state
    M. Gierlinski , A. A. Zdziarski , J. Poutanen , P. S. Coppi , K. Ebisawa , and W. N. Johnson
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v309:496-512, 1999 October

  1473. Evidence for an ionized disc in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Ark 564
    S. Vaughan , K. A. Pounds , J. Reeves , R. Warwick , and R. Edelson
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v308:L34-L38, 1999 October

  1474. Correlations in the Quasi-periodic Oscillation Frequencies of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries and the Relativistic Precession Model
    L. Stella , M. Vietri , and S. M. Morsink
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v524:L63-L66, 1999 October

  1475. Variable Spin-Down in the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1900+14 and Correlations with Burst Activity
    P. M. Woods , C. Kouveliotou , J. van Paradijs , M. H. Finger , C. Thompson , R. C. Duncan , K. Hurley , T. Strohmayer , J. Swank , and T. Murakami
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v524:L55-L58, 1999 October

  1476. Scattering and Iron Fluorescence Revealed during Absorption Dips in Circinus X-1
    R. E. Shirey , A. M. Levine , and H. V. Bradt
    The Astrophysical Journal, v524:1048-1058, 1999 October

  1477. A Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observation of the VELA Pulsar: Filling in the X-Ray Gap
    M. S. Strickman , A. K. Harding , and O. C. de Jager
    The Astrophysical Journal, v524:373-378, 1999 October

  1478. X-ray observations during a HER X-1 anomalous low-state
    A. N. Parmar , T. Oosterbroek , D. dal Fiume , M. Orlandini , A. Santangelo , A. Segreto , and S. del Sordo
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v350:L5-L8, 1999 October

  1479. New observational constraints on hard X-/gamma -ray millisecond pulsar emission from 47 Tucanae
    C. Ferguson , F. Lei , A. J. Dean , A. J. Bird , and J. J. Lockley
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v350:847-851, 1999 October

  1480. X-ray timing behaviour of Cygnus X-2 at low intensities
    E. Kuulkers , R. Wijnands , and M. van der Klis
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v308:485-492, 1999 September

  1481. Interpretation of ~35 HZ QPO in the Atoll Source 4U 1702-42 as a Low Branch of the Keplerian Oscillations under the Influence of the Coriolis Force
    V. Osherovich and L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v523:L73-L76, 1999 September

  1482. Spin-down of Pulsations in the Cooling Tail of an X-Ray Burst from 4U 1636-53
    T. E. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v523:L51-L55, 1999 September

  1483. X-Ray Spectral Variability of PKS 2005-489 During the Spectacular 1998 November Flare
    E. S. Perlman , G. Madejski , J. T. Stocke , and T. A. Rector
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v523:L11-L15, 1999 September

  1484. Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Neutron Star Binaries Modeled as Keplerian Oscillations in a Rotating Frame of Reference
    V. Osherovich and L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v522:L113-L116, 1999 September

  1485. On the Spin History of the X-Ray Pulsar in Kes 73: Further Evidence for an Ultramagnetized Neutron Star
    E. V. Gotthelf , G. Vasisht , and T. Dotani
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v522:L49-L52, 1999 September

  1486. The Discovery of a 7-14 HZ Quasi-periodic Oscillation in the X-Ray Transient XTE J1806-246
    R. Wijnands and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v522:965-972, 1999 September

  1487. On the Enigmatic X-Ray Source V1408 Aquilae (=4U 1957+11)
    M. A. Nowak and J. Wilms
    The Astrophysical Journal, v522:476-486, 1999 September

  1488. Low-Luminosity States of the Black Hole Candidate GX 339-4. I. ASCA and Simultaneous Radio/RXTE Observations
    J. Wilms , M. A. Nowak , J. B. Dove , R. P. Fender , and T. di Matteo
    The Astrophysical Journal, v522:460-475, 1999 September

  1489. A Search for Pulse-to-Pulse Variability of the Crab Pulsar
    B. L. Patt , M. P. Ulmer , W. Zhang , J. M. Cordes , and Z. Arzoumanian
    The Astrophysical Journal, v522:440-443, 1999 September

  1490. RXTE Observations of 0.1-300 HZ Quasi-periodic Oscillationsin the Microquasar GRO J1655-40
    R. A. Remillard , E. H. Morgan , J. E. McClintock , C. D. Bailyn , and J. A. Orosz
    The Astrophysical Journal, v522:397-412, 1999 September

  1491. An RXTE Observation of NGC 6300: A New Bright Compton Reflection-dominated Seyfert 2 Galaxy
    K. M. Leighly , J. P. Halpern , H. Awaki , M. Cappi , S. Ueno , and J. Siebert
    The Astrophysical Journal, v522:209-213, 1999 September

  1492. LOTIS: GRB follow-up observations at early times
    H. S. Park , R. A. Porrata , G. G. Williams , E. Ables , D. L. Band , S. D. Barthelmy , R. M. Bionta , T. L. Cline , G. J. Fishman , N. Gehrels , D. Hartmann , K. Hurley , C. Kouveliotou , and C. A. Meegan
    Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series, v138:577-578, 1999 September

  1493. Present and future gamma-ray burst experiments
    K. Hurley
    Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series, v138:553-555, 1999 September

  1494. Search for correlations between the BeppoSAX and RXTE GRBs locations and historical supernovae
    F. Hroch , R. Hudec , and T. Rezek
    Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series, v138:473, 1999 September

  1495. What did ASCA see in the GRB 970828 afterglow?
    A. Yoshida , M. Namiki , C. Otani , N. Kawai , T. Murakami , Y. Ueda , R. Shibata , and S. Uno
    Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series, v138:433-434, 1999 September

  1496. Gamma-ray burst positions from the ASM on RXTE
    H. V. Bradt and D. A. Smith
    Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series, v138:423-424, 1999 September

  1497. The temporal characteristics of the TeV gamma -emission from MKN 501 in 1997. II. Results from HEGRA CT1 and CT2
    F. Aharonian , A. G. Akhperjanian , J. A. Barrio , K. Bernlöhr , H. Bojahr , I. Calle , J. L. Contreras , J. Cortina , A. Daum , T. Deckers , S. Denninghoff , V. Fonseca , J. Gebauer , J. C. Gonzalez , G. Heinzelmann , M. Hemberger , G. Hermann , M. Hess , A. Heusler , W. Hofmann , H. Hohl , D. Horns , A. Ibarra , R. Kankanyan , M. Kestel , O. Kirstein , C. Köhler , H. Kornmayer , D. Kranich , H. Krawczynski , H. Lampeitl , A. Lindner , E. Lorenz , N. Magnussen , H. Meyer , R. Mirzoyan , A. Moralejo , L. Padilla , M. Panter , D. Petry , R. Plaga , A. Plyasheshnikov , J. Prahl , G. Pühlhofer , G. Rauterberg , C. Renault , W. Rhode , A. Röhring , V. Sahakian , M. Samorski , D. Schmele , F. Schröder , W. Stamm , B. Wiebel-Sooth , C. Wiedner , M. Willmer , H. Wirth , and W. Wittek
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v349:29-44, 1999 September

  1498. RXTE monitoring observations of Markarian 3
    I. Georgantopoulos , I. Papadakis , R. S. Warwick , D. A. Smith , G. C. Stewart , and R. G. Griffiths
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v307:815-820, 1999 August

  1499. GRANAT and RXTE observations of the X-ray Nova XTE J1755-324
    M. G. Revnivtsev , M. R. Gilfanov , E. M. Churazov , S. P. Trudolyubov , R. A. Sunyaev , A. V. D'Yachkov , N. G. Khavenson , I. D. Tserenin , P. Goldoni , M. Vargas , A. Goldwurm , J. Paul , V. Borrel , E. Jourdain , L. Bouchet , and J. Roque
    Astronomy Letters, v25:493-500, 1999 August

  1500. Discovery of a Third Harmonic Cyclotron Resonance Scattering Feature in the X-Ray Spectrum of 4U 0115+63
    W. A. Heindl , W. Coburn , D. E. Gruber , M. R. Pelling , R. E. Rothschild , J. Wilms , K. Pottschmidt , and R. Staubert
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v521:L49-L53, 1999 August

  1501. Simultaneous X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Observations of TEV Blazars: Testing Synchro-Compton Emission Models and Probing the Infrared Extragalactic Background
    P. S. Coppi and F. A. Aharonian
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v521:L33-L36, 1999 August

  1502. RXTE, ROSAT, EUVE, IUE, and Optical Observations through the 45 Day Supercycle of V1159 Orionis
    P. Szkody , A. Linnell , K. Honeycutt , J. Robertson , A. Silber , D. W. Hoard , L. Pastwick , V. Desai , I. Hubeny , J. Cannizzo , W. Liller , R. Zissell , and G. Walker
    The Astrophysical Journal, v521:362-375, 1999 August

  1503. XTE J2123-058: A New Neutron Star X-Ray Transient
    J. A. Tomsick , J. P. Halpern , J. Kemp , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v521:341-350, 1999 August

  1504. The Disk-Magnetosphere Interaction in the Accretion-powered Millisecond Pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
    D. Psaltis and D. Chakrabarty
    The Astrophysical Journal, v521:332-340, 1999 August

  1505. X-Ray Observations of BL Lacertae during the 1997 Outburst and Association with Quasar-like Characteristics
    G. M. Madejski , M. Sikora , T. Jaffe , M. Blazejowski , K. Jahoda , and R. Moderski
    The Astrophysical Journal, v521:145-154, 1999 August

  1506. A Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Study of M87 and the Core of the Virgo Cluster
    C. S. Reynolds , S. Heinz , A. C. Fabian , and M. C. Begelman
    The Astrophysical Journal, v521:99-102, 1999 August

  1507. Is SGR 1900+14 a Magnetar?
    D. Marsden , R. E. Rothschild , and R. E. Lingenfelter
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v520:L107-L110, 1999 August

  1508. ASCA, RXTE, EUVE, and Optical Observations of the High Magnetic Field Cataclysmic Variable AR Ursae Majoris
    P. Szkody , S. Vennes , G. D. Schmidt , R. M. Wagner , R. Fried , A. W. Shafter , and E. Fierce
    The Astrophysical Journal, v520:841-848, 1999 August

  1509. RXTE Spectral Observations of the 1996-1997 Outburst of the Microquasar GRO J1655-40
    G. J. Sobczak , J. E. McClintock , R. A. Remillard , C. D. Bailyn , and J. A. Orosz
    The Astrophysical Journal, v520:776-787, 1999 August

  1510. On the Magnetospheric Beat-Frequency and Lense-Thirring Interpretations of the Horizontal-Branch Oscillation in the Z Sources
    D. Psaltis , R. Wijnands , J. Homan , P. G. Jonker , M. van der Klis , M. C. Miller , F. K. Lamb , E. Kuulkers , J. van Paradijs , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal, v520:763-775, 1999 August

  1511. Optical observations of the black hole candidate XTE J1550-564 during the September/October 1998 outburst
    C. Sánchez-Fernández , A. J. Castro-Tirado , H. W. Duerbeck , L. Mantegazza , V. Beckmann , V. Burwitz , L. Vanzi , A. Bianchini , M. della Valle , A. Piemonte , B. Dirsch , I. Hook , L. Yan , and A. Giménez
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v348:L9-L12, 1999 August

  1512. Near IR spectroscopy of candidate B[e]/X-ray binaries
    J. S. Clark , I. A. Steele , R. P. Fender , and M. J. Coe
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v348:888-896, 1999 August

  1513. The swan song in context: long-time-scale X-ray variability of NGC 4051
    P. Uttley , I. M. McHardy , I. E. Papadakis , M. Guainazzi , and A. Fruscione
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v307:L6-L10, 1999 July

  1514. The evolution of Rapid Burster outbursts
    R. Guerriero , D. W. Fox , J. Kommers , W. H. G. Lewin , R. Rutledge , C. B. Moore , E. Morgan , J. van Paradijs , M. van der Klis , L. Bildsten , and T. Dotani
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v307:179-189, 1999 July

  1515. Simultaneous optical polarimetry and X-ray observations of the magnetic CV CP TUC (AX J2315-592)
    G. Ramsay , S. B. Potter , D. A. H. Buckley , and P. J. Wheatley
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v306:809-814, 1999 July

  1516. Strong-Field Gravity and X-Ray Observations of 4U 1820-30
    P. Kaaret , S. Piraino , P. F. Bloser , E. C. Ford , J. E. Grindlay , A. Santangelo , A. P. Smale , and W. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v520:L37-L40, 1999 July

  1517. Correlations in Quasi-periodic Oscillation and Noise Frequencies among Neutron Star and Black Hole X-Ray Binaries
    D. Psaltis , T. Belloni , and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v520:262-270, 1999 July

  1518. A State Transition of GX 339-4 Observed with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    T. Belloni , M. Méndez , M. van der Klis , W. H. G. Lewin , and S. Dieters
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v519:L159-L163, 1999 July

  1519. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer All-Sky Monitor Localization of SGR 1627-41
    D. A. Smith , H. V. Bradt , and A. M. Levine
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v519:L147-L150, 1999 July

  1520. Lag of Low-Energy Photons in an X-Ray Burst Oscillation: Doppler Delays
    E. C. Ford
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v519:L73-L75, 1999 July

  1521. Multiwavelength Observations of GX 339-4 in 1996. III. Keck Spectroscopy
    I. A. Smith , A. V. Filippenko , and D. C. Leonard
    The Astrophysical Journal, v519:779-782, 1999 July

  1522. Multiwavelength Observations of GX 339-4 in 1996. II. Rapid X-Ray Variability
    I. A. Smith and E. P. Liang
    The Astrophysical Journal, v519:771-778, 1999 July

  1523. Multiwavelength Observations of GX 339-4 in 1996. I. Daily Light Curves and X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
    I. A. Smith , E. P. Liang , D. Lin , M. Moss , A. Crider , R. P. Fender , P. Durouchoux , S. Corbel , and R. Sood
    The Astrophysical Journal, v519:762-770, 1999 July

  1524. The frequency resolved spectroscopy of CYG X-1: fast variability of the Fe K\$\alpha$ line
    M. Revnivtsev , M. Gilfanov , and E. Churazov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v347:L23-L26, 1999 July

  1525. Observations of short-duration X-ray transients by WATCH on GRANAT
    A. J. Castro-Tirado , S. Brandt , N. Lund , and R. Sunyaev
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v347:927-931, 1999 July

  1526. X-ray and radio observations of RX J1826.2-1450/LS 5039
    M. Ribó , P. Reig , J. Martí , and J. M. Paredes
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v347:518-523, 1999 July

  1527. Helical jets in blazars. I. The case of MKN 501
    M. Villata and C. M. Raiteri
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v347:30-36, 1999 July

  1528. RXTE observations of 3C 279 during a high-energy flare
    A. J. Lawson , I. M. McHardy , and A. P. Marscher
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v306:247-252, 1999 June

  1529. Discovery of two new persistent Be/X-ray pulsar systems
    P. Reig and P. Roche
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v306:100-106, 1999 June

  1530. Discovery of X-ray pulsations in the Be/X-ray binary LS 992/RX J0812.4-3114
    P. Reig and P. Roche
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v306:95-99, 1999 June

  1531. Correlations between Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations and Low-Frequency Features Attributed to Radial Oscillations and Diffusive Propagation in the Viscous Boundary Layer around a Neutron Star
    L. Titarchuk and V. Osherovich
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v518:L95-L98, 1999 June

  1532. Evidence for Intergalactic Absorption in the TEV Gamma-Ray Spectrum of Markarian 501
    A. K. Konopelko , J. G. Kirk , F. W. Stecker , and A. Mastichiadis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v518:L13-L15, 1999 June

  1533. X-Ray Nova XTE J1550-564: Optical Observations
    R. K. Jain , C. D. Bailyn , J. A. Orosz , R. A. Remillard , and J. E. McClintock
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v517:L131-L134, 1999 June

  1534. X-Ray Nova XTE J1550-564: Discovery of a Quasi-periodic Oscillation near 185 HZ
    R. A. Remillard , J. E. McClintock , G. J. Sobczak , C. D. Bailyn , J. A. Orosz , E. H. Morgan , and A. M. Levine
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v517:L127-L130, 1999 June

  1535. X-Ray Nova XTE J1550-564: RXTE Spectral Observations
    G. J. Sobczak , J. E. McClintock , R. A. Remillard , A. M. Levine , E. H. Morgan , C. D. Bailyn , and J. A. Orosz
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v517:L121-L125, 1999 June

  1536. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of the X-Ray Pulsar XTE J1855-026: A Possible New Supergiant System
    R. H. D. Corbet , F. E. Marshall , A. G. Peele , and T. Takeshima
    The Astrophysical Journal, v517:956-963, 1999 June

  1537. Different Types of X-Ray Bursts from GRS 1915+105 and Their Origin
    J. S. Yadav , A. R. Rao , P. C. Agrawal , B. Paul , S. Seetha , and K. Kasturirangan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v517:935-950, 1999 June

  1538. A Multiwavelength Campaign on gamma Cassiopeiae. III. The Case for Magnetically Controlled Circumstellar Kinematics
    M. A. Smith and R. D. Robinson
    The Astrophysical Journal, v517:866-882, 1999 June

  1539. RXTE observations of PKS 2155-304 during the November 1997 gamma-ray outburst
    W. T. Vestrand and P. Sreekumar
    Astroparticle Physics, v11:197-199, 1999 June

  1540. The X-ray transient XTE J2012+381
    R. I. Hynes , P. Roche , P. A. Charles , and M. J. Coe
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v305:L49-L53, 1999 May

  1541. X-ray outburst of the symbiotic star CI Cam/XTE J0421+560: RXTE observations
    M. G. Revnivtsev , A. N. Emel'Yanov , and K. N. Borozdin
    Astronomy Letters, v25:294-306, 1999 May

  1542. Precise Measurements of the Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in 4U 1728-34
    M. Méndez and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v517:L51-L54, 1999 May

  1543. The Complete ``Z'' Track of Circinus X-1
    R. E. Shirey , H. V. Bradt , and A. M. Levine
    The Astrophysical Journal, v517:472-487, 1999 May

  1544. Do the Spectra of Soft X-Ray Transients Reveal Bulk-Motion Inflow Phenomenon?
    K. Borozdin , M. Revnivtsev , S. Trudolyubov , C. Shrader , and L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal, v517:367-380, 1999 May

  1545. Low-Luminosity States of the Black Hole Candidate GX 339-4. II. Timing Analysis
    M. A. Nowak , J. Wilms , and J. B. Dove
    The Astrophysical Journal, v517:355-366, 1999 May

  1546. A Variable 0.58-2.44 HZ Quasi-periodic Oscillation in the Eclipsing and Dipping Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO 0748-676
    J. Homan , P. G. Jonker , R. Wijnands , M. van der Klis , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v516:L91-L94, 1999 May

  1547. The X-ray timing behavior of the X-ray burst source SLX 1735-269
    R. Wijnands and M. van der Klis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v345:L35-L38, 1999 May

  1548. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observation of Cygnus X-1. III. Implications for Compton Corona and Advection-dominated Accretion Flow Models
    M. A. Nowak , J. Wilms , B. A. Vaughan , J. B. Dove , and M. C. Begelman
    The Astrophysical Journal, v515:726-737, 1999 April

  1549. V2301 Ophiuchi: an X-Ray-bright Eclipsing AM Herculis Object
    T. Y. Steiman-Cameron and J. N. Imamura
    The Astrophysical Journal, v515:404-413, 1999 April

  1550. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Hard X-Ray Observation of A754: Constraining the Hottest Temperature Component and the Intracluster Magnetic Field
    A. Valinia , M. J. Henriksen , M. Loewenstein , K. Roettiger , R. F. Mushotzky , and G. Madejski
    The Astrophysical Journal, v515:42-49, 1999 April

  1551. A Cutoff in the X-Ray Fluctuation Power Density Spectrum of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 3516
    R. Edelson and K. Nandra
    The Astrophysical Journal, v514:682-690, 1999 April

  1552. Do LMXBs contain strange stars?
    T. Bulik , D. Gondek-Rosinska , and W. L. Kluzniak
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v344:L71-L74, 1999 April

  1553. Timing analysis of the X-ray transient source XTE J1806-246 (2S1803-245)
    M. Revnivtsev , K. Borozdin , and A. Emelyanov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v344:L25-L28, 1999 April

  1554. A comparison of the X-ray line and continuum morphology of Cassiopeia A
    J. Vink , M. C. Maccarone , J. S. Kaastra , T. Mineo , J. A. M. Bleeker , A. Preite-Martinez , and H. Bloemen
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v344:289-294, 1999 April

  1555. Discovery of Microsecond Soft Lags in the X-Ray Emission of the Atoll Source 4U 1636-536
    P. Kaaret , S. Piraino , E. C. Ford , and A. Santangelo
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v514:L31-L33, 1999 March

  1556. Radio and X-Ray Observations of the 1998 Outburst of the Recurrent X-Ray Transient 4U 1630-47
    R. M. Hjellming , M. P. Rupen , A. J. Mioduszewski , E. Kuulkers , M. McCollough , B. A. Harmon , M. Buxton , R. Sood , A. Tzioumis , D. Rayner , S. Dieters , and P. Durouchoux
    The Astrophysical Journal, v514:383-387, 1999 March

  1557. X-Ray Shots of Cygnus X-1
    Y. X. Feng , T. P. Li , and L. Chen
    The Astrophysical Journal, v514:373-382, 1999 March

  1558. Discovery of Twin Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the High Galactic LatitudeX-Ray Transient XTE J2123-058
    J. Homan , M. Méndez , R. Wijnands , M. van der Klis , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v513:L119-L122, 1999 March

  1559. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observation of PSR B1706-44 and Implications for Theoretical Models of Pulsar Emission
    A. Ray , A. K. Harding , and M. Strickman
    The Astrophysical Journal, v513:919-926, 1999 March

  1560. Relativistic Precession around Rotating Neutron Stars: Effects Due to Frame Dragging and Stellar Oblateness
    S. M. Morsink and L. Stella
    The Astrophysical Journal, v513:827-844, 1999 March

  1561. A Gamma-Ray Flare from PKS 2255-282
    D. J. Macomb , N. Gehrels , and C. R. Shrader
    The Astrophysical Journal, v513:652-655, 1999 March

  1562. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of the Anomalous Pulsar 4U 0142+61
    C. A. Wilson , S. Dieters , M. H. Finger , D. M. Scott , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal, v513:464-470, 1999 March

  1563. ROSSI X-RAY TIMING EXPLORER Observations of LMC X-1
    P. C. Schmidtke , A. L. Ponder , and A. P. Cowley
    The Astronomical Journal, v117:1292-1296, 1999 March

  1564. Implications of kHz quasi-periodic brightness oscillations in X-ray binaries for neutron star structure
    A. V. Thampan , D. Bhattacharya , and B. Datta
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v302:L69-L73, 1999 February

  1565. X-ray spectral properties of the pulsar EXO 2030+375 during an outburst
    P. Reig and M. J. Coe
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v302:700-706, 1999 February

  1566. A General Gamma-Ray Source Catalog
    D. J. Macomb and N. Gehrels
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v120:335-397, 1999 February

  1567. Observation of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations from the Atoll Source 4U 1702-429 by the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    C. B. Markwardt , T. E. Strohmayer , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v512:L125-L129, 1999 February

  1568. High-Resolution Parallax Measurements of Scorpius X-1
    C. F. Bradshaw , E. B. Fomalont , and B. J. Geldzahler
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v512:L121-L124, 1999 February

  1569. Strong Aperiodic X-Ray Variability and Quasi-Periodic Oscillationin X-Ray Nova XTE J1550-564
    W. Cui , S. N. Zhang , W. Chen , and E. H. Morgan
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v512:L43-L46, 1999 February

  1570. The Kilohertz QPO Frequency and Flux Decrease in Aquila X-1 and the Effect of Soft X-Ray Spectral Components
    W. Yu , T. P. Li , W. Zhang , and S. N. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v512:L35-L38, 1999 February

  1571. Measurement of Hard Lags and Coherences in the X-Ray Flux of Accreting Neutron Starsand Comparison with Accreting Black Holes
    E. C. Ford , M. van der Klis , M. Méndez , J. van Paradijs , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v512:L31-L34, 1999 February

  1572. High-Energy Spectral and Temporal Characteristics of GRO J1008-57
    C. R. Shrader , F. K. Sutaria , K. P. Singh , and D. J. Macomb
    The Astrophysical Journal, v512:920-928, 1999 February

  1573. Broadband X-Ray Spectra of the Black Hole Candidate GRO J1655-40
    J. A. Tomsick , P. Kaaret , R. A. Kroeger , and R. A. Remillard
    The Astrophysical Journal, v512:892-900, 1999 February

  1574. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of the Eastern Lobe of W50 Associated with SS 433
    S. Safi-Harb and R. Petre
    The Astrophysical Journal, v512:784-792, 1999 February

  1575. Evidence for a Very Slow X-Ray Pulsar in 2S 0114+650 from Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer All-Sky Monitor Observations
    R. H. D. Corbet , J. P. Finley , and A. G. Peele
    The Astrophysical Journal, v511:876-884, 1999 February

  1576. SIGMA and RXTE Observations of the Soft X-Ray Transient XTE J1755-324
    P. Goldoni , M. Vargas , A. Goldwurm , J. Paul , V. Borrel , E. Jourdain , L. Bouchet , J. Roques , M. Revnivtsev , E. Churazov , M. Gilfanov , R. Sunyaev , A. Dyachkov , N. Khavenson , I. Tserenin , and N. Kuleshova
    The Astrophysical Journal, v511:847-851, 1999 February

  1577. RXTE and ASCA Constraints on Nonthermal Emission from the A2256 Galaxy Cluster
    M. Henriksen
    The Astrophysical Journal, v511:666-670, 1999 February

  1578. Evolution of spectral parameters during a pre-eclipse dip of HER X-1
    B. Stelzer , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , D. Gruber , and R. Rothschild
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v342:736-744, 1999 February

  1579. The temporal characteristics of the TeV gamma-radiation from MKN 501 in 1997. I. Data from the stereoscopic imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope system of HEGRA
    F. A. Aharonian , A. G. Akhperjanian , J. A. Barrio , K. Bernlöhr , H. Bojahr , J. L. Contreras , J. Cortina , A. Daum , T. Deckers , V. Fonseca , J. C. Gonzalez , G. Heinzelmann , M. Hemberger , G. Hermann , M. Heß , A. Heusler , W. Hofmann , H. Hohl , D. Horns , A. Ibarra , R. Kankanyan , O. Kirstein , C. Köhler , A. Konopelko , H. Kornmeyer , D. Kranich , H. Krawczynski , H. Lampeitl , A. Lindner , E. Lorenz , N. Magnussen , H. Meyer , R. Mirzoyan , A. Moralejo , L. Padilla , M. Panter , D. Petry , R. Plaga , A. Plyasheshnikov , J. Prahl , G. Pühlhofer , G. Rauterberg , C. Renault , W. Rhode , V. Sahakian , M. Samorski , D. Schmele , F. Schröder , W. Stamm , H. J. Völk , B. Wiebel-Sooth , C. Wiedner , M. Willmer , and H. Wirth
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v342:69-86, 1999 February

  1580. kHz Quasiperiodic Oscillations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries as Probes of General Relativity in the Strong-Field Regime
    L. Stella and M. Vietri
    Physical Review Letters, v82:17-20, 1999 January

  1581. Dependence of the Frequency of the Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillationson X-Ray Count Rate and Colors in 4U 1608-52
    M. Méndez , M. van der Klis , E. C. Ford , R. Wijnands , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v511:L49-L52, 1999 January

  1582. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of the Coma Cluster
    Y. Rephaeli , D. Gruber , and P. Blanco
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v511:L21-L24, 1999 January

  1583. Recent Outbursts from the Transient X-Ray Pulsar Cepheus X-4 (GS 2138+56)
    C. A. Wilson , M. H. Finger , and D. M. Scott
    The Astrophysical Journal, v511:367-373, 1999 January

  1584. The Converging Inflow Spectrum Is an Intrinsic Signature for a Black Hole: Monte Carlo Simulations of Comptonization on Free-falling Electrons
    P. Laurent and L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal, v511:289-297, 1999 January

  1585. Discovery of a Magnetar Associated with the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1900+14
    C. Kouveliotou , T. Strohmayer , K. Hurley , J. van Paradijs , M. H. Finger , S. Dieters , P. Woods , C. Thompson , and R. C. Duncan
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v510:L115-L118, 1999 January

  1586. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer All-Sky Monitor Observations of the 35 Day Cycle of Hercules X-1
    D. M. Scott and D. A. Leahy
    The Astrophysical Journal, v510:974-985, 1999 January

  1587. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observation of Cygnus X-1. II. Timing Analysis
    M. A. Nowak , B. A. Vaughan , J. Wilms , J. B. Dove , and M. C. Begelman
    The Astrophysical Journal, v510:874-891, 1999 January

  1588. Observation of Centaurus A by the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    R. E. Rothschild , D. L. Band , P. R. Blanco , D. E. Gruber , W. A. Heindl , D. R. MacDonald , D. C. Marsden , K. Jahoda , D. Pierce , G. Madejski , M. Elvis , D. A. Schwartz , R. Remillard , A. A. Zdziarski , C. Done , and R. Svensson
    The Astrophysical Journal, v510:651-658, 1999 January

  1589. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observation of PSR B0656+14
    H. Chang and C. Ho
    The Astrophysical Journal, v510:404-407, 1999 January

  1590. An ASCA X-ray observation of 1E 1724-3045 in the globular cluster Terzan 2
    D. Barret , J. E. Grindlay , I. M. Harrus , and J. F. Olive
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v341:789-794, 1999 January

  1591. VELA X-1 as seen by RXTE
    I. Kreykenbohm , P. Kretschmar , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , E. Kendziorra , D. E. Gruber , W. A. Heindl , and R. E. Rothschild
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v341:141-150, 1999 January

  1592. The short timescale bursts of Cyg X-1 in the high and transitional states
    Y. Feng , L. Chen , and T. Li
    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, v23:423-434, 1999

  1593. Optical/ir Follow-Up Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by RXTE
    J. A. Castro-Tirado , J. Gorosabel , J. Davies , S. Leggett , J. Greiner , K. Birkle , D. Thompson , H. Hagen , J. Trapero , E. Sánchez , A. Campos , N. Metcalfe , V. Béjar , M. L. Cairós , R. Corradi , M. Guerrero , C. Gutiérrez , J. Iglesias , S. Kemp , J. Licandro , A. Mora , A. Oscoz , N. Sabalisk , J. Vílchez , E. Villaver , R. M. Zapatero-Osorio , S. S. Guziy , A. A. Shlyapnikov , and H. Pedersen
    Astrophysical Letters Communications, v39:241, 1999

  1594. RXTE Spectrum of the Coma Cluster
    Y. Rephaeli and D. Gruber
    Astrophysical Letters Communications, v39:165, 1999

  1595. RXTE Observations of X-Ray Nova XTE J1755-324
    M. Revnivtsev , M. Gilfanov , and E. Churazov
    Astrophysical Letters Communications, v38:325, 1999

  1596. LMC X-1 and LMC X-3 as Seen by RXTE
    J. Wilms , A. M. Nowak , B. J. Dove , K. Pottschmidt , A. W. Heindl , C. M. Begelman , and R. Staubert
    Astrophysical Letters Communications, v38:273, 1999

  1597. 1996/1997 Low Luminosity State and State Transitions of GRS 1915+105: RXTE Observations
    S. Trudolyubov , E. Churazov , and M. Gilfanov
    Astrophysical Letters Communications, v38:233, 1999

  1598. Complete Coverage of AN X-Ray Turn-On of HER X-1 by RXTE
    M. Kuster , J. Wilms , S. Blum , R. Staubert , E. D. Gruber , E. R. Rothschild , and W. Heindl
    Astrophysical Letters Communications, v38:161, 1999

  1599. New Observations of the VELA X-1 Cyclotron Lines with RXTE - Preliminary Results
    P. Kretschmar , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , E. Kendziorra , I. Kreykenbohm , E. D. Gruber , W. Heindl , and E. R. Rothschild
    Astrophysical Letters Communications, v38:157, 1999

  1600. A RXTE Observation of the Unusual X-Ray Source 1e 1024.0-5732
    P. Reig
    Astrophysical Letters Communications, v38:113, 1999

  1601. The Initial Results of RXTE Observations of 47 TUC
    C. Ferguson , F. Lei , and J. A. Dean
    Astrophysical Letters Communications, v38:93, 1999

  1602. Kilohertz QPOs and Strange Stars
    T. Bulik , D. Gondek-Rosinska , and W. Kluzniak
    Astrophysical Letters Communications, v38:77, 1999

  1603. Kilohertz Qpos: do Beat-Frequency Models Work?
    M. van der Klis
    Astrophysical Letters Communications, v38:69, 1999

  1604. Imaging of the Crab region by direct demodulation using ASM/RXTE data.
    L. Song , T. Li , and W. Cui
    Acta Astrophysica Sinica, v19:27-32, 1999

  1605. ASCA observations of the X-ray transient XTE J1550-564: change of accretion disk parameters
    A. Kubota , F. Marshall , K. Makishima , T. Dotani , Y. Ueda , and H. Negoro
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v320:353, 1999

  1606. Multi-wavelength observations of the jet sources SS 433 and XTE J1748-288
    T. Kotani , D. Band , A. M. Cherepashchuk , R. M. Hjellming , N. Kawai , M. Matsuoka , M. Namiki , T. Oka , Y. Shirasaki , and T. Tsutsumi
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v320:335, 1999

  1607. XTE scan observations of the galactic center diffuse X-ray emission
    K. Ebisawa , Y. Maeda , F. E. Marshall , and A. Valinia
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v320:321, 1999

  1608. Soft gamma-ray repeaters and superstrong magnetic fields
    T. Murakami
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v320:257, 1999

  1609. Black holes in AGN: recent results on IC 4329a and NGC 4945
    G. Madejski , C. Done , and P. Zycki
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v320:240, 1999

  1610. Particle acceleration and synchrotron emission in Mrk 501
    S. J. Wagner , G. Lamer , and G. V. Bicknell
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v320:226, 1999

  1611. Determination of the thermal and non-thermal emissions in the X-ray spectrum of Kepler's supernova remnant
    A. Decourchelle and R. Petre
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v320:203, 1999

  1612. Hard X-ray/soft gamma -ray observations of the Galactic Background Radiation: unresolved discrete sources ?
    A. Valinia , F. E. Marshall , and R. L. Kinzer
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v320:179, 1999

  1613. Heating and acceleration in the Universe (Preface)
    H. Inoue , T. Takahashi , and T. Ohashi
    Astronomische Nachrichten, v320:161, 1999

  1614. RXTE observations of Cygnus X-3
    M. L. McCollough , C. R. Robinson , S. N. Zhang , B. A. Harmon , W. S. Paciesas , S. W. Dieters , R. M. Hjellming , M. Rupen , A. J. Mioduszewski , E. B. Waltman , F. D. Ghigo , G. G. Pooley , R. P. Fender , W. Cui , and S. Trushkin
    New Astronomy Review, v42:629-632, 1998 December

  1615. HST observations of GRO J1655/-40 in outburst
    R. I. Hynes
    New Astronomy Review, v42:605-608, 1998 December

  1616. RXTE spectroscopy of GRS 1915/+105
    J. Greiner , E. H. Morgan , and R. A. Remillard
    New Astronomy Review, v42:597-600, 1998 December

  1617. Erratum: Discovery of Microsecond Time Lags in Kilohertz QPOs
    B. A. Vaughan , M. van der Klis , M. Méndez , J. van Paradijs , R. A. D. Wijnands , W. H. G. Lewin , F. K. Lamb , D. Psaltis , E. Kuulkers , and T. Oosterbroek
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v509:L145-L145, 1998 December

  1618. ROSAT HRI Detection of the 16 MS Pulsar PSR J0537-6910 Inside Supernova Remnant N157B
    Q. D. Wang and E. V. Gotthelf
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v509:L109-L112, 1998 December

  1619. Effects of Rapid Stellar Rotation on Equation-of-State Constraints Derived from Quasi-periodic Brightness Oscillations
    M. C. Miller , F. K. Lamb , and G. B. Cook
    The Astrophysical Journal, v509:793-801, 1998 December

  1620. A Search for Ultrarapid Microvariability in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 7469 with the Hubble Space Telescope
    W. F. Welsh , B. M. Peterson , A. P. Koratkar , and K. T. Korista
    The Astrophysical Journal, v509:118-131, 1998 December

  1621. ASCA Observation of the Galactic Jet Source XTE J0421+560 (CI Camelopardalis) in Outburst
    Y. Ueda , M. Ishida , H. Inoue , T. Dotani , J. Greiner , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v508:L167-L170, 1998 December

  1622. X-Ray Bursts from 1RXS J170930.2-263927 = XTE J1709-267
    M. Cocchi , A. Bazzano , L. Natalucci , P. Ubertini , J. Heise , J. M. Muller , M. J. S. Smith , and J. J. M. in 't Zand
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v508:L163-L166, 1998 December

  1623. Discovery of a Second Kilohertz QPO in the X-Ray Binary 4U 1735-44
    E. C. Ford , M. van der Klis , J. van Paradijs , M. Méndez , R. Wijnands , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v508:L155-L158, 1998 December

  1624. Sonic-Point Model of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Brightness Oscillations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    M. C. Miller , F. K. Lamb , and D. Psaltis
    The Astrophysical Journal, v508:791-830, 1998 December

  1625. The extraordinary X-ray spectrum of $\{$XTE J0421+560$\}$
    A. Orr , A. N. Parmar , M. Orlandini , F. Frontera , D. dal Fiume , A. Segreto , A. Santangelo , and M. Tavani
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v340:L19-L22, 1998 December

  1626. Period derivative of the M15 X-ray binary AC211/X2127+119
    L. Homer and P. A. Charles
    New Astronomy, v3:435-441, 1998 November

  1627. Constraints on a soft X-ray excess in the quasar 3C 279
    A. J. Lawson and I. M. McHardy
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v300:1023-1026, 1998 November

  1628. RXTE highlights of the 34.85-day cycle of HER X-1
    N. I. Shakura , N. A. Ketsaris , M. E. Prokhorov , and K. A. Postnov
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v300:992-998, 1998 November

  1629. Upper limits on the fluxes from x-ray transients of the galactic-center region in the off state
    N. L. Aleksandrovich , K. N. Borozdin , A. N. Emel'Yanov , R. A. Sunyaev , and G. K. Skinner
    Astronomy Letters, v24:742-747, 1998 November

  1630. Two-Phase Modeling of the Rings in the RXTE Two-Color Diagram of GRS 1915+105
    O. Vilhu and J. Nevalainen
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v508:L85-L89, 1998 November

  1631. A Multiwavelength Campaign on gamma Cassiopeiae. II. The Case for Corotating, Circumstellar Clouds
    M. A. Smith , R. D. Robinson , and A. P. Hatzes
    The Astrophysical Journal, v507:945-954, 1998 November

  1632. Multifrequency observations of XTE J0421+560/CI Cam in outburst
    F. Frontera , M. Orlandini , L. Amati , D. dal Fiume , N. Masetti , A. Orr , A. N. Parmar , E. Brocato , G. Raimondo , A. Piersimoni , M. Tavani , and R. A. Remillard
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v339:L69-L72, 1998 November

  1633. Limits for an inverse bremsstrahlung origin of the diffuse Galactic soft gamma-ray emission
    M. Pohl
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v339:587-590, 1998 November

  1634. RXTE broad band observations of X-ray Nova XTE J1755-324
    M. Revnivtsev , M. Gilfanov , and E. Churazov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v339:483-488, 1998 November

  1635. AnRXTEobservation of the Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15: X-ray reflection and the iron abundance
    J. C. Lee , A. C. Fabian , C. S. Reynolds , K. Iwasawa , and W. N. Brandt
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v300:583-588, 1998 October

  1636. Echoes from an irradiated disc in GRO J1655-40
    R. I. Hynes , K. O'Brien , K. Horne , W. Chen , and C. A. Haswell
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v299:L37-L41, 1998 October

  1637. Difference Frequency of Kilohertz QPOs Not Equal to Half the Burst Oscillation Frequency in 4U 1636-53
    M. Méndez , M. van der Klis , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v506:L117-L119, 1998 October

  1638. Viscous Stability of Relativistic Keplerian Accretion Disks
    P. Ghosh
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v506:L109-L112, 1998 October

  1639. Strong Correlation between Noise Features at Low Frequency and the KilohertzQuasi-Periodic Oscillations in the X-Ray Binary 4U 1728-34
    E. C. Ford and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v506:L39-L42, 1998 October

  1640. The X-Ray Spectrum of SAX J1808.4-3658
    W. A. Heindl and D. M. Smith
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v506:L35-L38, 1998 October

  1641. Quasi-periodic Oscillations Associated with Spectral Branches in Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of Circinus X-1
    R. E. Shirey , H. V. Bradt , A. M. Levine , and E. H. Morgan
    The Astrophysical Journal, v506:374-383, 1998 October

  1642. New Constraints on the Continuum Emission Mechanism of Active Galactic Nuclei: Intensive Monitoring of NGC 7469 in the X-Ray and Ultraviolet
    K. Nandra , J. Clavel , R. A. Edelson , I. M. George , M. A. Malkan , R. F. Mushotzky , B. M. Peterson , and T. J. Turner
    The Astrophysical Journal, v505:594-606, 1998 October

  1643. Real time science displays for the PCA experiment on the Rossi X-ray timing explorer
    A. B. Giles
    Advances in Space Research, v22:1049-1052, 1998 October

  1644. Radio pulsars observed at X-ray energies by the X-ray timing explorer
    L. E. Peterson , D. Marsden , P. Blanco , D. E. Gruber , W. A. Heindl , M. R. Pelling , R. E. Rothschild , P. L. Hink , J. Swank , K. Jahoda , and A. Rots
    Advances in Space Research, v22:981-986, 1998 October

  1645. PCA observations of Cyg X-1 from RXTE using fast timing and high telemetry rates
    A. B. Giles , K. Jahoda , and T. Strohmayer
    Advances in Space Research, v22:965-968, 1998 October

  1646. The millisecond X-ray pulsar/burster SAX J1808.4-3658: the outburst light curve and the power law spectrum
    M. Gilfanov , M. Revnivtsev , R. Sunyaev , and E. Churazov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v338:L83-L86, 1998 October

  1647. A BeppoSAX observation of XTE J0055-724 = 1SAX J0054.9-7226, a new X-ray pulsar in the SMC
    A. Santangelo , G. Cusumano , D. dal Fiume , G. L. Israel , L. Stella , M. Orlandini , and A. N. Parmar
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v338:L59-L62, 1998 October

  1648. Comptonization and QPO origins in accreting neutron star systems
    H. C. Lee and G. S. Miller
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v299:479-487, 1998 September

  1649. Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation Peak Separation Is Not Constant in the Atoll Source 4U 1608-52
    M. Mendez , M. van der Klis , R. Wijnands , E. C. Ford , J. van Paradijis , and B. A. Vaughan
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v505:L23, 1998 September

  1650. RXTE Measurement of the Diffuse X-Ray Emission from the Galactic Ridge: Implications for the Energetics of the Interstellar Medium
    A. Valinia and F. E. Marshall
    The Astrophysical Journal, v505:134-147, 1998 September

  1651. Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Z Source GX 5-1
    R. Wijnands , M. Mendez , M. van der Klis , D. Psaltis , E. Kuulkers , and F. K. Lamb
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v504:L35, 1998 September

  1652. Quasi-periodic oscillations discovered in the new X-ray pulsar XTE J1858+034
    B. Paul and A. R. Rao
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v337:815-818, 1998 September

  1653. Detection of pulsed MeV emission from PSR B1951+32 by COMPTEL
    L. Kuiper , W. Hermsen , K. Bennett , A. Carraminana , A. Lyne , M. McConnell , and V. Schoenfelder
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v337:421-432, 1998 September

  1654. The X-ray light curve of Eta Carinae
    J. M. Pittard , I. R. Stevens , M. F. Corcoran , and K. Ishibashi
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v299:L5, 1998 August

  1655. RXTE observation of Cygnus X-1 - I. Spectral analysis
    J. B. Dove , J. Wilms , M. A. Nowak , B. A. Vaughan , and M. C. Begelman
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v298:729-736, 1998 August

  1656. The Long-Term Stability of Oscillations during Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts: Constraining the Binary X-Ray Mass Function
    T. E. Strohmayer , W. Zhang , J. H. Swank , and I. Lapidus
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v503:L147, 1998 August

  1657. A Multiwavelength Campaign on gamma Cassiopeiae. I. The Case for Surface X-Ray Flaring
    M. A. Smith , R. D. Robinson , and R. H. D. Corbet
    The Astrophysical Journal, v503:877, 1998 August

  1658. Discovery of a New 89 Second X-Ray Pulsar: XTE J1906+09
    D. Marsden , D. E. Gruber , W. A. Heindl , M. R. Pelling , and R. E. Rothschild
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v502:L129, 1998 August

  1659. Transonic Magnetic Slim Accretion Disks and Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    D. Lai
    The Astrophysical Journal, v502:721, 1998 August

  1660. Spin-down rate of 1E 2259+586 from RXTE observation
    A. Baykal , J. H. Swank , T. Strohmayer , and M. J. Stark
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v336:173-176, 1998 August

  1661. Luminosity dependent changes of pulse profiles in the X-ray binary GX 1+4
    J. G. Greenhill , D. Galloway , and M. C. Storey
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, v15:254-258, 1998 July

  1662. Long-term X-ray variability in GX 354-0
    A. K. H. Kong , P. A. Charles , and E. Kuulkers
    New Astronomy, v3:301-307, 1998 July

  1663. The X-ray nova GRS 1739-278 near the Galactic center
    K. N. Borozdin , M. G. Revnivtsev , S. P. Trudolyubov , N. L. Aleksandrovich , R. A. Sunyaev , and G. K. Skinner
    Astronomy Letters, v24:435-444, 1998 July

  1664. Evolution of Aquila X-1 during the Rising Phase of Its 1998 Outburst
    W. Cui , D. Barret , S. N. Zhang , W. Chen , L. Boirin , and J. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v502:L49, 1998 July

  1665. Simultaneous Hubble Space Telescope/Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of Scorpius X-1
    T. Kallman , B. Boroson , and S. D. Vrtilek
    The Astrophysical Journal, v502:441, 1998 July

  1666. Quasi-periodic Occultation by a Precessing Accretion Disk and Other Variabilities of SMC X-1
    P. Wojdowski , G. W. Clark , A. M. Levine , J. W. Woo , and S. N. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal, v502:253, 1998 July

  1667. XTE J1739-302: an Unusual New X-Ray Transient
    D. M. Smith , D. Main , F. Marshall , J. Swank , W. A. Heindl , M. Leventhal , J. J. M. in 't Zand , and J. Heise
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v501:L181, 1998 July

  1668. The Beat-Frequency Interpretation of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Neutron Star Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    D. Psaltis , M. Mendez , R. Wijnands , J. Homan , P. G. Jonker , M. van der Klis , F. K. Lamb , E. Kuulkers , J. van Paradijs , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v501:L95, 1998 July

  1669. Gravitational Radiation and Rotation of Accreting Neutron Stars
    L. Bildsten
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v501:L89, 1998 July

  1670. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Absolute Timing Results for the Pulsars B1821-24 and B1509-58
    A. H. Rots , K. Jahoda , D. J. Macomb , N. Kawai , Y. Saito , V. M. Kaspi , A. G. Lyne , R. N. Manchester , D. C. Backer , A. L. Somer , D. Marsden , and R. E. Rothschild
    The Astrophysical Journal, v501:749, 1998 July

  1671. RXTE observations of Proxima Centauri
    B. Haisch , V. Kashyap , J. J. Drake , and P. Freeman
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v335:L101-L105, 1998 July

  1672. RXTE observations of RX J0146.9+6121: a new X-ray outburst of the Be/X-ray pulsar
    F. Haberl , L. Angelini , and C. Motch
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v335:587-590, 1998 July

  1673. A Multiyear Light Curve of Scorpius X-1 Based on Compton Gamma Ray Observatory BATSE Spectroscopy Detector Observations
    B. J. McNamara , T. E. Harrison , P. A. Mason , M. Templeton , C. W. Heikkila , T. Buckley , E. Galvan , A. Silva , and B. A. Harmon
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v116:287, 1998 June

  1674. Correlation between Energy Spectral States and Fast Time Variability and Further Evidence for the Marginally Stable Orbit in 4U 1820-30
    W. Zhang , A. P. Smale , T. E. Strohmayer , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v500:L171, 1998 June

  1675. Discovery of Two Simultaneous Kilohertz QPOs in the Persistent Flux of GX3 49+2
    W. Zhang , T. E. Strohmayer , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v500:L167, 1998 June

  1676. Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Z Source GX 340+0
    P. G. Jonker , R. Wijnands , M. van der Klis , D. Psaltis , E. Kuulkers , and F. K. Lamb
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v499:L191, 1998 June

  1677. ``Canonical'' Black Hole States in the Superluminal Source GRO J1655-40
    M. Mendez , T. Belloni , and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v499:L187, 1998 June

  1678. Discovery of an Ultrafast X-Ray Pulsar in the Supernova Remnant N157B
    F. E. Marshall , E. V. Gotthelf , W. Zhang , J. Middleditch , and Q. D. Wang
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v499:L179, 1998 June

  1679. New limits on the orbital parameters of 1E 1048.1-5937 and 1E 2259+586 from RXTE observations
    S. Mereghetti , G. L. Israel , and L. Stella
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v296:689-692, 1998 May

  1680. Aquila X-1 from Outburst to Quiescence: The Onset of the Propeller Effect and Signs of a Turned-on Rotation-powered Pulsar
    S. Campana , L. Stella , S. Mereghetti , M. Colpi , M. Tavani , D. Ricci , D. D. Fiume , and T. Belloni
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v499:L65, 1998 May

  1681. Discovery of a 57-69 HZ Quasi-periodic Oscillation in GX 13+1
    J. Homan , M. van der Klis , R. Wijnands , B. Vaughan , and E. Kuulkers
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v499:L41, 1998 May

  1682. The High-Energy Spectra of Accreting Black Holes: Observational Evidence for Bulk-Motion Infall
    C. Shrader and L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v499:L31, 1998 May

  1683. Discovery of the 198 Second X-Ray Pulsar GRO J2058+42
    C. A. Wilson , M. H. Finger , B. A. Harmon , D. Chakrabarty , and T. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal, v499:820, 1998 May

  1684. Mechanisms for High-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Neutron Star and Black Hole Binaries
    L. Titarchuk , I. Lapidus , and A. Muslimov
    The Astrophysical Journal, v499:315, 1998 May

  1685. A Type I Burst with Radius Expansion Observed from Cygnus X-2 with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    A. P. Smale
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v498:L141, 1998 May

  1686. On the Amplitude of Burst Oscillations in 4U 1636-54: Evidence for Nuclear-powered Pulsars
    T. E. Strohmayer , W. Zhang , J. H. Swank , N. E. White , and I. Lapidus
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v498:L135, 1998 May

  1687. Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Atoll X-Ray Binary 4U 1705-44
    E. C. Ford , M. van der Klis , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v498:L41, 1998 May

  1688. Detecting Compton Reflection and a Broad Iron Line in MCG -5-23-16 with RXTE
    K. A. Weaver , J. H. Krolik , and E. A. Pier
    The Astrophysical Journal, v498:213, 1998 May

  1689. RXTE observation of the X-ray burster 1E 1724-3045. I. Timing study of the persistent X-ray emission with the PCA
    J. F. Olive , D. Barret , L. Boirin , J. E. Grindlay , J. H. Swank , and A. P. Smale
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v333:942-951, 1998 May

  1690. Multiwavelength monitoring of GRS 1915+105
    R. Bandyopadhyay , P. Martini , E. Gerard , P. A. Charles , R. M. Wagner , C. Shrader , T. Shahbaz , I. F. Mirabel , and I. F. Mirabel
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v295:623, 1998 April

  1691. Sidebands due to Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in 4U 1626-67
    J. M. Kommers , D. Chakrabarty , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v497:L33, 1998 April

  1692. Multiwavelength Observations of a Dramatic High-Energy Flare in the Blazar 3C 279
    A. E. Wehrle , E. Pian , C. M. Urry , L. Maraschi , I. M. McHardy , A. J. Lawson , G. Ghisellini , R. C. Hartman , G. M. Madejski , F. Makino , A. P. Marscher , S. J. Wagner , J. R. Webb , G. S. Aldering , M. F. Aller , H. D. Aller , D. E. Backman , T. J. Balonek , P. Boltwood , J. Bonnell , J. Caplinger , A. Celotti , W. Collmar , J. Dalton , A. Drucker , R. Falomo , C. E. Fichtel , W. Freudling , W. K. Gear , N. Gonzalez-Perez , P. Hall , H. Inoue , W. N. Johnson , D. Kazanas , M. R. Kidger , T. Kii , R. I. Kollgaard , Y. Kondo , J. Kurfess , Y. C. Lin , B. McCollum , K. McNaron-Brown , F. Nagase , A. D. Nair , S. Penton , J. E. Pesce , M. Pohl , C. M. Raiteri , M. Renda , E. I. Robson , R. M. Sambruna , A. F. Schirmer , C. Shrader , M. Sikora , A. Sillanpaeae , P. S. Smith , J. A. Stevens , J. Stocke , L. O. Takalo , H. Teraesranta , D. J. Thompson , R. Thompson , M. Tornikoski , G. Tosti , A. Treves , P. Turcotte , S. C. Unwin , E. Valtaoja , M. Villata , W. Xu , A. Yamashita , and A. Zook
    The Astrophysical Journal, v497:178, 1998 April

  1693. GX349+2 (ScoX-2): an odd-ball among the Z sources
    E. Kuulkers and M. van der Klis
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v332:845-848, 1998 April

  1694. In-Flight Performance of the High-Energy X-Ray Timing Experiment on the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    R. E. Rothschild , P. R. Blanco , D. E. Gruber , W. A. Heindl , D. R. MacDonald , D. C. Marsden , M. R. Pelling , L. R. Wayne , and P. L. Hink
    The Astrophysical Journal, v496:538, 1998 March

  1695. Recent X-Ray Measurements of the Accretion-powered Pulsar 4U 1907+09
    J. J. M. in 't Zand , A. Baykal , and T. E. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal, v496:386, 1998 March

  1696. Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in 4U 1735-44
    R. Wijnands , M. van der Klis , M. Mendez , J. van Paradijs , W. H. G. Lewin , F. K. Lamb , B. Vaughan , and E. Kuulkers
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v495:L39, 1998 March

  1697. Millisecond Oscillations in the Persistent and Bursting Flux of Aquila X-1 during an Outburst
    W. Zhang , K. Jahoda , R. L. Kelley , T. E. Strohmayer , J. H. Swank , and S. N. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v495:L9, 1998 March

  1698. Markarian 501 in X-ray bright state - RXTE observations
    G. Lamer and S. J. Wagner
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v331:L13-L16, 1998 March

  1699. Numerical simulations of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in radiatively cooled jets
    T. P. Downes and T. P. Ray
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v331:1130-1142, 1998 March

  1700. Timing properties of the X-ray pulsar EXO 2030+375 during an X-ray outburst
    P. Reig and M. J. Coe
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v294:118, 1998 February

  1701. Spectral Transitions in Aquila X-1: Evidence for ``Propeller'' Effects
    S. N. Zhang , W. Yu , and W. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v494:L71, 1998 February

  1702. Discovery of a Second KHZ QPO Peak in 4U 1608-52
    M. Mendez , M. van der Klis , J. van Paradijs , W. H. G. Lewin , B. A. Vaughan , E. Kuulkers , W. Zhang , F. K. Lamb , and D. Psaltis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v494:L65, 1998 February

  1703. Evidence for a Disk-Jet Interaction in the Microquasar GRS 1915+105
    S. S. Eikenberry , K. Matthews , E. H. Morgan , R. A. Remillard , and R. W. Nelson
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v494:L61, 1998 February

  1704. Absorption Dips in the Light Curves of GRO J1655-40 and 4U 1630-47 during Outburst
    E. Kuulkers , R. Wijnands , T. Belloni , M. Mendez , M. van der Klis , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal, v494:753, 1998 February

  1705. An X-Ray Dip in the X-Ray Transient 4U 1630-47
    J. A. Tomsick , I. Lapshov , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal, v494:747, 1998 February

  1706. Discovery of kHz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Z Source Cygnus X-2
    R. Wijnands , J. Homan , M. van der Klis , E. Kuulkers , J. van Paradijs , W. H. G. Lewin , F. K. Lamb , D. Psaltis , and B. Vaughan
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v493:L87, 1998 February

  1707. Simultaneous ASCA and RXTE Observations of Cygnus X-1 during its 1996 State Transition
    W. Cui , K. Ebisawa , T. Dotani , and A. Kubota
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v493:L75, 1998 February

  1708. Observations of Cygnus X-1 during the two spectral states with the Indian X-ray Astronomy Experiment (IXAE)
    A. R. Rao , P. C. Agrawal , B. Paul , M. N. Vahia , J. S. Yadav , T. M. K. Marar , S. Seetha , and K. Kasturirangan
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v330:181-188, 1998 February

  1709. Lense-Thirring Precession and Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    L. Stella and M. Vietri
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v492:L59, 1998 January

  1710. ROSAT and follow-up infrared observations of the X-ray burster KS 1731-260
    D. Barret , C. Motch , and P. Predehl
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v329:965-970, 1998 January

  1711. Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts
    A. J. Castro-Tirado
    Astrophysics and Space Science, v263:15-26, 1998

  1712. The variable radio emission from GRS 1915+105
    G. G. Pooley and R. P. Fender
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v292:925, 1997 December

  1713. An outburst of the magnetic cataclysmic variable XY ARIETIS observed with RXTE
    C. Hellier , K. Mukai , and A. P. Beardmore
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v292:397, 1997 December

  1714. The X-Ray Spectrum of the Plerionic System PSR B1509-58/MSH 15-52
    D. Marsden , P. R. Blanco , D. E. Gruber , W. A. Heindl , M. R. Pelling , L. E. Peterson , R. E. Rothschild , A. H. Rots , K. Jahoda , and D. J. Macomb
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v491:L39, 1997 December

  1715. X-Ray Spectral Evolution of the Crab Pulse
    S. H. Pravdo , L. Angelini , and A. K. Harding
    The Astrophysical Journal, v491:808, 1997 December

  1716. Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in GX 17+2
    R. Wijnands , J. Homan , M. van der Klis , M. Mendez , E. Kuulkers , J. van Paradijs , W. H. G. Lewin , F. K. Lamb , D. Psaltis , and B. Vaughan
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v490:L157, 1997 December

  1717. KHz Quasi-periodic Oscillation in Island State of 4U 1608-52 as Observed with RXTE/PCA
    W. Yu , S. N. Zhang , B. A. Harmon , W. S. Paciesas , C. R. Robinson , J. E. Grindlay , P. Bloser , D. Barret , E. C. Ford , M. Tavani , and P. Kaaret
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v490:L153, 1997 December

  1718. Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Low-mass X-Ray Binaries
    N. E. White and W. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v490:L87, 1997 November

  1719. RXTE Observations of the Be Star X-Ray Transient X0726-260 (4U 0728-25): Orbital and Pulse Periods
    R. H. D. Corbet and A. G. Peele
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v489:L83, 1997 November

  1720. X-Ray Timing in 1E 1740.7-2942 and GRS 1758-258
    D. M. Smith , W. A. Heindl , J. Swank , M. Leventhal , I. F. Mirabel , and L. F. Rodriguez
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v489:L51, 1997 November

  1721. A possible 13.81 D period of the X-ray binary 4U 1700-377
    M. Konig and M. Maisack
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v327:L33-L35, 1997 November

  1722. The size of the accretion region in intermediate polars: eclipses of XY ARIETIS observed with RXTE
    C. Hellier
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v291:71-80, 1997 October

  1723. A Unified Model for the Spectral Variability in GRS 1915+105
    T. Belloni , M. Mendez , A. R. King , M. van der Klis , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v488:L109, 1997 October

  1724. Multiwavelength Observations of a Flare from Markarian 501
    M. Catanese , S. M. Bradbury , A. C. Breslin , J. H. Buckley , D. A. Carter-Lewis , M. F. Cawley , C. D. Dermer , D. J. Fegan , J. P. Finley , J. A. Gaidos , A. M. Hillas , W. N. Johnson , F. Krennrich , R. C. Lamb , R. W. Lessard , D. J. Macomb , J. E. McEnery , P. Moriarty , J. Quinn , A. J. Rodgers , H. J. Rose , F. W. Samuelson , G. H. Sembroski , R. Srinivasan , T. C. Weekes , and J. Zweerink
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v487:L143, 1997 October

  1725. The three-dimensional attenuation structures beneath the Philippine archipelago based on seismic intensity data inversion
    G. M. Besana , H. Negishi , and M. Ando
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v151:1-2, 1997 September

  1726. Evidence of X-Ray Synchrotron Emission from Electrons Accelerated to 40 TeV in the Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A
    G. E. Allen , J. W. Keohane , E. V. Gotthelf , R. Petre , K. Jahoda , R. E. Rothschild , R. E. Lingenfelter , W. A. Heindl , D. Marsden , D. E. Gruber , M. R. Pelling , and P. R. Blanco
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v487:L97, 1997 September

  1727. 363 HZ Oscillations during the Rising Phase of Bursts from 4U 1728-34: Evidence for Rotational Modulation
    T. E. Strohmayer , W. Zhang , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v487:L77, 1997 September

  1728. RXTE Observations of a New X-Ray Transient: GRS 1737-31
    W. Cui , W. A. Heindl , J. H. Swank , D. M. Smith , E. H. Morgan , R. Remillard , and F. E. Marshall
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v487:L73, 1997 September

  1729. Energy Spectra and High-Frequency Oscillations in 4U 0614+091
    E. C. Ford , P. Kaaret , K. Chen , M. Tavani , D. Barret , P. Bloser , J. Grindlay , B. A. Harmon , W. S. Paciesas , and S. N. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v486:L47, 1997 September

  1730. Eclipse Timings of the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO 0748-676. II. Detection of an Apparent Orbital Period Change and of Orbital Period Noise
    P. Hertz , K. S. Wood , and L. R. Cominsky
    The Astrophysical Journal, v486:1000, 1997 September

  1731. Millisecond Pulsations from a Low-Mass X-Ray Binary in the Galactic Center Region
    T. E. Strohmayer , K. Jahoda , A. B. Giles , and U. Lee
    The Astrophysical Journal, v486:355, 1997 September

  1732. Modelling of quasi-periodic oscillations with wave packets
    M. A. Alpar and A. Yilmaz
    New Astronomy, v2:225-238, 1997 August

  1733. Rapid Bursts from GRS 1915+105 with RXTE
    R. E. Taam , X. Chen , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v485:L83, 1997 August

  1734. Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation and Atoll Source States in 4U 0614+09
    M. Mendez , M. van der Klis , J. van Paradijs , W. H. G. Lewin , F. K. Lamb , B. A. Vaughan , E. Kuulkers , and D. Psaltis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v485:L37, 1997 August

  1735. Temporal Properties of Cygnus X-1 during the Spectral Transitions
    W. Cui , S. N. Zhang , W. Focke , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal, v484:383, 1997 July

  1736. Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations from 4U 1820-303 with Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    A. P. Smale , W. Zhang , and N. E. White
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v483:L119, 1997 July

  1737. Discovery of Microsecond Time Lags in Kilohertz QPOs
    B. A. Vaughan , M. van der Klis , M. Mendez , J. van Paradijs , R. A. D. Wijnands , W. H. G. Lewin , F. K. Lamb , D. Psaltis , E. Kuulkers , and T. Oosterbroek
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v483:L115, 1997 July

  1738. Rotational splitting effect in neutron star QPOs.
    L. Titarchuk and A. Muslimov
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v323:L5-L8, 1997 July

  1739. Neutron Star Masses and Radii as Inferred from Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations
    W. Zhang , T. E. Strohmayer , and J. H. Swank
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v482:L167, 1997 June

  1740. Evidence for "Propeller" Effects in X-Ray Pulsars GX 1+4 and GRO J1744-28
    W. Cui
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v482:L163, 1997 June

  1741. Discovery of Two Simultaneous Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in KS 1731-260
    R. A. D. Wijnands and M. van der Klis
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v482:L65, 1997 June

  1742. Postburst Quasi-periodic Oscillations from GRO J1744-28 and from the Rapid Burster
    J. M. Kommers , D. W. Fox , W. H. G. Lewin , R. E. Rutledge , J. van Paradijs , and C. Kouveliotou
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v482:L53, 1997 June

  1743. RXTE Observations of QPOs in the Black Hole Candidate GRS 1915+105
    E. H. Morgan , R. A. Remillard , and J. Greiner
    The Astrophysical Journal, v482:993, 1997 June

  1744. Optical/Near-Infrared Observations of GRO J1744-28
    D. M. Cole , D. E. vanden Berk , S. A. Severson , M. C. Miller , J. M. Quashnock , R. C. Nichol , D. Q. Lamb , K. Hurley , P. Blanco , C. Lidman , and K. Glazebrook
    The Astrophysical Journal, v480:377, 1997 May

  1745. X-ray spectral properties of CYG X-1
    K. Ebisawa
    Advances in Space Research, v19:5-14, 1997 May

  1746. An Unstable Central Disk in the Superluminal Black Hole X-Ray Binary GRS 1915+105
    T. Belloni , M. Mendez , A. R. King , M. van der Klis , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v479:L145, 1997 April

  1747. Discovery in 4U 1636-53 of Two Simultaneous Quasi-periodic Oscillations near 900 HZ and 1176 HZ
    R. A. D. Wijnands , M. van der Klis , J. van Paradijs , W. H. G. Lewin , F. K. Lamb , B. Vaughan , and E. Kuulkers
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v479:L141, 1997 April

  1748. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Discovery of Coherent Millisecond Pulsations during an X-Ray Burst from KS 1731-260
    D. A. Smith , E. H. Morgan , and H. Bradt
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v479:L137, 1997 April

  1749. RXTE Observation of PSR B1951+32
    H. Chang and C. Ho
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v479:L125, 1997 April

  1750. Dipping Activity in the X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1907+09
    J. J. M. in 't Zand , T. E. Strohmayer , and A. Baykal
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v479:L47, 1997 April

  1751. An Optical Precursor to the Recent X-Ray Outburst of the Black Hole Binary GRO J1655-40
    J. A. Orosz , R. A. Remillard , C. D. Bailyn , and J. E. McClintock
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v478:L83, 1997 April

  1752. Evidence of X-ray periodicity in LSI+61 303.
    J. M. Paredes , J. Marti , M. Peracaula , and M. Ribo
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v320:L25-L28, 1997 April

  1753. The 1996 Soft State Transition of Cygnus X-1
    S. N. Zhang , W. Cui , B. A. Harmon , W. S. Paciesas , R. E. Remillard , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v477:L95, 1997 March

  1754. The 67 HZ Feature in the Black Hole Candidate GRS 1915+105 as a Possible ``Diskoseismic'' Mode
    M. A. Nowak , R. V. Wagoner , M. C. Begelman , and D. E. Lehr
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v477:L91, 1997 March

  1755. The Pattern of Correlated X-Ray Timing and Spectral Behavior in GRS 1915+105
    X. Chen , J. H. Swank , and R. E. Taam
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v477:L41, 1997 March

  1756. Archival observations of the ultra-soft X-ray transient 4U 1630-47.
    A. N. Parmar , O. R. Williams , E. Kuulkers , L. Angelini , and N. E. White
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, v319:855-862, 1997 March

  1757. Evidence from Quasi-Periodic Oscillations for a Millisecond Pulsar in the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary 4U 0614+091
    E. Ford , P. Kaaret , M. Tavani , D. Barret , P. Bloser , J. Grindlay , B. A. Harmon , W. S. Paciesas , and S. N. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v475:L123, 1997 February

  1758. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observation of Cygnus X-1 in Its High State
    W. Cui , W. A. Heindl , R. E. Rothschild , S. N. Zhang , K. Jahoda , and W. Focke
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v474:L57, 1997 January

  1759. An Efficient Algorithm for the Detection of Infrequent Rapid Bursts in Time Series Data
    A. B. Giles
    The Astrophysical Journal, v474:464, 1997 January

  1760. Variability of black hole accretion discs: effects of local and global inertial-acoustic oscillations
    J. A. Milsom and R. E. Taam
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v283:919-929, 1996 December

  1761. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of GRS 1915+105
    J. Greiner , E. H. Morgan , and R. A. Remillard
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v473:L107, 1996 December

  1762. Detection of a approximately 78 day Period in the RXTE, VELA 5B, and Ariel 5 All-Sky Monitor Data of Cygnus X-2
    R. A. D. Wijnands , E. Kuulkers , and A. P. Smale
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v473:L45, 1996 December

  1763. An Intermediate State of Cygnus X-1
    T. Belloni , M. Mendez , M. van der Klis , G. Hasinger , W. H. G. Lewin , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v472:L107, 1996 December

  1764. The high energy X-ray timing experiment on XTE.
    D. E. Gruber , P. R. Blanco , W. A. Heindl , M. R. Pelling , R. E. Rothschild , and P. L. Hink
    Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series, v120:C641, 1996 December

  1765. Discovery of X-ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Comet C/Hyakutake 1996 B2
    C. M. Lisse , K. Dennerl , J. Englhauser , M. Harden , F. E. Marshall , M. J. Mumma , R. Petre , J. P. Pye , M. J. Ricketts , J. Schmitt , J. Trumper , and R. G. West
    Science, v274:205-209, 1996 October

  1766. Horizontal-Branch Quasi-Periodic Oscillation from Cygnus X-2 with a Second Harmonic
    W. B. Focke
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v470:L127, 1996 October

  1767. GRO J1744-28 and Scorpius X-1: First Evidence for Photon Bubble Oscillations and Turbulence
    R. I. Klein , J. G. Jernigan , J. Arons , E. H. Morgan , and W. Zhang
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v469:L119, 1996 October

  1768. Effects of Shocks on Emission from the Central Engines of Active Galactic Nuclei. I.
    R. Sivron , D. Caditz , and S. Tsuruta
    The Astrophysical Journal, v469:542, 1996 October

  1769. Anticorrelated Hard/Soft X-Ray Emission from the X-Ray Burster 4U 0614+091
    E. Ford , P. Kaaret , M. Tavani , B. A. Harmon , S. N. Zhang , D. Barret , J. Grindlay , P. Bloser , and R. A. Remillard
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v469:L37, 1996 September

  1770. First Results from the All-Sky Monitor on the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    A. M. Levine , H. Bradt , W. Cui , J. G. Jernigan , E. H. Morgan , R. Remillard , R. E. Shirey , and D. A. Smith
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v469:L33, 1996 September

  1771. Quasi-periodic X-Ray Brightness Oscillations of GRO J1744-28
    W. Zhang , E. H. Morgan , K. Jahoda , J. H. Swank , T. E. Strohmayer , G. Jernigan , and R. I. Klein
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v469:L29, 1996 September

  1772. The Main Characteristics of GRO J1744-28 Observed by the Proportional Counter Array Experiment on the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    A. B. Giles , J. H. Swank , K. Jahoda , W. Zhang , T. Strohmayer , M. J. Stark , and E. H. Morgan
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v469:L25, 1996 September

  1773. X-Ray Timing and Spectral Evolution of Circinus X-1 versus Orbital Phase with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    R. E. Shirey , H. V. Bradt , A. M. Levine , and E. H. Morgan
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v469:L21, 1996 September

  1774. Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Intensity Oscillations from 4U 1636-536
    W. Zhang , I. Lapidus , N. E. White , and L. Titarchuk
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v469:L17, 1996 September

  1775. Discovery of 800 HZ Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in 4U 1608-52
    M. Berger , M. van der Klis , J. van Paradijs , W. H. G. Lewin , F. Lamb , B. Vaughan , E. Kuulkers , T. Augusteijn , W. Zhang , F. E. Marshall , J. H. Swank , I. Lapidus , J. C. Lochner , and T. E. Strohmayer
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v469:L13, 1996 September

  1776. Millisecond X-Ray Variability from an Accreting Neutron Star System
    T. E. Strohmayer , W. Zhang , J. H. Swank , A. Smale , L. Titarchuk , C. Day , and U. Lee
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v469:L9, 1996 September

  1777. Discovery of a Variable-Frequency, 50--60 HZ Quasi-Periodic Oscillation on the Normal Branch of GX 17+2
    R. A. D. Wijnands , M. van der Klis , D. Psaltis , F. K. Lamb , E. Kuulkers , S. Dieters , J. van Paradijs , and W. H. G. Lewin
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v469:L5, 1996 September

  1778. Discovery of Submillisecond Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the X-Ray Flux of Scorpius X-1
    M. van der Klis , J. H. Swank , W. Zhang , K. Jahoda , E. H. Morgan , W. H. G. Lewin , B. Vaughan , and J. van Paradijs
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v469:L1, 1996 September

  1779. The Crucial Effects of Advection on the Structure of Hot Accretion Disks
    R. Misra and F. Melia
    The Astrophysical Journal, v465:869, 1996 July

  1780. Photon Bubble Oscillations in Accretion-powered Pulsars
    R. I. Klein , J. Arons , G. Jernigan , and J. J. Hsu
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, v457:L85, 1996 February

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